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一、选题依据青少年运动员科学选材工作,世界各竞技体育强国,特别是苏联,东德等国非常重视,建立了一整套较为系统的理论。我国大规模青少年运动员选材工作的开展已经十年了,上海、湖北、山西等均拿出了部分竞技项目的综合评价标准,但我们认为,上述综合评价标准在测试项目的选择,特别是各测试指标在综合评价准标中的权重等问题方面,还有待进一步完善和深化。本文准备从四川省田径项目入手,运用数理统计的方法,探寻各项测试指标与  相似文献   

何洋  王霆  石岩 《体育科学》2008,28(5):33-43
在文献研究和专家咨询、调查分析的基础上,对国家集训队和省(市)射箭队173名男、女运动员进行了机能、素质、技术和心理52项选材指标的测试与分析,经过统计学筛选,结合教练员对运动员专项竞技能力的经验评定和比赛成绩排名积分等内容,建立了包括机能、素质、技术、心理及教练经验评定5大类指标组成的优秀射箭运动员竞技能力结构模型、科学选材指标体系和选材评价标准,并编写了高水平射箭运动员科学选材教练员实用手册.  相似文献   

一、选题依据实践证明,搞好青少年运动员科学选材工作,是攀登竞技运动技术高峰的前提条件。世界各竞技体育强国,特别是苏联、东德等国对此工作非常重视,建立了一整套较为系统的理论。我国大规模青少年运动员选材工作的开展已经十年了,上海、湖北、山西等均拿出了部分竞技项目的综合评价标  相似文献   

通过对我国优秀链球运动员测试检验、统计筛选(主成份分析和聚类分析),专家经验初选和专业理论知识分析评定等研究方法,从初步拟定的53项选材指标中选出6大类、17项指标为本课题的选材指标,为建立全国统一的青少年各年龄段链球运动员综合性评价标准,制定选材标准指标。  相似文献   

青少年竞技健美操运动员专项训练效果评估体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,对青少年竞技健美操运动员专项训练指标体系进行探讨与分析,其目的是试图构建出青少年竞技健美操运动员专项训练内容评估的一般体系;研究结果:1)青少年竞技健美操运动员专项训练内容指标体系由5个一级指标、17个二级指标以及62个三级指标组成,其中,一级指标涵盖:身体控制能力、操化技术能力、难度技术能力、过渡衔接技术能力以及表现风格5个方面;2)建立综合评估模型,得到青少年竞技健美操运动员专项训练效果的综合评价数值,以便运动员对自己的能力进行纵向与横向的比较,找出优劣势,从而为教练员的训练决策以及更好地把握运动员不同竞技能力的发展情况提供一个量化标准。  相似文献   

为掌握现代五项国际新规则下项目发展趋势对运动员竞技能力要求的关键要素,科学建立形态、体能、技能、智能和心理为一体的现代五项优秀选手综合性选材指标体系,通过分析2017-2019年国际比赛中世界优秀现代五项选手的竞技成绩结构,结合专家问卷调查和相关选材指标统计筛选,研究发现:现代五项选材需要选择体能性项目游泳及跑射专项素质都较好的运动员,并注重考虑击剑相关的专项素质能力在选材指标体系中的权重比例。在分析和调研的基础上建立了生长发育、身体形态、生理机能、身体素质、专项能力、心理特征和教练员非量化评定等六大类现代五项综合性选材指标体系。结论:只有全面系统地分析国际现代五项优秀选手在新规则下的竞技成绩结构,掌握竞技能力构成要素,才能建立并不断完善现代五项优秀运动员的选材指标体系。  相似文献   

何洋  庞变花 《体育科学》1993,13(5):37-39
通过十余年,特别是近三年对我国18省市青少年自行车运动员近1500人次进行了身体形态、机能、素质、心理、专项技术等方面的调查测试,分析筛选出较为敏感的青少年自行车运动员选材指标。采用统计计算和专家经验相结合的方法确定出各指标的权重,并制定出13~18岁自行车运动员选材评价标准,为我国青少年自行车运动员选材提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文以我组1980至1990年度所招收的13岁女子投掷运动员为样本,对各运动员的10项指标测试值进行统计分析,结果表明:该组运动员的各项指标测试值与其运动员的运动能力及身体条件的综合评价等级是密切相关的。并且各项分析的精度均达到规定的精度要求。这种利用实测因子值进行数理统计分析,对各少年运动员作出综合评价的方法(即数值选材法)旨在减少人为判断和经验选材的盲目性,为少年运动员选材工作提供一种正确、方便、快速的方法。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查等研究方法,分析影响我国甲A女排运动员竞技能力各因素指标的相关性、各项指标与比赛成绩之间的关系及各项指标在各因素中所占的权重,建立我国甲A女排运动员竞技能力各因素的评价模型及竞技能力的综合评价模型,客观、量化地评价我国甲A女排运动员的竞技能力,为调控运动训练,提高训练的针对性、系统性提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文调研了国内外青少年游泳运动员选材现状,探究了游泳运动员初级选材时机,根据成才期对选材进行了3阶段划分,并对青少年游泳运动员初级选材方法进行梳理与分析。当前存在的主要问题有:1)对于游泳运动员初级选材不够重视;2)选材标准不统一;3)体育科学研究所没有专岗工作人员;4)部分城市没有建立选材数据库。建议:1)各级职能部门应更加重视运动员初级选材工作;2)建立全省运动员选材数据库;3)地级体育科学研究所工作人员应专人专职进行运动员选材工作;4)与地方体育类高校合作提高选材质量;5)应将经验与科学选材相结合。  相似文献   

通过对我国33名优秀男女蹼泳运动员42项身体形态指标的测试,研究制定出我国青少儿蹼泳运动员身体形态主要指标选材预测表和男子体密度推导回归方程,建议蹼泳选材时,注重选拔身体围度大、流线型好,头型为高中头型或高狭头型的运动员从事蹼泳运动。  相似文献   

This study investigated the construct and concurrent validity of a 12-minute crawl stroke swim as a field test of swimming endurance. A sample of 42 male college students who ranged from certified life savers to competitive swimmers were administered three tests. The first, a multistage swimming endurance test, required that a tethered subject swim to exhaustion under a linear progressive increase in workload. The second measure was the crawl stroke count for two lengths of a 25-yard pool. The third test was a 12-minute crawl stroke swim for distance with total distance and distance covered each minute recorded for each subject. Alpha factor analysis of the 12 minute intervals of the crawl stroke swim produced one factor which demonstrated that swimming performance was internally consistent during the 12-minute swim. There was a correlation of .898 (p < .01) between the 12-minute swim and the tethered swim test. Cross validity procedures demonstrated a high degree of stability for the correlation between the 12-minute swim and the tethered swim and for resulting regression statistics. The construct validity was established for both the multistage test and the 12-minute swim using the known groups approach. On the basis of the data the 12-minute swim is a valid field test for swimming endurance for the population studied.  相似文献   


This study made the comparison of swimmers ranked according to swimming ability as determined by actual time tests in events used in NCAA high school dual meets with personality traits as measured by the Thurstone temperament schedule. The purpose was to add to the knowledge of characteristics of swimmers by determining if the factors within the individual which make a boy a better swimmer correlate significantly with the measured personality traits. Twenty-one swimmers were timed throughout the swimming season on each of the swimming events and the rank of each swimmer calculated. Each swimmer was given the personality test. Statistical analysis of the rankings of these seven personality traits was made in comparison to the swimming rank of the swimmers in the various strokes. Three rank difference correlations were found significant at the .05 level, indicating a tendency for rank of swimming performance to correspond with rank of personality variable. The dominant trait was positively correlated with 100-yard freestyle ranking. Negative correlations were found with the sociable trait and the 100-yard breaststroke and with the reflective trait and 200-yard freestyle.  相似文献   

游泳运动训练的生理、生化监控方法研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
采用实验测试法对国家游泳队运动员的生理生化监控方法进行研究。研究表明:游泳运动员血液生化指标的评价参考范围也表现出一定的性别和5个级别差异性;科学的高原训练计划可以提高运动员的有氧代谢能力;无氧酵解能力训练手段对不同优秀游泳运动员有着不同的影响;同一种磷酸原供能训练方法并非可以同时适合于不同的运动员;相同负荷训练后运动员成绩越好、恢复心率越快,则表明运动员机能状况越佳;单一生理生化指标并不能完全监控游泳周(阶段)训练后的恢复情况。  相似文献   

在游泳教学中,如何用量化的指标来科学地评判游泳者的游泳能力一直是游泳学界研究的热点。本文通过检测游泳能力掌握程度的不同对人体水中俯卧滑行能力的影响,讨论不同游泳能力者俯卧滑行能力的差异,反映游泳熟练程度对被动阻力的影响,来检验俯卧滑行能否作为评判游泳能力的强烈因子。选取华南师范大学体育专业38名身体健康的大学生按游泳能力的不同分为三组(平均年龄19岁,身高1.72cm,体重64.23kg)作为实验对象分别测量俯卧滑行的距离。要求实验对象采用双手置于头前蹬边滑行的方式进行测试,以手到池边的距离为测量距离。采用单因素方差分析检验俯卧滑行距离是否存在组间差异。结果表明,游泳能力会影响俯卧滑行距离(被动阻力)。不同水平游泳者其俯卧滑行的距离在统计学中有显著性差异,说明俯卧滑行能力可以作为评判游泳能力的强烈因子。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse the relative age effect (RAE) in competitive swimming. The best 50 Portuguese swimmers (12- to 18-year-olds) for the main individual swimming pool events of both genders were considered. Analysis was conducted on 7813 swimming event participants, taking account of respective swimmer birth dates and the Fédération Internationale de Natation points gained. Differences in the distribution of birth dates by quarter year were determined using the Chi-square. A one-way analysis of variance ANOVA was used to test for differences measured in points between individuals by quarterly birth year intervals. A two-way analysis of variance ANOVA was also conducted to test the interaction between gender and seasonal birth date with regard to performance. The results show an inequitable distribution (p<0.01) of birth dates by quarter for almost all age groups and both genders. However, the distribution of birth dates by quarter for each considered swim event shows that RAE seems to exist only for 12-year-old females and 12- to 15-year-old males. Analysing mean swimming performance, post-hoc results (p<0.01) show no consistency in RAE. Higher performance occurs among older swimmers only in 100 m butterfly (female 1998, 1st≠2nd quarter, p=0.003). The results also show no interaction between gender and seasonal birth date (p<0.01). Findings of this study show that a higher number of swimmers, particular males, are born in the first two quarters of the year, although there is mostly no effect of seasonal birth date on performance differences within the top 50 swimmers.  相似文献   

综合运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法以及专家访谈法等方法,以不同泳姿(自由泳、仰泳、蛙泳、蝶泳)为研究视角,对我国78名优秀女子游泳运动员进行问卷调查.研究结果表明,我国优秀女子游泳运动员损伤主要类型是肌肉韧带拉伤,不同泳姿由于技术特点导致损伤部位存在差异性.运动损伤的发生是多个因素的相互结合作用,主要包括训练因素、身体素质、心理因素以及其他因素等.分析和探讨我国优秀女子游泳运动员损伤致因,提出合理的损伤预防建议,以期能减少运动损伤患病率,提高运动员运动成绩和延长运动寿命.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to propose a new force parameter, associated with swimmers’ technique and performance. Twelve swimmers performed five repetitions of 25 m sprint crawl and a tethered swimming test with maximal effort. The parameters calculated were: the mean swimming velocity for crawl sprint, the mean propulsive force of the tethered swimming test as well as an oscillation parameter calculated from force fluctuation. The oscillation parameter evaluates the force variation around the mean force during the tethered test as a measure of swimming technique. Two parameters showed significant correlations with swimming velocity: the mean force during the tethered swimming (r = 0.85) and the product of the mean force square root and the oscillation (r = 0.86). However, the intercept coefficient was significantly different from zero only for the mean force, suggesting that although the correlation coefficient of the parameters was similar, part of the mean velocity magnitude that was not associated with the mean force was associated with the product of the mean force square root and the oscillation. Thus, force fluctuation during tethered swimming can be used as a quantitative index of swimmers’ technique.  相似文献   

This study examined the validity of isometric strength tests for evidence-based classification in Para swimming. Thirty non-disabled participants and forty-two Para swimmers with physical impairment completed an isometric strength test battery designed to explain activity limitation in the freestyle discipline. Measures pertaining to dominant and non-dominant limb strength and symmetry were derived from four strength tests that were found to be reliable in a cohort of non-disabled participants (ICC = 0.85–0.97; CV = 6.4–9.1%). Para swimmers had lower scores in strength tests compared with non-disabled participants (d = 0.14–1.00) and the strength test battery successfully classified 95% of Para swimmers with physical impairment using random forest algorithm. Most of the strength measures had low to moderate correlations (r = 0.32 to 0.53; p ≤ 0.05) with maximal freestyle swim speed in Para swimmers. Although, fewer correlations were found when Para swimmers with hypertonia or impaired muscle power were analysed independently, highlighting the impairment-specific nature of activity limitation in Para swimming. Collectively, the strength test battery has utility in Para swimming classification to infer loss of strength in Para swimmers, guide minimum eligibility criteria, and to define the impact that strength impairment has on Para swimming performance.  相似文献   

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