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Sated rats, previously trained to leverpress for H2O reinforcement on continuous or variable-interval (10-sec or 60-sec) schedules, were given NaCl injections and tested for leverpressing. Under all schedules, responding was an inverted U function of NaCl concentration (0.15M to 3.0M). However, NaCl thirst produced relatively little change in behavior under the VI 60-sec schedule.  相似文献   

The conservation model was generalized to the variable-interval schedule by incorporating the concept of unscheduled instrumental responses, those which occur in the time before the next setup is due. Thirsty rats responded in constant-duration sessions on two 7-sec schedules that required one leverpress for 25 and 50 licks at a water tube and on a 14-sec 25-lick schedule. In accordance with the model, total licks decreased linearly as total presses increased, and the schedules facilitated leverpressing and suppressed licking relative to paired baseline levels of responding. While the matching model also gave a satisfactory fit to instrumental responding under the schedules, its two constants, representing asymptotic rate of responding and extraneous reinforcement, had anomalous values which led the model to predict that response rate would decrease as the rate of reinforcement increased, directly opposing its prediction for the constant-consumption experiments of its previous tests.  相似文献   

In two experiments, food-deprived rat subjects leverpressed for food in three successive training phases. In the first phase of both experiments, rats were exposed to a multiple schedule, one component of which produced a high rate of response, and the other of which produced a lower rate of response (multiple random ratio [RR], random interval [RI] in Experiment 1, and multiple differential reinforcement of high rate, differential reinforcement of low rate in Experiment 2). Rats were then transferred to a multiple fixed interval (FI; 60-sec, 60-sec) schedule, until the effects of the first phase on response rate were no longer apparent and their response rates did not differ from those of rats responding on a multiple FI 60-sec, FI 60-sec schedule without previously experiencing a multiple RR, RI schedule. During the third stage oftraining, all rats were placed into extinction. During extinction, rates of responding were higher in the component previously associated with the high rate of responding in Phase 1, and they were lower in the component previously associated with low rates of responding in Phase 1. These results suggest that resurgence effects, like other history effects, are controlled by previous rates of responding.  相似文献   

Pigeons received variable-interval (VI) reinforcement for keypecking during randomized presentations of seven line-orientation stimuli forming a continuum ranging from horizontal (0 deg) to vertical (90 deg). Each line presentation lasted for 30 sec and was preceded and followed by 30-sec time-outs. After responding stabilized, only responding in the two extreme stimuli (0 and 90 deg) was reinforced. As discrimination training proceeded, strong behavioral contrast and dimensional contrast effects appeared. However, only marginal local effects (local contrast and local dimensional effects), exerted by one line-orientation component upon a second, appeared, indicating that behavioral and dimensional contrast may be independent of parallel local effects. An attempt was made to apply Blough’s (1975) quantitative model of operant generalization and discrimination to the present discrimination procedure. However, this model did not predict the generalization gradient shape that was experimentally obtained. This experiment also yielded two serendipitous findings: (1) Positive behavioral contrast appeared in an extinction-related stimulus (time-out) when other stimuli were switched from reinforcement to extinction (hitherto, positive behavioral contrast had been observed only in responding to a reinforcementrelated stimulus when other stimuli were switched from reinforcement to extinction), and (2) final responding was higher in the presence of an extinction stimulus that had always been an extinction stimulus than it was in the presence of other extinction stimuli that had previously been paired with VI reinforcement.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we assessed whether rats optimize the number of reinforcers per response. In Experiment 1, one group of rats was trained to leverpress for food reinforcement on a simple variable-interval (VI) 60-sec schedule. For another group, a negative fixed-ratio component was imposed on the VI schedule to produce a conjoint contingency in which reinforcement became available on the VI schedule but was omitted when the ratio criterion was satisfied. In Experiment 2, one group of rats responded on a VI schedule and also received response-independent food. For another group, responding above a certain rate canceled the response-independent food. Despite the negative contingency experienced by the groups in Experiments 1 and 2, responding was maintained at a level at which the number of obtained reinforcers was reduced substantially below the maximum number possible. In addition, in both experiments, the groups that experienced the negative contingency responded at a lower rate than did a yoked control group that experienced the same frequency of reinforcement but lacked the negative component. These results demonstrate that although rats do not optimize their behavior with respect to reinforcement, they are nevertheless sensitive to some aspect of the instrumental contingency in operation.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined the effects of signaling reinforcement during operant responding in order to illuminate the factors underlying instrumental overshadowing and potentiation effects. Specifically, we examined whether signaling reinforcement produces an enhancement and attentuation of responding when the response-reinforcer correlation is weak and strong, respectively. In Experiment 1, rats responded on variable-ratio (VR) or variable-interval (VI) schedules that were equated for the number of responses emitted per reinforcer. A signal correlated with reinforcement enhanced response rates on the VR schedule, but attenuated response rates were produced by the signal on the VI schedule. In Experiment 2, two groups of rats responded on a VI schedule while the two other groups received a conjoint VI, negative fixed-ratio schedule in which the subjects lost the availability of reinforcements if they emitted high response rates. A reinforcement signal attenuated responding for the simple VI groups but not for the animals given the negative fixed-ratio component, although the signal improved response efficiency in both groups. In Experiment 3, a poor correlation between responding and reinforcement was produced by a VI schedule onto which the delivery of response-independent food was superimposed. A signal for reinforcement initially elevated responding on this schedule, relative to an unsignaled condition; however, this pattern was reversed with further training. In sum, the present experiments provide little support for the view that signaling reinforcement enhances responding when the response-reinforcer correlation is weak and attenuates responding when this correlation is strong.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were exposed to multiple schedules with concurrent variable interval (VI) components and then tested for preference transfer. Half of the pigeons were trained on a multiple concurrent VI 20-sec, VI 40-sec/cuncurrent VI 4G-sec5 VI 80-sec schedule. The remaining pigeons were trained on a multiple concurrent VI 80-sec, VI 40-sec/concurrent VI 40-sec, VI 20-sec schedule-After stability criteria for time and response proportions were simultaneously met, four preference transfer tests were conducted with the stimuli associated with the VI 40-sec schedules. During the transfer tests, each pigeon allocated a greater proportion of responses (M=0,79) and time (M=0.82) to the stimulus associated with the VI 40-sec schedule that was paired with the VI 80-sec schedule than lo the VI 40-sec schedule stimulus paired with the VI 20-sec schedule. Absolute reinforcement rates on the two VI 40 sec schedules were approximately equal and unlikely to account for the observed preference. Nor was the preference consistent with the differences in local reinforcement rates associated with the two stimuli. Instead, the results were interpreted in terms of the differential value that stimuli acquire as a function of previous pairings with alternative schedules of reinforcement.  相似文献   

We explored response rate as a possible mediator of learned stimulus equivalence. Five pigeons were trained to discriminate four clip art pictures presented during a 10-sec discrete-trial fixed interval (FI) schedule: two paired with a one-pellet reinforcer, which supported a low rate of responding, and two paired with a nine-pellet reinforcer, which supported a high rate of responding. After subjects associated one stimulus from each of these pairs with a discriminative choice response, researchers presented two new clip art stimuli during a 10-sec FI: one trained with a differential reinforcement of low rate schedule (DRL) after the FI and the other trained with a differential reinforcement of high rate schedule (DRH) after the FI. Each of the stimuli that were withheld during choice training was later shown to see if the choice responses would transfer to these stimuli. The results suggest that response rate alone does not mediate learned stimulus equivalence.  相似文献   

Following training on a variable-interval food reinforcement schedule, rats were exposed to Pavlovian procedures which produced reliable conditioned suppression and conditioned acceleration of the leverpressing (instrumental) baseline. When free food was simultaneously made available in the test cage, all subjects spent the majority of each session “freeloading,” that is, eating food from a dish rather than leverpressing for it. When superimposed upon the freeloading baseline, the conditioned suppression and conditioned acceleration procedures affected the rate of pellet consumption identically in magnitude and direction to their previous effects on leverpressing. These results suggest a motivational mechanism for conditioned suppression and acceleration, rather than one which depends upon spurious punishment of specific response sequences.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the presumed relationship between behavioral contrast and inhibitory stimulus control. In Experiment I, pigeons were exposed to mult VI 1-min VI 1-min or mult VI 5-min VI 5-min during baseline training prior to mult VI 1-min VI 5-min discrimination training. Half of the subjects received a timeout (TO) component during baseline in order to reduce the degree of contrast during discrimination training. Only 3 of 8 subjects receiving the TO showed contrast while all other subjects showed various degrees of contrast. Postdiscrimination generalization gradients indicated excitatory rather than inhibitory control by the stimulus associated with the VI 5-min schedule. During baseline training in Experiment II, responding to all the generalization stimuli was reinforced. In addition, some subjects received the TO stimulus. The subjects were next exposed to mult VI 1-min EXT, mult VI 1-min VI 5-min, or just the VI 5-min component. Generalization gradients indicated inhibitory control by the stimulus associated with EXT or VI 5-min for 19 of 20 subjects even though some subjects did not show contrast. These results question the presumed relationship between behavioral contrast and inhibitory stimulus control.  相似文献   

Previous experiments on behavioral momentum have shown that relative resistance to extinction of operant behavior in the presence of a stimulus depends on the rate of reinforcement associated with that stimulus, even if some of those reinforcers occur independently of the behavior. We present three experiments examining whether the rate of reinforcement in the presence of a stimulus similarly modulates the relative relapse of operant behavior produced by reinstatement, resurgence, and renewal paradigms. During baseline conditions, pigeons responded for food reinforcement on variable-interval 120-sec schedules in alternating periods of exposure to two stimuli arranged by a multiple schedule. Additional response-independent food presentations were also delivered in the presence of one of the multiple-schedule stimuli. Consistent with previous research, baseline response rates were lower in the presence of the stimulus with the added response-independent reinforcement, and relative resistance to extinction was greater in the presence of that stimulus. In addition, following extinction, the relative relapse of responding produced by reinstatement, resurgence, and renewal paradigms was greater in the presence of the stimulus associated with the higher rate of reinforcement. We suggest that a model of extinction from behavioral momentum theory may be useful for understanding these results.  相似文献   

Three experiments were designed to study the effects of contextual conditioning on the extinction of instrumental leverpressing that had been reinforced on a random-interval schedule. In Experiment 1, noncontingent food retarded extinction, but signaling food delivery, a treatment that should reduce contextual conditioning, reduced the interference. Experiment 2 replicated the results of Experiment 1 and demonstrated that if the food preceded rather than followed the signal, the retardation of extinction was not reduced but was enhanced. In Experiment 3, non-contingent leverpressing was used to directly verify that the three treatments—forward signaling, noncontingent food, and backward signaling—differentially influenced contextual conditioning. Forward signaling produced the least, and backward signaling produced the most, contextual conditioning. This monotonic relationship between contextual conditioning and interference with extinction was used as evidence to support the argument that context-food associations are important in controlling instrumental responding.  相似文献   

After rats were trained to leverpress for 1, 3, 9, or 27 days on a variable interval reinforcement schedule, omission training was compared with extinction in effectiveness of response elimination. Extinction produced faster response elimination than omission, although both procedures eventually led to equal response elimination. Resistance to response elimination increased with length of baseline training, although this effect did not interact with omission vs extinction. A test of the durability of elimination effects followed, using a response-independent variable time reinforcement schedule. After extinction, resumption of responding in the durability test increased with length of baseline training, but there was little response resumption following omission regardless of the length of the baseline training. These results amplify and extend previous findings which show omission to be an effective and durable response elimination method.  相似文献   

Rats pressed levers for Noyes pellets or keys for sweetened condensed milk reinforcers delivered by multiple schedules. Session length and baseline rates of reinforcement were varied in two experiments. Rates of responding increased during the early part of the session and then decreased for both responses and reinforcers, as well as for all subjects and values of the independent variables. Changes in response rates across the session sometimes exceeded 500%. Respoiise rates peaked approximately 20 min after the beginning of the session, regardless of session duration, when subjects responded on a multiple variable interval 1-min variable interval 1-min schedule. The function was flatter for longer sessions than it was for shorter sessions. The function was flatter, more symmetrical, and peaked later for lower rates of reinforcement than for higher rates of reinforcement. The function appeared early in training, and further experience moved and reduced its peak. Variables related to reinforcement exerted more control over some aspects of this function than did variables related to responding. These within-session patterns of responding may have fundamental implications for experimental design and theorizing.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a multiple variable-interval 5-min variable-interval 5-min schedule and then shifted to either a multiple variable-interval 1-min variable-interval 5-min or a multiple variable-interval 30-sec variable-interval 5-min schedule. A generalization test was subsequently administered along the dimension containing the stimulus associated with the variable-interval 5-min component. The generalization gradients for subjects that received multiple variable-interval 1-min variable-interval 5-min training were not consistent in shape. However, an incremental gradient was obtained from each subject that received multiple variable-interval 30-sec variable-interval 5-min training. Thus, a sufficiently large reduction in merely the relative frequency of reinforcement during a stimulus resulted in that stimulus’ acquiring inhibitory control over responding.  相似文献   

Behavior reduced as a consequence of extinction or intervention can relapse. According to behavioral momentum theory, the extent to which behavior persists and relapses once it has been eliminated depends on the relative training reinforcement rate among discriminative stimuli. In addition, studies of context renewal reveal that relapse depends on the similarity between the training stimulus context and the test stimulus context following disruption by extinction. In the present experiments with pigeons, we arranged different reinforcement rates in the presence of distinct discriminative stimuli across components of a multiple schedule. Following extinction, we attempted to reinstate responding in the presence of those target components with response-independent food presentations. Importantly, we arranged the reinstating food presentations either within the target components or in separate components, either paired with extinction (Experiment 1) or reinforcement (Experiment 2) during baseline. Reinstatement increased with greater training reinforcement rates when the reinstating food presentations were arranged in the target components and the separate components paired with reinforcement during training. Reinstatement was smaller and was not systematically related to training reinforcement rates in the target components when reinstating food presentation occurred in separate components paired with extinction. These findings suggest that relapse depends on the history of reinforcement associated with the discriminative stimuli in which the relapse-inducing event occurs.  相似文献   

Following training on a variable-interval food-reinforcement schedule, rats were exposed to three unsignaled shocks during each 30-min session. Although leverpressing was initially suppressed, responding was significantly accelerated following offset of the third shock, regardless of when in the session it occurred. Control sessions in which only two shocks were programmed, one early and one late, did not yield baseline acceleration. Evidence of “counting to three” was less obvious in subjects simultaneously exposed to a temporal autocontingency, that is, for which each shock also predicted a minimum 3-min safety period. The addition of a signal prior to each shock eliminated evidence of counting behavior altogether. We conclude that rats may be taught to count, but such behavior is highly unnatural and may be blocked or overshadowed by more salient sources of information.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that running in a rotating wheel functions as a reinforcer for leverpressing in rats. In these studies, the pattern of responding was similar to the pattern of responding maintained by consummatory reinforcers, such as food and water. The present study investigated quantitative features of responding maintained by running. In previous experiments in which responses were reinforced according to variable-interval (VI) schedules and food and water served as the reinforcer, the equation for a rectangular hyperbola described the relationship between response rate and reinforcement rate. This experiment tested whether this quantitative regularity also applies to leverpressing maintained by the opportunity to run in a wheel. Fourteen male Wistar rats responded on levers for the opportunity to run. In each session, subjects were exposed to a series of VI schedules. An opportunity to run for 60 sec was the reinforcing consequence. Results showed that response rate was a negatively accelerated function of reinforcement rate, and the relationship between these two variables was described well by the equation for a rectangular hyperbola. To further test the similarity between running and consummatory reinforcers, the response requirement and access were manipulated. In previous experiments with food and water, these types of manipulations differentially changed the two parameters of the hyperbola. A similar pattern of results was obtained with wheel running. Thus, the equation appears to apply to running about as well as it does to consummatory reinforcers.  相似文献   

We present an algebraic model of resistance to extinction that is consistent with research on resistance to change. The model assumes that response strength is a power function of reinforcer rate and that extinction involves two additive, decremental processes: (1) the termination of the reinforcement contingency and (2) generalization decrement resulting from reinforcer omission. The model was supported by three experiments. In Experiment 1, 4 pigeons were trained on two-component multiple variable-interval (VI) 60-sec, VI 240-sec schedules. In two conditions, resistance to change was tested by terminating the response-reinforcer contingency and presenting response-independent reinforcers at the same rate as in training. In two further conditions, resistance to change was tested by prefeeding and by extinction. In Experiment 2, 6 pigeons were trained on two-component multiple VI 150-sec schedules with 8-sec or 2-sec reinforcers, and resistance to change was tested by terminating the response-reinforcer contingency in three conditions. In two of those conditions, brief delays were interposed between responses and response-independent reinforcers. In both Experiments 1 and 2, response rate was more resistant to change in the richer component, except for extinction in Experiment 1. In Experiment 3, 8 pigeons were trained on multiple VI 30-sec, VI 120-sec schedules. During extinction, half of the presentations of each component were accompanied by a novel stimulus to produce generalization decrement. The extinction data of Experiments 1 and 3 were well described by our model. The value of the exponent relating response strength and reinforcement was similar in all three experiments.  相似文献   

The present experiment compared two methods of eliminating a classically conditioned response in dogs, extinction and reinforcement of nonsalivation, using both a within- and between-subjects experimental design. Eighteen dogs were trained for 16 days in Phase I, 16 days in Phase II, and 8 days in Phase III. In Phase I, each subject received classical conditioning training to two stimuli. In Phase II, Group 1 received extinction training to one stimulus and reinforcement of nonsalivation to the other stimulus. Group 2 received continued classical conditioning training to one stimulus and reinforcement on nonsalivation training to the other. Group 3 received continued classical conditioning training to one stimulus and extinction training to the other. In both the within- and between-subjects comparisons, responding to the stimulus associated with extinction was eliminated faster than responding to the stimulus associated with reinforcement of nonsalivation.  相似文献   

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