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八勺曰.甲‘‘ 、问籍贯:你是哪里人?1,Where are you from?2.Where do you come from?3 .Whe化were you born? 二、问职业:你父亲是做什么工作的?l,What’5 yourfa廿比r?2.节山at,sy泄fal如er’5 job?3 .What does your father do?4,认币atklndofworkdoesyourfa阮rdo? 三、问天气:今天天气怎么样?1 .What,5 the weather like tod盯?2 .How云5 the weather today?3 .What(How)about the weather today?4.认飞at weather are we having today? 四,问时间:现在几点了?1 .What tiine 15 it now?2 .What’5 the time妙your watch?3 .Could …  相似文献   

1.遇见朋友,如何问他在哪儿工作? 以下介绍几种问人职业的说法: What do you do?你是做哪行的? What is your job?你的工作是什么? Where do you work?你在哪儿高就? What kind of work do you do?你做的是哪一类的工作? What’s your profession?你的职业是什么? What’s your occupation?你的职业是什么?  相似文献   

1.遇见朋友,如何问他在哪儿工作? 以下介绍几种问人职业的说法: What do you do?你是做哪行的? What is your job?你的工作是什么? Where do you work?你在哪儿高就? What kind of work do you do?你做的是哪一类的工作? What’s your profession?你的职业是什么? What’s your occupation?你的职业是什么?  相似文献   

1.What time is it?现在几点钟?It!s eight o!clock.现在8点钟。2.May I have your time,please?请问几点钟了?My watch says two.我手表上是两点。3.Nancy,is your watch right?南希,你的表准吗?Maybe.也许吧。问时间@世荣~~  相似文献   

一、常见用语1.询问时间与应答What’s the time? What time is it? What’s the time? /What time is it by your watch? What time do you have?It’s...o’clock/halfpast.../aquarter to(past).../etc. It’s time for...2.询问星期几与应答  相似文献   

1.询问某人现在从事何种职业(1)What do/does 某人 do?(2)What be 某人?(3)What be one’s occupation?-What do you do?你是做什么工作的?-I am a doctor.我是大夫。-What’s your brother?你哥哥是干什么的?-He’s a policeman.他是警察。-What is your mother’s occupation?你母亲的职业是什么?-She’s a teacher.她是个教师。▲“What do/does 某人 do?”句型有可以用来询问某人经常做什么事。如:-What do you do on Sunday?你星期天干什么?-I do my homework.我做家庭作业。(4)也可通过询问某人的工作地点获知他业-He works in …  相似文献   

亲爱的同学,你能说出what有哪些用法吗?请试试看。(一)问职业如:What’S your uncle?(=What does your uncle do?)你叔叔是干什么的?He’S a worker.他是一名工人。(二)问事物如:What’s that?那是什么?  相似文献   

一、what引导的问句1.问物名What’s this?What are these? 2.问姓名What’s your name? 3.问年龄What’s the age of you? 4.问职业、身份What’s your father? 5.问具体时间What time is it? / What’s the time? 6.问星期几What day is it today? 7.问日期What’s the date today? 8.问颜色What colour is his car? 9.问怎么样(征求意见或询问消息)What about the red coat? 10.问用何种语言表达What’s the English for“桔子”? 11.问天气What’s the we…  相似文献   

what的基本意思是“什么”,可是用来提问时又不仅仅是“什么”,所涉及的内容很多,概括起来有以下三类。 1.问事物和目的。例如: What’s this?这是什么? What do you want?你要什么? What do you study Englishfor?你为什么学习英语? What does he come hereto do?他来这里干什么? 2.“What+名词”可以问颜色、种类、国家、时间等。例如: What colour is your coat?你的上衣是什么颜色? What kind of animal isthis?这是什么动物?  相似文献   

1.问姓名——What’s your name? 你叫什么?-I am Mike. 我叫迈克。2.问年龄-How old are you?/What’s your age? 你多大子?-I’m twelve.  相似文献   

【Part A教学设计】一、热身教师指着班级课程表,问:What classes do you have today?What’s your first class this morning?Is the second class music class?等问题。根据学生的水平,也可以问:What class do you like?What’s your favourite class?In what class can you draw picutures?要求学生用相应的句子结构来回答。根据学生的回答,画成当  相似文献   

放学后,Jimmy、Kate、Tom和Bob一起走在回家的路上。他们边走边聊。Tom问Bob课后都做些什么:A.What’s wrong with you? B.What do you do after school? C.Whose violin is this? D.Who lives in China?  相似文献   

19.用What引导的词句,可以问哪些内容? 可以问事物和目的.例如: ①What do you want?你要什么? What do you study English for?你为什么学习英语?  相似文献   

1.How do you like China?你觉得中国怎样?(L93) 精析:问对方感受、评价印象用How do you like…?有时可与What do you think of…?互换;而问你喜欢……的……?则用What do you like about…?如: 1) How do you like the book?/What do you think ofthe book?你认为这本书怎样? 2)What do you like about the book?你喜欢书的哪些  相似文献   

19.用What引导的词句,可以问哪些内容?可以问事物和目的。例如:③What do you want?你要什么?What do you study English for?你为什么学习英语?②“what+名词”可以问颜色、时间、种类、国家等等。例如:What colour is your coat?你的上衣是什么颜色的?  相似文献   

看图回答:双休日,天气晴朗,同学们都忙起来了。他们要去做什么呢?请同学们试试用英语回答好吗?1.例:What is she going to do?She’s going to go fishing.3.What are they going to do?They’re________________________2.What is he going to do?He’s_______________________4.What is she going to do?She’s________________________Keys:2.He’s going to swim.3.They are going to have a picnic.4.She is going to the zoo.它们去做什么@梦妮…  相似文献   

教材版本:EEC英语小学3年级下册《What time is it?》。教学目标:1.学会用英语来询问时间及在生活中熟练地运用问答时间的句型,"What time is it?It is...""It’s time to do..."2.学生在学习数字的基础上能够回答时间的问题。3.培养学生大胆说英语,灵活运用英语的交际能力。  相似文献   

Hans:Where do you come from?Tom:I come from Greece.Hans:What’s the climate like in your country?Tom:It’s very pleasant.汉斯:你是哪国人?汤姆:我是希腊人。汉斯:你们国家的气候怎么样?汤姆:气候非常宜人。  相似文献   

1.What time do you get up?你几点起床? (1)这是一个由what time引导的询问时间的特殊疑问句,其结构为“What time 一般疑问句”。回答用一个肯定句即可。表示在具体几点,前用介词at。例如:—What time does your class start?你们几点开始上课?—At eight in the morning.早上8点。  相似文献   

Unit11What time do you go to school?Ⅰ.词汇A.根据句意及句中划线部分所示时间,从右栏的A,B,C,D,E五个选项中选择正确答语。1.—What3s the time?—It3s7:50.A.six thirty2.—What time is it?—It3s6:30.B.nine o3clock3.—What time do you play volleyball?—We play volleyball at4:15.C.four fifteen4.It3s9:00now.Let3s go to bed.D.eleven forty5.It3s11:40.It3s time for lunch.E.seven fiftyB.根据句意,从括号中选出合适的单词填空。6.We begin our classes(at,on)8:00.7.What time does she get(up,to)school?8.Her…  相似文献   

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