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在以户籍制度为主导的资源分配和地方治理逻辑下,通过知识精英、大众传媒的符号生产及城市居民的社会标签运作,农民工子女负面刻板印象被固化,导致其地位受损,出现内化污名倾向。面对污名,农民工子女的应对策略包括:建立新的社会分类标准,区别和离弃所属群体,认同并模仿强势群体,以及辨认和展示自我优势。农民工子女身份污名的消除需要从个体、群体以及社会与制度多层面综合介入。  相似文献   

研究采用道德情绪的行为回忆范式,探讨中国大学生在负性道德情绪影响下的应对行为.结果发现:(1)负性道德情绪下的被试更倾向于选择具有掩饰意义的行为词语;(2)负性道德情绪下的被试其亲社会行为水平显著高于控制组;(3)体验到负性道德情绪的被试在做出掩饰动作后,其亲社会行为水平有所下降,与控制组相比无显著差异.上述结果揭示:中国大学生体验到负性道德情绪后更倾向于做出掩饰行为而不是洁净行为.  相似文献   

基层干部污名是指公众因偏见和误解将部分基层干部的负面特征刻板化为整个干部群体的共同特征,进而使其社会身份受损的动态过程。干部污名对基层干部形象带来直接威胁进而影响其工作态度和行政绩效,因此研究干部污名的作用机制及其干预策略具有重要的理论和实践意义。基于压力认知评价理论,本文认为积极干预行为和消极退缩行为是基层干部面对干部污名的两种主要应对方式。公共服务动机在上述过程中起着调节作用,影响基层干部积极干预行为或消极退缩行为的选择,且这两类干预方式对基层干部的行政绩效产生截然不同的影响。通过对所搜集的374份两阶段匹配的数据进行分析显示:对高公共服务动机的基层干部而言,干部污名会激发基层干部的积极干预行为,并通过积极干预行为正面影响行政绩效;对低公共服务动机的基层干部而言,干部污名会引发基层干部的消极退缩行为,并通过消极退缩行为负面影响行政绩效。  相似文献   

贾萍  卢杰 《教书育人》2024,(6):31-33
抑郁障碍是指由多种原因引起的以显著和持久的抑郁症状群为主要特征的一类心境障碍,主要表现为情绪低落、兴趣缺乏、意志活动降低并伴随不同躯体症状[1]。新冠疫情后,抑郁障碍患病人数显著增加。其中,抑郁障碍大学生患病率也有所提升。据2021年调查数据显示,18.5%的大学生具有抑郁倾向,4.2%的大学生具有抑郁高风险倾向[2]。患有抑郁障碍的大学生不仅要忍受抑郁症状带来的痛苦,还要面对抑郁障碍带来的消极刻板印象。这些刻板印象和偏见不但给大学生心理上带来很大压力和冲击,而且影响了他们寻求专业治疗的救助行为。文章以抑郁障碍大学生的临床表现为出发点,分析了抑郁障碍大学生消极刻板印象的形成机制,梳理了近年来有关抑郁障碍刻板印象的相关研究,在此基础上提出了改善抑郁障碍大学生刻板印象的建议。  相似文献   

刻板效应能帮助不同文化间的人们进行判断、评估及互动,然而消极刻板效应可以是最具阻碍性的。在跨文化交际中,我们需要挑战负面刻板印象,意识到滥用消极刻板效应的可能性,并合理地利用刻板效应。  相似文献   

据研究,教师倦怠现象产生的主要原因在于:情绪衰竭、去个性化和成就感的降低.其中情绪衰竭是职业倦怠的核心成分,指感到情绪情感处于极度疲劳状态.如果这种疲劳的情绪状态长期持续下去,个体就会感受到一些负面的情绪,并对工作对象表现出消极、冷漠的行为,就是去个性化.成就感降低是指在工作中效能感的降低以及对自己消极评价倾向的增长.体育教师体验到职业倦怠之后容易对学生失去耐心和爱心,对课程准备的充分性降低,对工作的控制感和成就感下降.这除了对自己有很大的消极影响外,还会对学生的发展有显著的消极影响.因此探讨体育教师的职业倦怠状况,对于提高体育教师的职业生活质量,以及提高教育教学质量具有重要意义.  相似文献   

过去情绪体验是过去时间洞察力的基本维度之一,指个体在过去时间认知的基础上对自己的过去(或过去时间)所持有的一种独特的态度和主观的情感体验。本实验以184名大学生为被试,采用2×2混合设计考察了过去情绪体验对自尊的影响。结果表明:过去正面情绪体验者倾向于高自尊,过去负面情绪体验者倾向于低自尊。对于高自尊词的回忆量,正面情绪组显著高于负面情绪组;对于低自尊词的回忆量,正面情绪组显著低于负面情绪组。在正面情绪组,高自尊词的回忆量显著高于低自尊词的回忆量;在负面情绪组,高自尊词的回忆量与低自尊词的回忆量无显著差异。  相似文献   

据研究,教师倦怠现象产生的主要原因在于:情绪衰竭、去个性化和成就感的降低.其中情绪衰竭是职业倦怠的核心成分,指感到情绪情感处于极度疲劳状态.如果这种疲劳的情绪状态长期持续下去,个体就会感受到一些负面的情绪,并对工作对象表现出消极、冷漠的行为,就是去个性化.成就感降低是指在工作中效能感的降低以及对自己消极评价倾向的增长.  相似文献   

随迁儿童作为社会中的弱势群体,人们对他们存在着消极的刻板印象。当消极刻板印象被激活时,会对随迁儿童造成刻板印象威胁。刻板印象威胁会降低随迁儿童的自尊水平和自我效能感,阻碍随迁儿童的城乡认同整合过程并激化群体间的攻击行为,造成一系列消极的心理和行为后果。对此,可采取发挥内群体榜样的作用、增加随迁儿童和城市儿童之间的积极接触、形成积极刻板印象等措施,助力随迁儿童抵抗刻板印象威胁,促进他们健康成长。  相似文献   

为了研究农村留守儿童刻板印象威胁效应是否存在,以问卷法、访谈法和文献法获取社会人员关于农村留守儿童的外显刻板印象特征词语,以单类内隐联想测验证明农村留守儿童外显刻板印象与内隐刻板印象的一致性,以字母记忆测试和数学等式判断测试来验证农村留守儿童刻板印象威胁效应的存在。结论如下:(1)社会人员对农村留守儿童存在刻板印象,消极的刻板印象多于积极的刻板印象;在消极的刻板印象中,社会人员偏向关注农村留守儿童学习方面的消极特征。(2)社会人员对农村留守儿童积极刻板印象词语的反应显著快于积极非刻板印象的词语,消极刻板印象词语的反应显著慢于消极非刻板印象的词语,表明社会人员对农村留守儿童外显刻板印象与内隐刻板印象相一致。(3)在字母记忆测试中,实验组反应时慢于控制组,正确率低于控制组,反映出农村留守儿童刻板印象威胁效应存在;在数学等式判断测试中,实验组在反应时和正确率上与控制组差异明显,同样反映出农村留守儿童刻板印象威胁效应存在;同时,在上述两种测试中,农村留守女童在反应时与正确率上均优于农村留守男童,性别在行为表现上的差异明显。  相似文献   

Self‐stigma is a phenomenon in which negative public stereotypes about mental illness are internalized and can undermine help‐seeking. Unfortunately, little is known about how self‐stigmatization relates to positive well‐being indicators among youth. A sample of 134 high school students completed established measures of self‐stigma, well‐being, self‐esteem, self‐efficacy, and self‐criticism. Analyses confirmed that self‐stigma was associated with overall well‐being and five well‐being subscales (autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relations, and self‐acceptance); the strongest associations were with autonomy and positive relations with others. The majority of these associations still held when simultaneously controlling for self‐esteem, self‐efficacy, and self‐criticism. Taken together, findings point to the need for greater awareness of self‐stigma along with an explicit focus on the promotion of protective well‐being in prevention work and interventions designed to alleviate the tendency for young people to internalize stigma. Additionally, findings have theoretical implications for the “why try” model of self‐stigma.  相似文献   

This study, which was conducted within a college of further education in London, explored students' attitudes towards people with mental ill health, and examined whether these impact on the learning and well‐being of students with mental illness. The study was carried out in response to complaints about negativity about mental illness within the college. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were employed, which consisted of semantic differential surveys and semi‐structured interviews. Analysis of the results of the latter revealed the presence of stereotypes and prejudice, which had the potential to impact negatively upon learners with mental disorders. The article makes a number of recommendations for future teaching practice, which includes a need to raise awareness of mental health issues, and challenge stereotypes and negative attitudes relating to mental illness, within the classroom.  相似文献   

This study examined whether a new student organization, Active Minds, aimed at increasing awareness of “mental illness” and reducing stigma had an impact on students' stigma and willingness to seek psychological help. Three classes were recruited to become involved in the organization. In a pretest/posttest design, stigma and willingness to seek psychological help were compared between students who became involved in Active Minds and students who did not. Students involved in the organization showed a significant reduction in stigma if they had a history of mental illness in their families. However, willingness to seek psychological help was unaffected. The program's partial success is viewed in terms of empowerment and recovery. The peer support provided through Active Minds may help change people's negative attitudes about mental illness and encourage students to help one another in coping with their diagnoses.  相似文献   

教师作为课堂教学的引导者,其情绪状态对学生、课堂教学乃至师生关系具有重要影响。在课堂教学过程中,教师愤怒、悲伤、厌恶等消极情绪通过多种行为方式作用于学生,引起学生的负性情绪体验,阻碍双方的沟通交流,威胁师生关系。良好的师生关系是学生身心健康发展的基础,也是教育教学活动取得成功的重要前提,所以树立教师正确的观念、提高教师觉察和调控自身情绪的意识及能力成为构建和谐师生关系的必要保障。  相似文献   

为了考察军校学员和一般大学生关于军人的内隐刻板印象状况以及军校学员的军人内隐刻板印象和自我和谐的关系,以军校学员和一般大学生为被试,使用内隐联想测验(IAT)程序测查内隐刻板印象,并采用《自我和谐量表》测查军校学员自我和谐状况。结果发现:1.军校学员和一般大学生在内隐联想测验中不相容条件下的反应时都显著高于相容反应时。2.军校学员和一般大学生的内隐联想测验的效应值存在显著性差异。3.自我和谐量表中的自我刻板性分量表得分能显著预测内隐联想测验效应值。两类大学生对军人的刻板印象均存在内隐性;刻板印象在群体内外强度是不同的,群体内强度显著高于群体外强度;军校学员的自我和谐量表中的自我刻板性得分对其职业的内隐刻板印象具有预测作用。  相似文献   

孙利 《培训与研究》2011,28(1):82-85
为了解高校师生关系状况,并提出改善师生关系的建议。本研究采用开放性问卷调查了56名大学生被试对教师和学生的主要印象,在此基础上编制问卷对来自4所高校的466名大学生被试进行了外显师生刻板印象和师生关系满意感调查,两周后挑选其中72名被试进行内隐联想测验(IAT)。结果表明:大学生有明显的外显师生刻板印象,这些刻板印象不受被试性别、生源地影响;大学生有明显的内隐师生刻板印象,来自农村的大学生比来自城市的大学生内隐刻板程度更深;总体而言,高校师生关系不太乐观;经过数据分析发现,大学生的师生印象与师生关系满意感相关不大。  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(9):1436-1449
The experience of childhood maltreatment is an important predictor of unfavorable emotional and behavioral outcomes. Because little research examined explanatory variables in the relationship between childhood maltreatment experiences and later outcomes, this study examined the role that attachment serves in this relationship. Four hundred twenty-four participants completed questionnaires assessing the variables of interest for this study. Results indicated that both childhood maltreatment experiences (particularly emotional abuse) and attachment (particularly to mothers and peers) are significant predictors of later emotional and behavioral outcomes. Further, attachment contributed unique and significant variance to the relationship between childhood maltreatment experiences and later outcomes. Such findings suggested that secure attachment may serve as a protective factor against maladaptive emotional and behavioral outcomes as children reach emerging adulthood, even in the context of childhood maltreatment experiences. The importance of studying the relationships among these variables is discussed.  相似文献   

The enthusiasm regarding the school as a place for mental health promotion is powered by a large body of research demonstrating the links between mental health and well-being, academic success and future life opportunities. Despite on-going commitment to mental well-being in the U.K., statistics suggest mental health issues are increasing among children and young people. This small-scale qualitative-exploratory study, undertaken in two primary schools in North Wales, reports on how school practitioners perceive, promote and support the mental health and well-being of pupils. The paper highlights a reluctance by practitioners to address mental health topics due to fear of stigma and a desire to protect children. Issues linked to funding, skills and training, together with over-stretched specialist agencies, are making it difficult for school practitioners to support pupils. There is a pressing need for appropriate training opportunities in order for practitioners to be knowledgeable and to feel confident to discuss mental health with children and young people. Schools have a significant role in supporting children’s mental well-being and reducing the stigma attached to mental illness but only if this important topic is not regarded as an ‘elephant in the room’.  相似文献   

地震是威胁人类安全的主要自然灾害之一。2008年5月12日发生的汶川大地震不仅严重威胁了人们的生命安全,而且还给人们的心理造成了极大的创伤。震灾后的心理问题,一方面表现为恐惧、悲伤、焦虑等负性情绪反应,另一方面还包括不良的躯体症状与行为反应。按照一些基本的途径做好震灾后心理健康的重建工作,是当前最重要的一项社会性工作。在震灾后及时地总结经验,建立心理援助的制度化服务体系是震灾后心理健康长期维护的基本保障。  相似文献   

This study examined child and family risk factors and behavioral indices of youths with emotional and behavioral disorders to determine critical factors that predicted the restrictiveness of their educational placements. Placements were defined on a broad continuum which ranged from general education classrooms to residential treatment and incarceration facilities. Results indicated that a discriminant function model which incorporated age, Caucasian identification, juvenile justice involvement, CAFAS score, family history of mental illness, substance use and school attendance indices correctly classified the placement of 53% of the students. Variables of student behavior, severity of behavior, and risk factors such as abuse and out-of-home care were not reliable predictors of placement. These findings are discussed in the context of system of care efforts to reform service system response to youths with special education and mental health needs and their families. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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