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随着高校的扩招,女研究生的数量持续增长,她们的心理健康状况也不容乐观.受社会角色与性别角色的双重影响,女研究生面临着就业、婚恋、学业和人际等方面的心理压力.如何缓解这一群体的心理压力应成为学校、社会、家庭和女研究生个人共同的任务.  相似文献   

中国高等教育规模的急速扩张,不仅引发高等教育机构类型的多元化,同时导致学生群体的异质性.与以往来自知识精英或政治精英家庭,以都市户籍为主体的传统高校学生群体不同,来自农村、父母没有接受高等教育经历的弱势群体子女开始进入高等院校,并且其规模逐步扩增.本研究聚焦第一代农村大学生的升学选择、利用2011年首都高校新生调查数据,分析农村第一代大学生在家庭社经背景、入学前学业能力等方面的特征,考察第一代大学生对于其高考成绩的直接和间接的影响路径以及最终升学院校.  相似文献   

本研究利用2003年- 2009年北京大学实施的全国高校毕业生调查数据,考察高校学生毕业后发展路径选择的变化趋势及其影响因素.研究发现:(1)随着就业竞争加剧和金融危机所带来的冲击效应,高校学生的毕业后发展路径选择呈现多元化格局,其中继续升学和非传统型就业群体比例增加;(2)高校毕业生中有超过四分之一的群体在毕业后陷入失业困境,其中女性,来自农村地区、家庭社经地位和文化资本积累不足等先致性因素导致毕业生陷入失业困境的概率增高;(3)高校学生毕业后发展路径受到个体特征、所属高等院校特征、劳动力市场发展状况以及宏观社会经济发展环境等多层面因素的影响.  相似文献   

朱云品  吴倩 《文教资料》2021,(2):154-157
本文基于CEPS(2014—2015)数据库,从制度、家庭环境、朋辈群体、个人意愿四个方面,探讨促成流动儿童对学业产生“自弃文化”的影响因素。研究结果表明:相比打工子弟学校,普通公立或民办学校的流动儿童升学意愿更强;家庭经济条件较差的流动儿童升学意愿更强;父亲职业地位水平较低的流动儿童升学意愿更强;家庭文化资本较弱的学生更容易放弃学业。同时,与朋辈群体的交往质量、个人对未来发展的自信程度,以及对期望的职业属性,会影响流动儿童的升学意愿。流动儿童的户籍类别、与家长(尤其是母亲)的亲密关系,并不会影响升学意愿。  相似文献   

2003年7月,中国高校扩招的第一批学生刚刚毕业,除小部分学生在国内继续读研之外,大部分毕业生都面临就业,他们深知就业状况的艰难程度,众多的学生处在就业与深造的矛盾之中,所以,部分希望继续深造的学生自然而然将目光投向出国留学之路。  相似文献   

基于高校扩招前后大学生群体的比较,人们普遍认为扩招后大学生的就业状况变差了。我们在认同这一观点的基础上,着重考察了另外一个问题:在教育扩张的背景下,如果个体读大学与假设他不读大学相比,就业状况会如何?利用扩招前后两个年份的全国性人口调查数据,采用描述性统计和基于倾向分匹配估计的方法对此进行了分析。主要结论是:高校扩招后大学毕业生相对于高中毕业生在就业上仍旧延续了优势地位,并且没有明显的变化,现实中观察到的扩招后大学生失业率的上升更多的是由于个体能力和家庭背景等因素造成的,高校扩招在其中仅起到微弱的作用。其政策含义是,就业政策应更加关注低学历人群的就业和就业保障,我国初中后教育规模的进一步扩张仍具有现实基础。  相似文献   

我国的研究生教育已经有了40多年的历史,研究生教育规模逐年扩大.我国学术型硕士研究生教育的培养目标虽然依旧是培养学术型人才,但现实中学术型硕士研究生在毕业后从事"非学术"职业的比例却越来越高.以问卷调查为基础,分析学术型硕士研究生的入学动机及毕业发展路径选择,结果显示:提升就业竞争力是学术型硕士研究生入学的最主要动机.建议从细分培养目标、重视本科教育、完善奖助学贷体系和改革培养方案等方面优化目前的研究生教育.  相似文献   

利用首都高校学生发展调查的数据,对研究生学业满意度进行分析。发现目前专业学位硕士研究生的学业满意度相对较低,在学术科研和资助制度等方面最为突出。定量研究发现,学业成绩、读研动机、导师指导时间、家庭经济情况与学校层次对于专业学位研究生的总体满意度有显著影响,而影响学术学位研究生满意度的性别、专业和家庭所在地等因素对于专业学位研究生来说并不起作用,说明当前两类硕士研究生的学业满意度受到不同因素的影响。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情背景下,国际流动受限、高校集体线上授课、国际形势日益复杂等问题,深刻改变了在外留学人员的生活状态,对他们的学业和职业发展造成了影响。本文通过深入访谈留学人员收集一手数据,分析中国留学人员在疫情背景下面临的困境和机遇,探讨这个群体中潜在的个体发展轨迹。研究表明,疫情影响了中国留学人员与社会、学校、家庭等多个系统的互动,直接或间接地改变了留学人员的学业安排和职业规划,延期毕业、间隔年、升学难等情况在疫情下较为常见,而国际就业市场的改变等因素也使海外留学人员整体回国求职的意愿增强。  相似文献   

本文利用"首都高校研究生发展调查"数据,从专业硕士就业意愿的角度,对专业硕士培养的结果是否符合其培养高层次应用型人才的项目定位展开讨论。通过与学术型硕士相比较,回溯研究专业硕士在生源选拔、学业参与和培养过程中的特点,本文定量分析了我国专业硕士教育发展的现状和特征。主要研究发现有:第一,与学术硕士相比较,专业硕士的家庭条件更为优越,社会资本存量更优,能够给予专业硕士更高的职业选择自由度和更强的风险承受能力,并对读研期间的经济投入更不敏感;第二,目前的实践导师制度对专业硕士生毕业后直接就业或继续升学的选择可以产生显著的影响,而对具体职业的方向选定作用还很有限。基于此,本文提出了转变学生就业观念、完善实践导师制度以及重视专业学位中的教育公平问题等政策建议。  相似文献   

随着“师范热”的兴起,各地各高校争办师范专业。作为高师美术教育专业的学生,从入学前到毕业后的美术学习心理是什么样的,本专业学科应当怎样开展教学?我们有选择地以几所有代表性的高等师范院校美术教育专业学生为主,进行了问卷调查,并结合自身的学习和工作经历,根据回收的问卷进行进一步的分析,得出一些结论和建议。  相似文献   

Expectations for college and student persistence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tinto postulates that students enter college with expectations. If these expectations are unmet, there is early disenchantment with the social and academic communities. Such disenchantments hinder academic and social integration which, in turn, influence subsequent institutional and goal commitments and ultimately student departure. These formulations are tested in a multi-institutional study of 263 first-time freshmen who entered four-year colleges and universities. The findings indicate that both academic and social integration are positively influenced by the meeting of expectations for academic and career development. Social integration is positively influenced by expectations for opportunities for personal involvement, but negatively affected by expectations for a collegiate atmosphere. Indirect effects on intentions to remain in the focal college are indirectly influenced by collegiate atmosphere and academic and career development. Implications for enrollment management and the development of linkages between theories of college choice and student departure are drawn.An earlier version of this article was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, GA, April 12–16, 1993.  相似文献   

研究生急速扩招后,研究生管理二级学院负责制成为各高校不约而同的选择。二级学院在综合性大学研究生培养过程中承担了重要的教育管理角色。建立规范化的二级学院研究生培养制度,是保证研究生培养质量的重要基础工作。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article addresses the impact of social capital on college graduate employment. After reviewing the literature, the authors analyze data collected by Peking University from 34 universities in 2005 and use statistical analysis to clarify the impact of social capital on students’ choice of employment or further study, job placement rate, starting salary and job satisfaction. The study concludes that social capital differs for students from different social backgrounds; personal social capital affects students’ choice to seek employment, but family social capital impacts their choice of further study; both family and personal social capital have a significant positive impact on graduates’ placement rate, starting salary, and job satisfaction; and social capital has a more significant and positive impact on job placement rates for graduates at the associate’s and undergraduate degree levels than for those at the master’s level and above.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe factors influencing the decision to return to graduate school for a group of professional students. A causal model was proposed that included five variable sets: background characteristics, college characteristics, college experiences, work experiences, and attitudes toward graduate study. The sample was composed of 217 physical therapists who responded to a 1988 statewide survey on graduate education. The longstanding articulation of graduate education and vocational interests was confirmed. The overwhelming influence in this group was the desire to advance in clinical/technical skills. Career conditions of specialization and income further influenced the educational decision. Less influence was seen from the college experience. Cost factors that have been found to be predominant in many groups did not influence the decision.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the college choice decisions of graduate students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the relative influence of factors affecting the college choice decisions of graduate students. It is based on a 1986 survey of 2,834 admitted students at a major research university, to which 38 percent of the sample responded. Factor analysis of ratings of importance of 31 college characteristics yielded dimensions upon which student decisions are based. These results were used to build five scales of importance and preference, which were then tested with other variables in a regression model in which the dependent variable was the decision to enroll or not to enroll at the surveying institution. The following were found to influence decisions: residency status, quality and other academic environment characteristics, work-related concerns, spouse considerations, financial aid, and the campus social environment.A paper presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, New Orleans, May 29–June 1, 1994.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determination of wage rates for health professionals using three well known, and commonly used, econometric techniques: ordinary least squares, instrumental variables, and Heckman’s method. The data come from a graduate survey and the analysis focuses on a regional labor market, due to nationwide information on salaries is absent in Spain. After estimating different wage equations, the results suggest that OLS estimates are preferable. The findings show an important wage premium for medical doctors relative to nurses, but also a wage advantage for workers who are civil servants and a gender wage-gap that favors men. Although the expansion of higher education in Spain has reduced social inequalities in access, the main policy implication from this paper is that social class differences can still persist at the degree level—in the choice of degree—if students of higher socioeconomic status get a place at university in a degree of higher earnings, a fact that is corroborated in this study.  相似文献   


Graduate students play a major role in teaching in higher education, particularly in undergraduate programs. The purpose of the present study was two-fold: first, to identify graduate students’ motives for working as graduate teaching assistants (GTAs), describe some aspects of their work, and ascertain their perceived benefits; second, to predict GTAs’ benefits as a function of their individual background characteristics, motives, job difficulties, and richness of professional interactions with the course instructor. Data were collected from 189 GTAs who led discussion groups at a large research university in Israel by means of an internet questionnaire. Findings revealed that graduate students accepted the position of GTA mainly for extrinsic reasons, such as salary and convenience. They claimed to have faced few difficulties and that their professional interactions with the course instructors focused more on job responsibilities and less on pedagogical issues. They reported having gained a greater understanding of course content and improved teaching skills due to their experience as GTAs. Richness of contact with the course instructor, motives, difficulties, and faculty match significantly contributed to predicting perceived benefits. The implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the experience of Palestinian-Arab graduate students in an Israeli teachers college that describes itself as multicultural. By listening to the voices of the Arab students the article identifies the limitations of a liberal multiculturalism. The Arab students interviewed feel that they are treated fairly by their teachers, and they also note that they are treated well by the administration. While they acknowledge the progress made by the college when comparing the campus environment to that of other sites in the Israeli public sphere, their experience also teaches them to "leave their national identity at the gate" when they enter the college campus. They learn that giving expression to their national identity may jeopardize the social comfort zone that they manage to attain at the college—a comfort zone that is unlike anything they experience outside in the “real world.” While not quite feeling at home, the Arab students are left feeling like welcome guests. The research population included 52 male and female Arab students who studied in the college in 2015–2016. The data were gathered through semi-structured, in-depth interviews and analyzed using an open inductive coding method.  相似文献   

One aspect of the increasing position of sustainability in higher education is establishment of distinct interdisciplinary environment-oriented programs. The point-of-departure of this study is differentiation between teaching- and non-teaching-oriented students, in view of their different respective professional roles in society. The motives and environmental literacy (EL) of incoming students were investigated in three types of sustainability programs in Israel: undergraduate teacher-training, graduate teacher-education and graduate non-teacher programs. For all students acquiring knowledge was the major motive for studies. Undergraduate student-teachers demonstrated the least developed EL, although it is slightly higher than that found for incoming student-teachers a decade ago. Graduate teacher-students displayed strong identity as educational agents-of-change and role-models; however, their limited environmental-knowledge raises questions concerning providing knowledge foundations in undergraduate teacher-training programs, indicating the necessity to supplement this in graduate teacher-programs. Graduate non-teacher students perceive their continuing sustainability-oriented studies as a means for developing an environmental career and enter these programs relatively environmentally-literate. The implications focus on necessary components and characteristics of sustainability-programs directed to teaching- and non-teaching-oriented students. These include the necessity to strengthen the environmental-knowledge component in programs directed to teachers; and embed opportunities for professional internships within graduate programs for non-teachers seeking environmental careers.  相似文献   

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