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杨楠 《科研管理》2021,42(5):87-93
伴随着社会化媒体的普及,企业日益注重虚拟品牌社区的建设,借此向顾客展示产品独特价值,以期形成良好的口碑传播效应。通过采用扎根理论研究方法,搜集社区评论信息作为经验资料,并进行编码分析,提炼出互动体验、社区归属感以及品牌定位等范畴,阐释了顾客参与价值共创与品牌形象塑造的关系。研究表明,产品价值共创包括价值认知以及用户需求等核心要素,且有利于形成良好的品牌文化,而品牌形象的塑造则依赖于创新产品及建构以用户价值交互为基础的生态圈,顾客参与价值共创有助于品牌形象的塑造,企业应围绕产品创新打造虚拟品牌社区,强化顾客互动体验,并建立完善的信息沟通机制,引导顾客积极参与价值共创。  相似文献   

许波 《科技广场》2012,(2):131-134
品牌忠诚可以给企业带来很多的营销优势,比如降低营销成本、获得更多新的顾客、积极的口碑传播以及顾客对竞争对手营销策略的更强烈的抵制等。通过分析顾客体验,从顾客体验的角度来研究品牌忠诚的提升策略。  相似文献   

徐颖  姜思博  郭雯君 《情报科学》2019,37(4):130-136
【目的/意义【探究虚拟社区CSR共创中知识共享行为,利于丰富相关理论体系,为企业开展虚拟社区CSR 共创和知识管理提供实践指导。【方法/过程】通过文献研究、情境体验及访谈方式萃取了顾客契合的4个维度:认知 契合(关注、专注)、情感契合(认同、热情、满意)、意动契合(激活、互动)及社会契合(联系),基于顾客心理资本理论 和心流体验理论,探究了虚拟社区CSR共创中顾客契合对顾客心理状态的影响作用,以及其对知识共享行为的作 用关系。【结果/结论】借鉴刺激-机体-反应(S-O-R)范式,构建了虚拟社区CSR共创中顾客契合影响知识共享行 为的理论模型。  相似文献   

品牌体验如何影响品牌忠诚——兼论产品卷入的调解效应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
高媛  李阳  孟宪忠  谢佩洪 《软科学》2011,25(7):126-130
首先从态度和行为两个层面给出了品牌忠诚的全面定义,构建了以品牌体验为自变量,品牌忠诚为因变量,产品卷入为调节变量的结构方程模型。实证结果表明:品牌体验四个维度对品牌忠诚两维度的影响各有不同,但产品卷入的调节作用不显著。这一结论更进一步诠释了品牌体验如何影响品牌忠诚。  相似文献   

传统传播环境下企业营销传播活动对用户品牌态度形成具有显著影响,但社会化媒体的发展极大地改变了企业营销传播的生态环境,现阶段企业的社会化媒体传播并未获得预期影响力,需要从理论上对企业社会化媒体传播的策略及其影响因素进行创新性研究。本文采用实验研究方法,基于企业传播信息内容主题、信息源、传播策略与用户再传播意愿和品牌态度间关系的理论假设,实证研究发现:企业社会化媒体传播对用户品牌态度有正向显著影响;信息内容主题类型、信息源、传播组合策略对用户再传播意愿有显著影响;用户再传播意愿对用户品牌态度的影响不显著等。研究结论丰富了企业社会化媒体传播的理论研究,对企业社会化媒体传播实践具有指导意义。  相似文献   

品牌体验是消费者在与品牌或品牌相关刺激物的互动中所形成的内在主观的个性化反应和经历。国内外学者对品牌体验的概念及维度构建的相关研究尚在逐步完善中,缺少有力的实证研究和有效的测量工具。通过智能手机行业的消费者收集数据,从消费者的角度构建了品牌体验的5个维度,即认知体验、产品体验、传播体验、情感体验和关联体验,并开发出相应的测量量表。本研究通过实证的方法对维度的划分及量表的信度和效度进行了检验和确认,为品牌体验及其相关领域的后续研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

陈晓峰 《科研管理》2014,35(1):97-105
本文尝试以品牌信任度为中介变量来验证企业社会责任与顾客忠诚度的关系,基于江苏部分地区牛乳制品消费者的问卷调查,运用SPSS13.0对调查量表各维度进行了因子分析、信度与效度检验以及回归分析,实证结果发现:企业社会责任与顾客忠诚度呈显著正相关关系,与品牌信任度呈显著正相关关系,而品牌信任度对企业社会责任与顾客忠诚度之间的关系也起到了部分中介作用。因此,企业在积极承担社会责任的同时应多关注消费者的品牌感知和评判,着力构建起品牌的信任和忠诚。  相似文献   

文章从移动社会化媒体知识共享、参与和用户信任的动因出发,来探索移动社会化媒体成员用户体验的影响,构建移动社会化媒体中用户体验对知识共享、参与水平和人际信任影响的理论模型,提出相关假设。实证研究表明,用户体验中行动体验维度和关联体验维度、参与水平和人际信任对用户知识共享行为有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

顾客价值理论探讨了影响顾客消费决策的众多因素,是国内外学者广泛关注的问题。本文选取了国内著名众筹网站———追梦网2012年至2014年间594个众筹项目为研究样本,根据顾客价值理论将其各项指标数据进行梳理,运用Logit回归分析法对平台中影响众筹项目成功的因素进行分析。实证结果显示,项目的服务、形象价值对众筹项目成功存在显著影响;产品、人员价值对其存在一定影响;货币成本对项目成功影响不显著。在此基础上,得出本文的研究结论并给出研究建议。  相似文献   

确定顾客重购意向的影响因素对企业制定营销策略具有非常重要的意义。根据学者们以形成的研究成果和理论分析,提出了影响超市顾客重购意向6个方面的因素。根据问卷调查所得到的数据,通过因子分析和多元回归分析对理论分析的结果进行检验。研究结果发现购物环境、便利程度、顾客满意、品牌形象和服务质量对超市顾客重购意向有正相关关系,价格感知对超市顾客重购意向有反相关关系。  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate over the activities of brands and companies in social media. Some researchers believe social media provide a unique opportunity for brands to foster their relationships with customers, while others believe the contrary. Taking the perspective of the brand community building plus the brand trust and loyalty literatures, our goal is to show how brand communities based on social media influence elements of the customer centric model (i.e., the relationships among focal customer and brand, product, company, and other customers) and brand loyalty. A survey-based empirical study with 441 respondents was conducted. The results of structural equation modeling show that brand communities established on social media have positive effects on customer/product, customer/brand, customer/company and customer/other customers relationships, which in turn have positive effects on brand trust, and trust has positive effects on brand loyalty. We find that brand trust has a fully mediating role in converting the effects of enhanced relationships in brand community to brand loyalty. The implications for marketing practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

王莉 《科研管理》2019,40(7):182-191
通过虚拟顾客参与平台(Virtual Customer Environments, VCE)来吸引顾客参与创新、利用顾客大数据、创建顾客中心型组织成为企业的重要策略,但VCE的运行机制并未得到理论界的足够重视。本文以VCE功能为主线,将VCE分为信息展示、需求收集和深度互动三个子平台。基于刺激-机体-反应模型,分析每个子平台的运行机制。具体而言,IT环境和市场环境的发展构成VCE的运行基础,企业和顾客之间的交互关系构成VCE的运行动因,企业吸引行为和顾客参与行为构成VCE的运行过程。进一步运用内容分析法,本文检验了中国500强企业网站中VCE子平台的运行,实证研究结果支持理论模型所提出的运行机制。但同时也发现,大多数中国500强企业尚未充分构建需求收集和深度互动这两个子平台,表现为在实际运行中未能有效吸引顾客参与。本研究不仅推动了VCE理论的发展,对顾客参与理论进行了拓展,并且有助于指导企业完善VCE平台的构建,从信息技术的角度塑造顾客导向型组织,提升创新绩效。  相似文献   

Service failure apologies on social media are a new crisis communication outlet trend used by companies to apologise to affected customers quickly and offer solutions, ultimately to restore customers' trust and brand loyalty. This paper contributes to the nascent literature on companies' social media service failure apologies and fills a gap in the social commerce literature by recognising that due to the open and public nature of social media, these apologies may reach not just affected customers, but also unintended audiences such as potential customers among the general public, which could potentially damage a company's reputation and market share. An online survey administered to 241 customers and 271 non-customers of a famous mobile phone brand, which used YouTube to apologise to its customers for a service failure incident, is used to explore potential behavioural outcomes, after exposure to the apology. Findings confirm that both customers and non-customers of the service provider may become exposed to a social media service failure apology. The hypothesised model predicts behavioural intentions to remain a customer after exposure to the social media service apology better than behavioural intentions to become a customer, even though relationships hold for both groups. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

张洁梅  王昊 《科研管理》2022,43(8):90-99
随着数字化技术的蓬勃发展,越来越多的企业运用社交媒体吸引顾客参与企业社会责任,虚拟企业社会责任共创已成为企业履行社会责任的重要形式。本研究以顾客心理授权(选择权、知情权、影响力)为中介变量,探讨企业社会责任感知(利益感知、情感感知、期望一致性)对参与意愿的作用机理,并由实证分析得出利益感知通过选择权、知情权、影响力对参与意愿有显著正向影响;情感感知通过选择权、知情权对参与意愿有显著正向影响;期望一致性通过选择权、知情权、影响力对参与意愿有显著正向影响;企业声誉在利益感知与选择权、知情权中起到正向调节的作用;企业声誉仅在情感感知与选择权中起到正向调节的作用;企业声誉在期望一致性与选择权、知情权、影响力中起到正向调节的作用。本研究拓展了顾客心理授权理论的应用范围,进一步探索了企业社会责任感知到参与意愿的“黑箱”,并为虚拟企业社会责任共创的有效开展提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

At present, the focus of marketing research is mostly on the influencing factors, composition, and measurement of brand equity. The meta-combined brand equity analysis is based on two main research perspectives: financial perspective and customer perspective. While the financial perspective is based on the incremental discounted future cash flows that would result from a branded product's revenue over the revenue of an unbranded product, the brand equity from the customer's perspective is the consumer's reaction to brand marketing behavior, the impact on brand knowledge. The decision-making of marketing behaviors often faces choices related to ethics. Therefore, once the moral value of a company through marketing behavior is recognized by consumers, the ethical behavior presented in this article through marketing behavior will make consumers feel more about the brand. How does the brand equity of your customer's products affect you? In this experiment, shopping groups with the same shopping experience were selected. During the survey process, all customers in different periods and the same time were selected as far as possible based on the practicability of the survey. The study survey covered 4 main aspects; customer satisfaction, overall overview of customer satisfaction; the advantages and disadvantages of marketing strategies through quantitative analysis and to put forward reasonable marketing strategy improvement opinions and suggestions to improve customer satisfaction. Using the technique of parameter prediction of the financial industry, the experiment proved that the non-standard promotion behavior, the integrity of the enterprise and the social responsibility are three aspects (P<0.05) that have an impact on the customer's brand equity among the corporate marketing components. It was a detailed study of the current state of brand marketing strategies and customer satisfaction, found key indicators of brands that could improve customer satisfaction, and presented corresponding suggestions for optimizing marketing strategies. It shows that. It has the importance of good guidance and references to improve customer satisfaction in the industry.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of information technology, customers not only shop online—they also post reviews on social media. This user-generated content (UGC) can be useful to understand customers’ shopping experiences and influence future customers’ purchase intentions. Therefore, business intelligence and analytics are increasingly being advocated as a way to analyze customers’ UGC in social media and support firms’ marketing activities. However, because of its open structure, UGC such as customer reviews can be difficult to analyze, and firms find it challenging to harness UGC. To fill this gap, this study aims to examine customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction toward attributes of hotel products and services based on online customer textual reviews. Using a text mining approach, latent semantic analysis (LSA), we identify the key attributes driving customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction toward hotel products and service attributes. Additionally, using a regression approach, we examine the effects of travel purposes, hotel types, star level, and editor recommendations on customers’ perceptions of attributes of hotel products and services. This study bridges customer online textual reviews with customers’ perceptions to help business managers better understand customers’ needs through UGC.  相似文献   

宁连举  孙中原  刘茜 《科研管理》2006,40(12):213-224
作为MSI两次提及的优先研究领域,顾客契合成为当前国际营销科学领域的热点问题之一。研究基于知识图谱理论,利用Citespace软件对Web of Science核心合集上1076篇顾客契合相关文献进行文献计量分析,绘制顾客契合研究文献的共被引知识图谱和共词聚类知识图谱,以探索顾客契合的研究热点和研究趋势。研究发现:顾客契合当前研究热点包括问卷测量开发、顾客契合实证研究和顾客契合在价值创造中的作用;顾客契合的研究趋势包括大数据环境下的顾客契合测量、顾客契合价值的识别与挖掘、在线互动环境中的“游戏化”元素设计研究三个方面。  相似文献   

宁连举  刘茜  张普宁 《科研管理》2017,38(9):150-160
企业网络社群中的顾客契合全面刻画了移动互联网情境下企业与顾客、顾客与顾客间持续性互动、互惠的价值关系。研究以社会偏好理论为基础,采用复杂网络演化博弈的方法,基于小世界网络和无标度网络分别构建企业网络社群中顾客契合的演化博弈模型,并使用MATLAB_8.3编程对网络社群中顾客契合演化均衡及机制进行模拟仿真。研究发现社会偏好对小世界和无标度网络社群中的顾客契合演化都存在规律性驱动作用,强社会偏好的效果更为显著,且两种网络社群中的顾客契合演化机制表现出明显差异性。研究为移动互联网情景下用户群体策略演化及收益分析奠定理论基础,并提出打造深度关系的网络社群、建立社会偏好的激励体系、实施社群的差异化管理等推进有效顾客契合管理的策略建议,从而实现企业平台的多方利益共赢。  相似文献   

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