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“以学生为本”教学理念下的大学生英语学习动机分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
学习动机是指引起学生学习活动,维持学习活动,并指引学习活动取向教师所设定的目标的心理倾向。人本主义心理学认为所有学生都有学习动机,而学生心理素质、学习英语的目的和教师的教学方式均影响学生的学习动机。因此,在大学英语教学中,教学要"以学生为本",教师要增强自身的综合素质、创设良好的课堂教学环境、培养学生英语学习情感和构建和谐的师生关系以激发学生英语学习动机。  相似文献   

The current study aimed at examining the efficacy of technological projects as learning tools by exploring the following questions: the extent to which projects in technology develop students as independent learners; the types of knowledge the students deal with in working on their projects; the role of problem-solving in technological projects; and how projects integrate into traditional schooling. The subjects were 53 high school (12th grade) students who prepared graduating projects in technology under the supervision of nine teachers. Data were collected by observing the students in the laboratory, administrating two questionnaires to both the students and the teachers, and analyzing 25 portfolios prepared by the students of their projects. The findings indicate that projects in technology provide a good opportunity to engage students in challenging tasks that enhance their learning skills. To maximize this potential, it is necessary to employ the project method from the early stages of learning technology. It is especially important that teachers having a strong engineering orientation also acquire pedagogical knowledge on issues such as fostering independent learning, creativity, peer learning and reflective practice in the technological classroom.  相似文献   

The present study investigates whether teacher perceptions of students’ cognitive skills, their learning motivation, and their classroom behavior differ according to students’ socioeconomic status, immigrant background, and gender. Data from N = 4746 German fourth graders and data from their parents and teachers were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Controlling for student achievement as measured in a standardized achievement test and student motivation as measured by student and parent reports, we found that teachers overestimated the cognitive skills of high-SES students and girls in comparison to those of low-SES students and boys. Similarly, teachers perceived high-SES students, students who are not from an immigrant background, and girls as having a higher learning motivation and as having more cognitive skills. Finally, we found that teachers’ perceptions of students’ learning motivation and classroom behavior mediated the relationship between student characteristics and cognitive skills as perceived by the teacher.  相似文献   

The concept map tool set forth by Novak and colleagues is underutilized in education. A meta-analysis has encouraged teachers to make extensive use of concept mapping, and researchers have advocated computer-based concept mapping applications that exploit hyperlink technology. Through an NSF sponsored geosciences education grant, middle and secondary science teachers participated in professional development to apply computer-based concept mapping in project-based learning (PBL) units that investigated local watersheds. Participants attended a summer institute, engaged in a summer through spring online learning academy, and presented PBL units at a subsequent fall science teachers’ convention. The majority of 17 teachers who attended the summer institute had previously used the concept mapping strategy with students and rated it highly. Of the 12 teachers who continued beyond summer, applications of concept mapping ranged from collaborative planning of PBL projects to building students’ vocabulary to students producing maps related to the PBL driving question. Barriers to the adoption and use of concept mapping included technology access at the schools, lack of time for teachers to advance their technology skills, lack of student motivation to choose to learn, and student difficulty with linking terms. In addition to mitigating the aforementioned barriers, projects targeting teachers’ use of technology tools may enhance adoption by recruiting teachers as partners from schools as well as a small number that already are proficient in the targeted technology and emphasizing the utility of the concept map as a planning tool.  相似文献   

三种学业成绩水平学生元认知、学习动机的比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对学业成绩优、中、差三类学生的元认知、学习动机水平进行比较发现:与学习优秀生相比,学习中等生的元认知水平明显落后,其学习动机水平则与学优生基本相当,未表现出显著偏低的态势。而学习困难生在元认知与学习动机这两因素上都显著低于学习优秀生。与学习中等生相比,学习困难学生有着与中等生较为一致的元认知水平,但学困生的学习动机水平显著偏低。这对教育的启示是:对学困生的干预补救应以激发和培养学习动机为重点,而对中等生的促进则应以元认知水平的提高为关键。  相似文献   

学习动机视角下大学英语教学内容的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行为主义的学习动机理论与人本主义学习动机理论为提高大学生的英语学习动机提供了理论基础。教材是学生学习外语的主要工具,好的外语教材内容应包括:与修养和自身提高相关的内容;与将来工作相关的内容;有关文字、芴史和生活方式等方面的内容。教师在选择教学内容时一定要针对学校及学生的不同需求,能够自由地驾驭教材,并善于利用竞赛等手段维持学生的学习动机。  相似文献   

对93名高职生访谈的结果显示,高职生学习目标模糊,学习自制力差,学习策略缺乏。针对高职生学习动机的现状,从内部、外部两方面分析学习动机缺乏的原因,从学生和教师两方面寻找激发与维持高职生学习动机的策略。  相似文献   

本研究选取初中聋生194名,采用问卷法,考察初中聋生学习策略、学习动机和教师课堂行为感知水平,并探讨其学习动机与教师课堂行为感知各因素对学习策略的影响。结果表明:(1)初中聋生在学习策略、学习动机和教师课堂行为感知上的性别差异均不显著;(2)初中聋生在学习策略中的元认知策略得分显著低于社会性策略和认知策略得分,在学习动机的内部热衷性上得分显著高于内部挑战性得分,外部奖赏得分显著高于外部认可得分,在教师课堂感知的支持性行为和教师高期望上得分均显著高于消极反馈得分。(3)学习动机和教师课堂行为感知对初中聋生学习策略影响显著,首先,在元认知策略上,内部挑战性动机、内部热衷性动机和支持性帮助行为感知的预测效果显著;其次,在认知策略上,外部奖赏动机、内部热衷性动机、内部挑战性动机和支持性帮助行为感知的预测效果显著;在社会性策略上,内部挑战性动机、内部热衷性动机、支持性帮助行为感知和消极反馈行为感知的预测效果显著。  相似文献   

动机在大学英语学习的过程及学习效果方面起着重要的作用。为了提高语言学习的效率,帮助学生树立语言学习目标,激发其积极的学习信心和学习动机,独立学院英语教师应该了解学生不同的学习特点和影响学生学习动机的因素,并加强培养学生的学习动机。  相似文献   

师范专科院校非英语专业学生外语学习动机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动机是影响语言学习成功的一个重要因素,从不同层面可分为:融合性动机与工具型动机,内在动机和外在动机等。师范专科院校非英语专业学生的英语水平层次不齐,学习英语的兴趣也不浓。因此,文章对师范专科院校非英语专业学生外语学习的动机作了研究分析,以帮助教师理解学生个体差异,激发学生学习外语的主动性和积极性,进一步促进师范专科院校非英语专业的外语教学工作。  相似文献   

As is well-known,people’s behaviors come from certain motivation.The learning of English also related to this certain motivation.The stronger the motivation is,the better effects on English learning students will have.If English teachers have a comprehensive understanding of the types and effects of the motivation,it will be useful for them to adjust their teaching methods to stimulate and sustain the students’motivation.  相似文献   

在英语小组合作学习情境中,教师对学生进行心理诱导,建立学习动机,对学习成效进行积极归因,并利用“教师期望效应”与“标签效应”引导学生增强学习积极性和主动性,对提高英语小组合作学习的效率具有实际意义。  相似文献   

学习动机在学生的学习活动中意义重大,因此,外语教师要研究学生的外语学习动机,设法调动和培养他们的学习积极性.从而提高英语教学质量和学生的学习效果。  相似文献   

高师学生教育学学习动机特点与学习效果有一定的关联。研究结果表明:高师学生教育学学习动机总体看较强,学习效果一般。其原因主要表现为学习兴趣不高、学习信心不足,学习主动性差,学习责任感不强。这些问题在不同班别、不同年级、不同专业中没有显著差异。  相似文献   

大学英语教学中语言学习策略探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
语言学习策略是影响第二外语习得的一个重要因素。大学英语教学中,学生普遍缺乏有效的语言学习策略,不注意调整自己的学习情绪,多数学生缺乏正确的学习观念。为此,大学英语教师除加强自身教学理论研究外,应注意引导学生树立正确的学习动机和学习观念,并开展学习策略教学,使学生掌握学习方法。  相似文献   

学生学习动机调查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在学习过程中,学习动机是学习者能否成功的关键因素之一。通过问卷调查,运用定量分析和对比的方法,着重研究了学生的学习动机状况。结果表明,多数学生有明确的学习目标,但学习兴趣不浓厚,自我效能感普遍较低,对成功和失败的归因不同,从而导致其学习成绩不理想。尽管如此,他们仍然认为学习是有价值、有意义的事。只是所取得的成绩与付出的代价不平衡,不免产生心理落差。通过方差分析还发现,成功学习者和非成功学习者在效价、学习兴趣、目标设置、目标定向、自我效能以及归因模式方面均存在差异。据此,在教学中,教师应采取一些行之有效的措施增强学生的学习动机,以提高其学习成绩。  相似文献   

Learning motivation is regarded as the critical fact of affecting the learners’learning.This article focuses on the local normal colleges,which offer the abundant resource of teachers;guarantee the education rights of students’.This article is based on the related literature and the statistics offered by questionnaires and surveys.The participants were 80 Englisheducation majors from a local normal university in Beijing and the surveys choose randomly 6 of them to get the answer.Through these two ways,we’ve found that the main motivation type for English-education majors is instrumental motivation.Family background,society and teaching model may lead to this phenomenon.The findings suggest that teachers should guide students to utilize their learnt knowledge into use and opening a book saloon to increase their interest and understanding of teaching might be a good way to improve students’integrative motivation.  相似文献   

As technology advances, it is important for teachers to seamlessly integrate technology into their innovative teaching techniques. Using virtual worlds is one alternative to traditional teaching methods that can provide rich learning experiences. The purpose of this article is twofold: (a) to present Cotton Island, an avatar‐based 3‐D virtual learning environment in Second Life and (b) to evaluate students’ learning motivation in using Cotton Island as a learning tool. Cotton Island was designed with unique navigational features to provide access to rich resources and educational activities that improve students’ knowledge of cotton. Based on the ARCS (attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction) model, this study assesses students’ learning motivation when using Cotton Island as a learning tool, and whether students had a positive learning outcome consistent with the instructors’ goal of knowledge improvement. The results show that students had a positive experience in terms of learning motivation and knowledge improvement.  相似文献   

基于对部分学生、教师与辅导员的访谈,了解到学风、学习动力、教学效果与第二课堂活动是影响高职学生学习的主要因素。相应的改进学习的主要策略,是建设良好学风,激发学习动力,提高教学质量及优化第二课堂。  相似文献   

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