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The starting point of this article is the relation between teaching quality and expectations by different governance actors in higher education. Managing a department in a public university is, to a large extent, about the coordination of governance actors, involving government authorities as well as the university and the faculty. Internally, the departmental management has to act strategically to achieve this coordination, especially in relation to teachers who expect resource allocation to ensure teaching quality, expressed in terms of academic requirements. To explore this, the concept of proximity is introduced. The study points out the importance of organizing teaching activities to create proximity, as well as that the context and conditions for creating proximity are important for teaching quality, thus achieving coordination with governance actors.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - This article focuses on coordination between governance actors in a public university. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and analyze policy documents as...  相似文献   

探究磷酸盐浓度对大肠杆菌E.coli TRFP发酵生产L-异亮氨酸的影响。利用30 L发酵罐进行分批补料发酵试验,考察磷酸盐浓度对E.coli TRFP发酵生产L-异亮氨酸过程中生物量、比生长速率、L-异亮氨酸产量、发酵液中乙酸及NH4+浓度变化。结果表明,发酵初期维持低浓度磷酸盐(2 g/L KH2PO4),后期补加2 g/LKH2PO4可有效减缓菌体衰退,最终使菌体生物量和异亮氨酸产量分别提高了24.5%和12.7%,且副产物乙酸含量明显降低。  相似文献   

时间是一种惯常性的、日用而不知的存在.“教授治校”作为中国大学制度的一个核心治理机制与制度的构建,除了过去与别国经验的参照启发,理念的辨析与“应然”的清晰,具体制度文本的撰写与实施以外,断然不能忽略作为由行动者实践出的制度(practicing institution by actors)的社会性脉络与现实基础.本文引入时问的理论视角,从现代大学制度下的教授治校的微观社会基础出发,从教授的时间与压力、组织时间协调与人际时间协调对真实世界中的中国大学教授治校过程进行分析与评论,为后续研究提供新的理论视角与实证假设.  相似文献   

This article analyses moves towards good multilevel governance approaches in Vocational Education and Training (VET) as an effective way to improve VET policy making in transition and developing countries, focusing on the Southern Neighbourhood of the EU (ENPI South). The centralised approaches in public administration and to VET governance still prevail in this region. The new modes of governance applied by the EU in the policy area of education and training are based on the Open Method of Coordination (OMC). They are a source of inspiration to improve VET governance, taking into account the complexity of VET policies and systems. According to current European and international experiences, the most effective, relevant and attractive VET models and systems are demand‐driven. They rely on the effective and accountable participation of both state (national/local public actors) and non‐state VET stakeholders (e.g. employers, sectoral actors, unions) in decision‐making and policy implementation processes. This could also pave the way towards self‐governed and performance‐based VET provider institutions which would give quicker responses to rapidly changing labour market skills, competences and qualification needs. Thus, this means putting in practice more and better inclusion and effective cooperation and coordination of regional and local voices of VET actors and developing stronger social partnerships to engage employers, unions and civil society in shaping and investing in skills development. Furthermore, the role of methodological tools for VET governance is not only to provide an analytical ground to capture data and structure further policy advice. These tools can also be used as ice‐breakers to improve collaboration, inclusiveness, multi‐participation and trust‐building among policy makers as they work together on very sensitive issues such as reviewing country VET governance models, modes and institutional arrangements, and/or planning policy thinking and/or learning for implementing coordination mechanisms for VET policy making. The European Training Foundation (ETF) has implemented a methodology to map, analyse and self‐assess good multilevel governance in VET, inspired by how EU governance soft tools in education and training are being used. This methodology has been applied to the Governance for Employability in the Mediterranean (GEMM) project in the ENPI South region, which is a regional project implemented by the ETF and financed by the European Commission's Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargements Negotiations (NEAR).  相似文献   

从控制走向协调,以治理代替管理,既是世界高等教育改革的趋势,也是美国公立大学一直努力的方向,而加州大学则是将这种努力践行得较为彻底的一个成功典范.这种努力具体表现为加州大学一方面通过与政府签订协约、引入市场机制、寻求校外群体的支持等形式来弱化政府的管制色彩,另一方面又充分发挥董事会、学术委员会等治理机构的协调作用,为大学自治提供一系列的缓冲与保护.  相似文献   

The United Nations (UN) Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) aimed to integrate the principles, values and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning around the world. The authors of this article address the implementation process of ESD in Germany during the UN Decade (2005–2014). By undertaking a meta-analysis of the findings of four related sub-studies they carried out during a three-year project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the authors contribute to the understanding of the process of transferring the concept of ESD within a multi-level education system. They investigated this process at two levels – the federal state (a sub-national entity in Germany) and the communal level. Drawing on educational governance theory, the authors unveil principles, norms, rules and procedures in the coordination of action within constellations of heterogeneous actors contributing to the implementation of ESD in their social entities. The outcome of the meta-analysis describes an emerging governance regime in ESD, taking into consideration the following features impacting the coordination of action being carried out by the actors involved: (1) the understanding of the normative concept of ESD as content of negotiation; (2) the perceived opportunity for actors to gain and increase appreciation within the field of ESD as an incentive for and driver of engagement; and (3) the dynamic quality of the set-up, rules and principles of the coordination of action, which renders these subject to situative changes. In the final part of the paper, the findings are discussed from the perspectives of the theory of transfer and the current empirical basis of ESD policy and governance.  相似文献   

目标治理是高校协调学校层面的统一性与学院层面的多元性之矛盾的有效治理方式。我国高校校院规划目标治理机制的核心在于学校与学院的规划目标耦合。对案例大学事业发展五年规划的分析表明,我国高校校院规划目标总体上趋于耦合而非碎片化,耦合的主要途径是政治引导和行政压力的双重作用机制。我国高校治理模式正在从校级独大的单中心治理迈向校院复杂互动的多中心治理。学校对学院的控制和引导方式日趋多样化,其中的关键在于,面对作为多中心利益体的学院时,学校如何将自身目标有效贯彻于学院治理目标之中。  相似文献   

扩大与落实大学办学自主权必须以大学能够有效保障国计民生的核心利益为前提,必须以大学能够有效履行办学自主权为基础。扩大与落实大学办学自主权从来都不是一个简单的政府放权问题,而是以大学战略管理能力不断提升为前提的政府放权与大学有效履行权力之间双向互动、互促共进的动态过程。没有大学战略管理能力的提升,政府简单放权会造成新的"一放就乱、一收就死"的问题。借鉴美国的成功经验,结合我国的实际情况,加强大学战略管理能力建设,应做好完善大学内外部治理结构、重视大学校长选拔和加强院校研究等工作。  相似文献   

从大学的本质特征、大学的学术组织特性来看大学内部治理自治性具有合理性,而大学治理变异的多样性和大学内部治理的困境需要对大学内部治理进行控制。在自治与控制的冲突中,需要创新大学管理制度、重视学术力量的回归、借鉴西方大学内部治理的经验,以达成现代大学内部治理自治与控制的制衡。  相似文献   

大学章程是保证大学权力规范运行、实现大学有效治理的重要载体,制定章程成为我国大学的一项基础性难题。目前,有关大学章程的研究尚属于起步阶段,忽视了大学权力运行与大学章程、大学治理与大学章程之间的关系。随着《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》的颁布实施,我国大学已进入"立宪时代",有关大学章程的研究重点应从重视大学治理结构转向如何提高大学治理的有效性上来。  相似文献   

论大学办学特色   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
大学办学要走特色发展之路。一所大学的特色,是其历史文化沉淀与现实实践共同作用的结果,具有鲜明的个性、基础性和发展性等特点。大学特色的形成是一个长期渐进的过程,大学的历史传统、治校者、教师、学生、发展理念等起最重要、最直接的作用。大学办学特色涵括办学思想特色、目标定位特色、学科专业特色、发展环境特色。大学办学特色的创建,基本思路是弘扬学校传统,升华办学理念;定位发展目标,明确发展思路;强化学科建设,优化院系结构;重视科学研究,增强社会服务。  相似文献   

论大学治理的理论基础——国际视野中的多学科观点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任何一种大学治理理念和治理结构的形成都是建立在不同的理论基础之上的.根据大学理念理论,大学治理强调大学自治、学术自由和教授治校;根据利益相关者理论,大学治理主张利益相关者共同治理;根据委托代理理论,大学治理重视形成有效的制衡机制;根据管家理论,大学治理应当创设一种授权和参与的环境,最大限度地发挥管理者的潜能.在大学治理实践中,应当汲取各派理论中的合理成分.  相似文献   

教学实验室建设水平的高低、质量的好坏与学校创新人才的培养和可持续发展有直接关系。本对我校教学实验室建设作了全面总结和思考,并重点阐述了实验室建设过程中采取项目管理的重要性,同时对今后教学实验室建设提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines social coordination by the Brazilian Black Movement in the area of Brazilian education. It explains how these developments relate to the construction of race-based public education policies in the country. Focus goes to the process of creation and implementation of law 10.639 in Brazilian Basic education. Using the concept ‘diffuse governance’, the argument is made that at present it are the multiple actions by the Brazilian Black Movement, in diverse arenas of dispute, and interacting with a range of actors, that enable us to understand the social coordination/regulation in the process of constructing and implementing Law 10.639.  相似文献   

大学的治权:理念和资金的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学面临着一个混乱的时代,许多国家的大学都为数量、质量、治权和经营的问题所困扰。本试图从分析大学理念和资金的关系入手,解剖大学治权的深层结构、所存在的问题和未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

IT治理是当前世界大学信息化体制建设的核心议题。作者考察和分析了美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校IT治理改革历程,指出提升大学核心活动价值,以信息化促进大学战略使命实现是信息化发展目标;实现IT管理与IT服务相分离,以对IT项目与预算的决策、监管为主线,构建多群体参与的IT权责框架是IT治理改革的核心;通过IT规划与自我IT治理审查认清问题,在校长直接推动下,以校领导换届为契机,广泛发动校内外多群体推行IT治理改革。实践表明,IT治理改革是校内外相关群体利益的再次分配,是关乎大学文化的一场变革,是推动大学治理改革的切入点。  相似文献   

制度主义中的制度同形与路径依赖理论是理解高等教育变革的有力工具。进入20世纪70年代以来,德国高等教育环境发生了巨大的改变,主要体现在高等教育系统扩张,高等教育日益国际化,民众对政府管理方式的质疑以及市场化办学意识盛行。为了面对新的高等教育环境,德国大学引入了新的治理手段,如签订目标协定、引入绩效拨款、加强大学校长权力、设立大学理事会等。综观德国大学治理制度改革,其存在着向新公共管理制度靠近的趋向,也存在着明显的改革路径依赖,即沿着传统的洪堡大学模式在缓慢前进,国家和教授的权力依旧在大学治理中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

我国的教师教育协同治理研究处于起步阶段,面临治理主体协同能力不足、协同治理结构制度保障不济、协同治理过程实践效能不佳、协同治理文化推力不足等困境。界定教师教育协同治理理论内涵及特征原则,重构教师教育主体价值共识,激发主体协同动力;优化管理程序,提升主体协同能力;完善制度结构,厘清协同治理主体间的权责关系;搭建统筹管理平台,优化教师教育治理实践过程;增强协调沟通,厚植包容信任的治理文化,以期推进教师教育治理现代化。  相似文献   

利益相关者理论与大学管理体制创新   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
与企业相比,大学是一种典型的利益相关者组织,大学的决策必须权衡和兼顾各方利益相关者的利益。大学的利益相关者可以分为核心利益相关者、重要利益相关者、间接利益相关者和边缘利益相关者四个层次。为了维护各方利益相关者的利益,应重视大学利益相关者共同治理,加强大学外部利益相关者对大学的监督,强化大学内部利益相关者的权力制衡等,以推进我国大学管理体制的改革与创新。  相似文献   

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