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对高职院校来说,体育教学改革是一个历久弥新的问题,高职院校是培养高素质劳动与中级专门人才的基地,体育课程除需要在满足身心发展的基础上,体现“以人为本”的教育思想与原则外,还要致力于提高与未来职业有关的运动技能、全面素质与综合职业能力。而高职院校“职业”性的特点,体育课如何培养学生的体育兴趣、爱好和习惯,提高学生的终身体育意识,是高职院校体育工作者的首要任务。本文结合湖南铁道职业技术学院的实践谈我们对高职学院体育教学改革的认识与体会。  相似文献   

我想,她的坚持,她的努力,已经不再是单纯的一种爱好了,而是升华到了一种责任与追求。她要对自己所选择的热爱负起责任,她要让自己在这种热爱中追求到更多的成功。[编者按]  相似文献   

职业指导是指帮助学生根据自己的能力、兴趣和爱好选择适合自己的职业和工作。苏联称之为职业定向教育;日本称之为出路指导;美国和英国称之为职业指导。它能帮助学生及其家长了解各种职业的特点与要求,让学生根据自己的特点和爱好来选择职业,  相似文献   

张群华 《考试周刊》2007,(9):106-107
对休闲体育的概念、特征、功能进行探讨。休闲体育是指人们在可自由支配时间内,自主地选择自己爱好的身体练习和运动项目,以达到愉悦身心、修身养性,实现和完善自我的一种社会活动。它是体育运动的重要组成部分,也是休闲的重要活动内容,在未来人们的日常生活以及社会经济发展中它将发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

在日常生活中,人们愿意从事自己感兴趣的活动;在选择职业时,人们有时也会不自觉地选择与兴趣相关的职业,特别是当外界环境限制较小时,这种倾向性就更加明显。兴趣是一个人积极探究某种事物及爱好某种活动的心理倾向,它是人们认识需要的情绪表现,反映了人们对客观事物的选择性态度。  相似文献   

论大学生职业生涯规划体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业生涯规划的目的不仅是帮助个人按照自己的资历条件找到一份合适的工作,达到与实现个人目标,更重要的是要使个人在对职业生涯的主客观条件进行测定、分析、总结的基础上,对自己的兴趣、爱好、能力、特点进行综合分析与权衡,并根据自己的职业倾向,确定其最佳的职业奋斗目标,并为实现这一目标作出行之有效的安排。  相似文献   

职业规划从大一做起   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业规划是在对一个人职业生涯的主观条件和客观条件进行测定、分析、总结的基础上,对自己的兴趣、爱好、能力、特点进行综合分析与权衡,结合时代特点和社会需求,来确定自己最佳的职业奋斗目标,并为实现这一目标做出行之有效的安排。  相似文献   

培养学生对体育的兴趣、爱好.并养成体育锻炼的习惯.是体育教学成果的一个重要标志,而且在体育课堂教学中,培养学生良好的锻炼习惯,对提高课堂教学效果.培养学生终身体育能力,促进学生身心健康地发展有着重要的意义。因此.体育教师在课堂教学中.应重视培养学生良好的锻炼习惯。  相似文献   

浅谈如何培养学生的体育兴趣、爱好和习惯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育的兴趣、爱好和习惯,在体育活动实践中有不同的意义,是学校体育的目标之一,是奠定终生体育基础的重要标志。  相似文献   

体育兴趣是学生对体育运动的一种积极的认识倾向和情绪状态,培养学生对体育运动的兴趣乃至爱好,让学生充分体验到参加体育运动的乐趣,是奠定学生终生参与体育运动的重要前提。因此,了解兴趣的特征,探讨培养学生体育兴趣的原则与方法,对提高学校体育的质量是具有重要意义的。  相似文献   

This study investigated how peer perceptions of teacher liking and disliking for a student shape students’ social cognitions by moderating associations between the student’s peer-perceived social behavior and peer liking and disliking status. We studied individual teacher liking and disliking as well as classroom norms as moderators of individual and classroom-level behavior-status associations. Peer nominations of (dis)liking, being (dis)liked by the teacher, and prosocial and aggressive behavior were gathered from 1454 students (Mage = 10.60) in 58 fifth-grade classes in the Netherlands. Results from multilevel analyses showed the teacher made a difference in particular for those students who were at-risk of low peer status, that is, those students who were perceived by many of their peers to show aggressive behavior and by few to show prosocial behavior. These students were disliked less and liked more when they were perceived by peers to be less disliked and more liked by the teacher. Furthermore, the amount of disliking associated with overt and relational aggression differed across classrooms, depending on norms of teacher liking. These findings may help teachers to understand and improve an individual student’s peer status, and alter the behavior–status dynamics in their class.  相似文献   

陈嘉庚精神与师德建设论题的提出是与当今时代的社会背景紧密相关的,这一议题已成为当前理论研究的热点。陈嘉庚精神有着十分丰富的时代内涵,主要包括爱国精神、奉献精神、诚毅精神、敬业精神等。在科学发展观统领下,陈嘉庚精神对师德建设的启示是:弘扬爱国主义,强化教师职业伦理;注重以德立身,规范教师一言一行;发扬诚毅精神,反对各种不正之风;倡导爱岗敬业,不断实现工作创新。  相似文献   

The current study examined relational aggression in kindergarten children and how it relates to aspects of their friendships over a 2-month period. Participants were 74 boys and girls (ages 5 and 6). Teacher report and peer nominations assessed relational and physical aggression. Children also rated each child in their class on liking and identified their friends. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that peer nominations of relational aggression were negatively related to Time 1 liking, Time 1 number of mutual friends, and friendship stability even when teacher ratings of physical aggression were controlled. Physical aggression was also significantly related to these variables. Relational aggression (but not physical aggression) significantly predicted declines in the number of mutual friendships and liking two months later.  相似文献   

In the current essay, Kevin Burke and Adam Greteman challenge this thing called love by looking at how we might instead “like” in education. Within education, multiculturalism can be viewed as a way of loving, or learning to love, diversity and, as such, learning to love the self; this tendency is notably apparent in the recent rise of concern expressed about student self‐esteem. According to the authors, however, critical research on multiculturalism demonstrates how, in loving diversity, multicultural discourses limn the possibilities for subjects to come into being and be liked for their differences. Drawing on James Alison's On Being Liked, Burke and Greteman reframe the problem of relating in education instead through the language of liking. How does the shift from loving to liking — either our students, our teachers, or ourselves — create different social dynamics and ethical paradigms? In engaging this question, Burke and Greteman offer an alternative model of liking that is based on the practice of cruising.  相似文献   



In parts of England and Wales, middle schools have been introduced for pupils of eight to 12 or nine to 13 years of age. From these they enter secondary schools whose general age of entry is 11. It is feared that the teaching of science in middle schools is inadequate and variable. This research has followed the science interests of pupils aged from 12 to 14 and investigated the factors that affect them by means of three questionnaires administered at yearly intervals.

The first questionnaire was administered to almost 600 boys and girls mainly to explore their recollections of the science activities they had experienced or not done in the 52 middle schools from which they came. Their liking for science was also measured and each of the activities done or not done was correlated with it. There were activities which correlated positively and negatively with liking for middle‐school science. There were also sex differences, with boys showing greater interest in ‘physical science’ activities and girls in biological ones. The most remarkable finding was that for girls the higher correlating activities were not merely biological but botanical and they were deterred by some activities with animals.

The second questionnaire after one year in the secondary schools, i.e. at 13 + , monitored the liking for chemistry, physics and biology taken by about 450 pupils. The third questionnaire was given at 14+ when these pupils had chosen to continue or abandon the further study of the three sciences. All the variables from the three questionnaires were then correlated with these science choices. Although the general influence of liking for middle‐school science had by then disappeared, certain specific middle‐school science activities still correlated significantly with science choices. The correlates of chemistry and physics choice were not exclusively physical science but included biological activities in which some measurement was involved, for example plant growth. There were sex differences. Previous activities with animals was detrimental to girls’ biology choices.

A range of other factors had, however, altered pupils’ liking for sciences over the two years in the secondary school: effects of teachers, perceptions of difficulty (especially in the case of girls’ physcial science) and liking for practical work. About a third of the pupils had not made up their minds about what subjects they wanted to study indicating that such an early age of choice is undesirable.  相似文献   

This paper explores the factors that determine the student evaluation of teachers. Unlike many previous studies, the effect of potential biases on global ratings is examined in the context of teaching behaviour (that should in fact--in contrast to the potential biases--have an influence on global ratings). Our research takes into account that biases like the students' interest in the subject or their liking for the teacher may be a result of good teaching behaviour and may not be considered a mere bias of student ratings. Furthermore, it also concentrates on the students' attitudes towards evaluating their teachers. The empirical results are based on qualitative interviews with 40 students at Austrian commercial colleges and on a quantitative survey of 2,121 students who were asked to evaluate their Accounting teachers. Structural equation models show that the students' global ratings of teachers mainly depend on their teaching behaviour. However, global ratings are also affected by the students' attitudes towards evaluating their teachers, as well as by the students' liking for their teacher and their interest in the subject of Accounting.  相似文献   

Although positive teacher‐student relationships are known to aid students’ academic self‐regulation, the emotional aspects of teacher liking are often neglected within research. The present study used a large sample of seventh‐ and eighth‐grade students (N = 1,088; MAge =  13.7) in secondary schools in Germany to investigate whether the motivation students gain from specific well‐liked teachers (i.e., that students identify) can moderate the relation between their perception of teacher‐student relationships overall and academic self‐regulation (intrinsic motivation, identified, introjected, and external regulation). By means of latent moderated structural equations, students’ motivation based on liking one specific teacher was found to moderate the association between teacher‐student relationships and intrinsic motivation. The present study makes a contribution to the existing research on teacher‐student relationships and academic self‐regulation by investigating the role of students’ motivation related to the liking of a specific teacher. Results indicate that when early adolescent students can identify a well‐liked teacher, they tend to have higher levels of academic motivation. Hence, students’ motivation based on liking a single teacher compensates for generally low‐quality teacher‐student relationships and their respective impact on students’ intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

Research indicates that affective attitudes such as liking of a subject and confidence in one’s ability within a subject predict academic performance. Generally, immigrant minority students have positive attitudes and often have low academic performance. This study examines the self-efficacy and liking of subjects of New Zealand students and analyses the relationship of those attitudes towards academic performance in mathematics, writing, and reading by self-reported ethnicity. Data were obtained from the norming samples from the Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning project in New Zealand. Of special interest are the relationships between attitude and performance for Pasifika and Tongan students in New Zealand. Tongan and Pasifika students had positive attitudes, but their mean scores were not significantly different to other ethnic groups except in writing for Tongan students. Tongan and Pasifika students did have lower academic performance than majority and Asian immigrant students in all three subjects. The correlation between liking and self-efficacy was fundamentally zero for Tongan and Pasifika students, while it was weakly positive for majority and Asian immigrant students. Together these results question the power of self-efficacy and liking attitudes to predict academic performance for immigrant students from agrarian or traditional societies. Further, the data suggest that ‘school effects’ are most likely explanations for this relationship, rather than lack of attachment, opposition, or deficiency theories.  相似文献   

Brain studies have revealed that 2 neurological systems, one for “wanting” and one for “liking,” are responsible for many instances of motivated behavior. If wanting and liking are fundamental elements of motivation, then we should also expect to see them represented in educational models of motivation for learning. However, it has not yet been established whether this is the case. Situated instances of motivation, such as when a student feels motivated to immediately engage in learning, can potentially be informed by education constructs such as curiosity, situational interest, intrinsic motivation, achievement emotions, and flow. The purpose of this article is to investigate whether the two elements, wanting and liking, can be identified in each of these constructs. The analysis revealed that the education constructs could be inferred to include wanting and liking. It is proposed that a focus on these fundamental elements might aid our understanding of motivation in educational settings.  相似文献   

Child-Mother Attachment of Six-Year-Olds and Social Competence at School   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
89 children and their mothers participated in a study examining the association between attachment and peer social competence. During the summer following kindergarten, quality of attachment was assessed from reunion episodes following a 1-hour separation. In the fall, measures of sociometric status, peer behavior nominations, and peer liking ratings were collected. Teachers completed liking ratings and ratings of behavior problems and competence. Consistent with longitudinal studies of infant attachment and peer relations, insecurely attached boys were less well liked by peers and teachers, were perceived as more aggressive by classmates, and were rated by teachers as less competent and as having more behavior problems than were their secure counterparts. No such associations emerged for girls. Possible explanations for unanticipated differences in the pattern of results for boys and girls are discussed.  相似文献   

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