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民国私立大学师资管理有教师聘任、薪酬体系、培训进修、民主治校等制度性规范和校长情怀、熟人关系、个人利益和政治因素等非制度性因素,呈现出公私并举的制度性安排、兼任教师比例高、教师流动性大、浓烈的人文关怀等特点。民国私立大学师资管理经验对当下民办高校师资建设具有一定的借鉴和启迪:注重法律法规建设,营造有利于民办高校健康发展的制度环境;加强师资队伍建设,解决制约民办高校发展的瓶颈;强化人文关怀,增强教师的归属感。  相似文献   

教师薪俸制度是中世纪大学留给后世大学的制度性遗产之一.中世纪大学产生初期,基于优质师资的竞争,产生了大学教师薪俸制度.伴随着大学的发展,教师薪俸制度逐渐完善,大学教师职业正式确立.教师薪俸制度影响了大学的历史发展,成为后世现代大学制度的组织基础和精神源泉.  相似文献   

二战后大学教师流动随着学术职业的发展而变得频繁,迁徙模式从战前的因种族、信仰、战乱等原因导致的结构性迁徙转变为教育和经济因素影响的制度性迁徙。全球化加剧了大学教师的流动,许多国家和地区纷纷出台了国际化或本土化的政策来吸引或留住人才。学术资本主义的兴起等使得教学和研究分离的趋势加剧,这导致教师流动性大幅增加、学术职业的主体性缺失等。  相似文献   

夏丽 《文教资料》2006,(27):181-182
学术自由思想在美国发展的历史是一个充满斗争和分歧的历史。它主要经历了学术自由思想的孕育、确立和制度化三个阶段,从而使学术自由思想在美国大学中根深蒂固。美国大学学术自由的一个突出特征是学术自由与教授终身聘任制紧密结合。终身聘任制已经成为保障美国大学教师享受学术自由的制度性工具;成为对大学教师学术生涯脆弱性的制度性保护;成为大学与教师营建共荣共生关系的一种制度性纽带。  相似文献   

因我国创业教育起步较晚,创业教育制度系统性不强,体系尚不够完善,创业教育制度指导功能不强,教育理念与实效考核移位,大学生创业扶持制度与可操作性错位等制度性因素;大学创业文化不浓,社会及家庭的传统教育观念的非制度性因素影响,是中国大学毕业生创业成功率偏低原因。应针对中国现行创业制度的实际,从创业保障体系、创业教育体系、创业考核体系、创业文化建设等多个方面,加强大学创业教育制度的建设和完善。  相似文献   

大学教师流动影响因素涉及教师隐私,传统研究往往效果不佳。本文首次尝试引入"非接触式"研究方法,试图通过对互联网平台的大数据资源进行扎根分析,克服传统大学教师流动影响因素研究的失真失实等问题。本研究对部分大学教师流动传统影响因素进行了验证,并首次发现了多个新的重要因素。本研究对大学教师流动各影响因素的重要性进行了重新排序,构建了包含4个一级指标、13个二级指标和若干个三级指标的"四维度-多中心-开放式"大学教师流动影响因素新的理论框架。本研究具有重要的方法创新意义,未来随着更多大学教师流动大数据资源的引入,将可能构建形成更具有流动预测能力的大学教师流动理论模型。  相似文献   

教师之间的相互听课,应该成为大学教学活动中一项基本学术性规范,并且成为大学教学活动及其管理的一项重要制度。其本质是大学教学活动的同行评议,也是完善大学教学评估的基础和途径。相互听课,应该作为大学教师的一个重要的规定性动作,是大学教师的义务与责任。而从大学教学建设的角度看,这种相互听课的制度性安排,也是促进大学教学、提升教学质量的比较具体有效的抓手。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代美国大学终身教职教师工作业绩解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代美国大学终身教职教师以自己优良的工作业绩回应了对"大学教师终身教职"的质疑,从一个侧面显示了"大学教师终身教职"对大学教学及学术研究事业的制度性价值.文章认为:大学所面临的财政压力、绩效管理理念的引入以及学生及家长对大学管理的参与成为导致美国大学终身教职教师工作业绩遭受质疑的主要原因.  相似文献   

大学教师是一种学术职业,学术晋升是大学教师学术能力得到学术共同体认可的重要标志。目前,学术界对于大学教师职业晋升的影响因素特别是个人因素方面的定量研究相对较少。利用T大学的教师晋升数据,运用定量分析的方法研究个人因素与制度因素如何影响大学教师的职业发展。研究发现:教师职业晋升速度存在性别、年龄、学科等方面的差异。  相似文献   

大学生课堂沉默的教师因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
大学生课堂沉默存在于思维、情感和行为三个层面,从教师角度反恩大学生课堂沉默的影响因素,主要有:大学教师创造性人格魅力缺乏是影响大学生课堂沉默的条件性因素;大学教师在教学过程中对学生"生命全域"关注不足是影响大学生课堂沉默的观念性因素;大学教师疏于教学艺术研究是影响大学生课堂沉默的技术性因素;大学师生关系疏离是影响大学生课堂沉默的人际因素.  相似文献   

教师工作满意度研究述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
工作满意度的定义可以分为综合性定义、差距性定义和参考架构性定义;国外和国内研究者对教师工作满意度进行研究采用的理论多为双因素理论和需要理论;研究工具为JSS、JDI、MSQ、JD6或参照其中某种或两种工具自行编制的问卷;研究中对教师工作满意度的前因变量(如个人因素、工作因素、薪酬福利、晋升进修、人际关系)研究较多,对其工作满意度的结果变量(如教师倦怠、教师缺勤、教师的心理健康)涉及较少。  相似文献   

大学生适应不良的成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生适应是该群体思想政治教育、心理健康教育的研究热点,既有研究深入探讨了大学生适应的现状、适应不良的类型以及提高大学生适应能力的教育对策或模式。究其根源,社会宏观环境、学校微观环境的共时性变化,教育制度和人才评价标准、生活方式以及家庭教育环境和教养模式的历时性影响,最终造成当代大学生知识结构失衡和适应不良,并反映在个体自身的行为模式中。  相似文献   

影响英语学习的因素很多,有认知因素、情感因素、社会因素等,但最重要的影响因素就是学习动机,英语学习动机是决定英语学习成败的关键。因此,开展对学习动机的研究无论任何时候都是必要的。该文重点研究英语专业大学生的学习动机问题。  相似文献   

Students speaking a language at home, which is different from the instructional at home, often face serious literacy problems in their additional language. This article examines the various factors involved in these difficulties and proposes some procedures for determining whether the reading problems are primarily due to linguistic factors, sociocultural factors, or specific learning problems such as dyslexia. The discussion of linguistic factors includes a closer examination of the concept of language proficiency. Dimensions of individual differences in the ability of second language (L2) acquisition are specified. Particular emphasis is given to the role of verbal working memory in L2 acquisition and to neuropsychological aspects. A popular target for recent research has been the orthographic structure of the language, and a general assumption has been that transparent orthographies, such as Italian or Finnish, are easier for a learner to deal with than deep orthographies. The methodological problems involved in the study of this issue are discussed. Some recent large-scale comparative surveys of reading literacy have not been able to demonstrate the impact of orthographic structures, as other, more powerful explanations of achievement variations have masked the possibly small orthographic effects. These explanatory factors are to a large extent related to social and cultural conditions in homes, communities, and schools. A tentative model is proposed where the various factors involved in L2 reading are specified, providing guidelines for assessment strategies.  相似文献   

This paper discusses research examining the attitudes and behaviours of researching women in academia and considers the effect of these factors on successful researching outcomes. The results of this exploratory research highlight in particular, a number of interesting environmental influencers which contribute to enhancing successful work outcomes for academic women researchers. Specifically, personal factors such as, marital status, partner support, age, cultural background and level of organisation (in life) coupled with, research defined factors such as incentive for conducting the research and the existence of research partnerships and/or groups are identified as significant performance influencers. These dimensions appear to facilitate the level of research productivity for women academics based on key performance indicators such as journal/conference paper submissions and successful research funding applications. The potential benefits of this exploratory research are that any correlation between specific self-supporting attitudes or behaviours of successful women academics and effective research outcomes could provide important clues to both emerging and continuing researchers for career development and promotion.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of several family-related factors in faculty research productivity for a large, nationally representative sample of university faculty members. The role of marriage, children, and aging parents is examined after controlling for other personal and environmental factors, such as age, rank, department, and intrinsic motivations to conduct research, that previous research has shown to influence research productivity. Analyses are conducted on a sample of 8,544 full-time teaching faculty (2,384 women and 6,160 men) at 57 universities nationwide. Results show that factors affecting faculty research productivity are nearly identical for men and women, and family-related variables, such as having dependent children, exhibit little or no effects on research productivity.  相似文献   

Thriving not just surviving: A review of research on teacher resilience   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Retaining teachers in the early stages of the profession is a major issue of concern in many countries. Teacher resilience is a relatively recent area of investigation which provides a way of understanding what enables teachers to persist in the face of challenges and offers a complementary perspective to studies of stress, burnout and attrition. We have known for many years that teaching can be stressful, particularly for new teachers, but little appears to have changed. This paper reviews recent empirical studies related to the resilience of early career teachers. Resilience is shown to be the outcome of a dynamic relationship between individual risk and protective factors. Individual attributes such as altruistic motives and high self-efficacy are key individual protective factors. Contextual challenges or risk factors and contextual supports or protective factors can come from sources such as school administration, colleagues, and pupils. Challenges for the future are to refine conceptualisations of teacher resilience and to develop and examine interventions in multiple contexts. There are many opportunities for those who prepare, employ and work with prospective and new teachers to reduce risk factors and enhance protective factors and so enable new teachers to thrive, not just survive.  相似文献   

旅游者态度的形成或改变是旅游决策形成过程中的重要一环。这一环受诸多因素的影响,主要包括旅游者的个性、态度的特点、期望值、旅游产品及其它相关信息等方面因素。将这些复杂的因素加以整合,可以发现旅游者态度形成或改变的一般心理规律,为旅游工作者进一步寻找相应的经营策略提供心理依据。  相似文献   

在当前英美概况这门课程的教学过程中,存在着诸多影响教学效果的客观和主观的因素,如学习环境、学生素质、使用教材及教学方法等。教师应采取相应措施克服这些问题,从而有效地提高英美概况的教学效果。  相似文献   

Reasons for wishing to discontinue study which are given by students in formal applications to withdraw or in response to questionnaires tend to simplify the grounds for leaving. External factors such as accident, ill‐health, financial or family problems which are cited as “acceptable” reasons for leaving may merely reinforce or even disguise an underlying problem. In‐depth interviews with discontinuing first‐year students from the Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences made possible identification of five basic patterns, each of which represented a problem central to the decision to discontinue. These patterns may be identified as (a) commitment to a prior goal; (b) need for “time out”; (c) reality‐testing a career; (d) specific academic difficulty which aroused strong latent fear of failure; (e) factors beyond the control of the individual, such as accident, illness, family crisis or lack of money for the continuation of study.  相似文献   

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