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This historical study focuses on how John Dewey's theory of education as socialization and Mordecai Kaplan's theory of Judaism as a civilization together served as an ideological base and pedagogical framework for the creation of “progressive,” “reconstructed” American Jewish school programs in the early 20th century (1910s–1930s). In the main, progressive Jewish educators no longer conceived of Jewish education merely as a program of religious education designed to impart the ways and dictates of Judaism. Rather, Jewish education was conceptualized as a total program of socialization designed to prepare children for active and intelligent participation in American Jewish life.  相似文献   

Whether the Jewish supplementary school should be operated as if it were a public school depends on the goals of Jewish education. “In terms of ultimate goals, however, Jewish education is now at a crossroads.”1 While all Jewish educators would probably agree with Harold Schulweis' statement that “it is our sacred task to create Jews,”2 educators are not in agreement over what type of Jews we are to create and how we are to create them. Jewish educators can be divided into two groups. One group wants to create “educated, thinking Jews” — goal #1—while the other desires to shape children into “feeling Jews” —goal #2.  相似文献   

专业学位研究生的培养主要是以实践能力为导向。就教育硕士而言,其实践能力结构包括教学能力、管理能力、教育研究能力、课程开发与设计能力和心理健康教育能力五个方面。从"是否有学校教学工作经历"和"是否师范专业本科毕业"两个维度,可以将教育硕士研究生分为"有经历师范生""无经历师范生""有经历非师范"和"无经历非师范"四类,他们对硕士阶段的理论课程学习和实践教学皆表现出不同的反馈与诉求,需要从理论课程和实践环节的设计上做出区分以进行分类培养。  相似文献   

Starting from the “Teachers' Rights and Duties Act” of 27th April 1972, a milestone in the thirty years' history of teacher training in the People's Republic of Poland, the paper outlines the differences and problems resulting from the second World War and the subsequent rapid increase in the demand for teachers. This exposition is supplemented by a table showing the number of pupils and students per type of school and university in the periods 1950–51 and 1973–74, and the number of teachers per type of school and university in the same periods. To overcome the difficult situation in teacher training, efforts were made since 1967, especially by the “Educational and Psychological Sciences Committee”, to design and implement a uniform academic education system for teachers at all types of school. The recommendations made in this connection were adopted by the Sejm (the Polish Parliament) in the “Charter of Teachers' Rights and Duties”. At the same time higher rates of pay for all categories of teachers were introduced. The new curricula for the uniform four-year study courses leading to the Master's degree have been applied since the academic year 1973–74. The proportions and contents of the individual study sectors are listed.  相似文献   

It was Edward Dahlberg, Kansas City's great gift to American letters, who observed that, as between a friend or an enemy, he always chose an enemy. An enemy is more reliable. Sometimes we need protection from the friends of Jewish education the well-meaning, well-intentioned passionate proponents of day school education who seem to believe that mobilizing support for day schools requires them to “bad-mouth” the supplementary school.  相似文献   

This study deals with the issue of incorporating values education in music education in Hong Kong's primary and secondary schools. It includes the development of the state's cultural and national identity since its handover from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China (PRC). Thirty primary and secondary school music teachers were interviewed in order to understand how notions of “musical values” and “non-musical values” have been addressed in the curriculum. In particular, this study focuses on music teachers' perspectives on teaching world music, traditional Chinese music, the PRC national anthem, and non-musical values. This paper questions the effectiveness of existing curricular and pedagogical attempts to encourage the students' musical experience and extra-musical education. It concludes that values education must have clear conceptions of “values”, “musical cultures”, and “national identity” in order to maintain unity amidst the intensifying plurality of ethnicities and cultures in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This article is a summary of a dissertation for the Master Education degree awarded by Wit‐watersand University, South Africa. The term “Matriculate”, which is not in common usage, refers to the young man or woman who has completed the officially recognised matriculation examination of its academic equivalent. ‘Day School’ refers to the Jewish school which conforms to the education authorities' requirements and, in addition to providing the same curriculum of studies as that of the Government Schools, includes instruction to matriculation level in Jewish studies and the Hebrew language.  相似文献   

What will the Jewish supplementary school be in the 1990's? A more definitive question might be what will it supplement? In the beginning “supplementary” schools brought Jewish knowled[ggrave]e to the student who was already experiencing living Judaism in the home. In the 1960's, heyday of Jewish afternoon schools, the school supplemented secular knowledge and secular living with Jewish knowledge and some Jewish life experience as the home contributed less and less.  相似文献   

The subject of Jewish family education has become prominent in the last few years. At one of a series of regional conferences on the subject, the author presented a keynote address1, whose theme revolved around perceptions of the “client,” and the need for the community to become committed to the idea of Jewish family education. There is a widespread recognition that Jewish survival cannot rely only on the education of children, but must rely on the education of their parents, too. Though Jewish educators have always known that the home needs to reinforce the school, it is only recently that concerted efforts have been made to conceptualize and develop programs for Jewish family education.  相似文献   


Distance education, in which learners are remote from the primary educational institution and the teacher, is increasingly delivered via interactive television technology. Moore (1980) described transactional distance between students and faculty in distance education as characterized by dialogue and structure. He hypothesized that high structure and low dialogue yield “remote” transactional distance and low structure and high dialogue yield “close” transactional distance. The variables in the current study were operationally defined following Moore (1973, 665): “A learner's ‘distance’ from his teacher [transactional distance] … is defined as a function of individualization [structure] and dialogue.” Student volunteers (n = 221) in thirteen public health and nursing graduate courses at the University of Hawaii at Manoa responded to an investigator‐developed questionnaire regarding elements of dialogue, structure, and transactional distance in their courses. Principal components and internal consistency reliability analyses verified the presence of three factors: structure, dialogue, and transactional distance. Dialogue was greater in the distance‐format courses than in the traditional‐format courses. Distance‐format courses did not differ from traditional courses on amount of structure or transactional distance.  相似文献   

This paper draws on facets of Foucault's theoretical resources to critique current education policy reform from within the Australian State of Victoria, namely the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development's (DEECD) discussion paper New directions for school leadership and the teaching profession. Implicit in the reform effort is decentralization, including penalties for “underperforming” classroom teachers and “ineffective” teacher education courses. Principals will hold a pre-eminent rank in the reforms proposed as they are charged with their oversight and implementation, including intervening in the education and preparation of pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

The views of Jewish education articulated by Rosenzweig in his essays “It is Time” and in “The Opening of the Lehrhaus” are quite different. So different, in fact, that an account of how one mind can produce such different accounts is necessary. Following the lead of a 1950’s popular television quiz show, the authors ask “Will the Real Franz Rosenzweig Please Stand Up?” The authors end by exploring how the tensions within Rosenzweig's educational thinking can yield new insights into the contemporary challenges of Jewish education.  相似文献   


Traditionally colleges have relied on standalone non-credit-bearing developmental education (DE) to support students academically and ensure readiness for college-level courses. As emerging evidence has raised concerns about the effectiveness of DE courses, colleges and states have been experimenting with approaches that place students into credit-bearing coursework more quickly. To better understand which types of students might be most likely to benefit from being placed into college-level math coursework, this study examines heterogeneity in the causal effects of placement into college-level courses using a regression discontinuity design and administrative data from the state of Texas. We focus on student characteristics that are related to academic preparation or might signal a student’s likelihood of success or need for additional support and might therefore be factors considered for placement into college-level courses under “holistic advising” or “multiple measures” initiatives. We find heterogeneity in outcomes for many of the measures we examined. Students who declared an academic major designation, had bachelor’s degree aspirations, tested below college readiness on multiple subjects, were designated as Limited English Proficiency (LEP), and/or were economically disadvantaged status were more likely to benefit from placement into college-level math. Part-time enrollment or being over the age of 21 were associated with reduced benefits from placement into college-level math. We do not find any heterogeneity in outcomes for our high school achievement measure, three or more years of math taken in high school.


This chapter describes the study as it was conducted in three public high schools in Sydney: a governmental comprehensive high school, a non-government or private high school, and a government “selective school”. The results suggest that civic education revolved around an identifiable, yet not clearly articulated, set of civic values. For teachers, civic education's main goal was to prepare students for harmonious integration into Australia's highly multicultural society, to maintain and reinforce social cohesion, and, consequently, to foster acceptance of diversity. For students, civic education was an enigma. Although they participated in civic education experiences they could rarely identify them as such. Furthermore, few students could identify subject matter of civic education through what was taught in school subjects.  相似文献   

In the People's Republic in China, government policies are aimed at enabling the country to achieve by the year 2050 the same standard of economic development as the middle group of developed countries, such as Portugal and Greece, reached in 1990. Education supported by television has been given an important role to play, but China's policy and practice in television education has changed considerably since 1978. The remarkable growth of the television universities, started in 1979 with a terrestrial broadcasting system, was aided by a large World Bank loan. Reforms of the late 1980s in higher education led to a decline in undergraduate numbers in these universities, but other reforms enabled them to serve new groups, such as those requiring specialised vocational courses. Next, the government decided to establish a satellite television system for education, to serve several purposes including in-service training for primary and secondary school teachers, and “post-university” television education for technicians, managers and professional staff. The outcomes of these changing policies have been monitored and to some extent evaluated, raising questions about the future of television education in China.  相似文献   

Medical schools are increasingly integrating professionalism training into their gross anatomy courses, teaching ethical behavior and humanistic attitudes through the dissection experience. However, many schools continue to take a traditional, technical approach to anatomical education while teaching professionalism in separate courses. This interview-based study explored how students viewed the body donor and the professional lessons they learned through dissection at one such medical school. All students oscillated involuntarily between seeing the cadaver as a specimen for learning and seeing the cadaver as a person, with some students intentionally cultivating one of these ways of seeing over the other. These views shaped students’ emotional and moral responses to the experiences of dissection. The “specimen” view facilitated a technical, detached approach to dissection, while the “person” view made students engage emotionally. Further, students who intentionally cultivated a “specimen” view generally felt less moral distress about dissection than students who intentionally cultivated a “person” view. The concept of respect gave students permission to perform dissections, but “person-minded” students developed more complex rules around what constituted respectful behavior. Both groups of students connected the gross anatomy experience to their professional development, but in different ways. “Specimen-minded” students intentionally objectified the body to learn the emotional control physicians need, while “person-minded” students humanized the body donor to promote the emotional engagement required of physicians. These findings support efforts to integrate professionalism teaching into gross anatomy courses, particularly content, addressing the balance between professional detachment and concern.  相似文献   

高职教育人才大体上可分两类,一类是从事研究开发,研发新技术,另一类是要把开发研究出来的理论和技术转变成现实的生产。通过对高职院校学生特点的分析,认为要培养学生的创新与实践能力要从加强实训室建设、设置独立的实训课程、增加学生社会实践、完善实践教学体系四方面进行转变,以人文素质、实践能力的培养为中心,全面促进学生的综合能力的培养。  相似文献   


Concerns have been raised over the potential of charter schools to re-segregate the nation's schools. This concern has been expressed mostly with respect to students with disabilities and with respect to ethnic and/or racial minorities. In this study, the enrollment statistics for charter and contiguous non-charter public schools in a large urban district were compared with each other and with district enrollment averages by school level (elementary, middle, and senior schools). Findings indicated that very few enrollment percentages of charters and of noncharters were comparable with District averages on gender, ethnicity, participation in the free/reduced lunch program (FRL), limited English proficiency (LEP), and students in exceptional student education (ESE). Indeed, contiguous charter and non-charter public schools were more likely to resemble each other than District averages. However, charters and non-charters differed significantly from each other on the number of schools that had “low” and “high” enrollments of students participating in FRL, of LEP, and of ESE students.  相似文献   

A frequent negative criticism directed toward Jewish education is its alleged “non-effect” or “effects” on most of its students. Most students are exposed to such a limited total amount of Jewish elementary and supplementary schooling, we are told, that it has little if any discernible effect on their subsequent adult Jewish knowledge, identity, and religiosity.  相似文献   

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