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短跑运动员采用蹲踞式起跑技术起跑,并使用起跑器。理由有两点:一是根据田径规则规定,二是证明蹲踞式起跑技术具有不可替代的先进性和科学性。尽管短跑运动员采用蹲踞式起跑技术的种类不同,风格特点不同(普通式、接近式、拉长式),但目的都  相似文献   

蹲踞式起跑是短跑运动员在比赛中常用的一种起跑方式,运用得当,能在短时间内获得人体的最高速度。通过对蹲踞式起跑技术的分析以及技术问题,指出了蹲踞式起跑要合理调配各相关因素。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 在少年儿童一级田径运动会中,常会遇到一些运动员在蹲踞式起跑时,由于头部动作过高或过低,致使起跑动作突然停顿失去身体重心前趴,影响了出发速度。因此,在少年儿童蹲踞式起跑教学训练时,教师除了抓关键的上下肢动作外,还必须注意正确的头部动作。本文试图通过头部动作对蹲踞式起跑技术的影响分析,找出蹲踞式起跑时正确的头部动作模式,供蹲踞式起跑教学训练时参考。  相似文献   

沈允明 《中华武术》2007,(10):15-15
人们一直在探讨蹲踞式起跑的技术,试图找到一种最佳的起跑方式,使其更趋于合理,更有利于运动员成绩的提高。笔者在多年的训练中,根据不同学生的特点,总结出一套自己的训练手段。一、正确认识蹲踞式起跑技术蹲踞式起跑的整个过程包括:"各  相似文献   

人们一直在探讨蹲踞式起跑技术,试图找到一种最佳的蹲踞式起跑方式,使其更趋于合理,更有利于运动成绩的提高。但每个人的身体素质不同,运动能力不同,体形也不一样,所以即使是最佳的蹲踞式起跑技术也不可能适合每一个人。笔者在训练过程中,根据体育考生的实际情况和自身素质对蹲踞式起跑技术进行改进,并加强起跑时头的姿势及呼吸方式的训练,取得了较好的训练效果。  相似文献   

2种不同起跑动作的生物力学实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用测力台与肌电同步的方法对 4名一级短跑运动员的蹲踞式与站立式起跑动作进行了运动生物力学分析。研究结果 :蹲踞式起跑中水平支撑反作用力明显大于站立式起跑时水平支撑反作用力 ;蹲踞式起跑和站立式起跑中的肌肉活动顺序即肌肉用力顺序各不相同 ;蹲踞式起跑和站立式起跑中肌肉的肌电活动时间和幅度 ,即肌肉用力程度各不相同 ,在蹲踞式起跑中右股直肌用力程度最大 ,而站立式起跑中右腓肠肌用力最大 ;股直肌和腓肠肌是这 2种起跑姿势的主要用力肌群  相似文献   

蹲踞式起跑对尽快发挥速度具有重要作用。同时,田径规则规定,400米以下径赛项目必须采用蹲踞式起跑并使用起跑器。但许多学过短跑的学生,在参加测验和比赛时都不采用蹲踞式起跑,觉得这种起跑方法使不上劲。这说明他们没有掌握技术。为了适应规则的要求,使学生较好地掌握技术,提高短跑成绩,根据笔者多年从事田径教学训练经验,介绍掌握蹲踞式起跑技术的几种有效练习方法及手段,以供同行教学或训练时参考。  相似文献   

一、蹲踞式起跑技术要领: 一蹲、二移、三同时、四距离 (一)一蹲 即“各就位”时,练习者成单膝跪蹲,区别于半蹲踞式和站立式起跑。  相似文献   

一、现状大学教学大纲中的短跑教材有六个课时,(其中一课时为考查)每个课时都有一个重点内容。但在以往的教学中往往忽视了起跑这个环节。使短跑的四个部份(起跑、疾跑、途中跑、冲线)未能很好的互相衔接。学生虽然上完短跑课,但掌握蹲踞式起跑的技术还是不理想,对蹲踞式起跑方法还是不习惯,在测验或比赛时采用站立式起跑的也屡见不鲜。其次从调查中了解到学生对掌握蹲踞式起跑的技术参差不齐,大部份学生在起跑时都不习惯用蹲踞式起跑。即使有的学生采用蹲踞式起跑,但对其两脚两手放的位置如何才合适,“预备”时臀部抬到多高,重心怎样前移才合理等模糊不清。  相似文献   

除了其它特点外,蹲踞式起跑也是短跑的一个特点。一百多年前,在雅典首届现代奥运会(1896年)上,美国选手布尔克率先采用蹲踞式起跑(1992年,乌明格尔)。由于布尔克后来赢了比赛,蹲踞式起跑成了众人仿效的方式。该届奥运会后,运动场上出现了许许多多的蹲踞式起跑模仿者,因为他们都已经清楚地认识到采用蹲踞式起跑对于起跑加速度的好处,而且起跑动作越来越完美(有各种各样的起跑姿势和后蹬方法)。  相似文献   

通过200m个人混合泳4种泳姿分段时间及其与总成绩的关系。发现运动员往往在第一段(蝶泳)游得过快,致使体内无氧供能占优势,血液中乳酸大量堆积,从而使运动员在仰泳段往往蹬壁后出水过早,动作转化不利。由于蝶泳段能量消耗过大,致使运动员在最后的自由泳阶段冲刺能力不足。本文针对这些研究结果为训练提供了一些针对性的建议。  相似文献   

本文运用测力板,对单个对象进行不同起跑姿势的起跑测试,主要根据压力板上的着地痕迹,确定步长,计算速度等参数,对不同起跑姿势起跑后前两步进行运动学方面的分析研究。本研究得出以下结论:在本实验条件下,给实验对象设计的五种蹲踞式起跑姿势中,第二种姿势最适合该运动员起跑,但不是运动员平时的习惯起跑姿势。  相似文献   

起跑反应时对短跑成绩的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
起跑反应时直接影响短跑比赛成绩,在短跑比赛中有许多运动员由于起跑不顺利,反应时过长而导致比赛失利。起跑反应迅速的运动员在枪声瞬间即刻起动就占了很大的优势,为比赛取得优异成绩奠定基础。起跑反应时的快慢除先天反应素质外,与起跑技术、机体状态、比赛环境密切相关,经过教学训练起跑反应时就能缩短。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the installation of the backstroke start device reduces 15-m time. Thirteen college swimmers participated in this study. The aerial start and underwater motions were recorded with two digital video cameras. The center of mass (CM) of the swimmer, angular displacements and velocities of the shoulder, hip and knee joints were calculated. As an indicator of performance, the 5- and 15-m times were measured. The 5- and 15-m times in the backstroke start device condition were significantly shorter than in the non-backstroke start device condition. The vertical velocities of the CM at hand-off and toe-off in the backstroke start device condition were significantly greater than in the non-backstroke start device condition, while there was no significant difference in the CM horizontal velocity at toe-off. As a result, the height of the great trochanter at entry of the fingertips, with the backstroke start device, was 15 cm higher than in the non-backstroke start device condition. In addition, the CM horizontal velocities at 5 m in the backstroke start device condition were significantly greater than those of the non-backstroke start device. Thus, the use of the backstroke start device may reduce the 15-m time by diminution of the entry area.  相似文献   

第14届世界游泳锦标赛出发技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用现场研究、文献调查等方法对竞技游泳2种主要的出发技术进行研究。对第14届世界游泳锦标赛决赛运动员224人次的出发技术的分布比例进行了统计,对出发反应时(start reaction,SR)、出发15 m时间(start efficiency,SE)、800 m以下项目的成绩(Score,SC)等指标进行分析研究,同时梳理了近年来有关出发技术的研究文献数据。研究表明,蹲踞式出发技术(track start,TS)从10余年前不到40%的采用率增长到了2011年世界游泳锦标赛上的98%。蹲踞式出发技术在SR和SE上均比抓台式(grab start,GS)有优势。研究认为,抓台式技术将成为历史,所有运动员应掌握带有助推器的新型出发台的蹲踞式出发技术。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the significance of various biomechanical parameters in swim start performance for the grab and track start techniques. To do so, structural equation models were analysed, incorporating measurements for the take-off phase, flight phase and entry phase. Forty-six elite German swimmers (18 female and 28 male; age: 20.1 ± 4.2 yrs; PB (100 m Freestyle): 53.6 ± 2.9 s) participated in the study. Their swim start performance was examined within a 25-m sprint test. Structural equation modelling was conducted in separate models for the block time, flight time and water time and in a combined model for swim start time. Our main finding was that swim start time is predominantly related to water time and determined to a lesser extent by block time and flight time. We conclude that more emphasis should be given to the water immersion behaviour and the gliding phase when analysing swim start performance. Furthermore, significant differences were found between the grab start and track techniques as regards the biomechanical parameters representing the take-off phase and water phase.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare three competitive swimming starts (grab, rear-weighted track, and front-weighted track). The starts were compared in terms of time and instantaneous horizontal velocity, both at take-off from the block and at 5 m from the wall. Twenty US college female swimmers performed three trials of each of the three randomly ordered starts. Swimmers left the block significantly sooner using the front-weighted track start (0.80 s) than the other two starts (both 0.87 s; P < 0.001). In the rear-weighted track start, however, the athletes left the blocks with significantly higher horizontal velocity than in the grab or front-weighted track start (3.99 vs. 3.87 and 3.90 m/s, respectively; each P < 0.001). By 5 m, the front-weighted track start maintained its time advantage over the grab start (2.19 vs. 2.24s; P = 0.008) but not the rear-weighted track start (2.19 vs. 2.21 s; P = 0.336). However, the rear-weighted track start had a significant advantage over the front-weighted track start in terms of instantaneous horizontal velocity at 5 m (2.25 vs. 2.18 m/s; P = 0.009). Therefore, the rear-weighted track start had a better combination of time and velocity than the front-weighted track start. There was also a trend for the rear-weighted track start to have higher velocity at 5 m than the grab start, although this did not reach statistical significance (2.25 vs. 2.20 m/s; P = 0.042). Overall, these results favour the rear-weighted track start for female swimmers even though most of the athletes had little or no prior experience with it. Additional research is needed to determine whether males would respond similarly to females in these three different swimming starts.  相似文献   

逻辑起点对于一门学科的研究对象、范畴和理论体系的形成有直接的影响,并起制约作用,所以,逻辑起点的确定对于一门学科的健康发展有着重要意义。依据逻辑起点五个方面的质的规定性(即本质特征),对体育教育训练学的逻辑起点作了严格的论证,指出体育教育训练学的逻辑起点是“运动技能教育”。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to compare response times among four starting techniques—cross-over step, jab-step, standing sprinter's start, and the momentum start—to determine the fastest start for optimum speed in base running in slow pitch softball. The subjects were 30 adult male amateur softball players. Response time was recorded to the nearest 1/100 second using a Dekan Automatic Performance Analyzer arranged with two starting lights and a stop gate. A one way repeated measures ANOVA indicated that the momentum start was significantly (p < .01) faster than the other starts compared while there were no significant differences among the other starts. Reliability coefficients ranging from .90 to .95, obtained using the intraclass correlation coefficient for multiple trial data, signified no trends among trials and high reliability of the testing procedures and equipment. The results suggested that the momentum start was the fastest starting technique for optimum speed for running bases in slow pitch softball.  相似文献   

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