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该文研究对象是团队沟通对团队信任与团队绩效的调节作用。运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等,深入了解团队之间产生的影响机制变化。研究认为:随着运动水平不断提高,我国高水平运动员的技术和体能差异也在逐渐缩减。在现代团队的体育比赛中,运动员不仅要有高超的技术和良好的身体素质,还要有较为牢靠的团队关系,因此,需要重视队员之间的信任和沟通。团队队员应增加队员间的沟通频率,增强反馈效果和学习程度,提高团队成员的信任程度,从而增加团队成员之间的默契,加深彼此的了解程度,促进技战术配合,更好地完成训练、比赛目标和团队任务,最终达到提升团队绩效的目的。  相似文献   

“变换组合”是一种生生交往的新形式。学生在比赛进行一个阶段后,获胜的运动小团体中,较强的几个成员要通过猜手掌的正反的形式来选择一个成员到对方的运动小团体去;暂时失利的运动小团体则由本团体中较弱的几个成员通过猜手掌正反的形式来选择一个成员到对方的运动小团体;然后两个更新后的运动小团体,又重新开始比赛,周而复始。这种交往形式使得每个运动小团体的成员都不固定,都在不停地变换中,这样比赛获胜不再是比赛的目的,而追求平衡,追求和谐,追求完美,追求友谊,享受运动的快乐,把学生间这种比赛推向了更高的境界。每个运动小团体个人…  相似文献   

太极柔力球的竞赛方法和规则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 一、竞赛方法 太极柔力球竞赛设有:团体、单打、双打、混双等比赛形式。单打采用五局三胜制;双打、混双采用三局两胜制;团体赛设三对双打,两对单打,均为三局两胜制,五场中先胜三场的队获胜。 二、规则简介 (一)场地设备 单打比赛在长12米,宽5米的场地内进行。 双打比赛在长12米,宽7米的  相似文献   

从"团队"的概念及其特征辨析、团队特征定位、绩效特征分析等方面阐述中国国家足球队的团队特征,并就如何打造高绩效的团队进行讨论.结论:中国国家足球队具有明显的团队特征;中国国家足球队不具备高绩效团队的相应特征,不是高绩效团队.建议:进一步明确团队目标及各个成员间的分工;明确共同的纪律原则及制度保障,并严格执行;培养并强化团队成员的责任感及对团队文化的认同感;明确内部关系处理机制,加强团队成员之间的沟通.  相似文献   

网球选手随着年龄的增长,一个人控制全场比赛的能力变得力不从心了。与单打比赛相比很多人倾向于双打。另外,许多人认为从社交观点来看双打比赛也是很有魅力的。单打比赛是一个对一个,相对单纯一些,双打比赛较为复杂,既要加强同伴间的团结,又要瓦解对手的联合。从心理学观点采看,要取得双打比赛的成功,必须处理好同伴及对手之间的思想、风格、个性以及协调配合等关系。双打比赛身体方面的技术固然重要,但心理方面的素质特别是默契配合的表现却是首要的。默契配合不率是语言方面,也包括非语言方面的配合,也就是“意会”和“言传”…  相似文献   

运用文献资料、数理统计和录像观察等方法,对2014~2015赛季NBA总决赛勇士队获胜4场和失利2场比赛运动员的临场表现情况进行研究,分析勇士队获胜和失利的原因,从而找出自身的优势与不足,并有针对性地进行训练。结果表明:三分球命中率和助攻是勇士队获胜的主要原因;缺乏总决赛经验、三分球命中率不稳定是勇士队失利的主要原因。  相似文献   

一、对运动队科研团队的认识团队是指成员自觉努力,相互取长补短,整体绩效大于个体绩效之和的群体。具备以下几个特点:团队是一种特殊的群体;团队的成员互补性较强;团队成员能自觉为实现目标而努力工作;整体绩效大于个体绩效之和。运动队科研团队是指一群具备技能互补性和角色互补性的科研人员和医务人员组合在一起,实现了整体绩效大于个体绩效之和,目的是为了使运动队充分发挥科技先导、服务、支持和保障作用,实现训练和管理过程的科学化,取得优异比赛成绩。  相似文献   

张侠 《网球天地》2008,(4):84-89
网球比赛不能单纯地防守,而要在防守的同时进攻,这才是双打高手获胜的秘诀。这里为大家介绍的阵形,目的在于使己方阵形不被对方打乱,从而从对方身上取分。  相似文献   

运用BFS心境量表对大学生排球运动员比赛心境变化进行分析,结果表明:除思虑性外,获胜方比赛前后心境变化呈增强趋势,其中愉悦性的差异具有显著性。失利方比赛前后的思虑性及负性因子变化呈增强趋势,而活跃性、愉悦性、平静性的变化呈减弱趋势,其中愤怒性、抑郁性、无活力性、愉悦性的差异具有显著性。胜方活跃性的变化特征与锻炼性比赛相一致,其它因子变化特征与竞技性比赛相一致;失利方心境变化特征符合赛前高活跃性、高激动性的预期心境变化效益和赛后的低活跃性、低激动性的动力平衡机制。  相似文献   

2010年,义乒联赛在团体赛的赛制上进行了重大修改,具有联赛排兵布阵阵型多样化、双打项目呈现多变性、精彩性和观赏性更强、更能提升团队实力、主客队获胜率趋于平衡、更注重媒体宣传6大特点。研究认为:双打组合对比赛成绩产生影响、团队最强者不必参加两个单打、团队人员组织要科学合理、媒体推动着赛事质量和效果、比赛观赏性和趣味性来源于比赛规则创新6种结论。  相似文献   

Verbal and nonverbal communication is a critical mediator of performance in team sports and yet there is little extant research in sports that involves direct measures of communication. Our study explored communication within NCAA Division I female tennis doubles teams. Video and audio recordings of players during doubles tennis matches captured the communications that took place between and during points. These recordings were coded and sequential analysis computed using the Discussion Analysis Tool software (Jeong, 2003). Results indicated that most communications were emotional (i.e., > 50%) or action statements (i.e., > 25%). Winning teams exhibited significantly different communication sequences than losing teams. In particular, winning teams had a more homogeneous model of communication, which perhaps makes message interpretation more reliable. Finally, winning teams exchanged twice as many messages as losing teams.  相似文献   

通过对九运会女子排球决赛阶段前 12名队 4 6场比赛技术数据的统计 ,运用对比分析法对胜、负队主要得失分因子和制胜规律进行了研究。结果表明 :扣球技术和对方送分是胜队获胜的主要因素 ,负队失分的关键因子是防守失误  相似文献   

Determinants of possession of the ball in soccer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In research on the importance of the possession of the ball in soccer, little attention has been paid to its determinants. Using data from 170 matches of the 2003 - 2004 Spanish Soccer League, we explain why differences in the possession of the ball among teams are so great. In particular, four variables are examined: evolving match status (i.e. whether the team is winning, losing or drawing), venue (i.e. playing at home or away), and the identities of the team and the opponent in each match. Results of linear regression analysis show that these four variables are statistically significant and together explain most of the variance in possession. In short, home teams have more possession than away teams, teams have more possession when they are losing matches than when winning or drawing, and the identity of the opponent matters - the worse the opponent, the greater the possession of the ball. Combinations of these variables could be used to develop a model that predicts possession in soccer.  相似文献   

从得失分的角度,对福建青年男排参加2000年3月全国青年男排锦标赛得失分进行分析和研究,福建青年男排经过一年多的努力,技战术水平有明显的提高和进步,目前处于全国青年男排的中上游水平,但技术发挥还不够细腻和稳定,有待在今后和比赛中加予提高。  相似文献   

通过分析2015年女排世界杯中国女排在3场11局比赛中的进攻技术、防守技术、及参赛队员基本情况等,探讨我国女排技术的发展方向.研究结果表明:中国女排参赛队员的基本情况较为理想;在胜负场比率、胜负局比率和得失分比率三方面表现令人满意;在发球技术、扣球技术、拦网技术和传球技术等进攻技术以及在接发球技术、拦网技术和后排防守技术等防守技术方面都好于其他11支世界女排强队.依据本次女排的技战术发挥状态,有针对性的提出建议,希望为提高我国女排的竞技水平和训练效果提供理论参考依据.  相似文献   


In research on the importance of the possession of the ball in soccer, little attention has been paid to its determinants. Using data from 170 matches of the 2003 – 2004 Spanish Soccer League, we explain why differences in the possession of the ball among teams are so great. In particular, four variables are examined: evolving match status (i.e. whether the team is winning, losing or drawing), venue (i.e. playing at home or away), and the identities of the team and the opponent in each match. Results of linear regression analysis show that these four variables are statistically significant and together explain most of the variance in possession. In short, home teams have more possession than away teams, teams have more possession when they are losing matches than when winning or drawing, and the identity of the opponent matters – the worse the opponent, the greater the possession of the ball. Combinations of these variables could be used to develop a model that predicts possession in soccer.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were (1) to compare water polo game-related statistics by context (winning and losing teams) and sex (men and women), and (2) to identify characteristics discriminating the performances for each sex. The game-related statistics of the 64 matches (44 men's and 20 women's) played in the final phase of the Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008 were analysed. Unpaired t-tests compared winners and losers and men and women, and confidence intervals and effect sizes of the differences were calculated. The results were subjected to a discriminant analysis to identify the differentiating game-related statistics of the winning and losing teams. The results showed the differences between winning and losing men's teams to be in both defence and offence, whereas in women's teams they were only in offence. In men's games, passing (assists), aggressive play (exclusions), centre position effectiveness (centre shots), and goalkeeper defence (goalkeeper-blocked 5-m shots) predominated, whereas in women's games the play was more dynamic (possessions). The variable that most discriminated performance in men was goalkeeper-blocked shots, and in women shooting effectiveness (shots). These results should help coaches when planning training and competition.  相似文献   

通过对2006~2007赛季CBA总决赛5场比赛进攻与防守技术、战术特征的探讨和分析,找出八一队和广东队胜负的原因,为中国职业篮球联赛(CBA)各队的技战术发展提供理论上的借鉴和依据。  相似文献   

第28届奥运会中国女子排球队得失分情况的比较研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
通过对2 0 0 4年第2 8届奥运会女子排球比赛中国女子排球队8场比赛得失分情况的分类统计,运用数理分析、比较研究等方法探讨了中国女子排球队在进攻、拦网及发球得失分方面与其他各队相比的优势和差距。  相似文献   

通过对参加2005年大冠军杯女子排球比赛的各国球队的得失分情况进行分类统计,旨在从中找出中国女子排球队在进攻、拦网及发球得分能力方面的优势和差距。  相似文献   

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