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学习不良儿童一直以来是教育者们关注的一个特殊群体。研究表明其自我概念整体水平低于一般儿童,学习不良儿童的自我概念与心理健康呈较高正相关。家庭、教师、同伴群体和社会文化对儿童自我概念的形成发展产生着重要影响,教育者应努力发挥自身作用促进学习不良儿童积极自我概念的建立。  相似文献   

学习不良儿童一直以来是教育者们关注的一个特殊群体.研究表明其自我概念整体水平低于一般儿童,学习不良儿童的自我概念与心理健康呈较高正相关.家庭、教师、同伴群体和社会文化对儿童自我概念的形成发展产生着重要影响,教育者应努力发挥自身作用促进学习不良儿童积极自我概念的建立.  相似文献   

本文以学习不良的概念为切入点,介绍了学习不良儿童自我概念及其功能,并从年龄、性别与自我知觉等方面阐述了学习不良儿童自我概念的个体差异及影响因素,以期为学习不良儿童的教育提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

学习不良儿童自我概念、归因风格与心理健康的相关研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用“田纳西自我概念量表(TSCS)”、“多维——多向归因量表(MMCS)”及“临床症状自评量表(SCL-90)”,对初中一、二、三年级288名一般儿童和学习不良儿童施测。结果发现,学习不良儿童的自我概念、归因风格与一般儿童差异显,且二与其心理健康水平呈高相关。这一结果提示,加强积极自我概念和归因风格的培养将有助于学习不良儿童心理健康水平的提高。  相似文献   

学习不良儿童的社会交往、自我概念与社会行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学习不良儿童的社会交往、自我概念与社会行为俞国良儿童的学习不良(LearningDisabilities),是多学科的研究对象。发展心理学的学习不良儿童研究,旨在探明其认知发展(或智力发展)和社会性发展的规律,为教育工作者教育与转化学习不良儿童提供心...  相似文献   

对学习不良最早的正式界定出自Kirkl962年。自20世纪80年代以来我国对于学习不良儿童的研究日益增多,学习不良儿童的教育问题受到广泛关注。我国对学习不良儿童影响因素的研究涉及的因素很多,如社会因素、家庭因素和个体因素等。国内研究者从智力结构、社会适应水平、家庭因素、自我概念等角度探讨儿童学习不良的问题。  相似文献   

儿童学习不良的问题是学校,教师、家长、学生共同关心的话题。在系统分析学习不良儿童的社会交往,自我概念,社会行为等特点的基础上,提出了对学习困难儿童进行归因训练和心理辅导的教育策略。  相似文献   

论述社会比较对学习不良儿童所产生的大鱼小池塘效应,以及学习不良儿童可能采取的防御性比较策略,以缓解同伴间的社会比较对其自我概念所产生的消极影响。对学习不良儿童的教育安置和教育方式提出建议。  相似文献   

学习困难生的社会信息加工范式是目前研究学习困难学生社会性发展的主要范式,学习困难儿童自我概念的研究是当前学习困难儿童社会性发展的一个重要研究领域。目前比较一致的认为,自我概念一般包括三个维度:学业自我概念、非学业自我概念和一般/总体自我概念。从学习困难的概念与理解、学习困难学生自我概念和学习困难学生自我概念的干预研究三个方面进行了总结,并提出相关思考和建议。  相似文献   

儿童学习障碍不仅仅是一种认知障碍,同时还有心理行为方面的问题,包括:多动和注意缺陷、焦虑和抑郁、攻击和违纪,以及社会交往不良等。造成上述现象的主要原因有学习障碍儿童自我概念较低、家庭不良环境影响等。教育者可以通过认知训练、合作学习以及塑造新行为等策略干预和矫正学习障碍儿童的心理行为问题,从而提高他们的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

The self-concept construct is one of the oldest in psychology and is used widely in many disciplines. Despite its popularity, reviews prior to the 1980s typically emphasized the lack of theoretical basis in most studies, the poor quality of measurement instruments, methodological shortcomings, and a general lack of consistent findings except, perhaps, support for the null hypothesis. This situation called into question the usefulness of the self-concept construct. In dramatic contrast, the last decade has seen considerable progress in theory, measurement, and research. This progress is due at least in part to a stronger emphasis on a multidimensional self-concept instead of global measures of self. The purpose of this invited review is to summarize how my self-concept research has contributed to these advances. This review further substantiates the claim that self-concept cannot be understood adequately if its multidimensionality is ignored, and recommends that researchers use well-constructed multidimensional measures of self-concept instead of relying solely on global measures of self.  相似文献   

With the trend towards inclusive education, today there are many different school settings in which students with an intellectual disability (ID) or social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD) are educated. According to the Social Comparison Theory of Festinger, educational contexts influence the self-concept development of these students. This systematic review aims to provide an overview of literature over the last 20 years focusing on the self-concept of students with ID or SEBD in different school settings, in relation to typically developing peers and the relationship between self-concept and various variables. The results of the 15 articles identified for this review mainly indicate neutral self-concept scores. Studies focus primarily on students with ID and on the social and academic dimensions of self-concept. Students in special education tend to score slightly more positive than students in other school settings and students with ID or SEBD report a more negative self-concept than typically developing peers. Most variables included in the studies show no correlation with self-concept. Findings also revealed difficulties in the feasibility of comparison between studies due to statistical shortcomings and lack of clarification in the identified articles. Future directions for self-concept research are discussed comprehensively.  相似文献   

Social skills of students with special needs play a very important role in their successful integration into inclusive learning environments. The aim of present empirical research was to establish whether students with learning disabilities (LD) attending grades 7–9 of regular primary school in Slovenia experience difficulties in social skills compared to their peers without LD. The following measuring instruments were used: the Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties for Adolescents, the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents and the Self-Concept Scale. The basic research findings indicated statistically significant structural differences between the students with LD and their peers. The two groups differ in terms of difficulties in social interaction. Students with LD experience more difficulties. Statistically significant differences between the groups also appeared in tension and inhibition in social contact and social anxiety, as well as in the area of self-concept: students with LD are more anxious and reserved in social contacts.  相似文献   

利用Bicomb软件及SPSS软件对从中国知网中查询到的2001—2011年的323篇来自核心期刊的自我概念研究相关文献进行了知识图谱绘制.结果表明,自我概念的研究主要集中于六个领域,分别为:学业自我概念的研究、精神卫生与自我概念及咨询的关系研究、自我效能感与自我意识及自尊的关系研究、自我概念在消费心理学方面的应用研究、老年人主观幸福感及影响因素的研究、身体自我概念与体育锻炼和心理健康关系的研究.  相似文献   

培养积极自我概念,促进心理健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我概念是人格心理学的核心,对人的心理健康的影响是直接的。文中阐述了自我概念的本质、自我概念与心理健康的关系;提出要客观地认识和接受自我,树立积极的自我概念,以促进个体心理健康发展。  相似文献   

In the field of educational effectiveness research, the influence of a class’ student body on students’ individual achievement scores has been a popular research interest for many years. Yet, few studies have focussed on the effects of class composition on students’ non-achievement outcomes, and up to now, hardly any attempts have been made to summarize the findings of previous studies on this topic by conducting a literature review. The current study tries to fill in this gap and focuses on the effects of class composition in secondary education in terms of ability and gender on students’ school well-being and academic self-concept. The results of this literature review indicate that ability grouping is beneficial for strong students’ school well-being, but rather detrimental for the school well-being of weak students. The reverse holds for students’ academic self-concept. Furthermore, our results show that single-sex classes are advantageous for girls’ school well-being and academic self-concept. As for boys, the results are inconclusive.  相似文献   

本文通过比较某大学英语专业和非英语专业二年级321名学生英语自我概念的特点及其与英语学业成绩之间的关系,考察了英语自我概念各子维度对整体英语自我概念及英语学业成绩的影响。结果表明:英语自我概念各子维度与整体英语自我概念及英语学业成绩之间均存在显著正相关。  相似文献   

问题学生的自我概念研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以初一至初三年级197名问题学生和136名普通学生为对象,对问题学生的自我概念及其相关因素进行了研究。结果表明:(1)问题学生的自我概念除初三学生外一般比普通学生低,这与普通学生的自我概念在初三显著降低有关;(2)问题学生的自我概念不存在显著的年级或年龄差异,而普通学生的自我概念表现出明显的年级差异和年龄效应;(3)问题学生的父母教养方式和负性生活事件所带来的应激与其自我概念的发展存在极其显著的相关。而问题学生的负性生活事件应激强度显著高于普通学生;(4)问题学生的自我概念可以显著预测其心理健康水平,提示自我概念的发展水平是影响问题学生心理健康状况的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

论良好的自我概念的评价标准及其促进途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认为良好自我概念评价标准的问题是一个十分重要的理论问题,提出了良好自我概念的四个评价标准:自我概念的积极程度、自我复杂性、自我概念的协调性、自我概念的清晰确定性。又认为良好自我概念的促进问题是一个十分重要的应用问题,并在良好自我概念的评价标准的基础上提出了促进良好自我概念的8条措施。  相似文献   

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