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In the past decade, research on learning trajectories has progressed from an agenda for research on student learning to include an agenda for research on teaching. In this paper, we use a design experiment to examine a professional development program created to support teacher learning of one learning trajectory. Using a re-interpretation of Ball and colleagues’ mathematics knowledge for teaching framework, we conducted a retrospective analysis to examine how a purposefully selected sample of three teachers used their knowledge to participate in discussions of the professional learning tasks designed to support teacher learning of the trajectory. Findings indicate that professional learning tasks focusing on pedagogical content knowledge present in learning trajectories also allow for teacher learning of subject matter knowledge; this learning is mediated by teachers’ prior mathematics knowledge for teaching. We conclude with considerations for researchers and professional developers seeking to support teachers in learning about learning trajectories.  相似文献   

Many studies have identified web-based cooperative learning as an increasingly popular educational paradigm with potential to increase learner satisfaction and interactions. However, peer-to-peer interaction often suffers barriers owing to a failure to explore useful social interaction information in web-based cooperative learning environments. This easily leads to learners being unable to seek appropriate learning partners for facilitating effective cooperative learning. This problem frequently causes poor learning effectiveness in web-based cooperative learning environments. Generally, instructor assigned or learner selected learning peers cannot ensure to compose suitable learning partners for individual learners in cooperative learning environments. A suitable learning partner can help the learner, who is learning in the personal way and encounters the difficulty, to solve problems. Inappropriate learning partners cannot only easily lead to poor learning interaction and achievement, but can also lead to the meaning of cooperative learning being lost. Although many web-based learning systems have already been developed to assist cooperative learning, supporting peer-to-peer interaction in computer-supported cooperative learning (CSCL) is still immature. As a result, this study presents a novel scheme for recommending appropriate learning partners for individual learners utilizing mining of learning interactive social networks in a cooperative problem-based learning (PBL) environment. Results of this study show that the proposed scheme helps encourage learners to interact with learning peers more actively and positively, and facilitates learning performance in a cooperative PBL environment.  相似文献   

社会的发展使远程学习者和学习需求都发生了很大变化,针对学习者特征和学习需求关系的调查结果显示,性别在学习中的差异显著,女性学员遇到的学习困难更多,但是男性学员认为进行学习技能的培训会对学习提高帮助更大;年龄不是阻碍学习的重要因素;家庭所在地、学习费用这些外在的因素对远程学习的影响不大;家庭经济问题突出但不构成学习困难的主要因素;工作单位性质与学习动机不相关但对学习的帮助显著相关。  相似文献   

文章首先聚焦于"自我导向学习"和"智慧学习空间",设计了智慧学习空间支持的师范生自我导向学习模式。之后,文章在某高校"现代教育技术"实验课中开展了为期18周的实证研究,探讨了自我导向学习对师范生自主学习能力、学业成绩和在线学习行为的影响,结果发现:自我导向学习对学习者策略、资源利用两个维度的自主学习能力提升效果明显,但在态度维度提升不明显;自我导向学习整体提升了学业成绩,尤其是对低自主学习水平者的学业成绩和自主学习能力提升效果更明显,但其在在线自主学习行为方面表现欠佳。最后,文章提出给予情感支持、设计多元智能活动组合策略和提供及时高效反馈的适切策略,以期在智慧学习空间中有效开展自我导向学习。  相似文献   

This special issue explores the use of learning profiles for analysing the dynamics of low learning in low- and middle-income countries and informing priorities to address the learning crisis. The 12 papers in the special issue draw on learning data from more than 50 countries and 6 million individuals, with implications for education policy and practice. Taken together, they point to a need to steepen learning trajectories by prioritizing early mastery of foundational skills for all children. The papers show that addressing the learning crisis will not be achieved through more school grade attainment alone, nor through within-country equality across groups (such as girls and boys or rich and poor). Positive examples show that programs focused on foundational learning both improved average learning and reduced inequality. Addressing the learning crisis will require a focus on systems improvement, using foundational learning as a case in point for making the needed systems improvements to steepen learning throughout children’s time in school. Learning profiles can provide a guide for education actors aiming to improve learning outcomes.  相似文献   

New learning theory, underpinning the idea of teaching for self-directed learning, provides new conceptions of learning: the self-regulation of learning, the construct-character of knowledge, the social nature of learning and a dynamic model of intelligence. What conceptions teachers hold may be related to their tolerance of uncertainty. We constructed a Learning Inventory and administered this to teachers in Dutch senior secondary education, where an innovation is heading for more independent learning. We found empirical confirmation of the five dimensions underlying teachers' conceptions of learning, both for student learning and for their own learning. Tolerance of uncertainty explained the other four dimensions in conceptions of student learning, but not in teachers' conceptions of their own learning. Teachers generally endorse the process-oriented conceptions, although some differences are noted between teachers' conceptions of student learning and their own learning.  相似文献   

This paper offers a critique of the Chinese philosophy of online distance learning as a means of building a lifelong learning society. Literature about lifelong learning and its implications for online distance learning is reviewed. Documents, reports and research papers are examined to explore the characteristics of the Chinese philosophy of online distance learning as reflected in the prevailing understanding and debates in the field. Phenomenological analysis, deconstructive discourse analysis and internal criticism are employed, guided by a phenomenological qualitative methodology. The critique reveals that the notion of lifelong learning is to some extent obscured in meaning in the prevailing understanding of and debates about Chinese online distance learning. Furthermore, it shows that the Chinese philosophy of online distance learning paradoxically combines a sense of overenthusiasm with a sense of underestimation associated with the potential of online distance learning in promoting lifelong learning. Also identified is the emerging development of Chinese online distance learning towards its 'in-depth development', based on an increasing awareness of the necessity to enhance the quality of online distance learning through integration of educational theories with information and communication technologies (ICT). The paper calls for a new vision on ICT for learning as a necessary condition for successful incorporation of Chinese online distance learning with and into lifelong learning.  相似文献   

There have been calls for decades by many educational writers and commentators for a new model of learning to facilitate what is generally described as twenty-first-century learning. Central to this challenge is the required shift in responsibility for who leads and owns the learning – from teacher to student. Such a shift requires a pragmatic pedagogical model to facilitate the transfer of control and ownership of learning. Vygotsky’s ‘more able other’ identified the peer as a key figure in learning. Teamwork facilitates project-based learning and, when mediated with technology, proves an effective partner in creating an engaging and autonomous learning experience. This paper describes the rationale for the design of a team-based model of twenty-first-century learning, particularly drawing upon the team-based learning model of the World Scout Movement. Results from a year-long study of the implementation of the model in an out-of-school context with 288 second-level students are presented. The authors argue that Bridge21 is a candidate learning model for effective, implementable, twenty-first-century, team-based learning.  相似文献   

当代认知心理学的"学习观"及教学启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
认知心理学是当代心理学发展的主流,对教育产生了巨大的影响。认知心理学学习观主要有:学习是个体主动构建的过程,学习者已有的知识经验是学习的充分条件,对信息的认知加工和相应的策略是学习的必要条件,元认知对认知过程的意识和调控影响学习的顺利进行,动机指导着个体的学习。据此,现代教学实践应改变传统的学生观,教学过程中要加强学生的研究、学生学习策略和元认知能力的培养,教学评价也应注意学生学习过程的评价。  相似文献   

高职院校建设学习型党组织,就是要创新学习理念、学习载体、学习机制,营造浓厚的学习氛围,树立先进的学习理念,明确有效的学习方法,使学习成为常态化和普遍化行为,探索建设高职院校学习型党组织的长效保障和转化机制。  相似文献   

作为一种颇具特色的学习工具,概念图有着非常高的传统学习应用价值,同时在基于网络学习中也一样具有非常广泛的应用前途。本文从基于网络学习的层次、概念图作为学习工具和概念图作为协作工具三个方面来对概念图在基于网络学习中应用情况进行简要的叙述和分析,从而树立网络学习方式的完善化和多元化的发展方向和发展理念。  相似文献   

以150名专科英语学习困难学生为研究对象,调查分析英语弱势群体在学习策略方面存在的困难和问题,提出一些可能解决问题的对策,并进行了为期一个学期的策略训练。研究发现:英语弱势群体在学习策略方面存在的困难和问题,策略训练对大学英语弱势群体的英语学习有较显著的帮助;学习策略的掌握和运用需要一个较长过程。  相似文献   

王静 《教育教学论坛》2020,(18):182-183
慕课是一种基于互联网技术的学习形式,它为学生学习提供了便利性和趣味性。非英语专业学生在英语学习过程中总是力不从心,往往具有畏惧感、枯燥感,这为慕课在英语学习方面创造了契机。通过对非英语专业学生的英语学习现状分析,提出用慕课创造英语学习的新形式,对非英语专业学生的英语学习提出建议。  相似文献   

A field study focused on learning capabilities within action learning sets was used to evaluate potential opportunities between action learning and transformational learning. The use of action learning as a methodology for the acquisition, sharing and transfer of information while integrating an added perspective for transformational learning within the action learning set was investigated. There could be occurrences of transformation within action learning and critical action learning sets. However, there could be the added possibility of using action learning as a potential vehicle for an enhanced or more specific focus on transformational learning. It is useful to explore this potential, especially when there is an increased awareness regarding associations between action learning and transformational learning. Within such learning environments, there could also be the increased potential for outcomes that transform an individual, group or organization. The use of transformational elements based on discussions and resulting themes that occur within action learning sessions are discussed with the aim of encouraging personal development, enhancing skills and engaging in adult learning that could lead to organizational development. Recommendations for these environments are also presented.  相似文献   

对研究性学习的再认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究性学习的兴起和全面推行所激起的冲击波,并不限于学习本身,实际上它已经波及文化和意识形态领域。研究性学习作为课程,不是为了获取知识,也不是为了获取成果,而是为了以课程的方式推广研究性学习的方式;研究性学习作为一种学习方式,应该渗透于所有学科、所有活动之中;作为观念形态的研究性学习,它可以改变人们对学习的传统认识,更新学习者固有的学习观,促进人们形成一种全新的学习理念,最终将促进学习方法的个性化。  相似文献   

探究性学习是一种课程,更是一种学习方式。随着新课程的推广与发展,探究性学习将不断向学科课程渗透,成为各学科基本学习方式之一。在目前的实践中,探究性学习往往被狭义地理解为在教师指导下,以类似科学研究的方式去获取知识,或把探究性学习仅局限于活动课程,这样就不可能全面揭示学生尤其是小学生探究性学习的实质。研究结果表明:提问题、找答案、共分享的探究性学习及其基本操作程序,比较适合我国课堂教学的实际,不仅能有效激发学生探究性学习的兴趣,而且能提高学生探究学习的能力与学习效果,同时也是促进教师专业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

Education is a lifelong endeavor; the public learns in many places and contexts, for a diversity of reasons, throughout their lives. During the past couple of decades, there has been a growing awareness that free‐choice learning experiences – learning experiences where the learner exercises a large degree of choice and control over the what, when and why of learning – play a major role in lifelong learning. Worldwide, most environmental learning is not acquired in school, but outside of school through free‐choice learning experiences. Included in this article are brief overviews of environmental learning, the nature of learning, the educational infrastructure, and free‐choice learning as a term. This article provides a framework for thinking about free‐choice environmental learning and sets the stage for thinking about the other articles in this special issue.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main and the Landesmuseum Schloß Gottorf in Schleswig. 160 museum visitors were asked about their conceptions of learning in school and learning in a museum. These conceptions generate a persons’ individual concept of learning. It is formed by the influence of the subjectively different experiences each person makes in varying learning situations. Since every learning environment offers different opportunities and possibilities for learning, it can be assumed that there are location-specific concepts of learning. The results of this study show that concepts of learning in school can be differentiated from concepts in a museum; albeit reactive and constructive concepts of learning were found for schools as well as for museums. In addition it was found that different people’s concepts of learning depend on their places of learning.  相似文献   

According to experience learning theory (ELT) learning is a process. ELT conceives of learning as a four-stage cycle including four learning modes: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. The learning style inventory (LSI) invented from ELT provides a framework for examining one's approach to learning situations. The aim of the present study was to collect data with the LSI and present: (a) the test-retest reliability coefficients for the different learning modes; (b) the correlation between different learning modes and age; (c) gender differences in the learning modes; and (d) homogeneous groups of students with different learning styles. The results showed highly significant reliability coefficients, non-significant correlations between learning modes and age, gender differences in some learning modes, and a cluster analysis found homogenous groups with different learning styles.  相似文献   

In order to boost learning, recent UK governments have invested in trade union‐led workplace learning. Investing in the supply of learning is useful but ignores the demand for learning by workers, about which there is little research. This paper addresses this lacunae by analysing worker demand for learning, which workers want learning, what learning is demanded and why, and what factors might best lever learning. Data come from two surveys of potential learners and union learning representatives. Findings reveal a large demand for learning and that unions can lever this learning. Findings also suggest further policy development to address problems associated with union‐led learning.  相似文献   

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