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Within the context of Information Extraction (IE), relation extraction is oriented towards identifying a variety of relation phrases and their arguments in arbitrary sentences. In this paper, we present a clause-based framework for information extraction in textual documents. Our framework focuses on two important challenges in information extraction: 1) Open Information Extraction and (OIE), and 2) Relation Extraction (RE). In the plethora of research that focus on the use of syntactic and dependency parsing for the purposes of detecting relations, there has been increasing evidence of incoherent and uninformative extractions. The extracted relations may even be erroneous at times and fail to provide a meaningful interpretation. In our work, we use the English clause structure and clause types in an effort to generate propositions that can be deemed as extractable relations. Moreover, we propose refinements to the grammatical structure of syntactic and dependency parsing that help reduce the number of incoherent and uninformative extractions from clauses. In our experiments both in the open information extraction and relation extraction domains, we carefully evaluate our system on various benchmark datasets and compare the performance of our work against existing state-of-the-art information extraction systems. Our work shows improved performance compared to the state-of-the-art techniques.  相似文献   

This paper presents a formalism for the representation of complex semantic relations among concepts of natural language. We define a semantic algebra as a set of atomic concepts together with an ordered set of semantic relations. Semantic trees are a graphical representation of a semantic algebra (comparable to Kantorovic trees for boolean or arithmetical expressions). A semantic tree is an ordered tree with nodes labeled with relation and concept names. We generate semantic trees from natural language texts in such a way that they represent the semantic relations which hold among the concepts occurring within that text. This generation process is carried out by a transformational grammar which transforms directly natural language sentences into semantic trees. We present an example for concepts and relations within the domain of computer science where we have generated semantic trees from definition texts by means of a metalanguage for transformational grammars (a sort of metacompiler for transformational grammars). The semantic trees generated so far serve for thesaurus entries in an information retrieval system.  相似文献   

This paper describes a state-of-the-art supervised, knowledge-intensive approach to the automatic identification of semantic relations between nominals in English sentences. The system employs a combination of rich and varied sets of new and previously used lexical, syntactic, and semantic features extracted from various knowledge sources such as WordNet and additional annotated corpora. The system ranked first at the third most popular SemEval 2007 Task – Classification of Semantic Relations between Nominals and achieved an F-measure of 72.4% and an accuracy of 76.3%. We also show that some semantic relations are better suited for WordNet-based models than other relations. Additionally, we make a distinction between out-of-context (regular) examples and those that require sentence context for relation identification and show that contextual data are important for the performance of a noun–noun semantic parser. Finally, learning curves show that the task difficulty varies across relations and that our learned WordNet-based representation is highly accurate so the performance results suggest the upper bound on what this representation can do.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with paraphrase detection, i.e., identifying sentences that are semantically identical. The ability to detect similar sentences written in natural language is crucial for several applications, such as text mining, text summarization, plagiarism detection, authorship authentication and question answering. Recognizing this importance, we study in particular how to address the challenges with detecting paraphrases in user generated short texts, such as Twitter, which often contain language irregularity and noise, and do not necessarily contain as much semantic information as longer clean texts. We propose a novel deep neural network-based approach that relies on coarse-grained sentence modelling using a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a recurrent neural network (RNN) model, combined with a specific fine-grained word-level similarity matching model. More specifically, we develop a new architecture, called DeepParaphrase, which enables to create an informative semantic representation of each sentence by (1) using CNN to extract the local region information in form of important n-grams from the sentence, and (2) applying RNN to capture the long-term dependency information. In addition, we perform a comparative study on state-of-the-art approaches within paraphrase detection. An important insight from this study is that existing paraphrase approaches perform well when applied on clean texts, but they do not necessarily deliver good performance against noisy texts, and vice versa. In contrast, our evaluation has shown that the proposed DeepParaphrase-based approach achieves good results in both types of texts, thus making it more robust and generic than the existing approaches.  相似文献   

Recently, using a pretrained word embedding to represent words achieves success in many natural language processing tasks. According to objective functions, different word embedding models capture different aspects of linguistic properties. However, the Semantic Textual Similarity task, which evaluates similarity/relation between two sentences, requires to take into account of these linguistic aspects. Therefore, this research aims to encode various characteristics from multiple sets of word embeddings into one embedding and then learn similarity/relation between sentences via this novel embedding. Representing each word by multiple word embeddings, the proposed MaxLSTM-CNN encoder generates a novel sentence embedding. We then learn the similarity/relation between our sentence embeddings via Multi-level comparison. Our method M-MaxLSTM-CNN consistently shows strong performances in several tasks (i.e., measure textual similarity, identify paraphrase, recognize textual entailment). Our model does not use hand-crafted features (e.g., alignment features, Ngram overlaps, dependency features) as well as does not require pre-trained word embeddings to have the same dimension.  相似文献   

Warning: This paper contains examples of offensive language, including insulting or objectifying expressions.Various existing studies have analyzed what social biases are inherited by NLP models. These biases may directly or indirectly harm people, therefore previous studies have focused only on human attributes. However, until recently no research on social biases in NLP regarding nonhumans existed. In this paper,1 we analyze biases to nonhuman animals, i.e. speciesist bias, inherent in English Masked Language Models such as BERT. We analyzed speciesist bias against 46 animal names using template-based and corpus-extracted sentences containing speciesist (or non-speciesist) language. We found that pre-trained masked language models tend to associate harmful words with nonhuman animals and have a bias toward using speciesist language for some nonhuman animal names. Our code for reproducing the experiments will be made available on GitHub.2  相似文献   

Extracting semantic relationships between entities from text documents is challenging in information extraction and important for deep information processing and management. This paper proposes to use the convolution kernel over parse trees together with support vector machines to model syntactic structured information for relation extraction. Compared with linear kernels, tree kernels can effectively explore implicitly huge syntactic structured features embedded in a parse tree. Our study reveals that the syntactic structured features embedded in a parse tree are very effective in relation extraction and can be well captured by the convolution tree kernel. Evaluation on the ACE benchmark corpora shows that using the convolution tree kernel only can achieve comparable performance with previous best-reported feature-based methods. It also shows that our method significantly outperforms previous two dependency tree kernels for relation extraction. Moreover, this paper proposes a composite kernel for relation extraction by combining the convolution tree kernel with a simple linear kernel. Our study reveals that the composite kernel can effectively capture both flat and structured features without extensive feature engineering, and easily scale to include more features. Evaluation on the ACE benchmark corpora shows that the composite kernel outperforms previous best-reported methods in relation extraction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel approach to automatic generation of summary templates from given collections of summary articles. We first develop an entity-aspect LDA model to simultaneously cluster both sentences and words into aspects. We then apply frequent subtree pattern mining on the dependency parse trees of the clustered and labeled sentences to discover sentence patterns that well represent the aspects. Finally, we use the generated templates to construct summaries for new entities. Key features of our method include automatic grouping of semantically related sentence patterns and automatic identification of template slots that need to be filled in. Also, we implement a new sentence compression algorithm which use dependency tree instead of parser tree. We apply our method on five Wikipedia entity categories and compare our method with three baseline methods. Both quantitative evaluation based on human judgment and qualitative comparison demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of our method.  相似文献   

Distant supervision (DS) has the advantage of automatically generating large amounts of labelled training data and has been widely used for relation extraction. However, there are usually many wrong labels in the automatically labelled data in distant supervision (Riedel, Yao, & McCallum, 2010). This paper presents a novel method to reduce the wrong labels. The proposed method uses the semantic Jaccard with word embedding to measure the semantic similarity between the relation phrase in the knowledge base and the dependency phrases between two entities in a sentence to filter the wrong labels. In the process of reducing wrong labels, the semantic Jaccard algorithm selects a core dependency phrase to represent the candidate relation in a sentence, which can capture features for relation classification and avoid the negative impact from irrelevant term sequences that previous neural network models of relation extraction often suffer. In the process of relation classification, the core dependency phrases are also used as the input of a convolutional neural network (CNN) for relation classification. The experimental results show that compared with the methods using original DS data, the methods using filtered DS data performed much better in relation extraction. It indicates that the semantic similarity based method is effective in reducing wrong labels. The relation extraction performance of the CNN model using the core dependency phrases as input is the best of all, which indicates that using the core dependency phrases as input of CNN is enough to capture the features for relation classification and could avoid negative impact from irrelevant terms.  相似文献   

Aspect-based sentiment analysis technologies may be a very practical methodology for securities trading, commodity sales, movie rating websites, etc. Most recent studies adopt the recurrent neural network or attention-based neural network methods to infer aspect sentiment using opinion context terms and sentence dependency trees. However, due to a sentence often having multiple aspects sentiment representation, these models are hard to achieve satisfactory classification results. In this paper, we discuss these problems by encoding sentence syntax tree, words relations and opinion dictionary information in a unified framework. We called this method heterogeneous graph neural networks (Hete_GNNs). Firstly, we adopt the interactive aspect words and contexts to encode the sentence sequence information for parameter sharing. Then, we utilized a novel heterogeneous graph neural network for encoding these sentences’ syntax dependency tree, prior sentiment dictionary, and some part-of-speech tagging information for sentiment prediction. We perform the Hete_GNNs sentiment judgment and report the experiments on five domain datasets, and the results confirm that the heterogeneous context information can be better captured with heterogeneous graph neural networks. The improvement of the proposed method is demonstrated by aspect sentiment classification task comparison.  相似文献   

Most knowledge accumulated through scientific discoveries in genomics and related biomedical disciplines is buried in the vast amount of biomedical literature. Since understanding gene regulations is fundamental to biomedical research, summarizing all the existing knowledge about a gene based on literature is highly desirable to help biologists digest the literature. In this paper, we present a study of methods for automatically generating gene summaries from biomedical literature. Unlike most existing work on automatic text summarization, in which the generated summary is often a list of extracted sentences, we propose to generate a semi-structured summary which consists of sentences covering specific semantic aspects of a gene. Such a semi-structured summary is more appropriate for describing genes and poses special challenges for automatic text summarization. We propose a two-stage approach to generate such a summary for a given gene – first retrieving articles about a gene and then extracting sentences for each specified semantic aspect. We address the issue of gene name variation in the first stage and propose several different methods for sentence extraction in the second stage. We evaluate the proposed methods using a test set with 20 genes. Experiment results show that the proposed methods can generate useful semi-structured gene summaries automatically from biomedical literature, and our proposed methods outperform general purpose summarization methods. Among all the proposed methods for sentence extraction, a probabilistic language modeling approach that models gene context performs the best.  相似文献   

In the context of social media, users usually post relevant information corresponding to the contents of events mentioned in a Web document. This information posses two important values in that (i) it reflects the content of an event and (ii) it shares hidden topics with sentences in the main document. In this paper, we present a novel model to capture the nature of relationships between document sentences and post information (comments or tweets) in sharing hidden topics for summarization of Web documents by utilizing relevant post information. Unlike previous methods which are usually based on hand-crafted features, our approach ranks document sentences and user posts based on their importance to the topics. The sentence-user-post relation is formulated in a share topic matrix, which presents their mutual reinforcement support. Our proposed matrix co-factorization algorithm computes the score of each document sentence and user post and extracts the top ranked document sentences and comments (or tweets) as a summary. We apply the model to the task of summarization on three datasets in two languages, English and Vietnamese, of social context summarization and also on DUC 2004 (a standard corpus of the traditional summarization task). According to the experimental results, our model significantly outperforms the basic matrix factorization and achieves competitive ROUGE-scores with state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Information extraction is one of the important tasks in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Most of the existing methods focus on general texts and little attention is paid to information extraction in specialized domains such as legal texts. This paper explores the task of information extraction in the legal field, which aims to extract evidence information from court record documents (CRDs). In the general domain, entities and relations are mostly words and phrases, indicating that they do not span multiple sentences. In contrast, evidence information in CRDs may span multiple sentences, while existing models cannot handle this situation. To address this issue, we first add a classification task in addition to the extraction task. We then formulate the two tasks as a multi-task learning problem and present a novel end-to-end model to jointly address the two tasks. The joint model adopts a shared encoder followed by separate decoders for the two tasks. The experimental results on the dataset show the effectiveness of the proposed model, which can obtain 72.36% F1 score, outperforming previous methods and strong baselines by a large margin.  相似文献   

Today, due to a vast amount of textual data, automated extractive text summarization is one of the most common and practical techniques for organizing information. Extractive summarization selects the most appropriate sentences from the text and provide a representative summary. The sentences, as individual textual units, usually are too short for major text processing techniques to provide appropriate performance. Hence, it seems vital to bridge the gap between short text units and conventional text processing methods.In this study, we propose a semantic method for implementing an extractive multi-document summarizer system by using a combination of statistical, machine learning based, and graph-based methods. It is a language-independent and unsupervised system. The proposed framework learns the semantic representation of words from a set of given documents via word2vec method. It expands each sentence through an innovative method with the most informative and the least redundant words related to the main topic of sentence. Sentence expansion implicitly performs word sense disambiguation and tunes the conceptual densities towards the central topic of each sentence. Then, it estimates the importance of sentences by using the graph representation of the documents. To identify the most important topics of the documents, we propose an inventive clustering approach. It autonomously determines the number of clusters and their initial centroids, and clusters sentences accordingly. The system selects the best sentences from appropriate clusters for the final summary with respect to information salience, minimum redundancy, and adequate coverage.A set of extensive experiments on DUC2002 and DUC2006 datasets was conducted for investigating the proposed scheme. Experimental results showed that the proposed sentence expansion algorithm and clustering approach could considerably enhance the performance of the summarization system. Also, comparative experiments demonstrated that the proposed framework outperforms most of the state-of-the-art summarizer systems and can impressively assist the task of extractive text summarization.  相似文献   

We propose answer extraction and ranking strategies for definitional question answering using linguistic features and definition terminology. A passage expansion technique based on simple anaphora resolution is introduced to retrieve more informative sentences, and a phrase extraction method based on syntactic information of the sentences is proposed to generate a more concise answer. In order to rank the phrases, we use several evidences including external definitions and definition terminology. Although external definitions are useful, it is obvious that they cannot cover all the possible targets. The definition terminology score which reflects how the phrase is definition-like is devised to assist the incomplete external definitions. Experimental results show that the proposed answer extraction and ranking method are effective and also show that our proposed system is comparable to state-of-the-art systems.  相似文献   

In existing unsupervised methods, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is used for sentence selection. However, the obtained results are less meaningful, because singular vectors are used as the bases for sentence selection from given documents, and singular vector components can have negative values. We propose a new unsupervised method using Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) to select sentences for automatic generic document summarization. The proposed method uses non-negative constraints, which are more similar to the human cognition process. As a result, the method selects more meaningful sentences for generic document summarization than those selected using LSA.  相似文献   

Document-level relation extraction (RE) aims to extract the relation of entities that may be across sentences. Existing methods mainly rely on two types of techniques: Pre-trained language models (PLMs) and reasoning skills. Although various reasoning methods have been proposed, how to elicit learnt factual knowledge from PLMs for better reasoning ability has not yet been explored. In this paper, we propose a novel Collective Prompt Tuning with Relation Inference (CPT-RI) for Document-level RE, that improves upon existing models from two aspects. First, considering the long input and various templates, we adopt a collective prompt tuning method, which is an update-and-reuse strategy. A generic prompt is first encoded and then updated with exact entity pairs for relation-specific prompts. Second, we introduce a relation inference module to conduct global reasoning overall relation prompts via constrained semantic segmentation. Extensive experiments on two publicly available benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed CPT-RI as compared to the baseline model (ATLOP (Zhou et al., 2021)), which improve the 0.57% on the DocRED dataset, 2.20% on the CDR dataset, and 2.30 on the GDA dataset in the F1 score. In addition, further ablation studies also verify the effects of the collective prompt tuning and relation inference.  相似文献   

Semantic representation reflects the meaning of the text as it may be understood by humans. Thus, it contributes to facilitating various automated language processing applications. Although semantic representation is very useful for several applications, a few models were proposed for the Arabic language. In that context, this paper proposes a graph-based semantic representation model for Arabic text. The proposed model aims to extract the semantic relations between Arabic words. Several tools and concepts have been employed such as dependency relations, part-of-speech tags, name entities, patterns, and Arabic language predefined linguistic rules. The core idea of the proposed model is to represent the meaning of Arabic sentences as a rooted acyclic graph. Textual entailment recognition challenge is considered in order to evaluate the ability of the proposed model to enhance other Arabic NLP applications. The experiments have been conducted using a benchmark Arabic textual entailment dataset, namely, ArbTED. The results proved that the proposed graph-based model is able to enhance the performance of the textual entailment recognition task in comparison to other baseline models. On average, the proposed model achieved 8.6%, 30.2%, 5.3% and 16.2% improvement in terms of accuracy, recall, precision, and F-score results, respectively.  相似文献   

This study attempted to use semantic relations expressed in text, in particular cause-effect relations, to improve information retrieval effectiveness. The study investigated whether the information obtained by matching cause-effect relations expressed in documents with the cause-effect relations expressed in users’ queries can be used to improve document retrieval results, in comparison to using just keyword matching without considering relations.An automatic method for identifying and extracting cause-effect information in Wall Street Journal text was developed. Causal relation matching was found to yield a small but significant improvement in retrieval results when the weights used for combining the scores from different types of matching were customized for each query. Causal relation matching did not perform better than word proximity matching (i.e. matching pairs of causally related words in the query with pairs of words that co-occur within document sentences), but the best results were obtained when causal relation matching was combined with word proximity matching. The best kind of causal relation matching was found to be one in which one member of the causal relation (either the cause or the effect) was represented as a wildcard that could match with any word.  相似文献   

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