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民办高校收费存在项目繁多、审核机构缺失、营销风气浓厚、资金使用模糊、服务滞后等问题。非规范性收费的主要危害在于:改变教育性质、阻碍学生顺利完成学业、损害学校形象、妨碍学校发展。解决非规范性收费问题的主要对策是:加强对非规范性收费危害的认识、合理确定收费标准、成立收费审核机构、规范收费管理、建立公示制度、加强监督检查工作等。  相似文献   

民办高校收费存在项目繁多、审核机构缺失、营销风气浓厚、资金使用模糊、服务滞后等问题.非规范性收费的主要危害在于:改变教育性质、阻碍学生顺利完成学业、损害学校形象、妨碍学校发展.解决非规范性收费问题的主要对策是:加强对非规范性收费危害的认识、合理确定收费标准、成立收费审核机构、规范收费管理、建立公示制度、加强监督检查工作等.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育的不断发展,国内民办高校和普通高校举办的按民办机制运行的二级学院应运而生。按照教育成本的确定原则,主要从国情和高校实际运行的教育成本出发,测算民办高校学生的收费标准。  相似文献   

中美民办高等教育成本分担主体的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
民办高等教育受益各方均应是成本分担的主体。美国私立高等教育之所以发达,与其多元化筹措办学经费、合理分担教育成本有直接的关系。我国民办高校的经费主要来源于学费,这种单一的经费来源不利于民办高校的可持续发展。应采取差别收费、政府适当资助、引导社会捐赠、民办高校加强自身服务创收等对策,缓解民办高校的经费压力。  相似文献   

民办高校收费存在项目繁多、审核机构缺失、营销风气浓厚、资金使用模糊、服务滞后等问题。非规范性收费的主要危害在于:改变学校性质、阻碍学生顺利完成学业、损害学校形象、妨碍学校发展。解决非规范性收费问题的主要对策是:加强对非规范性收费危害的认识、合理确定收费标准、成立收费审核机构、规范收费管理、建立公示制度、加强监督检查工作等。  相似文献   

学校教育的性质决定了受教育者应负担一定的费用,这是古今中外的通常做法。问题是应科学界定教育成本的合理内涵,并在此基础上考虑到受教育者的承受能力,体现差别原则,完善收费制度,从而确定合理的收费标准。  相似文献   

试沦高校收费的必要性及其社会控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育属于非义务教育,高校收费有其必要性与合理性,但若收费超过多数居民的承受能力,就会产生严重的负面影响,因而必须加以控制,其关键环节是合理确定收费标准,实行收费听证制度和严格控制教育成本。  相似文献   

辽宁高等教育收费的适度水平测算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定高等教育收费标准应考虑生均教育成本和多数居民的承受能力 ,如果收费水平过高 ,超出了大多数居民的承受能力 ,就会产生许多负面效应。本文测算了辽宁省普通高校教育成本和辽宁省居民对教育收费的合理承受能力 ,为制定高等教育的适度收费水平提供科学依据。  相似文献   

一、研究生教育实行收费的理论依据 高校收费改革的主要依据是高等教育成本补偿理论。这一理论认为高等教育是一项成本很高而且成本递增的产业,高等教育投资可以产生个人收益和社会收益,在市场经济条件下,由收益各方负担成本才合理。本文所说的研究生教育实行收费也即根据这种理论,个人应当分担与补偿部分教育成本。从理论上讲,个人分担研究生教育成本,对研究生教育实行收费是合理的,也是必要的。 (一)公共财货说:对研究生教育实行收费,首先要看这种教育所提供的服务是属于哪一类性质的社会产品。经济学上把各种产品划分为“私人…  相似文献   

幼儿教育收费的实质是受教育对幼儿园教育成本的分担,幼儿因收费标准应当在幼儿园教育成本核算的基础上根据一定的分担比例确定。以幼儿因教育成本为依据制定幼儿园收费方案是规范幼儿园收费制度的改革方向。本所介绍的建立在幼儿园教育成本分担原则基础上的广州市幼儿园收费制度改革方案为幼儿园收费制度的规范化改革提供了一个范本。  相似文献   

An attempt is made in this paper to present an empirical analysis of costs of education in India. Besides making his own fresh analysis in this paper, the author draws on the studies conducted and estimates made earlier by the author himself and by others on costs and related aspects of education in India, on the basis of which certain valuable inferences, conclusions and policy implications relating to a variety of dimensions of the problem are made, such as importance of costs in educational planning, the complementary role between private and institutional costs, the nature of production process in the educational system, regional variations in the costs of education, the relationship between cost of education and economic development, etc. The paper ends with a few major suggestions on the problem.  相似文献   

娄底电大远程教育成本构成及变化趋势的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据电大远程教育成本的分析模型,实证分析了娄底电大近年来的教育成本构成及变化趋势。研究结果表明,电大远程教育降低教育成本、简化教学环节已经刻不容缓。  相似文献   

王莉 《平原大学学报》2008,25(2):112-115
女童教育是我国西部贫困地区普及义务教育的难点。本文主要对从20世纪90年代以来有关西部少数民族女童教育重大活动项目和科研项目进行了回顾,对从1994年到2007年间发表在国内主要学术期刊的西部少数民族女童教育研究的文献进行了整理,并对研究结论进行了总结。  相似文献   

建设单位对工程造价的管理始终贯穿于项目的全过程,既要全面又要有侧重点.项目实施阶段的工程造价管理是实施建设工程全过程管理的重要组成部分.在工程建设管理中,采取有效措施加强实施阶段的工程造价管理对管好用好有限的建设资金,提高投资效益有着十分重要的意义.造价管理只重建设项目前期做个预算和竣工时做个结算的做法是不全面的.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that the private costs of education occupy a substantial part of the overall education cost and thus they have implications for quality and equity in education. The case of Japan demonstrates that access to basic education at junior high school level is unequal and inequitable when considering private costs of education borne within and outside the school system. It was also found that household spending on supplementary education in public schools is likely to be determined by local implementation of education reforms. Current education reform with its absence of financial and technical support to schools under the guise of deregulation does not seem to generate good levels of choice nor does it seem to sustain quality and equity in education.  相似文献   

Automatic item generation (AIG)—a means of leveraging technology to create large quantities of items—requires a minimum number of items to offset the sizable upfront investment (i.e., model development and technology deployment) in order to achieve cost savings. In this cost–benefit analysis, we estimated the cost of each step of AIG and manual item writing and applied cost—benefit formulas to calculate the number of items that would have to be produced before the upfront costs of AIG outweigh manual item writing costs in the context of K‐12 mathematics items. Results indicated that AIG is more cost‐effective than manual item writing when developing, at a minimum, 173 to 247 items within one fine‐grained content area (e.g., fourth‐ through seventh‐grade area of figures). The article concludes with a discussion of implications for test developers and the nonmonetary tradeoffs involved in AIG.  相似文献   

高考被广泛误认为是素质教育和课程改革的绊脚石,这是因为高考试题的能力指向不清晰,而这种不清晰,又导致基础教育出现能力指向偏离。从语言测试的视角,分析高考英语基本题型的能力指向,有助于基础教育英语教学真正转向以能力为目标的教学,使高考成为素质教育和课程改革的同盟军和推进器。  相似文献   

Much of the debate on the relative merits of vocational and academic education has focused on the costs of such schooling. The issue has usually been argued in terms of the public costs involved while the private costs have been ignored. This article compares both the public and private costs of technical-vocational and of academic upper secondary education in Greece. For the Greek case, the private costs of education are much higher for academic than for vocational education while the public costs are similar. The implications of this observation for educational policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This study is purposed to measure the efficacy of implementing College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) math standards into math methods courses for early childhood and elementary education teacher candidates at an urban university located in the Dallas and Fort Worth metroplex area. A total of 161 college seniors (teacher candidates) enrolled in the mathematics methods courses for early childhood and elementary education participated in this study. The results showed that incorporating CCRS into the math methods courses was successful as shown by the significant findings between pre- and post-assessments in both skills- and knowledge-associated items. Although only two items were found to be significant between pre- and post-assessments on disposition, teacher candidates showed higher scores in pre-assessments on disposition compared to skills- and knowledge-associated items.  相似文献   

This paper adds a measure of school costs to the model of determinants of schooling. Costs are estimated with controls for selection into school and the possibility of receiving free primary education (FPE). Controlling for costs, household wealth has a large, positive effect on primary school attendance with greater income elasticity for girls than boys. Girls’ attendance also depends on opportunity costs generated by providing child care for younger siblings and living on a family farm. Policies that increase household resources and reduce opportunity costs are recommended to complement free primary education.  相似文献   

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