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Collaborative and co-located information access is becoming increasingly common. However, fairly little attention has been devoted to the design of ubiquitous computing approaches for spontaneous exploration of large information spaces enabling co-located collaboration. We investigate whether an entity-based user interface provides a solution to support co-located search on heterogeneous devices. We present the design and implementation of QueryTogether, a multi-device collaborative search tool through which entities such as people, documents, and keywords can be used to compose queries that can be shared to a public screen or specific users with easy touch enabled interaction. We conducted mixed-methods user experiments with twenty seven participants (nine groups of three people), to compare the collaborative search with QueryTogether to a baseline adopting established search and collaboration interfaces. Results show that QueryTogether led to more balanced contribution and search engagement. While the overall s-recall in search was similar, in the QueryTogether condition participants found most of the relevant results earlier in the tasks, and for more than half of the queries avoided text entry by manipulating recommended entities. The video analysis demonstrated a more consistent common ground through increased attention to the common screen, and more transitions between collaboration styles. Therefore, this provided a better fit for the spontaneity of ubiquitous scenarios. QueryTogether and the corresponding study demonstrate the importance of entity based interfaces to improve collaboration by facilitating balanced participation, flexibility of collaboration styles and social processing of search entities across conversation and devices. The findings promote a vision of collaborative search support in spontaneous and ubiquitous multi-device settings, and better linking of conversation objects to searchable entities.  相似文献   

Collaborative information seeking is integral to many professional activities. In hospital work, the medication process encompasses continual seeking for information and collaborative grounding of information. This study investigates breakdowns in collaborative information seeking through analyses of the use of the electronic medication record adopted in a Danish healthcare region and of the reports of 5 years of medication incidents at Danish hospitals. The results show that breakdowns in collaborative information seeking is a major source of medication incidents, that most of these breakdowns are breakdowns in collaborative grounding rather than information seeking, that the medication incidents mainly concern breakdowns in the use of records as opposed to oral communication, that the breakdowns span multiple degrees of separation between clinicians, and that the electronic medication record has introduced risks of new kinds of breakdown in collaborative information seeking. In working to prevent and recover from breakdowns in the seeking and sharing of information a focus on collaborative information seeking will point toward collaborative, organizational, and systemic reasons for breakdown and areas for improvement, rather than toward individual error.  相似文献   

Since common ground is pivotal to collaboration, this paper proposes to define collaborative information seeking as the combined activity of information seeking and collaborative grounding. While information-seeking activities are necessary for collaborating actors to acquire new information, the activities involved in information seeking are often performed by varying subgroups of actors. Consequently, collaborative grounding is necessary to share information among collaborating actors and, thereby, establish and maintain the common ground necessary for their collaborative work. By focusing on the collaborative level, collaborative information seeking aims to avoid both individual reductionism and group reductionism, while at the same time recognizing that only some information and understanding need be shared.  相似文献   

An asynchronous collaborative search system for online video search   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
There are a number of multimedia tasks and environments that can be collaborative in nature and involve contributions from more than one individual. Examples of such tasks include organising photographs or videos from multiple people from a large event, students working together to complete a class project, or artists and/or animators working on a production. Despite this, current state of the art applications that have been created to assist in multimedia search and organisation focus on a single user searching alone and do not take into consideration the collaborative nature of a large number of multimedia tasks. The limited work in collaborative search for multimedia applications has concentrated mostly on synchronous, and quite often co-located, collaboration between persons. However, these collaborative scenarios are not always practical or feasible. In order to overcome these shortcomings we have created an innovative system for online video search, which provides mechanisms for groups of users to collaborate both asynchronously and remotely on video search tasks. In order to evaluate our system an user evaluation was conducted. This evaluation simulated multiple conditions and scenarios for collaboration, varying on awareness, division of labour, sense making and persistence. The outcome of this evaluation demonstrates the benefit and usability of our system for asynchronous and remote collaboration between users. In addition the results of this evaluation provide a comparison between implicit and explicit collaboration in the same search system.  相似文献   

We describe a new approach for algorithmic mediation of a collaborative search process. Unlike most approaches to collaborative IR, we are designing systems that mediate explicitly-defined synchronous collaboration among small groups of searchers with a shared information need. Such functionality is provided by first obtaining different rank-lists based on searchers’ queries, fusing these rank-lists, and then splitting the combined list to distribute documents among collaborators according to their roles. For the work reported here, we consider the case of two people collaborating on a search. We assign them roles of Gatherer and Surveyor: the Gatherer is tasked with exploring highly promising information on a given topic, and the Surveyor is tasked with digging further to explore more diverse information. We demonstrate how our technique provides the Gatherer with high-precision results, and the Surveyor with information that is high in entropy.  相似文献   

Most social Q&A sites are designed to support solo searchers who access the aggregated opinions of other users, and ask and answer questions of their own. The purpose of this paper is to show how users in one social Q&A community defy system constraints to engage in brief, informal episodes of collaborative information seeking called microcollaborations. A brief literature review is presented, suggesting a view of information seeking as a combination of problem-centered information seeking, technological affordances and constraints, and social and affective factors. The results of content and transaction log analyses of user interactions suggest that topics of collaboration share a common threshold of complexity and invite responses containing both fact and opinion. Analysis also revealed that key elements in predicting a collaborative instance involve social capital and affective factors unrelated to the topic of the collaboration. Suggestions for supporting future lightweight microcollaborations, and implications for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

A recommender system has an obvious appeal in an environment where the amount of on-line information vastly outstrips any individual’s capability to survey. Music recommendation is considered a popular application area. In order to make personalized recommendations, many collaborative music recommender systems (CMRS) focus on capturing precise similarities among users or items based on user historical ratings. Despite the valuable information from audio features of music itself, however, few studies have investigated how to utilize information extracted directly from music for personalized recommendation in CMRS. In this paper, we describe a CMRS based on our proposed item-based probabilistic model, where items are classified into groups and predictions are made for users considering the Gaussian distribution of user ratings. In addition, this model has been extended for improved recommendation performance by utilizing audio features that help alleviate three well-known problems associated with data sparseness in collaborative recommender systems: user bias, non-association, and cold start problems in capturing accurate similarities among items. Experimental results based on two real-world data sets lead us to believe that content information is crucial in achieving better personalized recommendation beyond user ratings. We further show how primitive audio features can be combined into aggregate features for the proposed CRMS and analyze their influences on recommendation performance. Although this model was developed originally for music collaborative recommendation based on audio features, our experiment with the movie data set demonstrates that it can be applied to other domains.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of adverse economic conditions and human capital on different types of collaboration within agri-food supply chains. Data was collected from the Greek agricultural sector, covering periods of economic hardship. The results reveal that the impact of adverse economic conditions on the collaborative constructs of goal congruence, decision synchronization, incentive alignment, resource sharing and joint knowledge creation is nonlinear, specifically an inverted U for all of them. For collaboration constructs of information sharing and collaborative communication, the results reveal that under adverse economic conditions, the farmers do not collaborate. We also show that aspects of human capital such as age, education and farming experience affect collaboration. Our contribution lies in investigating the potential non-linear relationship between adverse economic conditions and various types of collaboration. Therefore, this study provides several managerial implications and insight for policymakers, while filling a crucial gap in the literature due to the limited existing studies that consider the impact of adverse economic conditions on agri-food supply chains.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究群体规模对青少年协同信息查寻认知的影响,为青少年协同信息查寻研究提供新视角,也为青少年协同信息查寻任务合适群体规模的选取等实践操作提出指导建议.[方法/过程]将82名青少年划分为不同群体规模,采用模拟实验和问卷调查收集数据,并进行单因素多变量方差分析.[结果/结论]不同群体规模的青少年协同信息查寻在情...  相似文献   

It is often argued that the core of organizational success is efficient collaboration. Some authors even posit that efficient collaboration is more important to organizational innovation and performance than individual skills or expertise. However, the lack of efficient models to manage collaboration properly is a major constraint for organizations to profit from internal and external collaborative initiatives. Currently, much of the collaboration in organizations occurs through virtual network channels, such as e-mail, Yammer, Jabber, Microsoft Teams, Skype, and Zoom. These are even more important in situations where different time zones and even threats of a pandemic constrain face-to-face human interactions. This work introduces a multidisciplinary heuristic model developed based on project risk management and social network analysis centrality metrics graph-theory to quantitatively measure dynamic organizational collaboration in the project environment. A case study illustrates the proposed model's implementation and application in a real virtual project organizational context. The major benefit of applying this proposed model is that it enables organizations to quantitatively measure different collaborative, organizational, and dynamic behavioral patterns, which can later correlate with organizational outcomes. The model analyzes three collaborative project dimensions: network collaboration cohesion evolution, network collaboration degree evolution, and network team set variability evolution. This provides organizations an innovative approach to understand and manage possible collaborative project risks that may emerge as projects are delivered. Organizations can use the proposed model to identify projects' critical success factors by comparing successful and unsuccessful delivered projects' dynamic behaviors if a substantial number of both project types are analyzed. The proposed model also enables organizations to make decisions with more information regarding the support for changes in observed collaborative patterns as demonstrated by statistical models in general, and linear regressions in particular. Further, the proposed model provides organizations with a completely bias-free data-collection process that eliminates organizational downtime. Finally, applying the proposed model in organizations will reduce or eliminate the risks associated with virtual collaborative dynamics, leading to the optimized use of resources; this will transform organizations to become more lean-oriented and significantly contribute to economic, social, and environmental global sustainability.  相似文献   

随着社会治理从政府为中心的“一元治理”向社会多方协同互动的多元化转变,多方协作已经成为应对各类社会突发事件的必然发展趋势。应急协作过程中需要大量信息予以支持,因而信息共享成为应急协作中的重要环节。本文对应急协作中的信息共享进行探讨,对国外相关理论和实践现状进行梳理,基于我国当前应急协作中信息共享在存在的主要问题,分别从法制、共享观念、信息技术以及监督激励等四个方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

在线交流往往无法进行深入的协作,网上的讨论也经常流于表面.为进一步研究在线异步知识交流的交互特征,本文以<网络远程教育>在线课程参与者的交互文本作为研究对象,构建了一个针对异步在线交流的分析框架,从认知、元认知、交互、参与和社会5个维度探讨了在线协作的状况,分析鲻了在线知识交流过程中存在的问题,并对如何组织在线异步交流提供了一些建议.  相似文献   

目前的会议与协作应用趋势来看,视频会议已从专门的会议室逐步扩展到包括高清视音频会议、即时通信与协作软件、桌面视频、视频电话以及移动设备等更广泛的协作领域。本文提出一种基于云对高校视频会议系统设计,使高校的会议系统由传统的会议室扩展到虚拟的会议室。  相似文献   

Scholarly communication is undergoing transformation under the confluence of many forces. The purpose of this article is to explore trends in transforming scholarly publishing and their implications. It examines how collaboration and volume of information production were changed over the past century. It also explores how older documents are used under today’s network environment where new information is easily accessible. Understanding these trends would help us design more effective electronic scholarly publishing systems and digital libraries, and serve the needs of scholars more responsively.  相似文献   

Multimodal sentiment analysis aims to judge the sentiment of multimodal data uploaded by the Internet users on various social media platforms. On one hand, existing studies focus on the fusion mechanism of multimodal data such as text, audio and visual, but ignore the similarity of text and audio, text and visual, and the heterogeneity of audio and visual, resulting in deviation of sentiment analysis. On the other hand, multimodal data brings noise irrelevant to sentiment analysis, which affects the effectness of fusion. In this paper, we propose a Polar-Vector and Strength-Vector mixer model called PS-Mixer, which is based on MLP-Mixer, to achieve better communication between different modal data for multimodal sentiment analysis. Specifically, we design a Polar-Vector (PV) and a Strength-Vector (SV) for judging the polar and strength of sentiment separately. PV is obtained from the communication of text and visual features to decide the sentiment that is positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. SV is gained from the communication between the text and audio features to analyze the sentiment strength in the range of 0 to 3. Furthermore, we devise an MLP-Communication module (MLP-C) composed of several fully connected layers and activation functions to make the different modal features fully interact in both the horizontal and the vertical directions, which is a novel attempt to use MLP for multimodal information communication. Finally, we mix PV and SV to obtain a fusion vector to judge the sentiment state. The proposed PS-Mixer is tested on two publicly available datasets, CMU-MOSEI and CMU-MOSI, which achieves the state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on CMU-MOSEI compared with baseline methods. The codes are available at: https://github.com/metaphysicser/PS-Mixer.  相似文献   

With the wide popularization of Web2.0 technology and the growing complexity of the task for scientific research,the single user paradigm in information seeking field has more and more limitations.Based on this,this paper introduces the basic development of the research on collaborative information seeking behaviors of scientific research personnel.The paper reflects the general research method of academic information collaborative seeking from 3 different perspectives of case observation analysis,interviews,and investigation statistical analysis.The paper puts forward the motivation of scientific research personnel in collaborative information seeking from 4 aspects,that is,the complexity of research task,the innovation of research task,the knowledge structure and cognition capability of scientific research personnel,and the sociality of information seeking.Finally,the paper discusses the influences on the optimization of information seeking environment,and the construction and improvement of the information seeking system.  相似文献   

首先分析了模块化对于一流企业技术创新的影响,构建了基于平台模块化的产学研用协同创新系统模型。在此基础上,结合典型案例探讨了其在模块化嵌入下的产学研用协同创新实践和演化轨迹;其次,围绕“用户协同-资源协同-组织协同”三个维度,归纳对比了产品模块化、组织模块化和平台模块化下案例企业的产学研用协同创新效应。研究发现:产品模块化、组织模块化可以被赋予调节产学研用协同创新的功能,而平台模块化既有利于推动企业与大学、科研机构从“面对面”转向“背靠背”的合作创新,也能通过开放企业平台资源来激发合作伙伴的创新潜能。  相似文献   

区域图书馆联合虚拟参考咨询系统的构建与实施   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
何海波  徐伊男 《现代情报》2009,29(12):129-131
随着信息资源的日益数字化、网络化,国内外已有不少图书馆建立了虚拟参考咨询系统,为了更好的发挥各个图书馆在资源、人力上的优势,实现优势互补,资源的充分利用,从本馆虚拟咨询到联合虚拟咨询成为虚拟咨询服务的发展方向,从区域性的联合到全国范围的联合,再到全球范围的联合,将是未来虚拟参考咨询服务的发展趋势。在这一发展趋势下,本文着力探讨区域图书馆联合虚拟参考咨询系统的构建与实施。  相似文献   

Collaborative information behavior is an essential aspect of organizational work; however, we have very limited understanding of this behavior. Most models of information behavior focus on the individual seeker of information. In this paper, we report the results from two empirical studies that investigate aspects of collaborative information behavior in organizational settings. From these studies, we found that collaborative information behavior differs from individual information behavior with respect to how individuals interact with each other, the complexity of the information need, and the role of information technology. There are specific triggers for transitioning from individual to collaborative information behavior, including lack of domain expertise. The information retrieval technologies used affect collaborative information behavior by acting as important supporting mechanisms. From these results and prior work, we develop a model of collaborative information behavior along the axes of participant behavior, situational elements, and contextual triggers. We also present characteristics of collaborative information system including search, chat, and sharing. We discuss implications for the design of collaborative information retrieval systems and directions for future work.  相似文献   

在云计算和集群式供应链基础上构建基于云计算的集群式供应链协同管理体系架构以及应用结构模型,讨论云计算协同管理所涉及到的六大关键技术,为进一步开展云计算环境下协同管理中心研究与开发以及集群式供应链协同管理及应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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