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随着中小学信息技术教育的开展,农村现代远程教育的深入,进入大学的新生计算机知识和水平也在逐年提高。目前,他们的计算机水平究竟达到什么程度?在中小学阶段开设过哪些信息技术课程?他们学习计算机知识的主要途径是什么?本文通过调查,进行了分析,并指出当前农林专科院校计算机教学改革所应采取的措施。  相似文献   

中师升格为高校是历史发展的必然趋势 ,但是 ,升格后的学校继续办清一色的师范教育 ,还是走多科性学院 (即综合化 )的发展道路 ?这是处在转型时期的中师迫切需要回答的一个战略性问题。本文在对特师所面临的社会环境及人才需求作出分析之后认为 ,综合化是特师走向高等教育的必由之路 ,并进一步对多科性特教学院的办学定位和发展模式提出自己的观点。  相似文献   

2010届毕业生将达到660万人左右,而经济危机尚未见底,高职院校毕业生作为就业弱势群体,面临着巨大的就业压力。本文分析了新形势下高职院校就业指导工作所面临的问题,并结合工作经验就高职院校如何加强就业指导工作提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

科学完善的选课制度是促进大学生自主建构知识结构、保证学习质量的重要措施。大学生主要通过哪些方式获取选课信息?哪些选课信息是他们最看重的?他们的选课行为具有怎样的特征?不同年级、不同学科、不同群体之间的信息需求和选课行为是否存在差异?影响学生选课决策的因素有哪些?本研究以A大学为例,通过问卷调查等方法对这些问题进行探析,为高校进一步完善和改进选课制度与选课系统,提高系统的针对性和个性化提供依据和支持。  相似文献   

处于社会转型时期的大学生心理呈现出那些新的特点 ?地域、年级、专业、性别的不同 ,心理特点是否有所差异 ?笔者在查阅大量关于大学生心理素质测查报告后 ,对当前大学生心理素质状况进行总结 ,旨在对高校教育工作者教育管理有所帮助  相似文献   

What is happening to college students in terms of “the things that matter most,” the goals and purposes apart from which everything else they do loses its point? How are colleges and universities deliberately or indirectly influencing these “values”? These are crucial questions for American education on which some light is cast in the following articles.  相似文献   

如何促进科学研究与学科建设的紧密结合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校科学研究是知识的生产、应用、传授的主要途径,其科研水平高低通常成为判断该校学科建设实力的重要指标.而学科建设是高校建设的永恒主题,是高校一项根本性的任务,是高校各项工作的重中之重.高校科学研究与学科建设之间存在何种关系?如何使二者互相促进、协调发展、对高校发展起到促进作用,是一个值得深入探讨的课题.  相似文献   

The topic of student success is a central focus for community college educators and researchers, yet little consideration is given to the long-term success that community college students may or may not be attaining. What role (if any) do concerns about social stratification have in the debate over student success? Exploring the ways in which community colleges may be perpetuating long-term, systemic inequality among students, despite their ability to graduate with a certificate or degree, is an important consideration as community colleges work to define and measure student success and strategically plan for the future. Drawing from sociology and critical education literature, this paper makes the case that educators and administrators need to develop a macroapproach to understanding student success as a result of three contextual factors: labor market changes, shifts toward neoliberal ideology, and the role of habitus.  相似文献   

What is liberal education? How do its aims differ from those of either grammar or vocational education? Does it truly deserve its own supporting institution? In response to these questions, Arcilla develops a defense of the liberal arts college. He observes that all projects of formal learning presuppose that the learner possesses answers to three fundamental, existential questions: What is one’s nature? What is the good for beings of this nature? What facilitates this good? We develop better responses to these questions by engaging in liberal learning. The mission of the liberal arts college, then, is first and foremost to support this learning. With this idea of liberal learning and its college in mind, we may nonetheless wonder whether the existential knowledge it seeks is really something that can be learned. Arcilla articulates a version of humanism that illuminates the conditions of possibility for liberal learning and affirms this learning’s intrinsic value. At the same time, this philosophical theory requires for its verification that we engage in liberal learning. Arcilla calls the symbiotic partnership formed by liberal learning and humanism “humanist learning,” and he points out that it is this learning, which is crucial to our other kinds of education, that would be lost if society ceased to support genuine colleges of the liberal arts.  相似文献   

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