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数字化学习能力是适应数字经济时代发展的基本素质和未来人才培养的重要趋势,包括适应数字化学习环境的思维能力、数字化学习资源的挖掘能力、数字化学习方式的运用能力。针对高职学生数字化学习能力培养,学习平台的多样性可提供必要的技术支持,学习资源的丰富性可提供必要的内容支持,学习过程的可重复性可打破时间与空间的限制。针对高职学生数字化学习能力培养存在的适应性相对不足、学习工具掌握不全、学习积极性不高、自控能力相对不强等问题,需要重点提升数字素养与技能、强化数字化学习资源支撑、加强数字化相关课程建设、提高教师数字化教学素养、构建数字化学习评价体系。  相似文献   

为了解大学生数字化学习能力现状,采用问卷调查法对信阳师范学院在校生的数字化学习能力进行调查,结果发现大学生信息素养较差、在线学习资源应用意识不强、数字化资源与环境的建设难以满足大学生学习需要、教师的教育引导作用没有有效发挥等问题。因此,需要通过改变观念、提高素养、增强认知、建设优质资源以及加强教师引导等措施,提高大学生的数字化学习能力,有效应对数字化挑战。  相似文献   

同莹莹 《文教资料》2011,(35):45-47
本文提出了在数字化教育环境下搞好中学语文新课程教学的途径:一是建立数字化教育环境下教与学的新理念;二是开发具有中学语文教学特色的数字化学习资源;三是努力提高教师和学生的信息素养;四是发挥数字化技术优势,注重语文综合能力训练;五是探索适合中学语文教学的数字化学习模式。  相似文献   

学生和教师作为教育教学的主体,在高等教育数字化转型的过程中需要被重点关注。首先阐述了数字时代学生数字素养的内涵及发展策略。数字素养不仅包括基本的数字技术知识与技能、信息与数据素养、数字安全和数字伦理素养等,也包括数字时代信息化的专业知识和职业能力,还包括在网络社会成长过程中“虚实分离的我”实现统一自我认同的意识和能力。人类学习将迈向泛在学习新生态,“人机结合”将作为学生的基本认知方式。为了支持学生数字素养的全面发展及学习方式的转变,提出了相应的策略。其次讨论了教师数字化教学能力的内涵及发展策略。教师数字化教学能力体现在数字技术融入教学的意识、素养、能力和研究。教师数字化教学能力发展是一个长期、复杂的系统工程,提出了政府部门、社会组织、高等院校、教师自身等方面采取的策略。  相似文献   

程欣 《新疆教育》2012,(10):97-98
数字化学习出现后,使得组成教学过程的要素(教师、学生、媒体、资源)都发生了相应的变化,本文主要是在数字化学习过程中教师和学生的观念、态度和能力、学习的素养以及学习的要素角色转变的方面进行探讨,从而使现代化的数字学习再教与学的过程中充分发挥作用。  相似文献   

网络教学中教师与学生的基本素养   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
网络教学是Internet应用的一个很有发展前景的领域,网络教学中的教与学和传统教学中的教与学有很大的差别,对老师和学生的基本素养也有不同的要求,本详细讨论了学生的基本素养,如学会学习、风上交往能力、参与学习、遵守礼仪和掌握计算机化等,教师的基本素养,如交互和参与、反馈、工作量、调适与帮助、有效性、教师协作和学生评价等。  相似文献   

曹菁 《考试周刊》2022,(11):1-4
高中信息技术课程是培养学生数字化学习与创新素养的主阵地,在高中信息技术教学过程中,讲授法、示范法等教学方法依然占主流,这些方法的应用需要以教师为主,对学生的自主探究和创新能力的发展会产生不利影响.针对这种情况,需要广大教师转变教学理念,积极探索数字化学习与创新素养培养策略,促进高中信息技术教学质量的提升.  相似文献   

1:1数字化学习作为一种新的教育现象,给学生带来了新的学习与认知方式.本文从1:1数字化学习环境融入学科教学之中,使之成为学生的认知工具,并将知识转化为能力,在数字化学习中得到发展等方面进行阐述,并从教学研究的实践出发,对1:1数字化学习环境充分体现了以学生的发展为本的理念,学生在主动参与过程中真正达到了因材施教、发展个性的目的进行了实践性总结.  相似文献   

数字素养是衡量教师专业发展的重要指标,提升教师数字素养是推动教育数字化转型的现实需要。教师数字素养主要涉及数字化观念、数字知识与技能、数字化教学、专业发展、数字伦理与责任等五方面内容。基于中小学校实际提出教师数字素养提升的校本路径:一是促进区校优质数字资源的整合与共建共享,建设学校数字化学习资源体系;二是开发具身式教师数字化研修课程,构建线上线下混合式校本研修模式;三是建立教师数字素养测评模型和评价体系,完善教师数字化学习考核与激励制度。  相似文献   

学习设计是教师对学生的学习进行设计的活动。数字化时代的学习设计在促进学生个性化学习,释放和开发学生潜能,培养学生高阶思维能力,唤醒学生自主学习力方面发挥着重要作用。数字化时代学习设计价值的显现,使得学习设计者成了教师角色的突出特征,表现为运用数字技术资源赋能教学提质增效,针对学生的需求进行个性化教学,为学生学习提供及时支持。为此,应从教师的数字素养、设计思维以及设计实践三个角度出发,构建教师职前培养和职后发展有机融合的数字化素养培养课程体系和研修体系,努力提升教师的学习设计者素养。  相似文献   

While recognising the fact that historically teacher education and adolescent literacy are two fields that have had limited intellectual contact, the development of reading literacy is increasingly now accepted internationally as a core responsibility of all teachers and teacher educators. Adopting a socio-cultural perspective, this paper, drawn from the Learning to Teach Study, focused on the beliefs, knowledge and experiences regarding reading literacy of Irish post-primary student teachers on one initial teacher education (ITE) programme. The data were collected through three interviews with each of 17 student teachers. Results suggest that the surveyed student teachers had some concerns about their own literacy, had narrow conceptions of literacy, tended not to see it as their responsibility, held a minimal threshold view of literacy and viewed new digital technologies as a resource and motivator for their students’ literacy learning. Results are discussed in terms of how student teachers’ knowledge of literacy in ITE programmes could be reframed, extended and deepened.  相似文献   

This collective case study examines how two teacher candidates' digital story projects created in literacy methods courses made visible their negotiated and evolving visions of teaching and learning. The digital stories were created to show and describe their future literacy classrooms. Using metaphoric analysis, the researchers uncovered the implicit metaphors of teachers and students present in each of the teacher candidates' digital stories. Looking across these metaphors, tensions and alignments between how the teacher candidates envisioned the role of teacher and the role of student and how these relate to prominent models of education including Industrial and Inquiry models are apparent. Implications for practice include modifications made to literacy methods courses to support teacher candidates to begin the negotiation of their professional identities as they explore multiple experiences of teaching and learning. These modifications include: (a) prompting teacher candidates to see themselves as readers, writers, and inquirers; (b) modeling and experiencing inquiry in teacher education coursework; and (c) providing opportunities for teacher candidates to experience purposeful tensions within their teacher education classes.  相似文献   

Mobile technology‐enhanced literacy initiatives have become a focus of efforts to support learning for students with literacy difficulties. The Laptops Initiative for Post‐Primary Students with Dyslexia or other Reading/Writing Difficulties offers insights into and addresses questions about ICT policy making regarding m‐learning technologies for students with literacy difficulties. Thirty‐one schools participated in this initiative. Adopting an intepretive perspective, research and data analysis centred on four school case studies and involved classroom observations, teacher, student and principal interviews as well as a survey of teachers in other participating schools. Findings are presented under three headings: laptop deployment models (fixed, floating and fostered), constraints and supports for teacher and student agency, and technology‐enhanced literacy pedagogy. We conclude by noting the increasing appeal of m‐learning to support literacy and how schools mediate access to laptops and associated literacy learning.  相似文献   

Data driven pedagogy has been introduced into Australian schools over the last decade to improve student learning outcomes, but are teacher educators preparing preservice teachers to be data literate? We used a survey to investigate ready-to-graduate preservice teachers’ beliefs regarding their knowledge and skills in data literacy. Before entering a course on data literacy their belief responses indicated that they had basic data interpretation knowledge, but they were unsure of how to translate that knowledge into the classroom to improve student outcomes. The survey was administered again after a data literacy course, which included a five-week supervised professional experience task of observing data being used in schools to drive pedagogy. The post-course survey responses showed students increased confidence in their ability to interpret and use data, suggesting that a data literacy course linked to the professional experience task improves teachers’ sense of preparedness to use data in the classroom. Keywords: Data literacy; professional learning.  相似文献   

Previous research has established that student learning is influenced by how accurately teachers perceive student academic ability. But studies rarely investigate the degree to which inaccuracies in teacher perceptions exacerbate demographic inequality in academic ability. Using a sample of almost 14,000 children from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort, we found that children whose literacy skills are overestimated by their teachers typically gain more literacy skills during kindergarten. Conversely, children whose skills are underestimated learn less. It is important to note that the skills of socioeconomically disadvantaged children are on average underestimated. As a result, inequalities in kindergarten literacy development stem in part from the links between teacher misperceptions and student background. We also explored the extent to which these relationships operate through practices associated with ability grouping. We found instructional grouping to be a weak facilitator of the link between teacher perceptions and student learning, suggesting the need for further research that identifies the social and structural classroom characteristics that link teacher perceptual accuracy to student learning.  相似文献   

Learner agency is often seen unproblematically as an integral aspect of ‘twenty-first century lifelong learning’. Agency and instrumentalist forms of teacher professional development are problematised through this qualitative case study that explores a teacher’s inquiry into assessment for learning practices. This article illustrates how Teaching as Inquiry can be located as either a process that is purely technicist or replete with potential for teachers to engage with ‘unwelcome truths’. Student voice data that reveal ‘unwelcome truths’ can provide a catalyst for teacher reflection on student positioning in learning relationships. Findings focus on practices of assessment for learning, assessment literacy, agency as a neoliberal construction and the need to interrogate power relations in the classroom for student agency to flourish. Issues around student voice and the democratic participation of students in schooling improvement are discussed. Teaching as Inquiry, that explicitly targets wider non-instrumental goals associated with teacher learning, can be a critical process that addresses the growth of assessment literacy and learner agency in classrooms. It can transcend a linear obsession with easily measured quantifiable shifts in student achievement data.  相似文献   

Cathy Burnett 《Literacy》2009,43(2):75-82
In contributing to debates about how student‐teachers might draw from personal experience in addressing digital literacy in the classroom, this paper explores the stories that one primary student‐teacher told of her digital practices during a larger study of the role of digital literacy in student‐teachers' lives. The paper investigates the ‘recognition work’ this student‐teacher did as she aligned herself with different discourses and notes how themes of ‘control’ and ‘professionalism’ seemed to pattern her stories of informal and formal practices both within and beyond her professional education. The paper calls for further research into how student‐teachers perceive the relevance of their personal experience to their professional role and argues for encouraging pre‐service and practising teachers to tell stories of their digital practices and reflect upon the discourses which frame them.  相似文献   

Digital literacy projects offer an exciting means of engaging young people in poetry. Many such projects fall short of realising their full potential however, overlooking students' technological expertise and ability to learn from one another. Youth slam and spoken word (YSSW) offers possibilities for developing these projects, making creative use of both new technologies and student‐centred learning techniques. YSSW's artistic and didactic achievements demonstrate what young people can achieve if we relinquish our privileged positions as authoritative teachers/artists. This article considers how YSSW participants have used digital technologies to create innovative artworks, develop new notions of literacy and inspire their peers to explore their own artistic, socially engaged identities.  相似文献   

There is considerable enthusiasm in many quarters for the incorporation of digital games into the classroom, and the capacity of games to engage and challenge players, present complex representations and experiences, foster collaborative learning, and promote deep learning. But while there is increasing research documenting the progress and outcomes of game-based learning, relatively little attention is paid to student perceptions and voice. In order to effectively target game-based learning pedagogy, it is important to understand students' previous experience, if any, of the use of games in the classroom, and what they made of these. In this paper, we present findings from a survey of 270 primary and secondary school students in Year Levels 4–9 (aged 9–14) in 6 Queensland schools at the start of a 3-year Australian Research Council project researching the use of digital games in school to promote literacy and learning.  相似文献   

The city provides a rich array of learning opportunities for young children. However, in many urban schools, often it can be logistically difficult to get young children out of the building. But when elementary children are encouraged to view the city as a classroom and use digital media to explore and represent their neighborhoods, they can be inspired by the unpredictable events of daily life to ask naïve, critical and sometimes troubling questions. This paper presents a case study of a teacher in an informal media literacy learning environment who worked with a group of 9-year olds in Philadelphia. It documents the experience of a novice teacher who, flummoxed by an accidental encounter between her students and a homeless person, transformed an uncomfortable experience into a teachable moment. Children's questions about homelessness became the organizing frame for learning experience, as the instructor helped children make sense of the information on the Internet, analyze popular culture films and news media, and conduct interviews with community leaders and advocates for the homeless. The inquiry process resulted in a collaboratively produced multimedia project, created by children. The case study has implications for pre- and in-service teacher education for digital and media literacy. This paper suggests that improvization and strategic risk-taking must be conceptualized as a set of socio-emotional and experiential competencies that teachers need when using digital media in an urban community as a tool for learning.  相似文献   

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