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在现代逻辑文献中,“哲学逻辑”是个多义词。作者认为哲学逻辑是具有哲学旨趣或涉及哲学事业的非经典逻辑。哲学逻辑的崛起引发诸多的理论问题。本文就其中经典逻辑的界限、非单词性与演绎性、逻辑的数学化和部门化及归纳逻辑的归属等重要问题予以理论阐述,提出自己的观点。  相似文献   

比较逻辑研究的范围是相当宽泛的,不仅包括古代、近代、现代的逻辑之间的纵横比对、内在汇通,而且包括世界三大逻辑传统的透视性比较.比较逻辑学应当是建基于各种逻辑学科之上的一门综合性理论学科,它以三大逻辑体系的平等对话为前提,突出比较意识、比较思维与比较方法的自觉运用,有自己特有的学科特性与学科视域、学科范畴.本文试图论证比较逻辑不在于"比较",而在于"汇通";"比较逻辑"不是或不仅仅是"逻辑比较";比较逻辑有其特殊的"比较视域",从而进一步论证"比较逻辑学"成为一门独立学科的可能性.  相似文献   

学生的深度学习是以学生的知识理解与运用为价值取向,以培养学生的高阶思维能力和问题解决能力为目标的一种学习。但知识论证不充足、知识点状分布、绝对真理知识观等表层知识教学已偏离了学习的本质及价值,产生了知识教学阻滞深度学习的困局。教学推理是教师根据已知教学条件及个体情境认知,确定问题并生成教学策略的连续性思维活动。它克服了以往僵化的教学方式,为促进深度学习提供可能逻辑。其中,学科知识逻辑能促进学习触及知识的意义世界,学生经验逻辑能促进学习进入学生的心灵世界,实践自为逻辑能促进学习关联自我的生活世界。最后,促进深度学习的教学推理策略应着力于以"批判与交融"为取向的教学理解,形成以"联结与转化"为纽带的教学逻辑,开展以"假设与证据"为核心的课堂论证教学,创设以"推断与评估"为特质的教学情境。  相似文献   

对辩证唯物主义中人所特有的主观能动性理论进行扩展性论述,认为其在反映、改造世界过程中依赖的思维模式不可能是预先设定的机器语言式的机械逻辑,而是包含了丰富唯物辩证法的模糊逻辑思维;进而联系实际发掘其方法论意义。  相似文献   

中国研究生教育逐步形成了自身的基本理论体系,其基本内容主要有:研究生教育的目标指向学生的创新素养和创新能力的培养;研究生教育在性质上归属于精英教育;研究生教育中采取课程与研究相结合的培养模式;研究生培养过程中主要实施导师负责制;研究生教育是中国学生第一次真正意义上的接触学术研究。从内在逻辑来看,指向学生的创新素养和创新能力的培养,是研究生教育培养目标的应然逻辑;精英教育的定位是研究生教育在教育性质上的实然逻辑;采取课程与研究相结合的培养模式,是研究生培养中的过程逻辑;导师负责制是中国研究生培养过程中的管理控制逻辑;将研究生阶段设置为真正意义上的学术研究阶段,是中国社会对高等教育中的教育层级设置逻辑。  相似文献   

逻辑学知识是教师开展教育教学的重要工具.对培养学生理性思维发挥着重要作用。逻辑修养是教师必备的素质之一。逻辑素养的形成主要依赖专业教育,而目前作为培养中小学教师的教师教育专业并没有普遍开设逻辑课程,直接影响着广大中小学教师的逻辑素养的养成。因此,应该逐步在教师教育专业开设教育逻辑,以适应学生将来从事中小学教育教学的需要。在教师教育专业开设教育逻辑过程中,必须通过采用灵活多样的课程设置和授课形式、构建“教育逻辑学”理论体系、应用中小学课程内容丰富课堂教学、构建突现个性的教材体系等措施。以提高教学水平和质量。  相似文献   

The ever-changing requirements of working life require individuals to develop their competencies throughout their life cycle. This lifelong learning paradigm requires a renewed vision concerning assessment in which, besides formal learning, informal and non-formal learning experiences are also recognized. To support this lifelong learning paradigm, procedures have been developed worldwide to assess and credit prior learning experiences (APL). While research on APL stresses the importance of a high-quality standard, so far the literature has applied only a psychometric quality framework. However, from the perspective of APL, where, besides prior knowledge and skills, competencies need to be measured, it is more appropriate to use a combination of the psychometric and edumetric quality criteria. This article will analyze and describe the relationship between quality criteria and the characteristics of APL. The results have revealed that quality criteria based on both are fundamental for APL, but that some criteria are more recognized than are others. Based on this analysis, design guidelines for APL have been formulated.  相似文献   

Formal diplomas and certificates have been accepted as proof that students may receive exemption for parts of their educational programme. Nowadays, though, it is socially desirable that informal and non-formal learning experiences are also recognised. Assessment of prior learning (APL) addresses this issue. In APL, the candidate's knowledge, skills or competences required in informal and non-formal learning are measured against a standard to determine whether they match the learning objectives. Although APL is frequently used in workplaces and vocational education, it is practised less in universities, and research is lacking in this context. This study aims to evaluate the first APL procedure in an academic computer science programme, and an adjusted APL procedure in an educational science masters programme. This is done from the perspective of the APL candidates, tutors and assessors, using the theoretical framework by Baartman et al. (2006). The computer science participants comprised 23 candidates from a police software company, four tutors and four assessors. From educational science, nine candidates, two tutors and two assessors participated. The results show that the APL procedure in educational science is viewed significantly more positively than that in computer science; further, the computer science assessors differ considerably from the other participants in their perceptions relating to the quality criterion ‘cognitive complexity’. Explanations for the difference between the two programmes are discussed in this article and assessor and tutor training highly recommended.  相似文献   

逻辑学知识是法学理论通向法学实践的桥梁。在我国当前的法学教育环境下,法学人士的逻辑学知识水平普遍不高。加强法学本科教育中法律逻辑学的教学工作,是提高法学人士逻辑学水平的必要条件。从讲授该门课程的切身经历出发,结合案卷调查,对法学本科阶段是否有必要开设《法律逻辑学》、在什么阶段开设以及如何提高教学质量进行了一些思考。只有根据学生的基础知识水平,采取多种方式调动学生的学习积极性,才可能提高教学质量。  相似文献   

文科高校非哲学专业逻辑学教学的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,文科高校除中文、法律等少数专业外,大多数非哲学专业均未开设逻辑学课程,那些开设了逻辑课程的,也因课时太少等原因,学生学起来也是一知半解,似懂非懂。这种现象必须得到根本改变。从提高学生思想素质、科研素质和理论素质的角度讲,所有文科高校非哲学专业都应该开设逻辑课。为达此目的,第一,要建立逻辑学是基础学科地位的共识;第二,要提高普及逻辑学教学是加强犬学生素质教育的需要的认识;第三,要明确教学目标和选好教材。  相似文献   

从科学哲学观点看 ,人工智能领域机器学习研究的进展 (如ID3和GOLEM)表明 ,培根的机械归纳方法与波普尔的证伪方法具有互补性 ;从逻辑哲学观点看 ,作为非经典逻辑的现代归纳逻辑正在向AI领域拓展。通过与PROLOG的类比 (它将控制引入计算机逻辑 )表明 ,存在着作为推理 +控制的归纳逻辑。  相似文献   

复变函数教学中直观性原则应用的思考与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复变函数教学过程中直观性原则的应用,就是在直观性原则的理念下,结合复变函数课程的自身特点应用不同的直观形式,恰当地向学生讲解复变函数的内容.可以通过背景直观形式、模式与类比直观形式和经验与类比直观形式等方法进行教学.  相似文献   


This article argues that knowledge is not a passive product of learning that can be possessed, but rather that it represents an active engagement with ideas, arguments and the world in which they reside. This engagement requires a state of ‘knowing’ – a complex, integrative, reciprocal process that unites the knower with the to-be-known. Exploring the notion of knowledge, this paper considers the roles of truth and belief in knowledge production, the relationship between knowledge and the disciplines, and knowledge as a social and cultural product. These ideas are contextualized in higher education practice with an example of a course designed to help science and engineering students develop criticality and a sense of ‘knowing’ about the world. The students are challenged to consider what it requires to turn facts and information into knowledge, and to unite their knowing with their own personal experiences and ideas about the world.  相似文献   

世界观与方法论有一致,也有不一致。形而上学方法是科学方法。形式逻辑是形而上学方法的产物,故需要接受辩证方法的改造。受苏联极左思潮影响,辩证民形式逻辑被人为分家,中国逻辑研究被极左思潮误导已半个世纪了。黑格尔、马恩列的逻辑理想就是在辩证法的指导下,对形式逻辑认识过程的整合,辩证逻辑实是认识逻辑。  相似文献   

逻辑学是一门工具性学科,也是支撑人类思维大厦的基础性学科。然而,近年来我国逻辑学教学和研究却处于一种不景气的状况。要摆脱这一状况,促进逻辑学教学与研究的繁荣和发展,逻辑课程的教学内容应当以讲授普通逻辑的基础理论知识,并可开设与日常生活密切相关的批判性思维课程,突出其实践性质,大量开展讨论和训练,把逻辑学的理论知识与思维能力的逻辑训练有机结合起来。  相似文献   

论现代逻辑的规范性及其问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
现代逻辑的规范性以有效性标准为效力之源 ,但该标准不仅在评估自然语言论证方面缺乏效力 ,而且在处理与生活世界相关的诸论题方面 ,其所预设的题材中立性、形式化理想、封闭世界假定以及逻辑一元论也存在不少理论上的困难。因此 ,现代逻辑对于现代性的建构和批判将难以有所作为  相似文献   

逻辑是成熟的学科。“非形式逻辑”无论怎样在“非”字上做文章,毕竟还要依赖于逻辑。“批判性思维”则不同,它不用考虑“非”字带来的麻烦和限制,甚至可以彻底摆脱逻辑。因此,“批判性思维”不是逻辑,至少可以不是逻辑。“批判性思维”本身又是一个含糊的概念,主张它的人对它至今没有清楚的说明。因此,鼓吹把这样的东西作为逻辑课来开设,甚至用它来取代逻辑,乃是非常错误的。  相似文献   

"结构力学"是土木、水利、交通及桥梁工程专业为设计建筑工程结构提供理论依据和计算数据的重要基础课程,它以其独有的课程特性、难度和灵活的解题技巧而为众多相关专业的师生所高度重视。文章通过对"结构力学"主要知识点学习方法的论述及相关解题技巧的分析,旨在培养学生掌握灵活的结构分析方法,开阔解题思路,提高结构计算能力,为工程类专业知识的学习奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

古代逻辑源于对辩论传统中真实论证的研究,但是之后数个世纪,这门学科变得高度抽象化,高度理论化。高度抽象化、理论化的背后潜伏着某种风险:距离普通人越来越远;与数学的界限越来越模糊;学科界定的错位。逻辑研究将何去何从?逻辑的目的是如何使我们有效地思维,从而作出对与错的判定,逻辑研究也应该回归到这一普遍的意义上来,唯有如此,逻辑才能走入大众,逻辑的力量才能得到彰显。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a teaching proposal used in an Introductory Physics course to civil engineering students from Porto's Engineering Institute/Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). The proposal was born from the need to change students’ perception and motivation for learning physics. It consists in the use of an integrator element, called the physics elevator project. This integrator element allows us to use, in a single project, all the content taught in the course and uses several active learning strategies. In this paper, we analyse this project as: (i) a clarifying element of the contents covered in the course; (ii) a promoter element of motivation and active participation in class and finally and (iii) a link between the contents covered in the course and the ‘real world’. The data were collected by a questionnaire and interviews to students. From the data collected, it seems that the integrator element improves students’ motivation towards physics and develops several skills that they consider to be important to their professional future. It also acts as a clarifying element and makes the connection between the physics that is taught and the ‘real world’.  相似文献   

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