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The authors surveyed 15 secondary school teachers in 5 states about how they designed and implemented long-term stream monitoring in their classrooms and the problems and benefits they encountered. The authors surveyed students involved in the stream monitoring projects to obtain their perspective. Teachers reported that stream monitoring provided real-world application of concepts discussed during class and offered an interdisciplinary learning experience for students.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of educational development in Latin America shows the determining effect of economic and social trends. The past 25 years have seen a shift to industrialization and increasing involvement of foreign capital, visible in growing urbanization as well as in modernized agriculture focused on export. The reduction of job opportunities in both traditional and modern sectors has not been offset by the emerging service sector, although social structures have been deeply affected by these trends.The authors place in this context their analysis of education at successive levels. Progress in primary school enrolment has been real in the region, but with market disparities between countries and with little evidence of increased efficiency (i.e. enduring literacy) or equity. The basic fact is that this level of education has lost its economic value and prepares only for activities of low productivity.At secondary level, expansion has been considerable, even in countries with an inadequate primary infrastructure. A growing dichotomy is evident as schools continue to perpetuate classical values and forms while failing to establish links with the labour market. The effect is seen in growing pressure on higher education, where rapid expansion has led to fragmentation of institutions and a depreciation of standards.The relationship of education to development in these past 25 years has brought about a wide perception of the conservative role played by education, as the mechanism for reproducting the dominant cultural models and ideologies. This critical distrust, shared by teachers and students alike, may indeed be a force strong enough to create a new model of development.
Zusammenfassung Eine strukturelle Analyse der Entwicklung des Bildungswesens in Latein-Amerika zeigt die entscheidende Auswirkung wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Tendenzen. Die Letzten 25 Jahre sahen eine Veränderung in Richtung auf Industrialisierung und zunehmende ausländische Kapitalbeteiligung, was ebenso in wachsender Verstädterung wie in Modernisierung der Landwirtschaft mit Konzentration auf den Export in Erscheinung tritt. Durch den aufkommenden Dienstleistungsbereich wurde der Rückgang der Stellenangebote sowohl in traditionellen als auch in modernen Bereichen nicht ausgeglichen, wenn auch die gesellschaftlichen Strukturen durch diese Tendenzen stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wurden.In diesen Zusammenhang stellen die Autoren ihre Analyse der Bildung auf den aufeinanderfolgenden Stufen hinein. Bei der Aufnahme in die Primarschule hat in Latein-Amerika tatsächlich ein Fortschritt stattgefunden, allerdings mit deutlichen Unterschieden zwischen den einzelnen Ländern und wenig erkennbarer Leistungssteigerung (d.h. andauernder Überwindung des Analphabetentums) oder Ausgleich. Es ist eine grundlegende Tatsache, daß diese Bildungsstufe ihren wirtschaftlichen Wert verloren hat und nur auf Aktivitäten mit geringer Produktivität vorbereitet.Auf der Sekundarstufe vollzog sich eine beachtliche Erweiterung, sogar in Ländern mit ungeeigneter primärer Infrastruktur. Deutlich zeigt sich eine zunehmende Dichotomie, da die Schulen fortfahren, klassische Werte und Formen weiterzugeben, und dabei versäumen, Brücken zum Arbeitsmarkt zu schlagen. Dies wirkt sich in zunehmendem Druck auf die höhere Bildung aus, wo schnelle Ausweitung zur Zersplitterung von Institutionen und zur Senkung der Anforderungen geführt hat.Durch die Beziehung zwischen Bildung und Entwicklung in den letzten 25 Jahren wurde die konservative Rolle des Bildungswesens deutlich wahrnehmbar, ist es doch ein Mechanismus zur Reproduktion der herrschenden kulturellen Modelle und Ideologien. Tatsächlich kann vielleicht dieses von Lehrern wie Schülern gleichermaßen gehegte kritische Mißtrauen eine genügend starke Kraft sein, um ein neues Entwicklungsmodell zu schaffen.

Résumé L'analyse structurale du développement de l'éducation en Amérique Latine montre l'effet déterminant des courants sociaux et économiques. Ces dernières vingt-cinq années ont vu un glissement vers l'industrialisation et une intervention croissante des capitaux étrangers. Ceci est visible dans l'urbanisation grandissante et dans la modernisation de l'agriculture axée sur l'exportation. La réduction des chances de travail dans le secteur traditionnel aussi bien que dans le secteur moderne, n'a pas été compensée par une ouverture dans celui des services en formation, bien que les structures sociales aient été profondément affectées par ces courants.C'est dans ce contexte que les auteurs placent leur analyse de l'éducation à des niveaux successifs. En ce qui regarde la fréquentation de l'école primaire, le progrès a été indéniable dans toute l'Amérique Latine, avec toutefois des inégalités marquées selon les pays, et sans grand évidence d'efficacité croissante (c'est-à-dire alphabétisation persistante) ou d'équité. Un fait certain est que ce niveau d'éducation a perdu sa valeur économique et ne prépare qu'à des activités de basse productivité.Au niveau secondaire, l'expansion a été considérable, même dans les pays dont l'infrastructure primaire est inadéquate. Il est certain que la dichotomie va aller en s'amplifiant puisque les écoles continuent de perpétuer les valeurs et les formes classiques sans parvenir à établir des rapports avec le marché du travail. On en constate l'effet dans la pression grandissante qui s'exerce sur l'éducation supérieure, où l'expansion rapide a conduit à la fragmentation d'institutions et à une dépréciation des normes.Les relations entre l'éducation et le développement, au cours de ces vingt-cinq dernières années, ont conduit à une prise de conscience largement répandue du rôle conservateur de l'éducation, en tant que mécanisme de reproduction des idéologies et des modèles culturels dominants. Cette méfiance critique, partagée par les enseignants et les étudiants, peut devenir une force suffisamment puissante pour créer un nouveau modèle de developpement.

The evolution of physics teaching and research in the two most important Romanian intellectual centers Bucharest and Jassy is discussed. Three stages of historical development are reported: 1860–1890: teaching process is predominant; period of first laboratories setting-up; sporadic researches in Physics Departments of Universities; 1890–1940: appearance of small dedicated research centers around Universities (Meteorological, Seismological, Electrotechnical Institutes); after the World War II: founding of contemporary Physics Institutes, e.g. Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest. The recognition role played by the Romanian Academy (Scientifical Sessions and Journals) is mentioned. Short biographies of the most important professors-physicists from 1860 to 1940 are presented. Celebrations, in 1996, of one century from the first atomic physics experiment in Romania (a X-ray radiography by D. Hurmuzescu) and of the 100th birthday of H. Hulubei, the founder of modern Romanian Physics are discussed.  相似文献   

From 1870 until the outbreak of the Second World War there were various attempts at educational reform in Greece, one of the most significant being the intention to establish a national technical–vocational education. The aim of this study is to examine why such a reform was deemed necessary and yet failed to be implemented. The first part examines how foreign influences played an important role in shaping the Greek educational system, both in the type of institution provided and by those Greek students who had studied abroad. Next, there is a close analysis of the official discourse on technical–vocational education, along with an examination of why it was felt that a segmented educational system constituted such a priority. Finally, a critical evaluation is provided to explain how the rhetoric and action of successive Greek governments inevitably failed as a result of ideological confusion and political patronage.  相似文献   

The paper presents one of the most prominent Greek women teachers and educators of the nineteenth century, and a leading figure of Greek women’s education in Ottoman territory, Sappho Leontias (1830–1900). Within a transnational framework and based on the study of the writings of Sappho Leontias, the paper presents her educational views, theory and philosophy and focuses on her connections to educational thought and activity “beyond ethnic/national borders”, investigating the influences on her theoretical schema. A secondary intention of the paper is to present the influence Leontias exercised on the education of her times through an overview of her educational activity. The historical and social conditions of the time and place, as well as gender ideologies, are taken into consideration; the paper supports the position that they affect or shape individual projects and choices to a great extent.  相似文献   

Cinema has always represented a powerful medium for influencing audiences (including in political and ideological ways). Therefore, exploring how the image of the Western world has been transforming in Soviet and Russian films is still relevant today. This study seeks to accomplish the following: define the role and place of the changing portrayal of the Western world in Soviet cinema between 1946 (the start of the postwar ideological confrontation) and 1991 (the break-up of the Soviet Union) while comparing these developments with trends from the modern era (1992–2016); study the political, ideological, social, and cultural context as well as the main stages, trends, and goals of filmmakers; study the concepts that these filmmakers used to interpret this theme in Soviet and Russian films; and classify and perform a comparative analysis of the ideology, content models, genre modifications, and stereotypes of Soviet and Russian cinema that came to be associated with the portrayal of the Western world. To achieve these goals, we have used theoretical methods, including classification, comparison, analogy, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, modeling, etc., as well as empirical research methods, including the collection of information about the topics that are addressed in the study.

The chronological scope of this study was limited to films produced between 1946 and 2016 and excluded documentaries, animated films, television programs, and an extensive set of feature films related to the topic of World War II (though these films are very specific, and they deserve a separate conversation). As a rule, international co-productions with Russia that reflect how the West views the Russian world were also excluded from this analysis.  相似文献   

This essay examines adult learning in Canada and the USA (1945–1970). It explores this emergence in relation to moves to establish academic adult education as a cultural force that could help citizen learners to negotiate a way forward amid the collision of instrumental, social, and cultural change forces altering life, learning, and work in the emerging postindustrial society. In this regard, it focuses centrally on lifelong learning as an idea designed to have broad appeal in rapid-change postindustrial culture. In particular, it attempts to explicate a cultural politics of lifelong learning, which academic adult educators hoped would give the field a higher profile within what they perceived to be an emerging change culture of crisis and challenge. Two key factors are considered in these deliberations. First, this essay explores the relationship between public education (understood as schooling for children) and adult education. It takes up how this problematic relationship interfered with a post-war turn to lifelong learning. Second, it examines the shift in the meaning of the social in understanding adult education as social education in postindustrial society. It argues that the post-war discourse of democracy delimited this meaning, locating the social predominantly within a concern with preserving the dominant culture and society.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the circulation of educational models between Portugal and Brazil (from 1920 to 1935), within a broader context of an intensive international transfer of ‘ways of thinking’ about education. It describes and analyses the results from research on two educational journals, one Portuguese (Revista Escolar) the other from the Brazilian State of Sao Paulo (Education). Central to this text is the notion that educational journals constitute important vehicles for the production and regulation of knowledge as well as for the formation of specialized fields in education. Thus, the article gives particular attention to the selective mobilization of foreign educational models (countries, authors and educational organizations), within a framework of analysis committed to the articulation of the processes of diffusion and reception of educational knowledge. The article presents the characteristics of both journals, in the face of those (geo‐political and intellectual) international references, and compares the relations of affiliation and affinity with foreign models displayed by each journal. The analysis shows: (i) the centrality of authors and organizations associated with the New Education in the promotion of knowledge that proposes to mediate scientific production and pedagogical practice; (ii) the existence of differences regarding the foreign countries that are taken as models for education improvement at a national scale; (iii) the presence of different spaces for the (worldwide) circulation of pedagogical models (the New Education circuit and the Latin‐American circuit); (iv) the scarce referencing of the other ‘who speaks the same language’. Results are discussed by taking into consideration their relationships with the structuration of pedagogicalal discourses and organisations, in both national and international spheres.  相似文献   

看英语故事画漫画,看漫画写英语故事,好刺激哟!上期的连环故事,小朋友已根据情节配上了图。其中,优秀配图者有:哈尔滨市南岗区花园小学一(5)班陈一海哈尔滨市南岗区奋斗小学五(2)班王诗蕊哈尔滨市南岗区花园小学一(5)班周英萌哈尔滨市南岗区奋斗小学五(4)班郑嘉玉 现在,就来看看陈一海小朋友的作品吧!Silkworm(蚕)and Spider(蜘蛛)  相似文献   


This article pursues the question of what the significance was of the discursive construction of heroism for the National Socialist indoctrination of children in the context of communication processes at school. In particular, it is about ideological-educational intentions pursued in the context of teaching early readers as well as about topical foci and ways of communication. This is analysed by the example of reading primers. Based on the category-guided qualitative topical analysis of a representative body of 113 reading primers, the presentation of heroes as well as the constructs of heroic behaviour is worked out.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between callous–unemotional (CU) traits and response to rewards and discipline in adolescent boys using a mixed-methods approach. Participants comprised 39 boys aged between 12 and 13 years and 8 teachers. Quantitative findings showed that CU traits were significantly related to punishment insensitivity, controlling for conduct problems, autism symptoms and hyperactivity. In contrast, there was no significant association between CU traits and reward sensitivity. Qualitative analysis indicated that teachers view children high in CU traits as responsive to fewer reward and discipline strategies, and strategies need to be implemented and monitored with care to avoid unintended, undesirable outcomes. However, time out, praise, support from other staff and maintaining a positive teacher–child relationship were identified as effective strategies. Findings emphasise the need to carefully select, modify and implement existing evidence-based classroom behaviour-management strategies with high-CU children.  相似文献   

Biman Bagchi 《Resonance》2018,23(10):1061-1071
Lars Onsager can be rightfully considered as one of the most influential theoretical physical chemists and theoretical physicists of the twentieth century. He is often grouped with Linus Pauling and Paul Flory, representing the three pillars of theoretical physical chemistry. The impact of Onsager’s work continues to be felt to date.  相似文献   

Steven Vogel was a pinoneer in applying principles of mechanics to diverse living systems. This article first provides a brief overview of his career. It then reviews the concepts of Péclet number and Reynolds number which are helpful in appreciating the Classics article by Vogel reproduced in this issue.  相似文献   

Jim Kaput lived a full life in mathematics education and we have many reasons to be grateful to him, not only for his vision of the use of technology in mathematics, but also for his fundamental humanity. This paper considers the origins of his ‘big ideas’ as he lived through the most amazing innovations in technology that have changed our lives more in a generation than in many centuries before. His vision continues as is exemplified by the collected papers in this tribute to his life and work.
David TallEmail:

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