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通过对费希特《论学者的使命》中关于"学者"和"学者使命"思想的认识和分析,探讨教育学者在促进教育学学科发展、推进教育发展和社会进步、促进人类道德水平的提高三个层面上的具体使命。  相似文献   

论当代中国教育学者的使命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"使命"意味着职责、任务和责任,它是人或组织存在的目的、方向与责任,代表着人或组织事业的价值取向与定位,规定着人或者组织存在的目的、方向和奋斗目标.教育学者的使命是教育学者职业生活信念的体现和表达,教育学者对其使命的透彻意识直接关涉着其学术思考的品质及其价值的发挥.在当前,中国教育学者应肩负起推进中国本土原创教育理论的建构、促进教育决策科学化以及传播教育理论从而提升社会的教育智识等三重使命.要完成这些使命,中国教育学者必须保持和恪守"学者"的品格、良知与天职,扎根中国鲜活的教育实践,在守护自身立场的基础上与国外学术话语和其他学科展开平等"对话",尽力将自己转变为公共知识分子,为我国教育事业的发展、经济社会的进步乃至整个人类社会的进步贡献自己的智慧.  相似文献   

张琳琳 《教育探索》2012,(1):157-159
费希特关于学者和学者使命的思想精辟、深刻,对当代教育学者的启示,一是教育学者应提高科研的专业化和科学化水平,促进教育学学科发展;二是教育学者应处理好理论与实践的关系,推进教育发展和社会进步;三是教育学者应保持独立人格和批判意识,提高社会道德风尚水平.  相似文献   

<正>一位新来的学生拜见大师,大师问他:"在你的一生里,有一个人永远不会抛弃你,你知道这个人是谁吗?""他是谁?"学生问。"你。"大师回答。"你在一生里会遇到很多问题,你知道那些问题的答案吗?"大师问。"答案是什么?"学生问。"你。"大师回答。"你在一生里会遇  相似文献   

人才培养是我国高等教育的根本任务。从目的、方法和效果三个视角探讨了高等教育中的"人才培养"三问:"怎样培养人?培养什么人?为谁培养人?"等问题。从为党育人、为国育才的角度阐述了"为谁培养人";从立德树人、五育并举的角度分析了"怎样培养人";从以德御才、四有新人的角度讨论了"培养什么人"。正确理解"人才培养"三问可以有效推动我国高等教育事业的发展,促进高校"双一流"建设步伐,培养高素质的社会主义建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

很怕回答这样的问题:"请举出你最喜欢的一本书来。""请说出最令你难忘的—件事来。""请告诉我们,谁是那个对你影响最深的人?"很怕回答这样的问题,因此这个时候我的反应就会更加混乱与迟钝,所以发问的人就会一直不断地提醒我:"想一想看嘛!总有个比较啊!比如在你生命里的关键时刻,是不是发生过什么特别重要的事件?出现过什么特别重要的人?"  相似文献   

在课堂上,老师问同学们:"谁能出一道关于时间的问题?"话音刚落,一个学生举手站起来:"老师,什么时候放学?"  相似文献   

为演绎"阅读教学‘课眼'模式",笔者在本地一所重点中学执教了苏联作家肖洛霍夫的<一个人的遭遇(节选)>.课堂里,我试图引领学生解决以下三个基本问题:(1)索科洛夫做了哪些梦?(2)索科洛夫为什么会做这些梦?(3)索科洛夫的"梦"像梦吗?"梦"在文中有什么作用?"梦",是建构本节课教学内容的"课眼".  相似文献   

陈思良和邱晓玲两位同学在下课后,留住了语文老师曹老师.邱晓玲问道:"老师,我们有个问题想请教您,究竟什么是‘诡辩’呢?" 曹老师并没有直接对他们进行定义的讲解,而是给他们两个出了一道题:"我家里来了两位客人,一个很干净,他叫A;一个很脏,他叫B.那么在这两人当中,谁会去洗澡呢?"  相似文献   

对我国高等教育问题的思考与争论,在近年来比较激烈。本文认为,讨论高等教育和大学的相关问题,首先要思考的是大学的基本使命是什么?只有认清了这个问题,才能够对今天中国大学的发展、高等教育的改革进行批评。通过对大学发展的历史以及教育理论演变情况的分析比较,本文认为,大学的使命有四个方面:教育使命、发展使命、道德使命、信仰使命。  相似文献   

范梅南的《教学机智》、《生活体验研究》和《儿童的秘密》等书近来在大陆相继出版,引起了国内学者和一线教师对教育现象学的极大关注。人们对教育现象学很感兴趣,但又有诸多疑问。什么是教育现象学?教育现象学做什么?如何运用教育现象学来从事教育和教育研究?本文尝试做出回答。  相似文献   

当前正处在由应试教育向素质教育转轨的艰难阶段,素质教育的实施中也出现了不少问题.针对"现在应不应该从应试教育模式向素质教育模式转变?"以及"具体应该如何有效地促使这一转变?"等一系列问题,提出了"教育模式要改,教育效益更要提."  相似文献   

"教育"定义逻辑的再审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于教育的定义,可以通过"教育是什么?""教育应该是什么?""教育可能是什么?"这样三个相互联系但考虑行文的原由不得不分开阐述的问题来进行分析阐释."教育可能是什么?"的命题为认识"教育是什么?"和"教育应该是什么?"提供了一个新的视野.  相似文献   

教育发展和改革的实践提出了研究教育现代化的主要目标、评价指标和实施策略等问题。本文拟以现代化的概念为起点,主要探讨:到底什么是教育现代化?它有哪些本质规定?达到什么水平就可以说初步实现教育现代化?  相似文献   

This article seeks to answer the question, “What factors characterize highly productive educational psychologists?” Using qualitative research methods, we identified three top scholars in educational psychology—Richard Anderson, Richard Mayer, and Michael Pressley—and examined factors that influence their work. Although each scholar had a distinctive trademark characteristic, they had much in common. Each had an impressive lineage, gravitated to centers of excellence, was guided by routine, contributed significantly to educational service, pursued outside interests, strived for clarity in writing, collaborated heavily and effectively with students, and shared the same guiding philosophy regarding scholarly productivity. The article concludes with advice to budding educational psychologists and with unanswered questions that perhaps merit further research.  相似文献   

Over the years the debate on the aims, approaches, and impacts of formative assessment has never stopped to grow. Parallel to this growth is the awareness that it is crucial to understand what conceptions teachers have of assessment in order to guarantee more effective teacher education. This paper tries to connect these two fields of research: formative assessment and teacher education through an analysis of teachers’ conceptions: What do teachers think about assessment? What aims do they pursue through it? Do teachers really distinguish between formative and summative assessment? On the backdrop of the formative assessment literature, the article reports on an exploratory research study. Limitations and issues are analysed in order to shed light on teacher education implication and on future educational research paths in the educational assessment field.  相似文献   

Joanna Swann 《Interchange》1999,30(3):257-282
When asked "What happens when learning takes place?" most people, including those involved in education, find it difficult to provide a satisfactory answer. Nevertheless, assumptions about what happens have a bearing on what we (as learners, educators, researchers, and policy-makers) do, and on our answers to other questions about learning, teaching, and education. The paper addresses the title question on the basis of an analysis of the logic of learning. The approach is philosophical rather than physiological or sociological, and draws on the work of Karl Popper. The outcome is a radical, universally applicable theory which identifies a set of features common to all processes in which learning can be said to take place. The theory has significant implications for educational policy and practice: it draws attention to factors which inhibit learning and is suggestive of ways in which learning can be promoted.  相似文献   

What an honor to have political and educational theorists of such caliber take up ideas from my work! What a daunting task to try to respond! My remarks will touch on the following questions: What are some key issues of distributive justice in education today? Why does defining justice in terms of oppression and domination imply that issues of justice cannot be reduced to distribution? How does normalization constitute a major process enacting oppression, and what does this imply for education? What does it mean to include marginalized groups in economic opportunity and democratic process, and how can educational institutions foster such inclusion? Why do issues of religion and other forms of cultural expression belong to a distinct category of justice? Are values of freedom of expression and tolerance in tension with the project of democratic inclusion? How shall we consider transnational issues of educational justice?  相似文献   

What an honor to have political and educational theorists of such caliber take up ideas from my work! What a daunting task to try to respond! My remarks will touch on the following questions: What are some key issues of distributive justice in education today? Why does defining justice in terms of oppression and domination imply that issues of justice cannot be reduced to distribution? How does normalization constitute a major process enacting oppression, and what does this imply for education? What does it mean to include marginalized groups in economic opportunity and democratic process, and how can educational institutions foster such inclusion? Why do issues of religion and other forms of cultural expression belong to a distinct category of justice? Are values of freedom of expression and tolerance in tension with the project of democratic inclusion? How shall we consider transnational issues of educational justice?  相似文献   

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