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创新学习心理素质是由创新意识、创新能力和进取心三部分组成的相互联系相互制约的有机统 一体,是从事创新学习活动的必要条件。文章就如何具备良好的创新学习心理素质进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

课堂教学中的认知目标和心理素质教育目标两是相互联系、相互制约、相互影响的。以渗透的方式开展心理素质教育,具有潜移默化的特点,学生在学习知识的同时,逐渐形成健康的心理品质。  相似文献   

谈创新心理素质的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新心理教育就其本质来说,是以增强创新素质为目的的心理教育。就创新而言是无法通过教育达到的,但从事创新活动所需要的心理素质是可以通过教育特别是创新心理教育来培养和提高的。提高受教育者的创新心理素质,必须通过受教育者在创新学习中不断地内化、积累和实践来实现。笔者认为,具体应从以下几方面着手。1.创新意识。创新意识的构成要素多,也很复杂。一般认为,它包括智力因素的几乎所有方面和非智力因素的情感方面,是人对客观世界的自觉能动的反映,自觉中交织着自由,能动中渗透着必然,而在自觉、自由、能动、必然的互动中…  相似文献   

课堂教学活动作为学校教育的主阵地,也是心理健康教育的主阵地。只有把心理健康教育渗透到课堂教学过程中,提高学生的心理素质和健康意识,才能更好地帮助学生解决困扰学习的心理问题,调节和优化学习的心理状态,有效地投入到学习活动之中,从而提高学生的全面素质。小学语文教材中蕴含着许多培养学生良好心理素质的因素。  相似文献   

本针对素质教育中存在的心理素质教育薄弱的现实,详细分析了心理素质与学习活动的关系,阐明了心理素质教育的重要意义。  相似文献   

师范生作为未来的教师,其职业心理素质如何直接影响教师队伍的整体水平和质量,进而影响青少年一代的健康成长。本文调查分析了师范生职业心理素质现状,探讨师范院校心理素质教育中存在的问题,提出了师范生职业心理素质教育的对策,即强化教师角色意识,突出师范教育专业特色;增强创新意识,塑造创新个性,培养创新能力;倡导合作精神,强化参与意识,提高师范生的科研能力;深入开展心理素质教育活动,全面提升师范生职业心理素养。  相似文献   

该文针对东南大学公共卫生学院本科教育进行分析,发现目前存在一些问题,诸如部分同学专业思想不稳固,缺乏学习动力;缺乏挫折教育,心理素质有待提高;动手能力不强;毕业设计时间短,学生主动性不够等。于是提出可行的解决方案:建立本科生导师制,开展社会实践活动;进行心理素质教育;建立公共卫生开放实验室,可让学生以开展课外科技活动、科技创新活动等形式进入实验室;继续加强毕业实习导师制;建立学生教育质量评价体系。进行一段时间后,对教学质量进行追踪调查,结果为提高预防医学本科生教育质量提供参考。  相似文献   

创新性学习是指在教师的引导下,学生独立、主动地参与学习,在动态中探索求知,有创意地解决问题的学习方法。 创新性学习体系作为一个系统,要通过各要素间的相互依存、相互渗透,使之在学生的整体发展上达到优化。下面就课堂教学活动中如何构建创新性学习体系,谈谈本人的体会和做法。 1 激发和培养学生自主性心理素质 学生既是教学的对象又是学习的主体,教育要改变学  相似文献   

素质教育是一种全面提高与发展人的素质的教育,其教育观是德才并举;根本任务是为培养全面发展或平衡发展的人才打基础。教育心理学告诉我们,学生的心理素质决定着学习活动和学习效果,而心理素质包括智力因素和非智力因素。智力因素是指人们在认识活动中形成的稳定的心...  相似文献   

"合作竞研"为我校经过三年的实践,探索出的校本研训活动形式,是学校培训青年教师提高教育教学能力和水平的重要手段."合作竞研"指学校组织教师以年级组、竞赛团队或外出观摩团队为单位在一种全新的竞相研究的氛围中相互学习、相互交流、相互提高的活动,以达到创新校本研训、提升每位教师教育教学理论水平和课堂教学能力的目的.  相似文献   

英语学习的自身规律与培养创新型人才的教育目的要求我们,以创新的思路改革英语课堂教学,高度重视创造性思维能力的开发。为此,需要营造一种有利于激发创新精神的学习氛围;要把创造性思维能力的开发和有关知识的传授以及听说读写技能的培养有机地结合起来。形式多样的课堂活动是开发创造性思维的有效途径,而课堂活动任务化对开发创造性思维具有特殊的意义。  相似文献   


Self-directed learning and creativity are critical workplace competences that are important to foster in formal educational settings. Previous studies have identified a relationship between self-directed learning and creativity, but the specific nature of this relationship is unclear. The purpose of the present theoretical paper is to examine through a literature review the possibility that creative learning outcomes can be supported through a self-directed learning process. The importance of considering self-directed learning in the context of adult learning – as a pragmatic learning process – is outlined. A conclusion is drawn that (1) creative learning outcomes are potentially supported through self-directed learning, and (2) in the process, teachers can provide support to learners in three distinct different ways. A variety of pragmatic educational activities that may enable self-directed learning and creative learning outcomes are discussed, including experiential learning; workplace simulations; and problem-, case-, and (e-) portfolio-based learning. In these activities, teacher support seems advantageous for many learners. The three distinct dimensions of teacher support identified in the present paper are important to consider in further empirical studies on self-directed learning.  相似文献   

本文针对目前物理教学受应试教育的影响扼杀学生的个性和创造性的弊端 ,提出了灵动的物理课堂应当让学生成为学生的主人。发挥学生的主动性和创造性。培养学生的创造性学习能力 ,包括创造性学习的兴趣、动力 ;创造性思维、创造性学习实践 ,提倡活跃和活动 ,提倡质疑发问 ,鼓励奇思异想 ,摒弃死记硬背 ,引导学生创造性地“学”物理  相似文献   

科学探究学习是创新教育的重要途径和科学学习的主要途径。模拟软件在创设自主探究学习环境和有效引导探究活动两个方面促进科学探究学习,涉及探究对象动态视觉化表征的作用、类型和方式;可操纵情境和关联的表征物在科学探究中的作用;模拟环境中科学探究活动的程序,探究活动中的指导。  相似文献   

自主创新学习的教学模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主创新的课堂教学模式是以学生为主体,教师为主导的教学模式,注重学生的自主性和发展性,不仅让学生获得知识,而且要让学生得到自主创新学习的体验,以培养他们的创新意识,创新精神和创新能力,实现创新教育的目的。学生自主创新学习能力的培养主要通过定位,探究,评价,内化四个环节的双边活动进行。  相似文献   

The role of teacher is increasingly related to designing and arranging collaborative learning situations in which fruitful and creative group work may occur. This thematic review presents recent studies on creativity and collaborative learning from the perspective of the teacher as conductor of learning processes. The precondition for the design and orchestration of these kinds of learning situations is analysing and understanding of creative and collaborative processes and their contextual adaption. Thus, the first section of this review focuses on the theoretical vantage points of creativity and collaborative learning mainly from socio-cultural perspective. Based on this theoretical grounding, the second section describes principles for orchestrating productive collaborative learning and supporting creativity from the teacher’s perspective. We discuss three dimensions related to how teachers can bring about collaborative learning and creativity: (1) general pedagogical bases, (2) teachers’ pre- and real-time activities and (3) opportunities and challenges for teacher activities. The review is concluded with theoretical and practical implications regarding collaborative learning and creativity.  相似文献   

化学实验既是初中化学教学的重要内容,又是最常用的有效的教学方式,也是学生学习的重要内容和有效的学习方式。化学实验教学不仅可以培养学生的科学态度,让学生掌握科学方法,提高学生素质,而且对培养学生的规范性、探索性和创造性有着重要作用。开展化学实验可以充分调动学生的学习兴趣,有意识引导和设计学生的创造活动,培养其创造思维,发掘其创新意识。  相似文献   

Curriculum and pedagogy in undergraduate fine art can promote an approach to learning creativity that is more about being an artist than knowing about art. Lecturers can provide a road map for developing particular dispositions, in relation to student ideas and perceptions, to foster personalised creativity. This requires that lecturers have an ability to harness the range of learning approaches and interests that students bring to their studio learning environments. One way of doing this is to construct learning activities in ways that engage students' multiple intelligences so they may acquire deeper understandings of their own creative processes. Fostering this kind of creative think tank is artistry of an educational kind. In this article we explore such a creative think tank by examining a particular lecturer's pedagogical approach. We discuss how and why this lecturer designs activities in a way that draws on multiple intelligences to stimulate learning and foster creativity. Using narratives, we analyse this particular curriculum through the lens of multiple intelligence theory and explore how the pedagogical approach develops the whole person. We found that by attending to relationships and focusing on a plurality of intellect this particular curriculum and pedagogy promotes transformative learning in students studying fine art.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to build a bridge between the fields of Computer Supported Cooperative Work and learning in online communities. A framework for group interactions is presented contrasting creative interactions such as collaboration with other but still valuable interaction types. Evaluative tools are proposed capable of identifying particular learning processes associated with various interactive activities. Each field has independently developed notions of inertia in the behaviour of users of these technologies. The notion of media stickiness is examined and related to that of imprinting in learning communities. However, dynamic and creative tracks can also be discerned and the argument is made that true collaboration requires attention to learning processes. Various suggestions are made of value to both fields and further research identified.  相似文献   

苏佳丽 《天津教育》2021,(5):135-136
在现阶段的小学美术课堂教学活动中,教师引进多种不同的活动形式,如DIY创意美术活动,创新教学方法,以此激发小学生的美术学习兴趣,培养小学生的创新、创造思维。本文简要分析了DIY在小学美术教学中的应用价值,并从多个角度入手,对小学美术教学中DIY的应用进行了深入的探究。  相似文献   

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