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青少年业余足球运动员运动倾向性5因素结构模型初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据Scanlan等人最新提出的运动倾向性理论模型,结合我国实际情况建立了青少年足球运动员运动倾向性5因素结构模型。运动倾向性被定义为:渴望和决心继续参加足球运动的心理状态。所建立的5因素结构模型认为,运动倾向性是由运动乐趣、参与选择、个人投入、社会约束及参与机会5个因素决定。经确定5个决定因素和运动倾向性的操作定义,编制了相应调查问卷,通过对北京市252名青少年足球运动员实测结果,建立运动倾向性及其影响因素的协方差结构模型,用Lisre 18分析的结果表明:该运动倾向性模型比较符合北京青少年足球运动员。其中运动乐趣、个人投入、参与机会和参与选择4因素对运动倾向性有影响;社会约束对运动倾向性影响不大。  相似文献   

不管是成年人还是青少年,不管是业余体育爱好者还是专业运动员,在体育运动中都有受伤的风险.国外研究发现,在所有青少年的伤病中,由运动引起的占11%.随着青少年运动员运动水平的提高,由运动引发的伤病也随之增多.在众多对体育运动优、缺点的评估中,运动损伤开始成为主要评价因素,尤其是处于生长发育阶段的青少年运动人群.考虑到运动损伤的发生会对运动员的成绩产生巨大影响,甚至给运动者带来永久性伤痛,因此,运动项目的规则制订越来越受到重视,比如体操、游泳和一些重竞技运动项目.然而,一些人们熟知的球类项目如足球、手球和篮球等,由于参与人数多,依然存在大量的运动损伤,因此,本文运用数理统计法、实地调查法等,通过调查上海市杨浦区足球、手球和篮球项目302名(足球运动员152名,手球运动员94名,篮球运动员56名)青少年运动员的运动损伤情况,分析青少年运动员运动损伤的发生机理,旨为完善运动损伤的防御措施,更好地保护青少年运动员的成长.  相似文献   

青少年运动员体育道德结构及相关特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨我国青少年运动员体育道德的结构及相关特征,采用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析对“多维体育道德取向量表的扩展版”进行信效度检验,对411名青少年运动员进行问卷调查.结果表明,我国青少年运动员体育道德结构是由社会规范、规则裁判、尊敬对手和工具性攻击4个因素构成;青少年运动员体育道德存在显著的年龄、性别、项目、运动等级和训练年限差异.  相似文献   

确定现阶段青少年家庭成员对其足球训练参与这一过程的主要支持动机及相应影响因素,探索影响因素之间的作用机制。方法:引入二分因变量Probit回归模型区分动机支持显著度,以结构解释模型解析各影响因素之间的层级关系。结果:影响家庭对青少年足球训练参与支持动机主要表现在健身健康支持、兴趣爱好支持、运动天赋支持三个方面;改进家庭支持动机需综合考虑各类影响因素的作用机制及层次特征。  相似文献   

李琛 《中华武术》2021,(4):30-32
柔韧素质对于提高青少年足球运动员的竞技能力有着至关重要的作用。足球作为一项综合性极强的运动项目,需要青少年各项身体素质全面发展,许多教练在训练时都较为注重力量、耐力以及速度,忽视了柔韧素质的重要性。本文运用文献资料法,研究柔韧素质对于青少年足球运动员的影响以及青少年足球运动员在进行柔韧素质训练方法及要求,促进青少年足球运动员的全面发展。  相似文献   

青少年足球训练十步骤模型,是足球发达国家荷兰根据本国经验总结出的青少年训练理论。该理论模型的建立是依据足球运动的发展规律、运动技能的形成规律、青少年的生长发育规律制订的。是进行青少年足球训练应采取的基本步骤与方法,对全面提高青少年足球训练的科学性、系统性、针对性和实效性具有积极的指导意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

在运动实践的基础上,结合文献资料研究的方法,对青少年足球运动员整体队形构建的优势和具体实施方案进行了分析与讨论。结果表明:整体队形的构建对青少年足球运动员认识和阅读比赛的能力有积极作用,为各梯队的衔接有着重要意义,技术与战术运用的合理性以及在强对抗下完成技战术是青少年足球运动整体队形构建应该着重考虑的因素。  相似文献   

青少年足球运动员特质自信心培养方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地培养和增强青少年足球运动员的特质自信心,本文运用文献资料、专家访谈和问卷调查的方法,根据运动心理学的有关原理,并结合所调查的青少年足球运动员特质自信心的主要影响因素,总结归纳出了六种青少年足球运动员特质自信心的培养方法供教练员在训练实践中运用,这些培养方法分别是目标设置法、归因教育训练法、表象训练法、认知训练法、思想品德教育法和积极思维法。  相似文献   

以参加全国青少年女足冬训的运动员为研究对象,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法和数理统计法,对我国青少年身体素质的特征进行了分析.研究表明:我国青少年青女子足球运动员身体素质发展的个体差异明显,上肢力量和腰腹肌力量差别较大;对于青少年女子足球运动员身体素质训练的方式比较单一.  相似文献   

论提高国内青少年足球运动员文化素质的重要意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周璋斌 《体育科技》2004,25(1):9-11
青少年足球运动员文化素质问题是中国足球改革发展的基础环节 ,针对目前存在的问题 ,从三个方面来论述提高我国青少年足球运动员文化素质教育的重要性 ,即加强文化素质教育是提高青少年足球运动员智力水平的基础 ;是锻炼青少年足球运动员心理素质的有效途径 ;是培养青少年足球运动员思想道德作风和创新能力 ,提高运动成绩的重要手段  相似文献   

Grounded in the conceptual framework of the Sport Commitment Model and previous empirical studies conducted in Western countries, this study was designed to (a) test and validate a Thai version of the Athlete Opinion Survey to assess components of the Sport Commitment Model in Thai youth athletes and (b) examine structural relationships among various constructs of the Sport Commitment Model as assessed by the Thai version of the Athlete Opinion Survey. Survey data were collected from 1,704 Thai youth athletes and analyzed via structural equation modeling methodologies to establish evidence for validity and measurement reliability. Results from various analyses indicated adequate support for the hypothesized factorial structure and acceptable reliability estimates of the Thai version of the Athlete Opinion Survey subscales. Moreover, modeling analyses showed empirical support for the hypothesized structural relationships underlying the Sport Commitment Model in the Thai youth athlete population. The findings from this study have implications for a better understanding of sport commitment in different cultural settings.  相似文献   

运动承诺是指个体渴望和决心继续参加体育运动的一种心理状态,对个体的运动行为和心理有重要影响。研究对国内外运动承诺的理论模型和测量工具的发展过程以及应用研究现状进行分析。研究结果表明,经过多年的持续研究,运动承诺模型的科学性和测量工具的信效度在不断改进,研究范围在不断扩大。在运动承诺与运动行为、运动承诺与运动参与者的心理以及运动承诺的影响因素等方面取得了丰富研究成果。但在研究中仍然存在研究工具使用不规范、本土化研究偏少的情况。今后的研究一方面需要进一步加强运动承诺理论模型的研究,另一方面需要编制适用不同类型和水平运动群体的测量工具,提高研究的科学化水平。  相似文献   

Today more and more women are playing sport and choosing activities previously considered the exclusive domain of men, such as soccer. The main purpose of this study was to analyse the role of motivational variables (individual and team) regarding the commitment to and future expectations of playing higher levels of competition in a sample of female association soccer players (N = 117) at different levels of competition (local, regional and national leagues). Results confirm that the highest league shows high values in perception of success (ego orientation and task orientation), transactional psychological contract and future expectations. On the other hand, the local league produces high values in relational contracts. A path analysis tests a theoretical model with all the motivational variables as predictors of sporting commitment and future expectations. It shows the power of individual and team motivational variables in terms of predicting the involvement of women in soccer.  相似文献   

缪佳 《体育科研》2011,32(5):60-62
体育是德国电视媒体发展主要推动力,体育电视媒体的发展在经历了政府垄断和自治公立体制的两个历史阶段之后,形成了适应现代市场竞争需求的双轨制发展模式。德国体育电视媒体以电视广播和体育两大文化领域发展为基础,与德国的政治体制一脉相承,体现了高度自治、竞争制衡、公益福利性的特点,利用文献分析法,通过对于德国体育电视历史发展和现状的相关研究文献和资料进行理论分析,并以最具代表性的足球为例进行阐述。揭示了德国体育电视媒体社会化发展的特征。  相似文献   

This study examined the factor structure of the Sport Friendship Quality Scale (SFQS; Weiss and Smith, 1999) and compared two models in which (a) self-worth mediated the relationship between physical self/friendship quality and sport commitment and (b) friendship quality and physical self-perceptions directly predicted self-worth and sport commitment. Female team sport participants (N = 227) between the ages of 11 and 14 years completed measures of sport commitment, enjoyment, athletic competence, physical attractiveness, self-worth, and friendship qualities. A confirmatory factor analysis found an inadequate fit for the SFQS, mainly due to problems with the loyalty and intimacy subscale. Separating the loyalty and intimacy factor into two subscales provided an adequate fit. Examination of the two structural models indicated that both models provided an adequate overall fit but that self-worth only weakly predicted sport commitment, suggesting the mediator model was impractical. Friendship quality had a weak relationship with self-worth and sport commitment. Results are discussed in light of issues in measuring sport friendship quality and future directions in this developing field.  相似文献   

A sport-specific measure of moral disengagement was developed in 2 studies. In Study 1, a 59-item questionnaire was developed and tested with 308 athletes from 5 team sports. A series of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) testing different models suggested the model that best fitted the data had 6 first-order factors that could be represented by 1 second-order factor. Study 2 involved 305 athletes from the same 5 sports. CFA confirmed the 6-factor, second-order structure for the final 32-item measure. Results from Study 2 supported the construct validity of the scale, providing evidence for the factorial, concurrent, convergent, and discriminant validity. The Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale (MDSS) is proposed as a valid and reliable measure of moral disengagement for use in the sport context.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe pressure of pursuing an athletic career simultaneously with education may set adolescent student-athletes at risk for sport and school burnout. Although the 2 life domains of student-athletes are strongly intertwined, so far, there has not been an instrument for investigating sport burnout parallel to school burnout. The aim of the present study was to introduce a sport burnout measure for adolescents in a dual career context and investigate its validity and reliability by using confirmatory factor analysis.MethodsThe participants were 391 student-athletes (51% females) who filled in a questionnaire of sport burnout and background variables in the beginning of upper secondary school.ResultsA 3-factor model or a second-order-factor model described the data better and gave better reliability indices than a 1-factor model. The 3 dimensions of sport burnout were shown to be separate, but closely related constructs. Evidence for convergent and discriminant validity was obtained by correlating the 3 sport burnout dimensions with depressive symptoms, self-esteem, and sport task values.ConclusionThe results suggest that Sport Burnout Inventory–Dual Career Form (SpBI-DC) is a valid and reliable instrument for investigating sport burnout among adolescent student-athletes.  相似文献   


This study examined the factor structure of the Sport Friendship Quality Scale (SFQS; Weiss & Smith, 1999) and compared two models in which (a) self-worth mediated the relationship between physical self/friendship quality and sport commitment and (b) friendship quality and physical self-perceptions directly predicted self-worth and sport commitment. Female team sport participants (N= 227) between the ages of 11 and 14 years completed measures of sport commitment, enjoyment, athletic competence, physical attractiveness, self-worth, and friendship qualities. A confirmatory factor analysis found an inadequate fit for the SFQS, mainly due to problems with the loyalty and intimacy subscale. Separating the loyalty and intimacy factor into two subscales provided an adequate fit. Examination of the two structural models indicated that both models provided an adequate overall fit but that self-worth only weakly predicted sport commitment, suggesting the mediator model was impractical. Friendship quality had a weak relationship with self-worth and sport commitment. Results are discussed in light of issues in measuring sport friendship quality and future directions in this developing field.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(3):324-336
The determinants of the demand for sport participation have been extensively analyzed. This study intends to complement these determinants by examining the question of whether the success of professional athletes can spill over on the demand for amateur sport participation. A theoretical framework of sporting role models was developed and subsequently tested with a stated preference approach and primary data of N = 1413 amateur soccer players from Germany. The results show that past success of both the female and the male German national soccer teams had increased the demand for amateur soccer only slightly. However, present (hypothetical) success of the national teams considerably increases the demand for the frequency of soccer participation of already active players. The estimation of ordered logit regression models validates the constructed framework. Availability and relevance of the role models as well as similarity to the role models are the main predictors of their motivational effect.  相似文献   

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