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Word clouds (or tag clouds) are popular, fun ways to display text data in graphical form; however, we contend that they can also be useful tools in assessment. Using word clouds, instructors can quickly and easily produce graphical depictions of text representing student knowledge. By investigating the patterns of words or phrases, or lack thereof, in textual student responses, instructors can evaluate if students, as a whole, have grasped or missed key concepts or have made common mistakes. Word clouds can be used to provide formative assessment feedback to students, and to identify common themes in student reflection papers. They can also be useful as a starting point or screening tool for large amounts of text data, whether related to assessment or not.  相似文献   

"柯氏模型"提出的企业培训有效性评估分为反应层、学习层、行为层及效果层四个层次。将该评估方法和技术经转换应用到高校课堂教学质量评估中是对现有教育测评体系进行创新的有益尝试,特别对于实践性较强的专业而言,有助于实现课堂教学的延伸。  相似文献   

形成性评价是英语教学中的一种重要评价方式。访谈是开展形成性评价的工具之一。教师通过访谈,能直接了解学生的学习情况以及他们在学习过程中出现的问题和持有的情感、策略,并当面作出评价,同时还可以对他们学习中碰到的问题提出解决的办法。访谈灵活、收效大,而且根据不同的教学目的和任务,可采取不同的访谈形式,它是我们在对学生进行形成性评价时值得借鉴的一种方式。  相似文献   

Peer assessment is a common form of shared learning in which students provide feedback on each others work. Peer assessment takes many forms; and involves students and tutors taking various roles at different stages of the process. This study explores the views and opinions of undergraduate students in relation to their perceptions and experiences of formative peer assessment introduced as a learning development opportunity for the first time. The study found that on the whole formative peer assessment was a positive experience in enhancing students learning and development. However, consideration needs to be taken to address individual learning styles, as a limited number of students found the process to be less useful. Consequently, when tutors are constructing peer assessment strategies they should be cognisant at the planning stage of the variety of learning styles that are evident in order to maximise the development opportunities this can bring to students.  相似文献   

SPU课程评价作为科学课程评价中一种独特的模式,与传统科学课程评价有着很大的不同。本文从评价目标、评价内容、评价方式等不同的角度,深入剖析了SPU课程评价的思想与方法,希望能够给我们的科学课程评价改革提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

In this article, we provide brief overviews of the definitions of formative and summative assessment and a few examples of types of formative and summative assessments that can be used in classroom contexts. We highlight the points that these two types of assessment are complementary and the differences between them are often in the way these assessments are used. We also list several resources that may be useful for teachers who wish to know more about using formative and summative assessments in their classrooms.  相似文献   

论研讨式教学的评价模式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研讨式教学的评价模式是深受学生欢迎的崭新的教学评价模式。注重学生多方面能力特别是创新能力的评价、注重学生学生的评价、注重学生自我评价和同学间相互评价的结合是其突出特点。它是我国高校教学改革的一次有益尝试,对建立适应于素质教育的新的评价体系将提供多层面的启示。  相似文献   

增值评估:一种发展性的学校评估模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在教育机构使用增值评估法,始于美国。增值评估以学校教育活动对学生增加的价值为教育评价标准。学校评估的增值评估法引入我国,不仅能增强学校效能评估的效度,而且为我国的教育评估提供了新理念,具有借鉴意义:以教育效果代替教育质量;更加关注弱势学生和弱势学校,强化公平原则;推进发展性评估的开展。  相似文献   

基于问题的学习是指学生利用知识和技能解决一系列实际问题,从而达到建构知识的目的。在幼儿园教师教育中运用基于问题的学习模式,可以借鉴香港大学教育学院的经验,重点是借助网络平台授课,为学前教育专业学生提供丰富的网络资源及网络学习工具;为学生创设劣构问题,促使其持续思考;坚持以学生为中心,组织学生小组协作;注重评价与反思。  相似文献   

There is a need for assessment of teachers' competencies fostered by a growing attention given to accountability and quality improvement. Important questions are how good the demonstrated competencies of teachers should be for a satisfying assessment and how the different competencies should be weighted. Using a policy capturing method, in two rounds, nine stakeholders developed performance standards (or cut-off scores) for teacher assessment on eight criteria (or content standards) that resulted from an earlier study. Between the rounds, the panellists held a structured group discussion. Policy capturing proved to be a clear and useful method generating consistent judgements that can be described according to both a compensatory model and a conjunctive model. From the first to the second round, the consistency increased. However, while the panellists agreed to a substantial degree on the performance standards, they disagreed on the weights to be assigned to the criteria.  相似文献   


This article describes the findings of studies conducted on a large-scale, classroom-based performance assessment of literacy for the early grades designed to provide information that is useful for reporting, as well as teaching. Technical studies found the assessment to be a promising instrument that is reliable and valid. Follow-up studies of the assessment's use point to its positive impact on teachers' practice and on school and district policies. The studies' findings suggest that classroom-based performance assessment can be a viable accountability, as well as instructional, tool, capturing a range of students' abilities in a range of formats, and that use of such an assessment has the potential to enhance teachers' knowledge about literacy and their abilities to effectively support students' learning.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the IEA science assessment instruments and their outcomes in relation to what is known from other studies. The underlying assumptions are explored as is the justification for future surveys. The particular ‘decontextualised’ view that the same assessment items can be utilised validly across systems is analysed in detail by studying the item selection process. The paper looks at the interpretations of the results, considers the extent to which any claims are justified and reflects on whether, for many policy purposes, local studies within an educational system would be more useful.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the ways in which institutions and academics might creatively determine their plans for research, in the light of the assessment exercises.
It is difficult to know how to be systematic and optimistic about generating and completing research; most of the best efforts come from individuals' own initiatives rather than from the proddings of an assessment machine or a quality industry. That does not mean, however, that we should not try to think about research in a systematic fashion but the system does little to help us do so.
The second problem is that the policies underlying the assessment exercises are largely wrong, and designed to be purgative rather than developmental, reductionist rather than a contribution to creating a larger and more useful scientific base in this country.
The paper spends some time on these uncertainties, because they inevitably affect what academic groups just coming to terms with the research mission can and should do. It then discusses ways in which academics can build up their own academic mandates.  相似文献   

高校辅导员的考核工作的进一步完善,可以有效地提高辅导员的职业素质,能够有效地更加完善自己的每个方面,确保高校教育工作的顺利开展以及高校学生的思想政治和生活方面等都得到更好的帮助和教育。因此正确的认识高校辅导员考核工作的重要性,针对辅导员考核工作中存在的问题,进一步分析,从而提出有利的解决措施来提高高校辅导员考核工作的正确实施,形成了一个合理健全的考核体系。  相似文献   

Drawing on a study of new forms of educational privatization, this article examines how ideas from institutional theory can be useful in analyzing the complex dynamics behind interim assessment technologies. The study was based on qualitative research methods and included interviews, a small-scale questionnaire, participant observation, and analysis of public and financial documents. As defined here, interim assessment technology is the software that is sold to schools and districts in order to gauge students’ progress toward high-stakes tests and to comply with the testing and reporting requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The design and implementation of these assessment technologies reflects the complex pressures on schools and districts—to be more efficient, to be more compliant, and to be more equitable. I argue that in understanding the consequences of these technologies, we need to pay close attention to interactions between private firms and public agencies. Examining these interactions is important—for drawing attention not only to what is changing in public education but also to what is not. Private vendors can design sophisticated technologies for generating, storing, and reporting test score data. These technologies can be adopted system-wide. However, from the perspective of school staff, privately designed services and products still can seem very disconnected from the actual challenges of improving instruction.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from two projects designed to improve evaluations of technical quality of alternate assessments for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. We argue that assessment technical documents should allow for the evaluation of the construct validity of the alternate assessments following the traditions of Cronbach (1971) , Messick (1989, 1995) , Linn, Baker, and Dunbar (1991) , and Shepard (1993) . The projects used the work of Knowing What Students Know ( Pellegrino, Chudowsky, & Glaser, 2001 ) to structure and focus the collection and evaluation of assessment information. The heuristic of the assessment triangle ( Pellegrino et al., 2001 ) was particularly useful in emphasizing that the validity evaluation needs to consider the logical connections among the characteristics of the students tested and how they develop domain proficiency (the cognition vertex), the nature of the assessment (the observation vertex), and the ways in which the assessment results are interpreted (the interpretation vertex). This project has shown that in addition to designing more valid assessments, the growing body of knowledge about the psychology of achievement testing can be useful for structuring evaluations of technical quality.  相似文献   

Assessment is becoming important from many different perspectives. Universities are planning, developing, and testing various assessment models to satisfy stakeholders. Many accrediting agencies are also requiring assessment plans and their implementation from universities for reaccreditation. This article describes how assessment was used to continuously improve a database course in a Web MBA program, and combines Deming's Plan‐Do‐Check‐Act (PDCA) cycle with Bloom's taxonomy to develop rubrics for problem solving learning objectives in an online course. Results from direct and indirect measurements are used to improve the course. Specifically, two semester results are compared for course assessment. Results show some improvement; however, the course requires continuous improvement to meet benchmarks. The model presented here is generic in nature and should be useful for all educators who plan to initiate or continue the assessment and continuous improvement process. Instead of reinventing the wheel, educators can learn from our experiences and use the results as a starting point for their own assessment programs.  相似文献   

由于高校教师用于批改学生作业的时间相对较少,整体批改和分题批改各有优缺点,而将二者结合不失为较全面地掌握学生状况、较客观地评价学生成就的方法之一。  相似文献   

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