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This article reports the responses of small groups of secondary pupils, from Y7‐Y10, to questions about aspects of citizenship education. The pupils were interviewed in early 2002 as part of wider research into their schools’ preparation for the introduction of compulsory citizenship education in September 2002. The interviews were conducted to assess the pupils’ interest in, knowledge of and enthusiasm for the three elements of the citizenship curriculum‐‐social and moral responsibility, community involvement and political literacy‐‐as well as to evaluate their involvement in the life of their school and the wider community. The pupils, from three urban comprehensive schools in a large town in the south of England, showed ignorance of and little interest in national politics and a lack of involvement in the local community. They were aware of some of their school councils’ achievements and powers, knew how the councils operated, and thought them moderately useful. Most did not anticipate that citizenship education would interest them, though they could see benefits in its inclusion in the curriculum. The one group of pupils already preparing for Citizenship Studies GCSE was, however, more enthusiastic about the subject than those who had yet to experience it.  相似文献   


Recent commentators on Durkheim have stressed his work's emphasis on the moral dimensions of social reality. Building on this premise and using it to explore the contemporary education of aspiring computer professionals, we think many of Durkheim's claims are verified in the process. We posit that the college computer department studied has developed an interlocking set of images, maxims and operating assumptions‐‐a collective moral account‐‐which frames its curriculum, courses and student evaluation. In short, we contend that even in a profession dealing with arguably the most advanced edge of late 20th‐century technology, only a very thin boundary separates its technical professional education from its essentially moral claims.  相似文献   

德国青少年科学教育主要分为学校科学教育和学校之外的科普教育。学校科学教育在目标上侧重培养学生的科学素养,内容上课程趋于综合,方法上注重学生的动手能力,培养学生的科学兴趣。同时,德国在全社会举办丰富多彩的科普教育活动,让科技教育延伸到学生的生活之中。  相似文献   

South Africa's most urgent and difficult project is to reconstruct all spheres of public life so as to establish enabling conditions for a flourishing and peaceful democracy. A viable education system with committed, competent and confident teachers is a primary condition for accomplishing these ends. This article offers a critical account of current attempts to transform teacher education and development. Against a sketch of inherited ways of using time and space in teacher education in South Africa, the article assesses change in three ‘spaces‘‐‐public space, evaluative space and pedagogical space‐‐and related changes in time. A fourth space of change‐‐institutional space‐‐is mentioned in so far as it affects the other three. I argue that the main direction of change is from insulated space and interrupted time to porous space and continuous time. While this direction has promising possibilities, it is not without pitfalls.  相似文献   

首先提出开发校本化德育课程是解决当前小学德育教学实效性不足的重要策略,进而分析小学校本化德育课程开发对学校教育、学生发展和教师教学的价值,最后基于以上的理解,结合实践总结了学校校本化德育课程建设的三方面经验,即依据社会需要建设德育校本活动课程、让学生参与德育校本活动课程建设和依据学校特色资源建设德育校本活动课程。  相似文献   

自从利维斯提出将大众文化引入学校课程的主张以来,有关大众文化的课程理论研究取得了丰硕的成果。本文对各个历史时期的大众文化课程观进行了梳理,阐述了大众文化课程观从利维斯的精英主义大众文化课程观、班托克的社会分层大众文化课程观、泰勒的校外课程大众文化价值观、吉鲁的批判教育学大众文化课程观到白金汉等的媒介素养教育大众文化课程观的演变过程,揭示了人们对大众文化在课程中的价值认识经历了从否定到肯定的历史规律。  相似文献   


Physics education in the Danish upper secondary school system has undergone a major reform, starting in August 1988. The earlier science‐centred physics curriculum has given way to a presentation of physics as a human activity, one way of obtaining this aim being through a compulsory introduction to elements of the history and philosophy of science. Following a brief presentation of the main reasons for including the historical‐philosophical dimension in physics teaching, this article describes how this dimension‐‐which was unfamiliar to most physics teachers‐‐was implemented in daily teaching practice. The implementation took place in three steps: (1) the development of a comprehensive teachers’ guide, (2) a nationwide in‐service teacher training programme, and (3) the publication of a number of students’ books written according to the guidelines of the committee responsible for all aspects of the implementation programme.  相似文献   

This paper examines single‐ and mixed‐sex elementary schooling in its effects upon the well‐being of girls and boys. Well‐being is defined in terms of adaptation to school life as reflected by affective characteristics such as self‐esteem, sense of mastery, stress, fear of failure, sense of belonging in school, study‐ and school commitment. Use was made of data concerning 2095 sixth‐grade pupils‐‐1130 boys and 965 girls‐‐in 60 private elementary schools. The results indicate that it is not the gender composition of the pupil population in se that exerts an influence but the gender composition of the teaching staff. Particularly, it is found that primary school boys are negatively affected by a school environment characterised by a preponderance of female teachers. Girls do not seem to be affected by the gender organisation of the school.  相似文献   

It is desirable that secondary school science teachers should, in addition to acquiring factual knowledge in the content area of science, also develop favourable science‐related attitudes. The present science teacher education programmes provided in Teachers’ Colleges in Nigeria make provisions for the acquisition of factual knowledge in science. However, it is assumed that positive science‐related attitudes would be incidentally acquired as secondary product of cognitive outcomes.

This paper is a report of a study in which an instructional package‐‐the Introductory Science Teacher Education (ISTE)‐‐was designed to promote in pre‐service science teachers the acquisition of favourable science‐related attitudes.

A trial administration of the ISTE was carried out in the study. Then the effect of the ISTE on students exposed to it was determined in terms of acquisition of science‐related attitudes and competence in lesson preparation.

The results obtained confirmed that the ISTE could produce better science‐related attitudes than the traditional science teacher education programme. The superiority of the effect of the ISTE on lesson preparation competence of pre‐service science teachers was also established in the study. Thus, a case is made for the need for such a package as the ISTE in science teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

融合教育需要融合学校和融合教育师资,融合教育师资的培养需要有适应融合教育的课程。“语文课程与教学”是师范院校小学教育和特殊教育专业的一门重要课程,为了适应融合教育师资培养的需要,必须对这门课程进行改革,构建新的课程体系,在课程性质、结构内容和课程资源建设各方面体现融合教育理念和语文教育特点,以区别于普通学校“语文课程与教学”和“特殊(聋、弱智、盲)学校语文课程与教学”,并把这门课程纳入融合教育师资培养的课程体系中。  相似文献   

日本高中的课程采用学科和科目相结合、学分制等设置方法,对学生综合素质的培养有很大促进作用。针对我国高中目前素质教育落实情况不佳的现状,通过采取对比的方法,分析其对我国高中的课程设置的启示,即应考虑学生需求,力求课程设置多样化、弹性化以及实行学分制,并在此基础上提出我国高中课程设置应注重实践能力、加强法制化建设等建议,力求提高我国高中素质教育的水平。  相似文献   


In spite of recent significant changes to the National Curriculum in England and Wales, including the introduction of personal, social and health education and citizenship, the subjects of sexuality and sexual identity remain virtually untouched in English primary and secondary schools. While diversity of sexual orientation is acknowledged in new government guidance on sex and relationship education, it receives no explicit recognition elsewhere in the curriculum. In this article, the author examines the current social, political and legal context within which this curriculum is situated, and its often contradictory intersections with popular culture. Drawing on current research into sexuality, gender construction and heteronormative forces in education, the author outlines a complex and contradictory network of forces which simultaneously exploit and undermine non-heterosexual lifestyles and relationships, and examines the way in which these discourses permeate both the school and wider society. The author considers ways in which these intersections and contradictions might be used as a means of challenging compulsory heterosexuality within and beyond the school.  相似文献   



Answers to questions pertaining to general education and basic subjects, as well as to vocational education (general‐technical education in particular) and the principle of integration cannot be reduced to formal speculations or to bare definitions, no matter how elegant and correct. In our era, which is the era of logic and of data‐processing, of automation and computers‐‐the analysis of the question of general and general‐technical education and the corresponding basic subjects of contemporary education must have the qualities of logical and epistemological necessity. The renaissance of formal and mathematical logic in contemporary general education and the inroads made by these subjects into the content and structure of contemporary vocational training‐‐are facts and trends without precedence in the history of education and school. Other developments from which there can be no retreat are the inclusion of data‐processing into the content and structure of the general education school, and the heavy reliance on mathematics in the process of vocational training, combined with elements of cybernetics, formal and mathematical logic, and science of management and control. Also, the time has come for a new principle of teaching, the principle of integration.  相似文献   

In order to adapt teacher education to new demands in mathematics classrooms, it is necessary to change the courses in mathematics at the university. Teachers’ beliefs about mathematics, learning and teaching has great impact on their teaching. At the University of Göteborg, a co‐operative project has been conducted in order to design a programme based on problem solving in courses taken by prospective Comprehensive School teachers (grade 4‐‐9). The main purpose of the project has been to make student teachers more reflective about mathematics as such, about learning and teaching. Another purpose of the project has been to use a teaching method in a university course‐‐a method which could be applied in a school classroom. The student teachers have worked co‐operatively in small groups of 3‐4 students and the educators role has been that of a facilitator. A preliminary evaluation indicates that student teachers have developed an insight into the complexity of learning and teaching, even though there are variations in this respect. However they still have difficulties in applying the method to teaching mathematics at school.  相似文献   

大众化高等教育时代背景下,地方本科院校由物理教育专业经过升本改造后的物理学专业,面临着招生每况愈下的办学危机.产生危机的原因在于升本后的办学目标不明确和就业市场的变化.要通过明确办学方向、制定合理的培养规格和课程体系、不断改革创新、谋划申报专业学位硕士点等途径,使传统专业焕发生机活力.  相似文献   

Religious education (RE) in Catholic high schools in Australia and Canada is compared by examining some of the underlying structural factors that shape the delivery of RE. It is argued that in Canadian Catholic schools RE is diminished by three factors that distinguish it from the Australian experience. These are: the level and history of government funding which in turn leads to a relative lack of autonomy of Catholic schools to control their own RE curriculum; external political and social influences on the RE curriculum which is apparent in the popular election of Catholic school trustees; and most decisively, the absence of strong, ongoing bureaucratic support of RE.  相似文献   

This article attempts to map the business and economics curriculum and explain some of the reasons for it being as it is; and to examine the number of students choosing to study the subjects and the ‘perceived relative value’ of studying economics and business studies. In 1988 a National Curriculum was introduced for all 5–16-year-olds in state schools in England but curiously neither business studies nor economics were mandatory subjects. In England, government education policy has influenced the development of the business and economics school curriculum in four main ways: first, in defining a core curriculum; second, in changes in school type; third, in the treatment of the academic/vocational divide; and, finally, in the development of a qualifications framework. With a new government elected, changes in education policy will therefore have an impact on the study of these subjects. We argue that while business and economics are very popular options for study by 14–19-year-olds, this area of the English curriculum needs further strengthening, and that all students should have the opportunity to study business and economics in some form to develop their own economic wellbeing and to better understand the world in which they live.  相似文献   

试论学校教育中大众文化的意义及边界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,学校教育开始有意识地主动观照并有选择地吸收部分大众文化进入学校课程体系。学校教育的这种做法,反映了教育关注日常生活,向生活世界回归的价值理念;也是社会民主化发展在教育中的体现,有利于教育创新。同时,学校教育对大众文化的观照和选择性吸收,在一定程度上也扩大了教育的资源,丰富了教育内容,也有利于教师对青少年学生的认识与价值引导。但是,大众文化的商业性和消费性将会削弱学校教育的传统价值根基,同时,大众文化的当下性和感官刺激性则容易导致学校教育丧失对人的精神世界的涵养与提升功能,而大众文化的犬儒性也不利于学校教育培养具有责任意识的现代公民人格。  相似文献   

Population education in the Pacific region is summarized in terms of awareness and commitment, curriculum and instructional materials development, integration into the school curricula, training programs, and evaluation research. Several population education issues of current concern relate to the increase in chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension that are associated with life styles and diet, and the rising incidence of AIDS and teenage pregnancy. In the Pacific region, many countries have advanced population programs and policies, while some still do not even have a population policy. The issue of balancing population and resources is a topic that has not been sufficiently addressed in resource-poor countries. There is wide variance in awareness and commitment to population education in the Pacific region. Commitment and continuous support are crucial to population education projects. Lack of support is sometimes due to changing government personnel and lack of awareness of policy makers. Population education is not the same as family planning or sex education, and traditionally is spread through seminars and workshops by part time project personnel unconnected to the entire educational apparatus. Presently, only 8 population projects are functioning in the region, with 2-3 in the planning stages. Materials development in the Pacific region has been devoted to the secondary school level, yet awareness is increasing that sexuality, family health, and the environment should be introduced at the primary level. A popular strategy is to integrate population issues into the existing curriculum, such as in Fiji, the Marshall Islands, and Kiribati, which also have teacher training curriculum. In most countries sex education is still a controversial topic, and materials are developed by teacher committees working after school rather in a curriculum development unit. AIDS has pushed this topic into the public sector. A chart is provided for each country and curriculum with population education and the level of schooling for formal and informal education. Training programs tend to be orientation workshops, materials development workshops, or teacher training workshops. Evaluation research in population education has been weak, due to an emphasis on program implementation, curriculum development, and limited resources and expertise.  相似文献   

如何将流行元素走进中学音乐课堂教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
让流行元素走进中学音乐课堂是切实可行的,与其让学生不加思索的"来者不拒",不如把流行元素引进中学音乐课堂,利用学生最熟悉的音乐教材,从学生最容易接触的点切入教材,来完成音乐课程标准中的教学任务,使学生受到应有的教育,掌握一定的音乐知识,受到优秀音乐作品的影响和熏陶,提高他们的音乐修养,享受到音乐艺术带来的无限魅力。  相似文献   

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