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高级英语教学旨在培养英语专业高年级学生对英语名篇的分析和欣赏能力,进而提高语言技能的综合运用能力,其主要改革手段是在教学中采用实践语言学理论中的语篇分析和文体学的研究成果。语篇分析主要从语篇的题目、结构和衔接及连贯三个层面进行理论和实践探讨;文体分析则从语音、词汇和句法结构三个层面进行理论和实践探究。通过语篇分析和文体分析优化了课堂设计,充实了教学内容,提高了高级英语课程教学效果。  相似文献   

高级英语是英语专业学生高年级阶段开设的一门专业必修课程.文章认为,高级英语教学中,教师应该遵循语篇理解过程的规律,运用语篇教学理论,引导学生分析学习语篇技巧,提高学生的语篇理解能力和文学鉴赏能力等.  相似文献   

青立花 《文教资料》2013,(6):183-184
高级英语是英语专业高年级的一门主干课程。独立学院高级英语教学普遍存在忽视语篇分析的不足。语篇分析应用于独立学院高级英语教学中有助于培养学生的语篇意识,加深对课文的理解和欣赏,提高学生的英语综合应用能力。  相似文献   

英语专业综合英语教学为的是培养学生的交际能力,而语篇能力是交际能力的重要组成部分,语篇能力与交际能力的关系、衔接与连贯理论,以及图式理论为语篇分析在英语阅读教学中的运用提供了有力的理论支撑。在教学过程中,教师要结合语篇,加强相关文化背景知识的导入,引导学生识别语篇主题,有意识地培养学生的逻辑推理能力和词汇能力。  相似文献   

近年来,在语言学研究中,语篇分析成为人们日益关注的课题.我国的语篇分析研究深受韩礼德的衔接理论影响,将语篇衔接理论应用于英语教学之中,使学生受到该理论的指导对增强学生对语篇的理解,提高其掌握和运用语言的能力具有积极的意义.[第一段]  相似文献   

本文从语域理论三要素在教学中的具体运用出发,探讨了英语专业高年级高级英语课程教学的几大重要环节,并指出将语域理论引入高级英语教学有助于学生对课文的深层理解和欣赏,培养学生的语篇意识、文体意识和语域意识。  相似文献   

语篇理论自上世纪70年代引进以来,已在我国外语界引起广泛关注。近年来,语篇教学已在英语教学中得到广泛应用。但在具体的教学实践中,我们发现学生英语写作的语篇连贯意识仍很薄弱。从语篇连贯意识培养的角度出发。主要就结构衔接、逻辑衔接以及词汇衔接三方面进行详细论述,旨在提高学生的英语写作能力。  相似文献   

《普通高中英语课程标准》倡导了学生核心素养的培养,明确了培养学生语篇理解能力的重要性。语篇是表达意义的单位,学生正确地理解语篇的意义有赖于学生理解分析语篇的能力。自衔接理论提出以来,不少专家学者对衔接理论做了积极的探索。文章简要介绍了Halliday和Hason的衔接理论。并对国内部分学者的研究结果进行总结发现语篇衔接对阅读教学具有积极意义。因此作者也试图尝试利用语篇衔接的知识促进中学的阅读教学,设计了一堂基于语篇衔接理论的英语阅读课。  相似文献   

近年来,在语言学研究中,语篇分析成为人们日益关注的课题。我国的语篇分析研究深受韩礼德的衔接理论影响,将语篇衔接理论应用于英语教学之中,使学生受到该理论的指导对  相似文献   

如何培养学生文学作品的赏析能力一直是高级英语教学中关注的一个问题。本文以《爱情是个谬误》为例,将功能文体分析引入其词汇、句法和语篇的教学。在该课教学过程中,笔者设计问题,引导学生去探索和发现作品在词汇、句法和语篇三个层面的文体特征,并分析这些特征的功能,帮助学生理解作者是如何在词汇选择、句法多样化和语篇的衔接方面达到其写作目的 。  相似文献   

Analyses of costs and financing are a neglected area in the literature on adult education and training (AET). This paper presents a study of the costs and financing of AET in Shenzhen, a high-growth and fast-changing area in China. Based on a survey of trainees, and administrators, as well as interviews with administrators, managers, and trainees from three different types of AET centers in Shenzhen, the study addressed three research questions: What are the costs of AET? How are resources utilized in AET centers? How is AET financed in a fastchanging area? The study demonstrates some of the methodological difficulties in cost estimation; it provides preliminary evidence of the existence of economies of scale in the operation of AET; and it finds that enterprises and trainees are the major financial sources and that the government has a very limited financing role. The implications of the findings for policy analysis in AET are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper examines how post-secondary agricultural education and training (AET) in sub-Saharan Africa can contribute to agricultural development by strengthening the capacity to innovate—to introduce new products and processes that are socially or economically relevant to smallholder farmers and other agents. Using the AET system in Mozambique as a case study, this paper examines the role of AET within the context of an agricultural innovation system. This innovation systems perspective offers an analytical framework to examine technological change in agriculture as a complex process of interactions among diverse actors who generate, exchange, and use knowledge, conditioned by complex social and economic institutions. The paper argues that while AET is conventionally viewed as key to the development of human capital, it also has a vital role to play in building the capacity of organizations and individuals to transmit and adapt information, products and processes, and new organizational cultures and behaviors. The paper emphasizes the importance of improving AET systems by strengthening the capabilities of organizations and professionals; changing organizational cultures, behaviors, and incentives; and building innovation networks and linkages. The paper offers several recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of AET for agricultural innovation and development. Key reforms include aligning the mandates of AET organizations with national development aspirations; inducing change in the cultures of AET organizations through the introduction of educational programs and linkages beyond the AET system; and enhancing innovative individual and organizational capacity by improving incentives to forge stronger links between AET and other stakeholders.  相似文献   


The objective of this study is to examine the associations between the motivation to learn, basic skills (i.e. literacy and numeracy), and organised adult education and training (AET) participation among the middle-aged and older adults in the USA. Rapid technological advancement and globalisation necessitate individuals to engage in lifelong learning to actively participate in society. However, little is known about the roles of motivation to learn and basic skills in the AET participation in the U.S. adult population. We obtained the data from the 2012/2014 Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies restricted-use file and adults aged 50 years and older (n = 2,580) are included. Structural equation models are used to examine (1) any AET, (2) formal AET and (3) non-formal AET participation as a function of the motivation to learn latent construct, literacy, numeracy, and other covariates. Results showed that the motivation to learn, literacy and numeracy are all positive predictors of non-formal AET participation. Only motivation to learn is associated with formal AET participation. Findings from this study may inform future interventions as well as policy changes to promote specific types of organised AET programmes among older adult population in the USA.  相似文献   

Educational Research for Policy and Practice - This study aims at testing a few tenets of affective events theory (AET) from a predictive perspective in the context of Malaysian private higher...  相似文献   

This article examines the use of adventure-based experiential therapy (AET) with child and adolescent psychiatry inpatients. AET environments, indications, practicality, therapeutic effects and research are outlined and clinical findings are reported. Activities such as rock-climbing, exploring a creek and caving are discussed and the limitations of AET in the hospital setting are addressed. AET activities range from leisure-time activities and activities that facilitate change to actual therapeutic work. Case studies showing the effects on individuals and groups, with and without specific processing of the activity, are surveyed and the similarities to mentalization-based psychotherapy are touched upon. Possible future research directions are suggested. As AET treatments are not commonly discussed in child and adolescent psychiatry, this article seeks to be a catalyst for further discussion and research.  相似文献   

Research has shown a positive relationship between academic engaged time (AET), academic learning time (ALT) and student achievement. Previous work has reported a relatively non‐intrusive, cost‐effective method for increasing AET in the classroom involving the presentation of research information followed by feedback to teachers of students’ AET in their classes. This study aimed to replicate these findings in a primary school setting and to establish what effects the information plus feedback had on teachers’ instructional behaviours which have been found to correlate with students’ AET and ALT. In addition, we looked at the effects of more precise feedback based on students’ task difficulty measures. The results provided strong support for the utility and efficacy of information plus feedback as a method for increasing student AET and ALT and for enabling teachers to change their instructional behaviours in the direction of published research findings.  相似文献   

Little research on the socialisation of adventure educators into their craft has been conducted. The purposes of this study were to describe (a) the perspectives and beliefs of preservice adventure educators as they began adventure education training (AET) and (b) the elements within their acculturation that led to these perspectives and beliefs. Participants were 20 preservice adventure educators at the beginning of their AET. Data were collected with three types of interview. They were coded, categorised, and reduced to meaningful themes by employing analytic induction and constant comparison. Results revealed that preservice adventure educators possessed one of three orientations. These were a leisure orientation, outdoor pursuits orientation, or adventure orientation. Factors shaping these orientations were family and friends, experiences of outdoor and adventurous activities, experiences working as counsellors, timing of occupational selection and age, and a number of secondary attractors including the motivation to remain connected to the world of adventure. Should they transfer to preservice adventure educators in AET at other institutions, the main practical implication of the study’s results is that they should provide the basis for AET faculty to understand and deconstruct any less than desirable beliefs and perspectives with which prospective adventure educators enter their programmes.  相似文献   

Agricultural Education and Training (AET) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) needs to respond to the many changes in the socio-economic and political environments within which it exists. In addition to these, there are marked changes in the concept of ‘agriculture’ itself, which is increasingly seen in terms of broader notions of renewable natural resource management, with increasing emphasis on integrated systems and sustainable production.Traditional forms of AET are also challenged by new ideas about the process of teaching and learning, including soft-systems thinking, participatory rural appraisal and farmer-to-farmer extension; as well as the emergence of new modes of learning (including distance learning). Current moves towards privatisation also mean that there is increasing prominence given to new and more flexible providers such as NGOs, parastatal bodies and agribusinesses. All these factors are leading to calls for adaptation, innovation and diversification in systems which have been marked by their lack of responsiveness in the past.Dilemmas which now face the AET sector include changing patterns of donor support, the emergence of new training needs and new types of audiences. The paper examines a range of issues, including the lack of labour market and training needs identification studies, the need for more relevant and responsive curricula, the key role of staff development in creating ‘learning organisations’, the need for a strategy of developing linkages and learning webs or networks and for far more sustainable donor interventions. Finally there is a lack of a coherent policy framework for AET in most countries in the region.A number of options are discussed, such as rationalisation, including achieving a better balance between public and private sector provision, the adoption of new aims and learning styles at all levels, catering for the needs of new target audiences and enhancing innovation and relevance in curriculum.Some important prerequisites for such changes are highlighted and include political will and commitment, consensus and popular support, entrepreneurial leadership, a balance between responsiveness and stability and the targeting of financial and other forms of support to enable sustainable models of innovation to emerge.  相似文献   

综合运用建构主义学习论、元认知学习论、个性教育论、主体性教育理论、创造性教育论等,结合体育教学实际提出了体育自主学习能力的分层培养与全程指导的教学模式,初步探讨了体育自主学习能力培养的理论问题与操作性问题,旨在为终身体育意识养成和终身学习能力获得的研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

当前学前教育专业乐理课程与教学依旧采用的是上个世纪50年代的课程与教学模式,以高师音乐学专业相应课程为模本,专业性强,程度偏深,内容繁杂,不适应学前教育专业的特点.部分学生因为音乐基础薄弱,对乐理知识的学习更是产生了畏难情绪,加之教师的教学手段与方法的滞后,致使学生的学习动机与兴趣都很低.为改变这一现状,在以人为本的基本指导思想之下,教师应积极转变自身角色,在了解学生音乐基础的前提下,改革教学手段与评价方式,根据学前教育专业特点与要求,改编教材,增加学生将来开展幼儿音乐教育活动所必须的知识与技能,在促进学生多元化思维与解决问题能力发展的过程中加强其对乐理知识的理解与掌握.  相似文献   

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