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The purpose of the present study is to examine what the concept of inclusion means and how it relates to children who are deaf. The paper begins with a background to deaf education, followed by specific reference to how inclusion is perceived in Northern Ireland and in Sweden. It investigates the experiences and opinions of deaf pupils in Schools for the deaf in both countries where different educational philosophies and forms of instruction prevail. A qualitative approach was adopted in which interviews were conducted with deaf pupils who were in their last school year, had left school recently or were in post-compulsory education. The results indicated that Swedish respondents described their experiences markedly more positively than those in Northern Ireland. The main reason for this was the encouragement of a deaf cultural environment where sign language was used by teachers and pupils for instruction and social interaction throughout the school. Although such a culture was not in evidence in Northern Ireland, positive experiences reported by respondents were associated with sign language and a deaf classroom assistant to facilitate comprehension between teachers and pupils. Implications are drawn for effective, inclusive practice in educational settings of deaf children.  相似文献   

聋教育史实质上是聋校教学语言的发展史。聋教育创始之时至今已经历了几次语言方法的演变,从最初的手语、口语到综合交际法,以及双语双文化法,贯穿始终的还是手语和口语之间的争辩。在这个争辩的历史进程中,米兰会议起到了举足轻重的作用,它所提出的纯口语法的决议一度影响了聋教育的发展方向,影响了人们对聋教育方法的选择。然而国内至今没有米兰会议较为全面、客观的阐述,本文从会议缘起、决议、影响等方面回顾这一历史事实,使读者更好地了解聋教育史上这一重要的历史事件,为现行聋教育方法的选择提供历史的视角。  相似文献   

聋人手语的语言学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
聋人双语双文化的教育理念和方法在我国聋教育中的实验与尝试 ,为我国手语研究提供了良好的契机。本文就对聋教育中手语认知 ,聋人手语语言学研究的背景、社会意义 ,手语语言学的结构分析 ,以及语言学家参与手语研究及其意义展开的论述 ,旨在通过对聋人手语语言学的研究 ,来促进中国聋人手语 (CSL)作为一种语言地位的认可及其在聋教育中的合理使用。  相似文献   

For over 25 years in some countries and more recently in others, bilingual education involving sign language and the written/spoken vernacular has been considered an essential educational intervention for deaf children. With the recent growth in universal newborn hearing screening and technological advances such as digital hearing aids and cochlear implants, however, more deaf children than ever before have the potential for acquiring spoken language. As a result, the question arises as to the role of sign language and bilingual education for deaf children, particularly those who are very young. On the basis of recent research and fully recognizing the historical sensitivity of this issue, we suggest that language planning and language policy should be revisited in an effort to ensure that they are appropriate for the increasingly diverse population of deaf children.  相似文献   

When a child has some hearing loss, a great number of interdependent factors of human development, and more particularly linguistic development that come into play, is apparent. From a school perspective, some requirements can be met in order to make school the best place to enhance this linguistic development, while at the same time the deaf child is educated in a normalized environment. The aim of this paper is to carry out a longitudinal follow‐up of a group of five deaf pupils educated in mainstream schools, considered as optimal for school integration, and to analyse their linguistic development considering both the excellence of the school and the use of a programme of musical education with deaf pupils throughout the period of study. These data are compared with those obtained from another sample of deaf pupils, educated in similar settings, who did not follow the aforementioned hearing training programme. The main results show that musical education has some positive effects on supra‐segmental aspects of language, on voice quality and on the structuring of simple sentences.  相似文献   

自然手语和文法手语是聋人间及聋人与听人间交流的两种普遍方式。自从1960年美国语言学权威史多基博士得出了手语是一门语言学意义上的语言的结论后,手语便作为语言来研究。文章从两者的适用范围差异、特点上的差异、语法的差异这三方面进行论述,在语法的差异上,例举实例,便于直观地体会二者在语法上的差异。  相似文献   

As Carolyn Ewoldt (1996) points out '[M]uch has been written of late about the viability of a bilingual focus in deaf education.' While these writings are necessary to the ongoing pedagogical dialogue in the field, much of the rhetoric suffers because, rather than truly adopting a 'holistic perspective', arguments and positions focus only on selected aspects of the relevant theoretical and research information. If proponents of bilingual education for deaf children truly rely on 'research on the benefits of native sign language and from theoretical and research support coming from other disciplines' (Ewoldt, 1996, p. 5) to support their claims, then these research and theoretical supports must be examined as comprehensively, and holistically, as possible. Weaving together only a few threads of theory and research does not create the fabric for a pedagogical position that can withstand close scrutiny and analysis.In this article, we will touch on some of the major claims made in explications of bilingual models of literacy education for deaf students (Baker, 1997; Livingston, 1997; Mashie, 1995; Mason & Ewoldt, 1996). Our goal is to broaden the scope of the discussion on some of the major arguments and to encourage an expanded dialogue in this ongoing debate. It is not our aim to argue against the concept of bilingual education for deaf students nor to advocate the exclusion of native sign languages from the classroom. Rather, we support the concept of a bilingual education for deaf students with native sign languages playing a key role; however, we contend that the model as it is currently conceived requires further scrutiny and analysis.  相似文献   

本文以手语语言学研究成果为基础,在反思传统聋教育现状的前提下提出了一种全新的聋校语文教学法———通过手语和汉语互译训练,帮助中高年级聋生提高汉语书面语水平,并在教学实践中初见成效。本课程的核心理念为:聋童的第一语言是自然手语,聋校语文教学应当从二语习得理论中借鉴方法;明确聋童的汉语学习实质上是从自然手语到书面汉语的转换过程,教学中要严格区分自然手语和汉语这两种不同的语言。  相似文献   

This ethnographic study examines deaf people’s experience of the Roman Catholic Sacrament of Confession in two Catholic schools for deaf children in the Republic of Ireland from 1950 to 1990. The article fills a gap in Catholic deaf education literature that fails to uncover the experiences of deaf children. It provides space for their storied lives based on a total of 10 loosely structured individual interviews conducted with a purposeful sample of deaf adult participants who were past pupils of Catholic schools. Using ethnographic data, the study illuminates the views of participants concerning the learning obstacles created by a school policy dominated by oralism which prohibited use of Irish Sign Language. The article uncovers children’s experiences of the Sacrament of Penance for disobeying classroom rules against signing. Participants found their schooling experiences exemplify notions of stigma and stereotyping. As children, their response was to either subvert or submit to their school’s policy and religious practice. The findings make a useful contribution to current debates on language issues pertaining to teaching, learning and communication in deaf education. This paper concludes that, although heavily stigmatised in the past, Irish Sign Language has an important role in cultivating equitable access to Religious Education.  相似文献   

中国手语的概念及内涵   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
长期以来 ,口语教学原则的垄断地位在一定程度上制约了手语的发展 ,也直接影响了聋教的发展。即使在倡导聋校语言多元化、“双语教育”愈来愈被推崇的今天 ,在中国手语的研究中仍然存在概念模糊和称呼混乱现象。本文试图从语言学角度论述中国手语、汉语手指语的概念和内涵 ,在分析的基础上明确中国手语称呼的唯一性 ,以利于基础理论建设和对中国手语的进一步研究。  相似文献   

聋教育在我国的发展已有一百多年。纵观一百多年来我国聋教育发展史,实质上是聋校语言教学法的发展史。从"口手"之争到"多元化"聋校语言教学法的提出,可以清晰把握我国聋教育理念从效仿移植西方到自我创新的发展演变,对深化我国当前聋教育改革,引领我国聋教育发展,具有一定的认识和实践意义。  相似文献   

Drawing on Cummins' (1989) linguistic interdependence model, proponents of bilingual-bicultural models of literacy education for deaf students claim that, if ASL is well established as the L1, then literacy in English (L2) can be achieved by means of reading and writing without exposure to English through either speech or English-based sign. In our opinion, this claim is based on a false analogy: the situation of the deaf learner of English literacy does not match the conditions assumed by the linguistic interdependence model. We draw on the work of Vygotsky and Halliday to develop a conceptualization of the processes involved in becoming literate, examining the particular and unique challenges that deaf students face as they strive to become members of the linguistic community of users of written English. We argue that becoming literate involves mastering three modes of lanuage use: 'social speech,' 'inner speech,' and written text. In some respects the educational context for deaf students is analogous to that of other bilingual learners; in some crucial aspects, it is very different.  相似文献   

In a flemish case study, deaf role models revealed a moment of awakening, indicated by the Flemish sign WAKE-UP Contact with deaf cultural rhetoric made them wake up, and deconstruct and reconstruct their lives, a process represented by a circle of deaf empowerment. Flemish deaf leaders mentioned acquiring this rhetoric during visits to deaf dream worlds (in Flemish Sign Language, WORLD DREAM): places with ideal conditions for deaf people. Such global deaf encounters (Breivik, Haualand, & Solvang, 2002) lead to the "insurrection of subjugated [deaf] knowledges" (Pease, 2002, p. 33). Whereas deaf education had never provided them with deaf cultural rhetoric and was depositing upon them oppressive societal conventions (Jankowski, 1997), a common sign language (Mottez, 1993) and global deaf experience (Breivik et al., 2002; Murray, in press) in barrier-free environments (Jankowski, 1997) provided deaf ways of deaf education (Erting, 1996; Reilly, 1995).  相似文献   

This article examines the legal instruments and educational politics affecting deaf persons' educational rights in Spain. We present a historical view of deaf education in Spain before and after the Congress of Milan (1880) and then introduce educational legislation and practices in recent decades. At present, Spanish legislation is moving toward recognition of sign languages and the suitability of bilingual education for deaf students at all educational levels. This is a consequence of taking into account the low academic achievement of two generations of deaf students educated in a monolingual model. Bilingual projects are now run throughout Spain. We emphasize that efforts must be made in the legal sphere to regulate the way in which professionals who know sign language and Deaf culture-teachers, interpreters, deaf adult models-are incorporated in bilingual deaf schools.  相似文献   

In this article I focus on the mediational role of communicative activity in the co-construction of meaning involved when pupils write collaboratively. I explore the developmental nature of peer intermental or social activity within a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) by drawing on perspectives from sociocultural theory and the dialogical aspects of some classroom activity. Vygotsky’s concept of the ZPD is viewed as a tool used to produce forms of instruction that lead pupils’ psychological development. I identify three planes of communicative activity relating to physical, semiotic and intrapersonal tool usage in order to develop an analysis of two secondary school pupils involved in the shared activity of producing a co-constructed text.  相似文献   

随着教育的改革以及新课程标准的发展与升级,作文作为语文课程中的重要组成部分,对学生表达能力与逻辑思维能力的发展有着促进作用,并且受到了专家和学者的高度重视与关注。然而聋生由于先天在生理上就失去了听觉能力,从小就没有形成健全的语言表达系统,在与人交流的过程中,也常常采用手势以及动作。在生活中由于大部分的人还不是很懂手语,所以聋生的交流也要逐渐依靠书面语言。因此,只有不断提高聋生的写作能力,才能保证他们能够熟练地与人进行有效交流。本文就中学聋生写作能力分层教学的策略进行探讨与分析,以供参考和评价。  相似文献   

中国手语是一门视觉语言,是中国聋人使用的语言。手语工具书系统汇辑手语方面的资料,并按特定方法加以编排,以供需要时查阅。本研究意在描述中国手语工具书编纂概况,梳理编纂的特征,并提出中国手语工具书编纂的建议,进而推动中国手语的基础研究,完善中国手语工具书的编纂,最终促进中国聋人参与社会生活,提高文化素质,满足聋人生活、学习和工作的需要。  相似文献   


The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education proposed a policy shift from special education to inclusive education models that require schools to serve all children. However, alongside this shift was a recognition that sign language access for deaf learners is essential for meeting the right to education and that this access cannot always be provided in mainstream settings. The Statement was written during an apex in bilingual education for deaf students in certain countries, and the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), joined by Swedish and Danish government and deaf advocacy organisation delegates, successfully lobbied for inclusion of Section 21. This section makes three claims regarding the importance of policy-level recognition of differences among learners, the right of deaf learners to education in a national sign language, and the suggested greater suitability of deaf schools or congregated programmes for many deaf learners. The Salamanca Statement, like Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and related General Comments, makes universalising claims within a rights-based framework; however, the competing claims of deaf advocacy organisations have posed a challenge and corrective to such statements since deaf learners are often excluded in inclusive classrooms.  相似文献   

Due to the fact that the outcomes of education for most school leavers who are deaf in Northern Ireland are weak literacy skills and below average reading ages, a study was undertaken to investigate this situation. The views and experiences of teachers of children who are deaf, and of young people who are deaf in Northern Ireland, where oral and total communication forms of instruction are employed in their education were compared with those of Sweden where a sign bilingual is used in education, in the context of current policy and practice. The aim of the study was to find out if there are elements of Swedish policy and practice that could help resolve the situation for Northern Irish learners who are deaf. A qualitative approach was adopted via interviews with teachers of deaf and young people who were deaf in both countries. Findings are reported in relation to policy and practice in education, attitudes to deafness, status of sign language and other factors.  相似文献   

通过分析《欧洲语言共同参考框架:学习、教学、评估》扩展版对手语能力的描述,提出我国通用手语等级标准的总体框架。该框架将手语能力分为语言能力、语用能力和社会语言能力3个部分,设置5个手语能力量表,分别为词汇能力量表、语法能力量表、表达内容量表、表达效果量表和社会语言能力量表。量表的级别在初步确定的"三级六等"的基础上,每个等级增加半级,以满足不同手语使用者的需求。对手语能力的考查,建议灵活使用多种方式,从语言理解和语言表达2个方面进行考查。  相似文献   

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