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钱小兵 《体育科研》2012,33(4):92-94
探讨了提高多向飞碟首发命中率的重要性,并将多向飞碟的单发练习作为提高多向飞碟运动员基础水平的思想运用于训练实践。通过基础训练及全国比赛的实践表明,在基本技术练习阶段及赛前特定时期使用较大比重的单发练习,对提高一发命中率进而提高资格赛及决赛成绩有明显效果。同时,通过此种方法的训练还可以提高运动员单发决赛的能力及还有适当节省用弹数量作用。  相似文献   

通过对3名多向射击女运动员运枪速度的测定,算出测试对象各段距离运枪的速度,提出命中飞碟靶区域地段的运枪速度并非要达到0.84—0.86m/秒,只要达到0.35m/秒以上速度都有可能击碎飞碟靶。  相似文献   

飞碟多向TRAP射击项目中的抛靶设备采用电气手动和电气声动两种形式抛靶。第一种形式是抛靶员根据射击手的口令声用手接通电钮发射碟靶,它的缺点是出靶延迟时间长,出靶时间一致性很差,很难满足飞碟多向的叫靶、立即出靶的规则。飞碟多向声控仪正是为解决这一矛盾而设计的。它属于电气声动抛靶形式,是利用射手的口令声来控制碟靶(射击目标)的发射。靶控仪是对不同发射方向的碟靶根据飞碟多向规则进  相似文献   

男子多向飞碟射击是奥运会项目之一,但目前我国的射击水平与世界先进水平相比,仍有一定的差距,笔者经过多年的观察研究,认为运动员射击飞碟的快慢与射击成绩的高低有很大关系。笔者1981年在参加世界飞碟射击锦标赛时,观察记录了男子多向个人前六名女子第一名共七名运动员的发射时间,与我国七名优秀运动员的发射时间进行对比,发现最短发射时间,最长发射时间,平均发射时间,最长最短发射时间差值四项指标,都表明我国运动员发射时间偏慢。根据这一现象,笔者对猎枪弹、碟靶的性能进行了射击模拟试验,发现在29米射距时猎枪弹可以百分之百击碎碟  相似文献   

射击飞碟双向项目曾是我国拿过奥运会金牌的拳头项目,但随着国际射联不断修改规则增加难,加上我国的飞碟双向缺少一整套先进技术理论的支持,与世界先进水平距离逐渐拉大。要改变现状,迎状赶上,必须实践快打技术,培养“快打型”选手,形成快速、简捷、流畅的技术风格,实践证明:“快打型”技术能更有效地发挥弹丸的效能;有利于克服变化靶、不规则靶的不利因素;有利于射手整体动作程序的完成,防止击发瞬间注意力分散,在实际训练中则要强调人枪结合的质量,将发展速度与提高命中率有效地结合起来,注意发射速度规律性的培养,大胆实践飞碟射击概略瞄准的概念。  相似文献   

对飞碟射击多年实践中压枪后"指点"位置进行分析,认为在多向飞碟射击中,高指点位置射击充分利用眼的视野位置,比低指点位置射击更有利于提高成绩,并分析了最佳高指点位置的范围,为训练提供科学理论依据.  相似文献   

G871.3 20034888浅析飞碟多向射击的击发动作[刊,中,I]/单林森(沈阳市军事体育陆上运动学校)//辽宁体育科技.-2003,25(2).-27,45(XH)射击//飞碟//击发//动作分析飞碟多向射击是空中高速飞行的碟靶实施快速准确射击的技能类项目,掌握它的基本特点和规律,抓住举枪、瞄准、击发三要素中击发这一最关键环节是至关重要的。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国多向飞碟射击运动员的右肘位置与射击姿势关系的研究,发现优秀运动员的右上臂外展角为85°—95°,并从理论上论述了它的合理性。  相似文献   

对国家射击队19名飞碟双向运动员的技术统计发现:双靶快打技术是提高飞碟双向运动成绩的有效途径,提高双靶快打技术的关键是一靶的质量,3、4、5号靶位双靶的命中率是制约成绩提高的“瓶颈”,而双靶的二靶命中率则是“颈中之喉”。提出了在训练中应注意以盯带起,抓好一靶质量,在合理的节奏中,坚持“以盯带回”,准确及时命中二靶。  相似文献   

举枪、瞄准、击发是射击动作的三大要素,三者不可分割。正确认识和掌握其特点和规律,是实施准确射击的基础。本文对飞碟多向射击瞄准中的盯靶问题作以研究,旨在为提高运动员的训练水平提供依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the proposal that pre-shot occipital electroencephalogram (EEG) alpha-power reactivity would not only associate with, but also have a causal role in, the relative success of performance outcome in expert air-pistol shooting. Six expert air-pistol shooters performed a sixty-shot match, individually, while electroencephalograms were captured from occipital and anterior-temporal electrode sites during the aiming period (3 x 2 s epochs) before shot release. The five best shots and five worst shots were selected for each shooter on the basis of four shot quality indicators, and pre-shot EEG alpha power for best shots was compared with that of worst shots. Occipital EEG alpha power was found to increase during epochs 1-3 before best shots, but to decrease before worst shots; it was significantly greater during the final pre-shot epoch of best shots. This finding suggests that visual attention to the pistol and target was gradually suppressed during the pre-shot period of best shots, whereas it gradually increased before worst shots. In addition, significantly greater EEG alpha power was found at the left than at the right anterior-temporal site, lending support to the robust findings of previous target-sport studies. We conclude that the participants were able to shoot at the target with greatest success when not having maximal visual attention on where the pistol was aimed and that suppression of visual attention during the final seconds of the pre-shot period is a necessary prerequisite for automatic shot execution, as controlled by mechanisms of intention.  相似文献   

要打好乒乓球,从理论上来说,必须达到两个要求:一是根据规则规定,将球回击对方台面上去,即进行有效回击,它要求打球时要有合适的弧线和准确的落点;二是打过去的球要有质量,也就是说击球必须有速度、力量、旋转、落点变化与弧线变化。没有击球的准确性,根本谈不上击球质量,文章就此进行研究,以期为相关研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

射击运动员心率与命中率的监测与调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用遥测心率仪监测射击运动员训练、比赛中心率与命中率的关系。表明:由于训练、比赛的不同情境,运动员的紧张程度不一,其平均心率也不同;但对同一射手而言,其命中10环时的心率较9环(及9环以下)时的心率低约8次/min左右。为了有效提高运动员的命中率,采用生物反馈技术,对运动员实施心理调控,发现放松表象训练能改善运动员心率,同时射手击发前的瞄点更为准确,从而提高了她们击发动作的一致性和命中率。  相似文献   


A player’s ability to score low is critical to the tournament outcome in golf. The relationships of round scores to fairways hit in regulation or striking distance on two holes per round have been investigated before with some disagreement. The purpose is therefore to examine the relationships of par-4 and par-5 hole scores to tee shot functional accuracy and distance, measured as lie of the ball and penalty, and striking distance or distance to the pin for the second shot. Such information is possible to collect without interviewing players. The best US Professional Golfers’ Association Tour players’ statistics during a season are used, provided by the Professional Golfers’ Association Tour and ShotLink. Distance was measured with laser equipment. The results include significant (P < 0.05) correlations between score and striking distance or distance to pin, when hitting rough but not fairway on par-4s and when hitting fairway and rough on par-5s. It is therefore relevant, for performance, to consider the type of fairway miss as well as the striking distance in relation to the par and length of the hole. The findings can be considered when making gap and needs profiles, and when making tactical decisions for tee shots on different types of holes.  相似文献   

黄志红、隋新梅推铅球技术整体动作的速度节奏   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
以每秒140格的速度定点拍摄了黄志红与隋新梅的最佳及较佳成绩。力图在她们运动成绩达到高水平的情况下,对其整体动作的速度节奏进行探讨。分析表明:铅球速度与身体重心速度的对比反映出黄与隋的整体动作的速度节奏还未能更合理地安排与发挥;最后用力过程在理论上应建立两个侧弓形的概念。如果黄与隋注意并稳固地形成第二侧弓形用力的良好姿势,则会有益于取得最佳投掷成绩。  相似文献   

女子铅球运动曾是我国田径运动的优势项目之一,通过文献资料法、数理统计法和比较分析法对我国女子铅球运动水平进行分析和评述,根据当前存在的问题提出对策。结果发现,(1)1987年-1997年是我国该项目的鼎盛时期,为我国夺得不少荣誉。我国女子铅球最好成绩和世界年度最好成绩比较,差异不显著(p〉0.05)。1997年全运会之后,我国该项目成绩大幅度滑落。1998年-2010年,没有取得过一枚奖牌。世界最好成绩也呈现滑坡趋势。我国该项目最好成绩和世界年度最好成绩比较,差异非常显著(p〈0.001)。随着竞技体育的商业化和运动员的职业化发展,赛事不断的增加,在2011年上半年已举办的全国田径比赛中,仅2次突破20m大关,距离世界水平还相差甚远。(2)运动员选材工作不到位,运动训练未完全创新,运动竞赛表现差和竞技体育管理不当是我国女子铅球运动成绩下降的主要原因。(3)抓好运动员选材、完善运动训练、加强运动员竞赛能力和加强竞技体育管理力度是我国实现女子铅球运动重振辉煌的重要途径和方法。  相似文献   

篮球比赛中运动员的罚球命中率远远低于平时的训练水平。这主要与心理变化影响正常技术发挥有关。章就运动员在罚球时如何进行心理控制及训练的理论和方法上作了进一步探讨。  相似文献   

This field experiment investigated the relative merits of approaching the penalty kick with either a keeper-independent or keeper-dependent strategy. In the keeper-independent strategy, the shooter selects a target location in advance and disregards the goalkeeper's actions during the run-up. In the keeper-dependent strategy, the shooter makes a decision resting on the anticipation of the goalkeeper's movements during the run-up. Ten intermediate-level soccer players shot at one of two visually specified targets to the right and left side of the goal. In the keeper-independent strategy condition, participants were told that the visually specified target would not change. In the keeper-dependent strategy condition, participants were told that in half of the trials the visually specified target would change side at different times before ball contact, indicating that the direction of the kick needed to be altered. The results showed that penalty-taking performance was apt to be less than perfect in the keeper-dependent strategy condition. A decrease in the time available to alter kick direction resulted in a higher risk of not only an incorrect but also inaccurate shot placement. It is concluded that anticipating the goalkeeper's movements may degrade penalty kick performance, mainly due to insufficient time to modify the kicking action.  相似文献   


This field experiment investigated the relative merits of approaching the penalty kick with either a keeper-independent or keeper-dependent strategy. In the keeper-independent strategy, the shooter selects a target location in advance and disregards the goalkeeper's actions during the run-up. In the keeper-dependent strategy, the shooter makes a decision resting on the anticipation of the goalkeeper's movements during the run-up. Ten intermediate-level soccer players shot at one of two visually specified targets to the right and left side of the goal. In the keeper-independent strategy condition, participants were told that the visually specified target would not change. In the keeper-dependent strategy condition, participants were told that in half of the trials the visually specified target would change side at different times before ball contact, indicating that the direction of the kick needed to be altered. The results showed that penalty-taking performance was apt to be less than perfect in the keeper-dependent strategy condition. A decrease in the time available to alter kick direction resulted in a higher risk of not only an incorrect but also inaccurate shot placement. It is concluded that anticipating the goalkeeper's movements may degrade penalty kick performance, mainly due to insufficient time to modify the kicking action.  相似文献   

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