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《生物工程设备》课程教学,以"一条龙"学习为主线优化了课程教学内容,以提高学生参与为导向改革了课程教学手段,以学生为主体探索了教学方法,以实验室建设为基础保障了实践教学,提高课堂教学效果,培养学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide insight into the several aspects of instructional use of emerging web-based technologies. The study first explores the extent of Web 2.0 technology integration into face-to-face classroom activities. In this phase, the main focus of research interests was on the types and dynamics of Web 2.0 tools used by community college instructors. In the second phase, we were predominantly interested in instructors’ preferences toward tools and the major barriers instructors confront in integrating these tools in a traditional educational setting. The study reveals the extent of instructors’ use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom relates to a) their level of education and b) training on the tools. Results clearly indicate that level of education and current use of web 2.0 technologies in instruction are major determinants of the instructors’ preferences toward different groups of Web 2.0 tools. Finally, lack of faculty training opportunities was identified as the main barrier for using Web 2.0 technologies. The study offers research based evidence which undoubtedly represent the current trends and issues in the process of technology integration into course curriculum at a community college level. Considering obtained findings, we suggest implementation of an institutional and systematic approach to reinforce inclusion of Web 2.0 technologies in traditional teaching and learning.  相似文献   


This study examines teachers’ philosophies of science and describes how these philosophies influence their classroom instruction. Three science teachers with very diverse views of science were interviewed and observed in their classrooms for several months. These teachers’ philosophies were found to influence laboratory instruction, the manner in which demonstrations were used, the teaching of evolution, science‐technology‐society (STS) instruction, word usage, and instructional goals. The findings are relevant to issues in teacher education as well as the institutional environment of teaching.  相似文献   

传统课堂教学是教师主导的教学活动,而在线学习是以学生为主体参与的教学活动。混合教学方式是将两者有机地结合起来,同时发挥教师的主导性和学生的主动参与性。利用在线课程管理软件Moodle构建混合教学平台,在传统课堂教学之余,为学生主动参与教学活动提供在线途径,进行知识的发现、共享和积累。教学实践表明,这种混合教学方式,可以促进学生的主动参与性,增强学生对学习过程的控制力,提高学习效果,而且对原有的教学组织影响不大,很容易实现平稳过渡。  相似文献   

财税法规专题课程内容与会计工作密切相关,从职业要求来看对于财经法规的学习不可或缺.但目前该课程的教学与实际工作结合不够紧密,容易造成学生仅仅是对法规的死记硬背,难以将课程的知识点融会贯通.有必要通过分析课程内容和学习者现状,围绕教学目标,根据课程内容和学生特点并结合会计岗位需求,设计实践教学内容.  相似文献   

This article presents two separate but related studies on native-English speaking (NES) instructors’ teaching writing practice in Chinese universities. One study is a case study that explores the teaching practice of three NES instructors’ writing instruction in a southern Chinese university as well as students’ responses to their practice. Another study takes on an auto-ethnographic approach, in which the researcher retrospectively examines his own writing instruction as a college NES instructor in China with his new understanding of Bakhtin’s dialogic theory and theories of multi/biliteracy. The pairing of these two studies, methodologically and conceptually, illustrates the NES instructors’ teaching experiences in China from both an outsider and an insider’s perspectives. The findings of the studies indicate that one of the key factors that hinder the effectiveness in teaching writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) contexts is the doctrine of ‘native fallacy’ widespread in the EFL field. This is an ethnocentric view of treating English as a hegemonic practice that drives EFL students to reach native-like English proficiency in both their English speaking and writing. The article concludes with a call for a paradigm shift in teaching and learning in the EFL field, which requires fundamental changes in the view of English from ‘native English’ to World Englishes or an international language for today’s globalized community.  相似文献   

舞蹈是艺术教育的重要组成部分,但忽略幼儿本质生搬硬套成人舞蹈现象也越来越严重,表现出教育理念有偏差、教学目标不明确、教学内容无层次、教学方法偏陈旧等诸多问题。通过对幼儿舞蹈实行分段式教学来明确目标、创新内容与方法,从而提高幼儿舞蹈教学的科学性与实效性。  相似文献   

中国文化史作为一门能够增强大学生的人文底蕴、有利于人格塑造的课程目前在高校中普遍开设,然而在教学实践中这门课程的教学效果并不理想。通过分析产生这种现象的主要原因:课程知识体系的多学科交融而授课教师知识结构单一、内容繁多而教学课时有限、陈旧的满堂灌的教学模式,提出通过提升教师的素质、明确课程的主线、与专业课学习相结合、利用多媒体创设教学情境、采用多样化的教学方法等解决这些问题的具体对策,以期能够为提高中国文化史课程的教学效果提供参考。  相似文献   

Teacher education programs are being encouraged to collaborate with K‐12 partners to develop and implement contextually rich field experiences that integrate methods course instruction with public school practices. As a result, we outline four models of integrating methods instruction and field experiences and raise the question “How does the classroom and school context of the field experience influence what prospective teachers learned in the methods courses?” This study examines the way two different cohorts of prospective elementary teachers who learned to teach in two different contexts define their own social studies pedagogical content knowledge. The students' espoused philosophies of education offer insight into how different models of integrated field experiences may impact on their beliefs about social studies teaching. Through this study we raise questions that should be considered in constructing methods courses linked to field experiences and suggest Bronfenbrenner's model as a tool for looking at these contextual influences.  相似文献   

双语教学与大学英语教学改革   总被引:92,自引:0,他引:92  
我国高校的双语教学是以提高外语(主要是英语)水平为主的教育,其目标是培养大批能同时使用母语和英语进行交际的复合型专业人才。高校双语教学为打破大学英语教学的严重的应试倾向开辟了道路。要搞好双语教学,必须借鉴国外的成功经验,采用依托式教学模式。教师能用全英语讲授专业课,学生达到中等以上英语水平,是搞好双语教学必备的条件。  相似文献   

The study examines pedagogical approaches in using wikis in teaching and learning in teacher education colleges. It focuses on: instructors’ motivation for wiki-based teaching; course types; teaching methods; evaluation; content structure; characteristics of student collaboration and learning outcomes; involvement of instructors in the learning process. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with 11 teacher educators from six colleges of education in Israel. The authors discuss added value and challenges of wiki-based teaching, the impact of assessment on shaping the learning process, as well as general conclusions regarding wiki-based pedagogy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze how instructors designed courses for scholarship of teaching and learning initiatives. The case studies and qualitative analyses of the data revealed that some instructors are approaching teaching as an investigative process. Informed by multiple assessment methods, the participating instructors explored how changes in course designs can improve student learning and development. The results of this study illustrate that these instructors reflected on their course designs and emphasized the quality of student learning and its improvement, which helps to address the public's expectations of higher education institutions as centers of academic excellence.  相似文献   

"现代数字信号处理"是中国地质大学(北京)信息与通信工程、电子与通信工程专业研究生的必修学位课。这门课比较抽象而且数学要求很高。针对这门课程难度大、学生难以接受的情况,我们在教学内容和教学方法等方面进行了大胆的改革与尝试,并在实践中取得了较好的效果,不仅让学生学得更扎实,而且学生的能力也得到了较大的提高。本文主要从教学内容、教学方法和计算机辅助教学以及加强学生实践动手能力几个方面进行论述。  相似文献   

Catering for learner diversity is one of the key areas in the recent educational reform in Hong Kong. Pre-service teacher education acts as a fundamental way to equip pre-service teachers ready for accommodating diverse learning needs and to build up pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy. The purpose of the study is to examine prospective teachers’ teaching beliefs toward differentiated instruction and teaching efficacy. Using a sequential mixed methods design that contains a questionnaire, focus group interviews, and individual interviews, prospective teachers undertaking a 13-session course regarding differentiated instruction as offered by a local university in Hong Kong participated in the study from January to April 2013. Changes in teaching beliefs regarding differentiated instruction as well as teaching efficacy levels were found. More positive attitudes toward differentiated teaching were found; however, there existed different concerns including class management and conflicts with personal teaching beliefs. These concerns may be related to practical experiences and confidence as well as expectations upon students. Implications for future course development and research are discussed at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

目前课程教学已成为我国高校就业指导工作的重要组成部分,教育部为此颁布了《大学生职业发展与就业指导课程教学要求》。该文件对我国高校就业指导课程建设具有重要意义,但其中仍存在某些有待完善之处,如课程名称还有待斟酌、对创业的理解不够全面以及缺乏相应学科基础等。对此我们应加强研究,以期在今后的修订中加以完善。具体而言,可以考虑...  相似文献   

针对《渔业资源与渔场学》课程教学内容时效性很强的特点,根据当前海洋渔业资源种群结构的变化、该学科的发展趋势和海洋渔业产业的发展需要,进行课程内容整合与调整,重点解决教科书上的陈旧内容,同时调整实验课程,结合长期以来在海洋渔业资源及生态学教学与科研上的经验和成果,强调面向渔业资源与渔场的变化状况的实践性与应用性,综合运用多种教学方法。  相似文献   

This study compared the effectiveness of teaching a distance education statistics course using a computer-aided personalized system of instruction (CAPSI) in comparison to a distance education course that used video lectures. Data were collected between 2017 and 2022. Two-hundred and sixty-eight students were included in the sample. Results supported that students enrolled in the CAPSI statistics course were less likely to drop out of the course and mastered significantly more material than students enrolled in the lecture-based distance education course. It is recommended that instructors teaching statistics in distance education settings consider using CAPSI to improve student outcomes.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that lectures continue to dominate college chemistry instruction, especially in developing countries, and that lectures limit student intellectual engagement. To address this concern, a General Chemistry course in a Philippine university was reconstructed to implement an instructional cycle consisting of three phases: a plenary or mini‐lecture, seatwork activity, and a summary or closure. An expert instructor coached the instructors to improve their teaching. Two instructors were involved in pilot implementation and 13 instructors in a large‐scale implementation. This article describes the instructors’ adoption of the instructional cycle using qualitative and quantitative methods that involved multiple data sources. The instructional cycle and intensive coaching enabled most instructors to change their practices, shift their focus from teaching to learning, and enhance their knowledge of student learning difficulties. Nine instructors were able to significantly change their teaching and apply meaningful student seatwork in their lessons. These nine instructors used student seatwork and activities 30–70% of the time, whereas previously 90% of the time involved lectures. Videotape records showed that more than 70% of the students were continuously on task. Four instructors had considerable difficulties in applying the new approach but also had difficulties with conventional lectures. The project constituted the start of a departmental reorientation with a focus on effectiveness of teaching and learning. Subsequently the faculty and course development model developed in this study was used to revise other courses. The theory of Rogan and Grayson proved useful in describing the change processes.  相似文献   

The quality of teaching in higher education is a topic which has generated heated debate in China, though there has been a remarkable paucity of empirical research into the characteristics of teaching and learning in Chinese universities. This study examined Chinese university students’ course experience and its influence on their approaches to learning. A sample of 2529 students from 15 full-time regular universities responded to the questionnaire. Results indicated that the Course Experience Questionnaire could be a promising instrument for assessing the teaching quality in Chinese universities. Chinese undergraduate teaching was characterised by the dominance of developing students’ generic skills, but a lack of emphasis on students’ independence. The study revealed some desirable influences of university teaching on students’ approaches to learning, but an increase in instructors’ effort and commitment to teaching was found to facilitate a surface rather than a deep approach to learning. These findings highlighted the need to reflect on the teacher-centred nature of undergraduate teaching in China.  相似文献   

本研究采用历时质性个案研究方法,对北京某重点高中两位英语教师进行了为期一年的跟踪调查。通过分析访谈、课堂观察等多种数据,本研究发现两名教师都认为英语写作教学应以培养学生的批判性思维和语言综合能力为目的,且与其他技能的培养相融合。她们采用体裁式写作教学方法,将写作教学嵌入日常英语教学活动,关注学生学习写作的过程。本研究发现表明高中英语教师在日常教学中可以突破应试束缚,切实培养学生的写作能力。  相似文献   

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