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1999年6月,欧洲29个国家负责高等教育的部长共同签署了旨在建成"欧洲高等教育区"的博洛尼亚宣言,启动了欧洲高等教育一体化进程,在博洛尼亚进程中,有关高等教育公平的议题尤为引人关注。文章对博洛尼亚进程所体现的高等教育公平、高等教育公平所面临的挑战以及对我国高等教育有何启示进行阐述并加以评论。  相似文献   

1999年6月,29个欧洲国家负责高等教育的部长签署了《博洛尼亚宣言》,标志着“博洛尼亚进程”的全面启动。宣言明确提出,到2010年建立透明度高和可比性强的欧洲高等教育区。1995年奥地利加入欧盟。入盟10多年来,奥地利在政治上和经济上获利多多,尝到甜头,尤其是欧盟东扩,更给奥地利带来诸多好处。奥地利是“博洛尼亚进程”的发起国之一。政府部门积极支持,大力宣传。采取了一系列措施,领先其他国家落实“博洛尼亚进程”中提出的要求。  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程述论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为欧洲高等教育改革重大举措的博洛尼亚进程,即欧洲高等教育区建设进程,是在高等教育国际化和欧洲经济政治一体化的背景下产生的.它以建构欧洲高等教育区为目标,旨在加强各成员国之间高等教育的可比性和兼容性,增强欧洲高等教育的吸引力和竞争力,提高欧洲高等教育的质量,重塑欧洲高等教育的辉煌.1999年6月,欧洲29国教育部长共同签署<博洛尼亚宣言>,提出建设欧洲高等教育区的具体构想、行动纲领和工作计划.其后,经过历次会议特别是5次部长峰会的评估和改革,逐步形成"学位体系建设、质量保证、学位互认、促进流动、联合学位、终身学习、社会维度和机会均等、提升就业力、全球化背景下的欧洲高等教育"等新的行动目标,并在学制改革、质量保证、学分互换、学位互认等方面取得明显进展.2007年的伦敦会议明确提出,要建设"全球化背景下欧洲高等教育区".从<索邦宣言>欧洲高等教育区的设想到EHEA的形成规模,从当初的4个发起国到现在的46个成员国,博洛尼亚进程走过了10年,其内容不断丰富,目标日益完善,原则广受认同,且一直处于发展、改革和完善之中,致力于协调进程在各国实施进度的差异、保持进程趋同化发展中的多样性、寻求不同民族和国家在区域性合作和竞争中的平衡.  相似文献   

自《博洛尼亚宣言》签署以来,欧盟确立了走一体化道路,建立一种透明、可比较、兼容的"欧洲高等教育区"的奋斗目标。文章通过梳理学习结果、能力的概念,阐明了能力导向的学习结果评估在博洛尼亚进程中的发展,以及在解决欧洲高等教育多元化与兼容性矛盾中的作用,并对欧盟调优项目作深入探讨,分析了能力导向的学习结果评估在欧洲的具体运用。  相似文献   

到2007年,推动欧洲高等教育一体化建设的博洛尼亚进程已实施八年。针对2010年建成"欧洲高等教育区"的目标,对过去两年博洛尼亚进展中的成绩和问题进行了分项目的分析,指出了欧洲高等教育未来发展需要努力的十二个方面。  相似文献   

1999年博洛尼亚进程的启动是欧洲现代教育发展史上最重大事件之一。以后每两年举行一次部长级会议。十年来,博洛尼亚进程在推进欧洲高等教育区建设方面取得了重要进展和成果,学位结构呈现趋同性,欧洲学分转换和累积系统得到普遍推广,逐步建立国家高等教育资格框架和高等教育质量保障体系,促进学生流动。2009年4月,欧洲46个博洛尼亚签署国在比利时鲁汶大学举行部长级会议和"2009博洛尼亚政策论坛"。鲁汶会议提出了体现社会维度,保证学生享有公平的机会和完成学业,推进终身学习,提高学生就业能力等欧洲高等教育区下一个十年发展目标。  相似文献   

一、博洛尼亚进程1999年,欧洲29个国家在意大利博洛尼亚举行的会议上,签署了博洛尼亚宣言,并确定了2010年前建立“欧洲高等教育区”的发展目标,博洛尼亚进程应运而生。这次会议的目标是:消除欧洲内国家之间学生流动的障碍;提高欧洲高等教育在全世界范围内的吸引力;确定欧洲范围内的高等教育系统的共同框架,并在这个框架之内建立本科和研究生两个阶段的高等教育结构。  相似文献   

“博洛尼亚进程”是由欧洲45个国家以及包括欧盟在内的许多国际组织合作共建一体化的欧洲高等教育区的过程,即欧洲高等教育一体化的进程。但是在民族、文化等各方面多元化的欧洲推进这一进程并非一路高歌,如何妥善处理一体化与多元化的关系成为问题的关键。欧洲历来有区域一体化的传统,经济领域的合作便是一个例子。“博洛尼亚进程”在借鉴历史经验的基础上结合欧洲高等教育界的具体情况,以“一体化与多元化并存”为指导原则进行欧洲高等教育区的建设。  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程的最新进展与未来走向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从1999年29国教育部长共同签署《博洛尼亚宣言》到2009年鲁汶会议召开,博洛尼亚进程已经走过了10年的发展历程。虽然博洛尼亚进程国家在建设欧洲高等教育区取得了很大进展,但欧洲高等教育一体化的道路还很长。鲁汶会议发表的《鲁汶公报》和《2009年博洛尼亚进程评估报告》总结了博洛尼亚进程10年来取得的进展和存在的问题,提出了新的要求和行动计划,指出了欧洲高等教育发展的未来走向。  相似文献   

近年来,欧洲一体化进程不断加快,欧盟的国际地位、经济实力得以大大提高,但与美国相比,欧洲高等教育在国际市场上越来越缺乏竞争力。欧洲人认识到,欧洲不应只是银行的欧洲、经济的欧洲,同时也必须是知识的、文化的欧洲。2000年,欧盟首脑理事会提出,到2010年将欧洲经济建设成最具竞争力和充满活力的以知识为基础的知识经济。为了达到这一目标,欧盟成员国加强了在教育方面的合作。继法国、德国、意大利和英国四国部长共同发表索邦宣言之后,1999年6月,英、法、德、意等欧洲29个国家的教育部长会聚意大利的博洛尼亚,签署了著名的博洛尼亚(B010肿)宣言。宣言提出,到2010年,建立欧洲高等教育区,提高毕业生的就业能力,促进成员国及成员国学校之间师生的交换与流动,振兴欧洲高等教育,提高欧洲高等教育的整体竞争实力。博洛尼亚宣言对欧洲高等教育产生着深刻影响,其进程在不断加快。自签署以来,签署国已由最初的29个国家发展到现在的40个国家,其他尚未加入的欧洲国家也正拭目以待。与此同时,博洛尼亚进程也激起了世界其他地区的兴趣,特别是拉美地区,正在努力建设“欧洲一拉美高等教育合作区”。欧洲与美国、加拿大、以色列等国的学术合作也受到该进程的影响。博洛尼亚宣言提出的长远目标是建立欧洲高等教育区,具体措施包括:建立清晰的和可比较的高等教育体系;建立以两个阶段(学士一硕士)为基础的高等教育体系;建立学分认可体系;促进学生流动;加强在质量监督领域的欧洲合作等。为了实现宣言目标,为了适应不断变化的形势,签署国决定每2年举行一次部长会议,对取得的进展进行评估,并且商讨今后的行动步骤。为此,2001年3月和2003年9月签约国分别在捷克的布拉格和德国的柏林举行部长会议,对博洛尼亚宣言提出的目标和计划采取的措施加以补充。本文翻译的是2003年柏林部长会议公报,它实际上是博洛尼亚宣言的补充和延伸。  相似文献   


The UK higher education sector has entered a period of turbulence, as the consequences of the UK leaving the European Union (EU) hit home. Higher education institutions are bracing themselves for what will no doubt be a period of substantial change, uncertainty and challenge. The complexity of the intricate relationships linking EU member states, as well as the EU institutions and their member states, appears to have been misunderstood and understated in the UK, by both the political class and the general public, at the time of the June 2016 referendum. If information is indeed power, its current unavailability is a concern, given that the UK government’s plans to remain firmly embedded within the European Research Area and the Erasmus+ programme remain non-committal. In what can be described as a game of high politics between the EU and the UK government, the fate of research and higher education collaboration will be sealed by high-level inter-governmental agreements decided behind closed doors.


In the European Union (EU) context, learning abroad mobility (LAM) also includes non-formal learning activities. Young people can participate in LAM whether they are in tertiary education or not. Nevertheless, studies focusing on the participation of out-of-higher-education (Out-HE) youth in LAM are often scarce. The current study aims to explore the role of several sociodemographic factors in participation in LAM among Out-HE youth, based on the analysis of a large-scale survey conducted across EU member countries. Findings show that Out-HE youth is less likely to participate in LAM than the youth in higher education as expected. However, some socioeconomic factors, such as gender and age, play different roles among Out-HE youth and the youth in higher education in old (EU15) and new member countries (NMS) of the EU.  相似文献   

This article describes and discusses the development of lifelong learning policy in two EU member states, Denmark and Portugal. The purpose is to show how different societal and historical contexts shape the development and implementation of lifelong learning policies, even though these policies have significant common elements. As a basis for the discussion an inventory of policy elements is presented. Denmark and Portugal have been chosen as examples of smaller EU member states with different historical, social and cultural characteristics. Developments and policies in the two countries, including the links with EU education policy, are described. The discussion includes comparison drawing on the inventory of policy elements. A main conclusion is that the different historical trajectories of the two countries remain very important for present-day education and for the advancement of lifelong learning policy. Early development of public primary education and popular adult education has provided a strong foundation for lifelong learning policy in Denmark while in Portugal not only institutional provision but also popular demand for lifelong learning has had to be built up relatively recently. EU education policy has had much more impact on lifelong learning policy in Portugal than in Denmark, because Portugal has had to depend much more on economic support from the EU social fund.  相似文献   


The mobility of EU students and staff is threatened by Brexit, as the favourable conditions allowing for a frictionless cross-border academic learning and scientific research base are renegotiated at the highest political levels, including the pre-Brexit freedom of movement of persons and home fees for EU students. However, the UK higher education system is highly differentiated, and its hierarchical nature implies that criteria such as age, history, geographical location, economic resources, research activity, teaching quality, academic selectivity and socioeconomic student mix will have important ramifications when assessing the vulnerabilities of UK higher education institutions and the internationalisation of UK higher education should the UK leave the EU.


Cyprus will soon become a member of the European Union. The negotiations for its the access have ended and as from next year it will represent one of the countries that will expand the EU. The member countries of the EU have progressed in the field of education, they have high requirements from their schools and offer quality education (although there is no homogeneity amongst their educational systems). Therefore, the future accession of Cyprus to the EU raises many questions regarding the situation of its education system in comparison to the other Members. With a focus on change, this article studies the situation that prevails in Cyprus and examines the different barriers that hamper the development of its educational system. The authors then discuss a number of ways to achieve educational change.  相似文献   

Open methods for coordinating (OMC) education policies in the EU rely on a number of techniques, one of which is policy learning. This article examines how policy learning and governance transform each other. More specifically, policy‐learning in the education OMC becomes differentiated into four distinct learning styles: mutual, competitive, surface and imperialistic learning. While they overlap with some forms of policy learning discussed in the literature, they are also different by focusing upon interactions and political dynamics between the European Commission and the member states. In seeking to understand how governing through learning occurs, we argue that any ‘impact’ of EU‐level policy‐learning is co‐constructed by both the European Commission and the member states. The analysis of this article is grounded in a discourse analytical and institutionalist perspective. It draws on qualitative data derived from semi‐structured interviews with officials from the Directorate General for Education and Culture in the European Commission and on EU documents generated during policy‐learning activities.  相似文献   

Transparent and consistent credit transfer procedures are essential if EU Universities are to successfully build the European Higher Education Area and thrive in the emerging global knowledge economy. Currently, the European Credit Transfer System is the most widely used mechanism to enable credit transfer between universities in different EU nations. Using data from 20 universities in four EU member states, this paper examines the problems in calculating and using ECTS grades. The results demonstrate that the alignment of ECTS grades varies within nation states and show that, despite the fact that ECTS grading is a norm‐referenced system, while national systems are usually criterion‐referenced, the ECTS conversion tables provided by universities indicate straight line transference from institutional to ECTS grades. Given the anticipated increase in student mobility following the EU enlargement to 25 nations, this paper proposes a re‐alignment of ECTS towards a criterion‐referenced system. Such a new system would acknowledge and build on the diversity of EU higher education systems, unlike the current mechanistic system. The latter masks this diversity and is flawed in calculation and ad hoc in operation.  相似文献   

For many UK higher education business schools, the continued recruitment of UK, EU and international students is crucial for financial stability, viability and independence. Due to increasingly competitive funding models across the sector, many institutional leaders and administrators are making decisions typical of highly marketised consumer environments. Thus, this paper explores academics’ perceptions of the impact of consumerisation in UK higher education business schools. To achieve this, 22 business school academics were interviewed within three UK higher education institutions (HEIs) in the North of England. Participants had a minimum of three years teaching experience. Data was analysed using template analysis taking an interpretive approach. The findings indicate that academics perceived the introduction of tuition fees to have been the catalyst for students increasing demonstration of customer-like behaviour: viewing the education process as transactional, with the HEI providing a ‘paid for’ service. It is argued that these changes in UK higher education have created tensions between university leaders and academics, creating genuine dilemmas for those with decision-making responsibilities who must balance academic integrity and long-term institutional financial viability.  相似文献   

The paper argues that: (1) the demise of ‘occupational’ and ‘internal’ and the spread of ‘external’ labour markets in growth areas of UK economy such as the creative and cultural sector, coupled with the massification of higher education which has created a new type of post-degree ‘vocational need’, means that the transition from education to work should be re-thought as the development of vocational practice rather than the acquisition of qualifications; and (2) in order to re-think transition as the development of vocational practice it is necessary to eviscerate the legacy of the ‘traditional’ conception of practice in UK educational policy. The paper reviews a number of alternative social scientific conceptions of practice, formulates more multi-faceted conceptions of vocational practice, and discusses their implications for UK and EU educational policy.  相似文献   

全球化背景下的欧盟高等教育国际化政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了全球化背景下欧盟高等教育国际化政策的产生背景和具体内容,分析了20世纪90年代以来欧盟高等教育国际化政策的特点、新发展及其对欧盟高等教育的影响。  相似文献   

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