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化归原则在《高等代数》教学中的渗透   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对数学方法论教学中的化归原则这一核心问题,讨论了结合《高等代数》实际,把方法论的理论和实际相结合的方法及途径。  相似文献   

在马克思主义哲学原理教学中,很多教师只注重“世界观”即哲学知识的教育,而忽视了“方法论”的传授。这导致了不良的后果:尽管大学生学习过马克思主义哲学,然而却在现实生活中不能很好地运用科学的世界观,不能很好地掌握正确的方法论,即不能很好地运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法去认识、分析和解决实际问题。其实,马克思主义哲学是科学的世界观和方法论的统一,世界观最终要通过方法论体现出来。因此,在马克思主义哲学原理教学中,“方法论”的教学是不可缺少的,非常重要的。那么,应如何教“方法论”呢?笔者通过十几年的教学实践,探索出一…  相似文献   

赵影 《成人教育》2004,(8):69-70
针对电大开放教育哲学课教学中存在的一些弊端,提出侧重于方法论进行教学的设想。这一教学方式是通过自主学习指导,采用案例教学法进行的。侧重方法论教学,有以下收获:真正做到了理论联系实际:真正掌握认识世界与改造世界的方法;真正懂得哲学的本义即思考。  相似文献   

方法论问题是教学设计的基本理论问题之一,教学设计方法论的演变深受科学主义与人文主义两种西方哲学思潮的影响。对教学设计方法论的反思与展望,有助于教学设计理论研究的完善与进步。该文首先反思了两极化教学设计的方法论,然后对其方法论发展给予思考和展望,认为教学设计方法论将从两极走向整合。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出理论联系实际是教学的根本原则这一命题,是将马克思主义的认识论和方法论与我国学校教育中的教学实际情况相结合的重要成果之一,是毛泽东同志一贯倡导的理论联系实际教育原则在学校教学工作中的具体运用,是总结我国建国三十多年来教学工作正反两方面经验所得出的一条  相似文献   

哲学课教学要增强针对性和实效性,在教学内容上力求做到科学性与思想性相统一;在课堂讲授上要强化原理的方法论功能和理论联系实际的引导;在教学实践环节上要突出学生分析和解决实际问题的能力及创新意识的培养;在育人上,从学生实际出发,有针对性地开展思想教育.  相似文献   

要实现马克思主义基本原理概论课的教学目标.教师在教学中就必须努力做到以下三点:突出马克思主义的整体性,着重讲授马克思主义的世界观和方法论,理论联系实际。要做到“理论联系实际”就要注意两点:注重联系“三个方面的实际”,着眼于回答“三个重大课题”。  相似文献   

从《化工原理》教学实际出发 ,详细阐明了《化工原理》课程教学改革的方法和建议。将方法论、多媒体技术、双向式教学、考试改革及实验改革等有机地融汇在实际教学中 ,最大限度调动学生的主动积极性 ,提高《化工原理》课程的教学效果 ,培养科研和实用相结合的创新人才。  相似文献   

哲学是世界观,又是方法论,是世界观与方法论的统一。这是一个为人们所熟知并且几乎没有争议的论断。但对世界观与方法论的内在联系和有机统一,方法论的内涵、功能及其在哲学理论体系中的地位与作用等,在哲学教科书或皙学教学中却往往缺少深刻详尽的阐述,致使理论自身的内在逻辑结构被忽视,理论与实际相结合的原则被丢弃。据此,笔者认  相似文献   

传统的迷失、西方话语的泛滥、实践的困惑是我国当代教学论研究中存在的主要问题。解决这一问题我们必须回归本土,以本土的教学实际为研究对象,运用中国化的方法论,保持文化自信,立足本国实际,借鉴和创新,彰显教学论研究的中国气派。  相似文献   

We discuss a research-based theoretical framework based on affect as an internal representational system. Key ideas include the concepts of meta-affect and affective structures, and the constructs of mathematical intimacy and mathematical integrity. We understand these as fundamental to powerful mathematical problem solving, and deserving of closer attention by educators. In a study of elementary school children we characterize some features of emotional states inferred from individual problem solving behavior, including interactions between affect and cognition. We describe our methodology, illustrating theoretical ideas with brief qualitative examples from a longitudinal series of task-based interviews.  相似文献   

In this paper, the relation between Lakatos' theory and issues about mathematics education — especially issues about mathematical problem solving — is reinvestigated by paying attention to Lakatos' methodology of a scientific research programme. By comparing the same findings about mathematical problem solving with the discussion in Lakatos' theory — e.g. research programmes' hard cores, their negative and positive heuristics, and their goals — we establish the correspondence between research programmes and solver's structures of a problem situation, i.e. structures given by a solver to a problem situation. After establishing this, the implications of Lakatos' theory, i.e. the nature of selection from competing programmes and the social origins of the cores of programmes, are applied to the discussion about mathematical problem-solving, with indications of the related evidence in the theory of mathematical problem solving which seems to support the application of those implications. Such an application leads to one view of mathematical problem solving, which reflects the irrational nature and social aspects of problem-solving activities, both in solving problems and in selecting better solutions.  相似文献   

Certain mathematical concepts were not introduced to solve a specific open problem but rather to solve different problems with the same tools in an economic formal way or to unify several approaches: such concepts, as some of those of linear algebra, are presumably difficult to introduce to students as they are potentially interwoven with many types of difficulties as formal ones and far away from the actual knowledge of the students. The purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology for studying the introduction of such concepts in linear algebra during tutorial sessions at the beginning of university, the wording of the concepts being yet presented during lectures. For this purpose, we amend a general methodology of Pariès, Robert and Rogalski inside the general framework of Activity Theory. This methodology lets us take into account several specificities of these concepts and studies the mathematical activity the teacher organises for students and the way he manages the relationship between students’ actual activities and mathematical tasks. We also present an implementation of this methodology based on a French university course to illustrate our approach and discuss its possibilities.  相似文献   

根据数学方法论,结合微积分的教学,利用数形结合思想来培养学生的形象思维,使学生熟悉数学发现的思维过程,从而提高学生的创新能力,形成科学素质和科学精神.  相似文献   

数学方法论是提高数学教学质量的有效工具,将数学方法论应用于概念教学中,展示概念的形成过程,用类比与联想揭示概念之间的联系、异同,注重概念体系的建立;将数学方法论应用于定理教学中,充分暴露如何用类比、归纳、演绎以及形象思维探索新证法的过程;将数学方法论用于解题教学,在讲解典型例题和习题时向学生传授常用的解题方法。从而达到帮助学生形成正确的数学观念和优秀的数学精神。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problem of social exclusion, reported to be intrinsically connected to mathematical teaching from the perspective of Hegel's philosophy and Lacan's psychoanalysis. It provides a characterization of mathematics from a language viewpoint discusses the perennial demand for more mathematical achieving from the perspective of hysterics and obsessive symptoms and shows how desire is linked with the choice of values in assessment.  相似文献   

本文以数学方法论中的标准化思想给出代数式求值的统一方法为案例,阐明科学思想对形成科学方法的巨大指导作用,从而进一步指出数学教学应以数学方法论为依托才能凸现素质教育的精神.  相似文献   

初中生"提出数学问题"的现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育观念的偏差、教学方式的单一、教育评价的片面、问题意识的淡薄,造成了我国初中学生提出数学问题能力的欠缺.在数学教学中,应探讨培养初中学生提出数学问题能力的具体对策,比如:营造宽松和谐的问题环境;精心创设问题情境;培养学生的问题意识;开展合作交流学习;教给学生提出数学问题的具体方法.  相似文献   

初中数学MIM教学与研究的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MIM是指人们从事各种数学活动时,所表现出来的种种数学观念及思维方式,其结构的核心是数学观念和数学意识,以及数学理想、解题的一般方法和解题术,新的数学课程必须强化和渗透一些具有普遍意义MIM,MIM的教学可分为4个阶段:渗透与启迪阶段,意识与顿悟阶段,形成与应用阶段及深化与发展阶段。  相似文献   

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