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Frankenstein was written in 1981 by Mary Shelley. For a long time, it has been regarded as the forerunner of science fiction in the world. However, its horrible and mysterious elements and violent and suspenseful plot also indicate its Gothic style. As a matter of fact, Frankenstein is a Romantic novel with Gothic traits. This paper discusses the Gothic elements and their effects on this novel and the English Gothic novels as well.  相似文献   

艾德加·爱伦·坡的小说风格奇特恐怖,充满了神秘感。神秘感是作家苦心追求的一种效果,坡将卓绝的、独创性的心理描写和大量的内心独白放置在作品中完成神秘感的构建,揭露人性丑恶的本质。他不但继承哥特小说传统,而且超越了哥特小说而形成新一代恐怖小说风格。  相似文献   

把18世纪末19世纪初的英国哥特小说与英国浪漫主义放在同一时代背景下,动态地考察分析两者之间的关系,从而指出哥特小说诞生并发展于英国浪漫主义的沃土,属于浪漫主义的特殊流派,二者之间互相影响、相互渗透,哥特小说与英国浪漫主义的异质性使得哥特小说成为浪漫主义流派的流变从而最终超越了英国浪漫主义。  相似文献   

Jane Eyre is considered as a realistic novel with Romanticism.The author Charlotte Bronte built a new woman fighting for the independence and equality in a patriarchal society in the novel.However,another very important factor that makes Jane Eyre a great work is the Gothic elements in Jane Eyre.The article briefly discusses the Gothic features through analyzing several extracts in the novel.  相似文献   

后现代主义以其反传统的叙事策略成为了二十世纪文学创作的主要体裁之一。美国作家托尼.莫里森的《宠儿》被看作具有后现代主义特征的名篇佳作。本文从该小说的叙事手法和叙事话语角度,分别论述该作品的碎片式叙事模式,多重叙事视角以及该作品的哥特式叙事话语,布鲁斯音乐风格等,进而探讨了该作品的后现代特色及其艺术风格。  相似文献   

虽然恐怖和恶梦是哥特小说和坡的恐怖短篇的共同点 ,但到目前为止 ,鲜有批评家把坡放在哥特文学这个框架内进行认真比较。本文试图通过背景设置和文本重读这两个角度来重新读解坡的恐怖小说的特点。  相似文献   

玛丽·雪莱是英国浪漫主义时期的重要作家,其代表作《弗兰肯斯坦》是哥特小说的代表作,被誉为"有史以来最伟大的恐怖作品之一"。《弗兰肯斯坦》中人造怪人的女性隐喻,表达了玛丽·雪莱对当时主流道德伦理观的质疑与批判。  相似文献   

19世纪英国女作家玛丽.雪莱的著名小说《弗兰肯斯坦》不仅是英国最著名的哥特小说之一,也是西方第一部现代意义上的科幻小说。该作品处处弥漫着恐惧气息:对孤独的恐惧,对知识增长科技进步的恐惧,对生育的恐惧。对这些恐惧的解读有助于我们洞悉作品的内在涵义和种种暗示,并进一步了解作者的内心世界。  相似文献   

分析了英国现代女作家达夫妮·杜穆里埃的小说《蝴蝶梦》中的一些意象特征,认为在这部小说中.杜穆里埃通过大量的哥特式意象制造了曼陀丽庄园的阴森、恐怖、神秘的气氛,描述了主人公焦虑、恐惧、压抑和绝望的心理。指出《蝴蝶梦》中出现的这些哥特式意象,更好地体现了小说巨大而永恒的魅力。  相似文献   

哥特小说包含了恐怖、邪恶、超自然等元素。指出詹姆斯·乔伊斯的《阿拉比》也体现了某些哥特元素,如死亡的意象和压抑的现实。从哥特的角度分析该作品可以进一步探讨那个年代都柏林惨淡的现实和作者对自己家乡的关注和担忧。  相似文献   

魏玮 《成都教育学院学报》2009,23(1):122-122,125
哥特小说起源于18世纪后期的英国,在19世纪20年代以后,其重心转移到了美国,其中以爱伦·坡的小说最为著名。埃得加·爱伦·坡是美国著名的短篇小说家,他的创作对后世的许多欧美作家产生了深刻的影响,他擅长对恐怖的场景进行渲染,对人物病态的精神世界和扭曲的心灵进行刻画,该文以他著名的短篇小说《黑猫》为例,分析其作品中的哥特式特征和独具的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

新派武侠小说与哥特小说,一个属于古老的东方民族,一个来自于遥远的西方世界,但在题材、人物塑造、环境描写等方面有着异曲同工之妙。  相似文献   

论《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》的哥特式特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
福克纳的名短篇小说《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》运用了哥特手法,该小说的哥特式特征主要体现在主题与情节构造、人物形象、场景与肖像描写、神秘性与幻觉四个方面。作运用哥特手法,通过对爱米丽悲剧一生的描写,深刻揭露了南方社会历史上与清教密切相关的旧传统、旧体制,强烈谴责了非人道的传统道德与清教对人性的摧残。  相似文献   

英国女作家夏洛蒂?勃朗特的代表作《简爱》,在写作风格和表现手法方面受到了英国女性文学、哥特式小说和浪漫主义诗歌传统的影响.  相似文献   

林少云 《海外英语》2012,(5):201-202,204
In the late 18th century and the beginning of 19th century,there appeared an important literary trend named Gothic as a part of Romanism.Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley(1797-1851) is a famous novelist of the Romantic period.Her masterpiece,Franken stein,is considered one of the best Gothic novels as well as the first science fiction in the modern sense.My thesis is engaged in the study of this work from psychological perspectives:that is the fear of desolation and irrational human ambition.Frankenstein not only adopted the traditional Gothic elements but also modified and added new ones.Thus it yields a great influence on the successive literature.  相似文献   

威廉.福克纳是20世纪美国文学史上最伟大的作家之一,他的作品卷帙浩繁,而《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》是其短篇小说的代表作。本文通过分析发现:这篇小说融汇了福克纳现实主义、象征主义、"多角度"叙述以及哥特式小说等不同写法,综合了多种语言手段和修辞手法。  相似文献   

在《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》中,作者在布局谋篇时利用模糊修辞构建整篇小说的框架,让语义空白巧设悬念,在构建出扣人心弦,跌宕起伏的情节与令人毛骨悚然的哥特式气氛的同时,达到对小说进行适当剪裁以节省笔墨,在很短的篇幅里展现宏大叙事的目的。  相似文献   

哥特小说作为小说创作流派.曾在18世纪末至19世纪初风靡全欧.并进而形成了一种创作传统.成为小说类型之一。近、现代的许多英美小说家都深受它的影响。鉴于我国哥特小说研究领域的相对滞后.以及目前本土恐怖小说创作的盲目跟风状态,有必要对我国英美哥特小说的接受史、研究史进行一次认真的梳理,以便为我们今后进一步的理论研究和创作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Emily's unhealthy temperament of her creative work is interlinked with the aesthetic creativity through analyzing the author of Wuthering Heights,the character in the novel and the form of the work. The hero in this novel,Heathcliff is a dissimilar man,and the dissimilation is the main target of the modernist,Wuthering Heights reflects the elements of the Gothic,which has the characteristics of modernism.  相似文献   

Since the founding of Harvard College in 1636, Oxford and Cambridge have significantly influenced American institutions of higher learning. Yet, their architectural legacy has received scant attention. This article addresses this important dimension in four ways. First, the architectural historiography of American higher education is discussed by reviewing both comprehensive works and institutional histories of colleges and universities. The second section explores the meaning of the Gothic architectural style, with particular attention devoted to its theological and mystical dimensions. Insights from Aquinas and Bonaventure are used to explain the rationales for building the earliest Gothic cathedrals and the meaning of their structures. The large third section then describes the importation of these Gothic and Tudor Gothic designs to American campuses, as noted in architectural digests and institutional histories. There appear to be four overlapping stages in the adoption of this academic architectural style in the United States: (1) the early Gothic up to 1880; (2) the Tudor Gothic from 1880 to 1920; (3) the Gothic Revival from 1892 to 1930; and (4) the modern Tudor Gothic from 1930 to the present, particularly developed at church‐sponsored colleges and universities. Finally, a coda focuses on the relationship between the recurring crises in American undergraduate education and the recourse to strengthening residential life. It suggests that college leaders embroiled in curricular upheavals often embraced Tudor Gothic architecture as a way to reclaim the historic English collegiate ideal for their campuses.  相似文献   

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