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Baby boomer trends are applied in the development of a conceptual framework that offers a social systems and cultural model for future studies. While there has been considerable recent attention paid to baby boomers, the studies lack a coherent theoretical base that would allow for more advanced and continuing research. Aging baby boomers heading into retirement present excellent research opportunities for scholars.  相似文献   

This study compared men and women, focusing on three middle‐year age groups incorporating the baby boomers, in relation to the level of savings for retirement and the number of savings vehicles utilized. The research tapped into a study conducted by the National Center for Women and Retirement Research. Usable responses were received from 1,287 persons, 872 females and 415 males. Multiple linear regression identified certain personal characteristics, economic factors, psy‐chosocial factors, attitudes, and investing methods that appeared to be related to the level of savings for retirement. Certain personal characteristics, economics, and psychosocial factors were identified for the investments used. The identified factors were true for both genders, thus a profile of the person most likely to have a higher level of savings for retirement and likely to own investments emerged. The males best fit the savings and investing profiles. Neither gender was saving adequately for retirement or taking full advantage of portfolio diversification, with women the lowest. Recommendations are made, based on the findings, for educators, financial institutions and advisors, employers, and policy makers.  相似文献   

A national sample of 1662 academic and academic related university staff, who had retired 3-5 years earlier, completed a postal survey about their current employment, research, other academic activities, and the academic resources available to them, and about their attitudes to retirement, and the extent of their leisure, voluntary, and other caring activities. Over two-thirds of academics and four-fifths of academic related staff had retired early. Younger staff were more often currently employed, but the employment rate amongst academics aged 66-73 was very much greater than in the general population. The extent of research and other academic activities was related to university rank rather than age, with professors and readers more committed, and less involved in leisure activities. The most frequent reasons for early retirement were dissatisfaction with changes in the universities and financial inducements. The majority said they were more contented because of retiring, and most would not have wanted to retire later than they did, but concerns were expressed about the failure of universities to give adequate status and resources to retired academics. There was some evidence that women were discriminated against in retirement.  相似文献   

Dorfman et al. (1982) compared the professional activities of retired professors from liberal arts colleges, a comprehensive university, and a major research university. This companion piece based on the same survey compares the professors' reactions to retirement. Results show that a majority of faculty from all types of institutions plan for retirement, are positive about retirement, and give suggestions for institutional retirement policy. The retired professors recommend the following: (1) help in planning, (2) more information about retirement, (3) support for continued work, (4) gradual retirement. Major differences among institutions are the following: (1) comprehensive university faculty plan for retirement more than do faculty from the other institutions, (2) faculty from both universities begin financial planning at a younger age than do faculty from the liberal arts colleges, (3) research university faculty miss work and like having time to spend on professional activities more than do faculty from the other institutions.  相似文献   


More than a decade ago, as the end of mandatory retirement for faculty approached, many academic administrators were concerned about its negative impact on their institutions. With the assistance of a variety of incentives put in place to encourage voluntary retirement, a significant number of senior faculty retired during the 1990s. Now, the looming loss of millions of “baby boomer” faculty requires rethinking faculty retirement. Administrators have two urgent issues to address: defining and maintaining a balance of junior and senior faculty, and designing and implementing effective retirement programs for this new generation of aging faculty. Important differences between previous and future generations of faculty suggest that retirement programs that worked in the past may no longer be effective for the institution—and may not appeal to the faculty. Federal and state governments, businesses, and organizations are preparing to respond to the forthcoming biggest wave of retirement in our country's history. Academic administrators, who pioneered phased-retirement programs, will want to stay on top of this wave too.  相似文献   

Later life learning (LLL) has a profound beneficial effect on older adults; therefore, it is important to assess older adults' learning needs. A representative random sample of 1,867 soon-to-be older adults (between 45 and 59 years of age) were assessed for their interest in formal learning after their retirement or when they become 60 years old. We examined their preferences for courses and identified the socioeconomic and health-related characteristics related to their planned participation in formal LLL. About 38% of these respondents expressed an interest in formal learning after retirement; the most popular three content courses included computers, interest classes, and physical exercise. Those who did not plan to commit themselves to formal LLL indicated "no interest" and "lack of time" as the most frequently reported reasons for not wanting to participate in LLL. Moreover, we found that LLL was positively related to socioeconomic indicators including education, income, and retirement protection; whereas those who received financial support from adult children or from the government (in the form of welfare) were less likely to express interest in formal LLL.  相似文献   

机关事业单位养老保险制度改革中存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强社会保障制度建设已成为当今世界各国政府的共识和当务之急。社会养老保险制度是整个社会保障制度的核心,机关事业单位养老保险制度更是整个社会养老保险制度的重要组成部分。机关事业单位养老保险在我国部分地区已先行展开改革试点工作,但遇到了不少问题,如改革受财政状况制约、退休费有差异等。因此,深化机关事业单位养老保险制度的改革势在必行。文章提出建立一套健全的全国统一的机关事业单位养老保险制度,从而有利于人才的流动、财政负担的减轻、公务员制度的完善,从而能促进经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

Using a phone survey conducted in 2012, we examined whether there is a gender difference in financial literacy among Hong Kong workers; and if such a difference exists, whether it can be explained by gender differences in sociodemographic variables, social or psychological factors, and/or the outcomes of retirement planning. Results show a gender gap in financial literacy as well as age, spousal support for retirement savings, risk tolerance, computational ability, and perceived financial knowledge. Multivariate data analyses show that a proportion of the gender difference in financial literacy could be explained by gender differences in risk tolerance, computational ability, and self-reported financial knowledge; but the difference remained after adjusting for variables found to be associated with gender. Our findings suggest that it may be important to develop programs targeted specifically to women.  相似文献   

Unwanted pregnancies bother various groups in the US. Many pregnant teenagers want to be pregnant, even though the pregnancies are often not planned. A childbirth educator in Boston, Massachusetts, wonders who considers adolescent pregnancies as unwanted, the young mothers or the middle class, white, well-educated, and well-meaning adults. Adolescents want babies for the same reasons adults want babies. The difference is that adolescents do not have the same personal, financial, and community resources as adults. A child cannot rob teenagers of a future they do not have; a child provides some joy and hope. These teenagers tend not to see a better life in their future. Education can generate a vision of the future and provide a path out of poverty. Yet, educational opportunities are not always available or inviting. Teenagers need childcare, financial support, and supportive role models or mentors. Many people erroneously believe that poor women have children to be on welfare or to receive subsidized food. Yet, public assistance does no hand out enough money to sustain a family. Besides, it is unpleasant. Some states are starting to deal with the broader problems linked to poverty and lack of education. For example, the welfare system in Florida requires young women to be in high school, to prepare for the GED, or to undergo technical training. If they fail to comply, they lose benefits. Role models and financial, practical, and emotional support allow teen fathers to stay close to their children, to earn a living, and to be responsible. Poverty, immigration, transience, substance abuse, and distance from family result in insufficient support and poor parenting models for teenage mothers. They still are developing physically and emotionally. Teenage mothers need the same support, encouragement, and assistance that adult mothers need. Freedom of choice, education, and responsibility will result in healthier teen mothers and children.  相似文献   

Until recent years, occupational retirement was perceived primarily as a male life transition process. Women now comprise a major population experiencing active, long‐term involvement in occupational roles and facing significant concerns in their transition from work to retirement.

This article provides an examination of the current status of research regarding women and retirement and discusses multiple issues that surround the aging woman and her relationship to the retirement process. Key orientations are discussed in relation to conceptualizing and shaping future preretirement educational programming alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper uses coefficient estimates from a model of retirement decision-making for faculty members in higher education institutions to simulate the impact of financial incentives for early retirement. The results suggest that plans can be designed to induce relatively large numbers of faculty members to retire prior to the mandatory retirement age. However, the costs of hiring replacements plus pension subsidies can be substantial, especially if the subsidies are directed toward faculty members with relatively low salaries. Hence, institutions wishing to provide open positions to hire new faculty may prefer different incentive plans than those whose goals do not require filling each position with a new faculty member.  相似文献   

University faculties are composed largely of individuals who are tenured, but who are not due to retire until the years 2000 to 2010. As a result, there will be few new openings in the foreseeable future to adapt to rapidly changing educational demands. In addition, as this large number of individuals rises through the salary scale, the already small number of nontenured positions will be reduced for financial reasons, further compounding the problem of lack of academic flexibility. Deans do not have sufficient remaining academic personnel decisions to meet the demands required for either the evolution of academic programs that keep pace with social change over the next 15 years or for balancing their budgets. Universities must shift from the future to the present some of the academic and financial flexibility due to begin in the year 2000 through attractive programs of career alternatives.  相似文献   

This research was conducted in Ankara province for the purpose of examining the status of planning in preparation for retirement as an individual and as a family of individuals who show differences in educational level. Individuals who lived in Ankara province, who were 3 years from retirement according to age limit, and who had social security from one of the three official government plans (The Pensions Fund For Civil Servants of The Republic of Turkey, Social Insurance Institution, or Social Security Organization of Artisans, and Craftsmen and other Self-Employed People) were the research population from which 393 individuals were chosen using the Stratified Random Sampling Method. There was a higher percentage of individuals who stated that they had not planned for retirement than those who had. Of the individuals who stated that they had made plans, 80.7% had made those plans about their financial status. Individuals who thought that it was necessary to have an educational program for preparing for retirement also wanted “financial status” topics at the head of the list of topics for such a program.  相似文献   

The research investigated reasons for leaving study amongst a sample of 118 mature age female students with children who had been enrolled at one of three eastern Australian universities. Analysis of questionnaire data revealed three major types of motive for attrition. Firstly, a strong socio-economic class influence was found. Women whose own and/or whose husbands' social class indicators were low tended to leave study because of a combination of lack of support from family for the mother's study, lack of money, weight of domestic responsibility and lack of knowledge or skills expected at university. Secondly, women who had been enrolled in non-traditional subjects (economics/business/law) were relatively over-represented amongst the discontinuing students and were particularly likely to cite lack of academic support or staff hostility as a reason for leaving. Thirdly, reasons for leaving study were found to be connected to student's age, suggesting a life style interpretation. Younger women with younger children were likely to leave because of family, financial or child care related reasons. Older women were more likely to leave because of practical difficulties or course dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

Fourteen early retiring primary headteachers in individual and group interviews discussed their decision to apply for early retirement. Retirement decisions were affected by ‘pushes’ from the system and ‘pulls’ towards retirement. Perceived pushes were external pressures, job expansion/overload, bureaucracy, local authority support, loss of job satisfaction and school relationships. Pulls comprised ‘facilitators’ (personal and financial) and ‘gains’ (control, opportunities, health and family). Pushes against retirement comprised losses of positive school relationships, role and status, job challenge and time structure. Early retirement amongst these headteachers appeared to derive from current retirement trends, job stress and lack of management support.  相似文献   

Our findings from a survey study of retired educators (N – 373) confirm that reasons for the retirement decision have changed over time. Long‐term retirees were found to stress the influence of statutory imperatives in leaving the workplace, whereas the recently retired, and women in particular, were more likely to cite factors related to personal interest and life‐style. Results suggest that university personnel programs engaged in retirement life planning need to be responsive to retirees' changing needs.  相似文献   

The present study examined predictors of retirement and financial satisfaction and contributed to existing literature by examining the incremental prediction offered by subjective estimates of financial resources and the impact of the Recession over more traditional objective measures. We hypothesized that objective financial resources, subjective financial resources, and the economic recession would predict retirement satisfaction and financial satisfaction, but that subjective estimates of financial well-being would be superior predictors of the dependent variables as compared to objective indices of financial resources.

A total of 245 retirees participated in the study, and results suggested that subjective and objective measures of finances were relatively independent. Further, consistent with hypotheses, most of the subjective financial measures provided significant incremental prediction of retirement and financial post-retirement satisfaction over that offered by objective financial indices. Subjective estimates of the impact of the Recession significantly predicted financial satisfaction post-retirement. Practical implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

运动性疲劳是国内外运动生理学,运动训练学界非常重视的研究课题,并形成热门研究项目。掌握和了解运动性疲劳的产生机制,能有效地防止疲劳和快速的恢复疲劳,本文就上述问题谈谈个人对运动性疲劳的粗浅认识,仅供参考。  相似文献   

The issue of student attrition (where students leave a programme of study for any reason) is maintaining a high profile across the higher education sector and is a key concern for those delivering nurse education. Many authors have pointed out the cause for concern that student nurse attrition raises and its impact on the higher education institution (HEI), on the student body generally, on partners in practice, and on the student who leaves. The reasons that student nurses leave their programmes of study are similar to the reasons that other students leave (financial, personal, academic, lack of support, etc). For student nurses there are also issues with their experiences in practice. It is clear that with all student attrition, the reasons for leaving are complex in nature. It must be accepted that there are some issues that cannot be addressed by HEIs, but that ways to tackle attrition and to enhance student retention must be high on the agenda of any education provider. Individual programmes of study can utilise approaches to curriculum development that aim to enhance the student experience. The introduction of an enquiry‐based learning strand to the curriculum of one pre‐registration nursing programme aims to address some of the reasons for student attrition, namely: lack of support, poor academic performance, lack of study skills, disillusionment and low motivation, lack of confidence, and the theory‐practice gap resulting in stressful practice experiences. Enquiry‐based learning (EBL) is not seen as a panacea for student attrition, but it is seen as a positive way in which to enhance the student experience.  相似文献   

财政部门在社会保障管理中具有重要的地位和作用 ,加强社会保障管理必须从财政角度做好以下工作 :把各项社会保障基金纳入预算管理 ;切实做好社会保障财务管理 ;科学实现社会保障基金的保值增值 ;协助搞好社会保障基金的筹集 ;理顺财政部门与其他有关部门的职责关系。  相似文献   

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