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培养具有管理意识、创新与实践能力的应用型人才已经成为高校管理学课程教学的一个重要任务。在管理学课程教学中以学生团队构建虚拟、仿真企业,可以使学生感知企业管理过程全貌,体会不同管理角色的要求,培养学生的管理意识,提高学生的管理能力。本文以"动感浴室"虚拟企业为例,介绍了虚拟企业运作的全过程。  相似文献   

The contemporary era provides several challenges which extend from the reconstitution of an innovative knowledge domain and curricula to candidate learning platforms that support online course delivery methods. Educators and scholars on these demands have recently started to rethink alternative ways for the assimilation of the experiential knowledge in three-dimensional (3D) technologically advanced environments, like 3D multi-user virtual worlds. In spite the widespread dissemination and proliferation of novel educational implications by utilizing 3D multi-user virtual worlds combined with the 2D interface of LMS (Learning Management Systems) and the assessment of the effectiveness based on the online course delivery method in a long-term usability is still absent from the international academic literature. This study presents interoperability issues focused on the utilization of the virtual world Open Simulator (Open Sim) in conjunction with Sloodle (Simulation Linked Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) as a free plug-in module. The evaluation of this online learning process according to an empirical research method became possible with the assistance of ninety-five (95) students by two different academic sectors that participated in this project and measured the capabilities and instructional affordances of this platform. The evaluation process was focused on four multi-dimensional parameters (psychological-pedagogical, technical-operational, organizational-financial, and socio-cultural). The study findings based on students’ experiences revealed that both platforms could be sufficiently connected as a unique platform which can increase the users’ learning abilities. This “hybrid” platform can adequately convert the ordinary multi-user virtual world of Open Sim and Sloodle in a common “incubator” of knowledge for online courses at university level. At the end, the instructional affordances and implications for future-driven directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this article we describe and discuss a three‐year case study of a course in web literacy, part of the academic literacy curriculum for first‐year engineering students at the University of Cape Town (UCT). Because they are seen as ‘practical’ knowledge, not theoretical, information skills tend to be devalued at university and rendered invisible to the students. In particular, web‐searching skills are problematic, given the challenges that the Web poses to academic values and traditional research practices. Consequently, the technical skills of web searching are often taught separately from academic curricula or left entirely unaddressed. We illustrate an alternative, integrated approach to the development of this aspect of information literacy. We apply a critical action research methodology to document, evaluate and reflect on students’ use of evaluative frameworks. Focusing on the facilitation of critical and evaluative use of the Web for exploratory learning, we interrogate the role of ‘cultural capital’ and evaluate the effectiveness of the scaffolding provided by the course design. We find important connections between developing knowledge of academic discourse and successful academic use of the Web, and note that, for students to transfer their skills to a range of contexts, these skills will require sustained attention throughout the undergraduate curriculum. We present evidence that the most effective strategies integrate everyday practical knowledge of research techniques with teaching about academic discourse and building students’ knowledge in a specific domain.  相似文献   

信息时代的经济是知识密集型为主的经济。在知识密集型经济中,由于产品及服务中的知识含量增大,产品研发、生产制造、销售、服务过程中的资源配置呈现“流”的形态,即物流、资金流、信息流,并且信息流成为资源配置的核心;企业的生存和发展更加依赖知识和智慧。因而,引发了企业管理的重大变革。对于我国大部分还是劳动密集型、资源密集型的企业来说,遭遇管理观念和管理行为上的冲击是不言而喻的。党中央高瞻远瞩,江泽民同志在党的十六大报告中提出了:“坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发展的新型工业化路子”。为我们确定了与时俱进、可持续发展的战略。  相似文献   

高职院校市场营销专业人才需求调查报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了培养适应社会经济发展需要的、高质量的、为企业所欢迎的、实用型人才,我们采用问卷调查、座谈、深度访问、抽样调查等方法,对我院学生实习、就业的14家企业进行了49天的调查,根据市场变化对专业和课程及时进行调整和优化.以适应社会经济的快速发展、产品的更新换代、知识的不断更新和动态的劳动力市场变化的需求.把我院学生培养成为社会经济发展急需的有用人才。  相似文献   

虚拟物流企业虽已引起人们的广泛关注,但迄今为止,虚拟物流企业的内涵、特征以及虚拟物流企业的形成动因及其发展规模限制等基本问题仍未得到深入研究.本文在前人研究的基础上,对虚拟物流企业的内涵及特征做了进一步归纳和分析.目的在于能够为进一步研究虚拟物流企业产生的原因及其发展规模限制等问题提供一个理论基础.  相似文献   

This article describes a small scale ethnographically oriented research study seeking to contribute to understanding student academic literacy practices in a South African vocational, web design and development course. In this course digital multimodal assessments are the main means whereby students demonstrate their learning. The findings of the study provide insights into the contextualised ways in which student academic literacy practices are shaped by academic and professional contexts where digital and multimodal practices are privileged. The academic literacies perspective used in this study, while useful for exploring the nature of student academic literacy practices, has not paid enough attention to theorising how literacy practices are shaped by broader contextual influences. To address this limitation the paper speculates about how the Bernsteinian concept of knowledge recontextualisation might be used alongside an academic literacies frame. The inclusion of an empirical focus on recontextualisation can provide an opportunity to explore how knowledge construction and transformation processes in the academic and professional domains result in the privileging of particular academic literacy practices.  相似文献   

高职院校的商务英语专业应转变校企合作方式,建成产教融合专业,缩小学校培养的人才与企业需求之间的差距.企业和学校共同参与课程建设,一方面,企业专家参与修订专业人才培养方案,走进校园和课堂,实施三教改革.另一方面,教师到企业调研和挂职,让学生在校期间体验全真环境的实践教学,毕业后成为受企业欢迎的员工.这样形成良性循环,实现...  相似文献   

中小企业传统的家族式管理方式中缺少完善的人力资源管理战略,企业发展的后劲不足,需要引进具备现代企业管理知识的人才促进企业发展。大学生是我国中小企业摆脱落后的企业管理制度实行现代企业管理制度的重要因素,中小企业需要设立企业的人才战略,将大学生作为企业发展的人才基础,以先进的企业制度吸引大学生,为企业发展提供动力。  相似文献   

经济管理专业ERP沙盘模拟教学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济管理专业教学中采用EPLP沙盘模拟教学是强化实践教学环节,培养实践应用型和复合型经营管理人才的有效方式。ERP沙盘模拟课程的导入,使经济管理专业教师和学生角色发生改变,教师改变了传统的“满堂灌”教学模式,学生通过经营管理一个虚拟企业,综合运用所学知识解决实际问题,教学相长。ERP沙盘模式模拟教学方式的运用有益于高校经济管理专业教学改革和提高人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

高职院校,尤其是企业承办的高职院校除了承担培养学历教育学生的任务外,另一个重要的角色是为企业承担相关的培训任务,它可以利用自身教育资源优势针对企业发展需求开展提高员工专业技能、职业竞争、工作绩效和其他的一些特殊能力而进行的有计划、有系统的培养和训练。目标就在于不仅使企业符合整个社会可持续发展的需求,而且也可以使高职院校的教育资源最大化的发挥作用。  相似文献   

通过对泉州地区37家企业的企业员工学历及专业情况,外语各项根本技能要求的调研,对人才知识结构需求等方面进行了剖析,对本地区复合型外语人才的需求状况有了较深入的了解,对于学院今后专业设置及人才培养模式改革将产生深远影响。  相似文献   

为了适应新一轮科技革命和产业变革,针对电子信息类控制工程领域专业学位研究生的实际,按照现代企业和新兴行业对电子信息类硕士专业学位研究生新需求,从新工科对学生个人效能、知识能力、学术能力、技术能力、社会能力的要求出发,构造面向经济社会发展和行业创新发展需求的控制工程领域专业学位研究生课程体系。  相似文献   

论新技术条件下的管理科学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理科学的变革经历了古典、发展和现代三个阶段,以信息技术为代表的知识经济的发展,使管理的变革出现了一些新思想和新模式,如再造工程、学习型组织、虚拟企业和电子商务等等。  相似文献   

The University of Rochester's Graduate Experience in Science Education (GESE) course familiarizes biomedical science graduate students interested in pursuing academic career tracks with a fundamental understanding of some of the theory, principles, and concepts of science education. This one-semester elective course provides graduate students with practical teaching and communication skills to help them better relate science content to, and increase their confidence in, their own teaching abilities. The 2-h weekly sessions include an introduction to cognitive hierarchies, learning styles, and multiple intelligences; modeling and coaching some practical aspects of science education pedagogy; lesson-planning skills; an introduction to instructional methods such as case studies and problem-based learning; and use of computer-based instructional technologies. It is hoped that the early development of knowledge and skills about teaching and learning will encourage graduate students to continue their growth as educators throughout their careers. This article summarizes the GESE course and presents evidence on the effectiveness of this course in providing graduate students with information about teaching and learning that they will use throughout their careers.  相似文献   

This article reports on evaluation studies of the Virtual Tutee System (VTS) designed to enhance students’ engagement in academic reading. The VTS is a web-based peer-tutoring environment in which students teach a virtual tutee about the content in course readings that students have been assigned to learn. With the VTS, students interact with virtual tutees by providing lecture notes and answering questions from these tutees. The initial prototype of the VTS was implemented and evaluated through two field trials in a college classroom. The purposes of the two field trials were to assess the efficacy of the VTS and improve its design. In the first field trial, students successfully completed the VTS and showed a deeper engagement in reading with the use of the VTS, but reported several design issues. Based on findings from the first trial, two modifications in the VTS design were made. In the second field trial, students used the revised VTS. They expressed enjoyment in teaching their virtual tutees and appreciated the value of the VTS. They also demonstrated a significant increase in their reading strategy use. The article concludes with design considerations for the VTS and implications for future research and development.  相似文献   

"大学物理实验"是面向理工科学院学生开授的通识必修基础课,该课程要求学生在学习了大学物理的基本知识后,能够借助物理实验室提供的实验仪器,通过自己动手操作,完成相应的物理实验项目,加深对物理理论的理解和融会贯通,同时增强学生的实践能力,对学生后续的专业实验和实践起到承前启后的引导作用。大学物理实验教学改革是本科教学发展的需求,重视学生独立自主学习、开拓创新,以学生为中心进行教育教学。学校"大学物理实验"教学改革中融入了课程思政,加入了虚拟仿真实验,实现了线上线下混合式的教学模式,做到推陈出新、虚实结合。  相似文献   

《欧洲文化简明教程》是一本有着深厚学术背景的经典教材,是作者多年教学的积累。该书内容丰富,层次分明,是一部编者与读者讨论与沟通,具有独特视角的、实用性很强的关于欧洲文化的著作。从古希腊罗马开始,到当代结束,涉及欧洲文化的各个方面,包括历史、哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、建筑等,处处闪现着欧洲文化过往的灵动之光。更重要的是,《欧洲文化简明教程》语言简练,易学易懂,设计巧妙,融会贯通,符合学生的发展心理特点和学习心理规律。  相似文献   

This paper deals with a semester-long educational experience the authors led at the University of Calabria for reproducing current developments and uncertainties in real-world concurrent engineering, knowledge management practice and virtual enterprise organization. Students with different backgrounds (mechanical engineering, computer science engineering and management engineering) were selected in order to form a laboratory class and then were divided into many multidisciplinary teams. Such teams played different roles and were required to collaborate on the Web to simulate a virtual enterprise, which was aimed at designing virtual prototypes of average complexity articles. In addition to that, any team was involved in the construction of a knowledge base for codifying the explicit knowledge arising from the execution of technical and managerial tasks. The paper deals with models, methodologies and technologies that have been used in this laboratory experience and, moreover, it describes an approach for simulating, in an educational environment, some aspects of the behaviour of virtual enterprises generated by a virtual organization.  相似文献   

物联网软件设计课程一体化教学改革模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘翔 《河池学院学报》2014,34(5):111-117
针对软件设计课程教学方式落后,人才培养与社会需求脱节的情况,研究了物联网软件设计课程一体化教学改革模式。通过搭建物联网教学环境实现感知教学,结合企业需求重构教学体系和教学内容,以真实的企业项目作为教学案例,以物联网实训管理平台和物联网教学信息管理平台为辅助手段,培养迭代式开发思维,并采用教师、学生、企业三位一体的评价方式,构建物联网技术、校企合作、工程教育和感知教学融为一体的创新性教学模式,有效提高教学质量。  相似文献   

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