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聋哑青少年心理健康研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:深入了解聋哑青少年的心理健康状况及影响因素,为有效开展聋哑青少年心理健康教育和心理咨询工作,提高聋哑青少年心理健康水平提供帮助。方法:以聋哑学生、心理健康等作为关键词,在各个数据库中搜索相关文献,并对文献进行梳理。结果:聋哑青少年的心理健康水平较低,主要有个体和社会两方面的原因;积极参加体育活动锻炼以及运用团体辅导等方法可以提高聋哑青少年的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

运用自编调查问卷对上海市聋哑青年技术学校高年级学生进行了学习与择业意向调查。结果表明大多数聋青少年学生能够较理智地面对毕业,在选择继续学习还是工作上有自己的想法,但也存在自我估计过高、悲观、缺乏自信心等表现,应加强聋青少年学生职业道德与择业指导等方面的教育。  相似文献   

随着我国教育制度的逐渐完善,我国的特殊教育也有了极大的发展,在国家和社会的关注下,近年来我国的特殊院校越来越多,残疾学生的受教育权利得到了充分保障.对于聋哑学生来说,他们的身体不够健全,很容易产生自卑心理,这对青少年的健康成长是极为不利的.而体育教学可以有效锻炼聋哑学生的身体,也能提高聋哑学生的心理素质,能让他们在体育运动中感受到快乐.由此可见,体育教学会对聋哑学生的心理健康产生极大的影响,也能帮助他们缓解心理障碍,能够更好地促进聋哑学生的健康成长.接下来本文就对聋哑学校体育教学中的心理健康进行分析.  相似文献   

薛丹华 《广西教育》2010,(30):60-61
笔者对职校一年级学生的恋爱观进行调查,了解该群体学生的恋爱观,并根据调查结果,对高职一年级学生如何树立合理的恋爱观提出一些相应建议。  相似文献   

目的 研究中小学聋哑学生主观幸福感与心理健康的关系.方法 采用SCL-90量表和SWB自编量表对广东和广西490名中小学聋哑学生进行调查.结果 当前中小学聋哑学生的主观幸福感、心理健康状况总体上处于中等水平,主观幸福感与心理健康呈显著相关.结论 心理健康是影响中小学聋哑学生主观幸福感的因素之一,积极开展聋哑学生的心理健康教育和心理辅导工作,对提升聋哑学生主观幸福感具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

团体辅导对大学生恋爱观教育效果的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文旨在探讨团体辅导在大学生恋爱观教育中的实施方法和效果。通过对实验组学生进行恋爱观辅导前后的调查分析,并与对照组进行比较,说明团体辅导对大学生的恋爱观具有明显的影响作用。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法和调查研究法.对张家口市特殊教育学校聋哑学生的身体素质和身体健康状况进行了调查与分析.结果表明:张家口市聋哑学生身体素质和身体健康状况的相关指标明显低于同龄的健康人群.影响聋哑学生身体素质和身体健康状况的因素主要是缺乏健身锻炼,而影响聋哑学生参加健身锻炼的主要因素是锻炼意识不强、经费不足、没有适合残痰人体育锻炼场所、没有必要的适合残疾人锻炼的设备与器材.  相似文献   

目的调查在校大学生的恋爱观,并进行分析研究。方法采用问卷方式进行调查,并进行归纳分析。结果在校大学生谈恋爱现象较普遍,多数学生恋爱动机端正,恋爱比较单纯,部分学生在校不打算谈恋爱。结论分析研究在校大学生的恋爱观,对大学生的恋爱进行科学的引导,既有利于他们的身心健康,也利于学校,乃至社会的和谐稳定。  相似文献   

当代女大学生恋爱观的现状及引导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在调查分析某校在校女大学生恋爱观的基础上,从心理学的角度对大学生的恋爱观提出引导对策:引导女大学生正确进行职业和人生规划,引导女大学生形成正确的恋爱观,让校园文化氛围感染熏陶学生。  相似文献   

随着生理、心理的不断成熟,恋爱已成为当代中国大学生的普遍现象。本文通过对大学生恋爱观进行调查分析,得出当代中国大学生恋爱观的特征、存在的问题及成因,引导大学生树立积极、健康的恋爱观。  相似文献   

This article explores the journey of eight hearing families of bimodal-bilingual deaf children as they navigate the decision-making process reflecting their beliefs and values about American Sign Language (ASL) and English through their family language policy framework. The resources offered to families with deaf children often reflect a medical view, rather than a cultural perspective of being deaf. Because medical professionals, educators, and specialists who work with deaf and hard-of-hearing children have a strong influence on family members’ opinions, beliefs, and attitudes about being deaf, it is even more crucial to correct misconceptions about ASL and empower families to develop a family language policy that is inclusive of their deaf and hard-of-hearing children. This article informs researchers, teachers, and other professionals about the potential benefits and challenges of supporting the families’ ASL and English language planning policy.  相似文献   

Long-distance travel to provide mental health services for deaf people has implications for efficiency, safety, and equality of service. However, uptake of Telemental Health (TMH) has been slow in both deaf and general mental health services. A quantitative study was used to investigate access to TMH and whether staff confidence, experience, or demographics affect TMH use. It was concluded that staff in neither deaf mental health services nor general mental health services had adequate knowledge of or access to TMH. Staff expressed concerns over TMH's appropriateness in their work. Previous use of videoconferencing was assosciated significantly with confidence, but previous use of videophones was not. Neither staff in deaf services nor deaf staff were more experienced with or more confident about videoconferencing, whereas, within deaf services, deaf staff were significantly more confident about videophone use. Training implications are discussed.  相似文献   

对于教学法 ,我们往往存有概念误解并常与教学方法、教学方式混为一谈 ,影响了聋儿康复教学法的研究与创建。本文正本清源 ,在引用了权威概念的基础上提出了聋儿康复教学法的创建不可回避的几个问题 :如何看待聋儿与正常儿童的异同 ;如何看待聋儿的听力损失 ;如何看待语言 ;如何看待聋儿掌握口语的可能性 ;如何看待聋儿掌握语言的过程 ;如何看待聋儿掌握语言的标准 ;如何看待聋儿语言教学过程以及如何看待聋儿语言发展和全面发展的关系  相似文献   

We compared 20 prelingually profoundly deaf adolescents (age: 11-16 years) and 20 matched, hearing adolescents on a picture-sequencing task and on a social judgment test. In addition, we also tested 14 younger deaf children (age: 6-10 years) and compared their data with those from 20 hearing peers as well as those from the older deaf participants on the picture-sequencing task. The results from this study did not provide evidence for the hypothesis that deaf adolescents possess significantly poorer knowledge about social reasoning than age-matched hearing peers, but it did present further additional support for Peterson and Siegal's (1995) conversational hypothesis: a proposal that a deprivation in conversations about mental states leads to an impairment in the development of an awareness of mental states in the younger deaf children.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors examine deaf education as a “curious case” to prompt thinking about issues of language inequities. The authors argue that tying the fortunes of deaf students to those of other language minority students provides opportunities for new insights into policies and practices of deaf education as well the education of other language minorities in American schools. The authors provide a case example of successful deaf bilingual education that challenges the equation of deaf communicative difference with academic failure. They conclude with a discussion of American bilingual education history and how a consideration of the “curious case” of deaf education opens up possibilities for expanding understandings of more general issues of language difference in education.  相似文献   

聋生性知识来源及青春期教育现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究对上海市聋哑学校的部分1 2~1 9岁共92名聋生进行了性知识了解状况和青春期教育状况的调查研究,结果显示:青春期聋生的性知识相对缺乏,他们获得性知识的主要途径为电视、同学或朋友、课外读物等,较少使用的途径是热线电话、录像、因特网,广播等。青春期教育对聋生来说非常重要,学校的教师和家长对聋生已进行了有针对性的教育,但仍需要改进。  相似文献   

Vision problems are more common among deaf people than among the general population. Eight percent of the students in schools and programs for deaf children can be expected to have vision problems. We sent questionnaires to institutions and programs for deaf children, requesting information about the extent of vision problems among their students and about their teachers' levels of preparation in the area of vision impairment. Responses were received from 490 teachers. The data confirm that significant numbers of deaf students also have vision problems, and that teachers do not receive adequate training and information to meet the needs of this population.  相似文献   

A sample of 34 deaf undergraduate college students at Gallaudet University and 46 hearing undergraduate college students at the University of Maryland Baltimore County completed a questionnaire that asked about their knowledge and sources of information concerning the human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). The deaf students had significantly lower scores on an "HIV/AIDS Knowledge Index" than the hearing students. This difference could not be explained by the deaf students' gender, class standing, family structure, or father's or mother's education level. The deaf students obtained more of their information about HIV/AIDS from family and friends than the hearing students, who relied to a greater extent on teachers, television, and reading material. The interpersonal sources used by the deaf students are more prone to factual errors than formal sources. Deaf students need methods of educating themselves about HIV/AIDS that are more accurate and that recognize the importance of sources as well as the content of information.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate for the first time the impact of educational experiences on the development of Cypriot deaf people's identity. To obtain relevant information in depth, semistructured interviews were conducted with 24 Cypriot deaf individuals ages 19-54 years who had graduated from a variety of school settings. The findings indicated that the type of school, and the academic and social experiences shared within the school between the participants and their classmates and teachers, played a crucial role in these deaf individuals' identity development. The findings have implications for curriculum development for deaf pupils, and for parents' counseling about their deaf children's development of "healthy" identities.  相似文献   

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