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The University of Edinburgh and Moray House teachers’ college began to develop a new model of research and teaching, institutionalised in a combined university department and teachers’ college, with a research laboratory and advanced research degree in the 1920s. This new institution was modelled on the innovative and influential Teachers College, within Columbia University, New York, and was driven by a strong Scottish demand for advanced practice in education. It benefited from, and was shaped by, its new head, Godfrey Thomson, and his capability and leadership produced a model of a school of education that would be radical today had it survived the 1950s.  相似文献   

教师的专业成长组织:教师协作学习共同体   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
教师专业化是教师教育发展的方向,教师的专业发展需要在教育实践中进行,学校是教师专业成长与发展的场所,“合作”“共享”是教师专业发展的关键,教师协作学习共同体在教师专业成长中起着激发教师主体生长性,提升教师的实践性智慧,提高教师的合作意识和能力的作用。其运作方式包括:课题活动方式、同行交流方式、结伴合作方式、专家引领方式、教育教学问题研讨方式。  相似文献   

本文以2006年度爱丁堡大学莫雷教育学院BED课程计划和伦敦大学教育学院PGCE课程计划为例,透析英国当前的职前教师教育课程,对其现状、特点及负面效果进行阐述分析。作为他山之石,英国的职前教师教育课程可以对我国的教师教育改革有所启示。  相似文献   

This ethnographic study of a third grade classroom examined elementary school science learning as a sociocultural accomplishment. The research focused on how a teacher helped his students acquire psychological tools for learning to think and engage in scientific practices as locally defined. Analyses of classroom discourse examined both how the teacher used mediational strategies to frame disciplinary knowledge in science as well as how students internalized and appropriated ways of knowing in science. The study documented and analyzed how students came to appropriate scientific knowledge as their own in an ongoing manner tied to their identities as student scientists. Implications for sociocultural theory in science education research are discussed. John Reveles is an assistant professor in the Elementary Education Department at California State University, Northridge. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2005. Before pursuing his Ph.D., he worked as a bilingual elementary school teacher for 3 years. His research focuses on the development of scientific literacy in elementary school settings; sociocultural influences on students' academic identity; equity of access issues in science education; qualitative and quantitative research methods. Within the Michael D. Eisner College of Education, he teaches elementary science curriculum methods courses, graduate science education seminars, and graduate research courses. Gregory Kelly is a professor of science education at Penn State University. He is a former Peace Corps Volunteer and physics teacher. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell in 1994. His research focuses on classroom discourse, epistemology, and science learning. This work has been supported by grants from Spencer Foundation, National Science Foundation, and the National Academy of Education. He teaches courses concerning the uses of history, philosophy, sociology of science in science teaching and teaching and learning science in secondary schools. He is editor of the journal Science Education. Richard Durán is a Professor in the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, University of California, Santa Barbara. His research and publications have been in the areas of literacy and assessment of English Language Learners and Latino students. He has also conducted research on after school computer clubs, technology and learning as part of the international UC Links Network. With support from the Kellogg Foundation, he is implementing and investigating community and family-centered intervention programs serving the educational progress of Latino students in the middle and high school grades.  相似文献   

格特·凯尔克特曼(Geert Kelchtermans)是比利时鲁汶大学(University of Leuven,KU Leuven)心理与教育科学学部教授,同时担任鲁汶大学创新、教师与学校发展中心的主任(Centre for Innovation and the Development of Teacher and School)。他还是卑尔根大学(挪威)、奥卢大学(芬兰)和林茨大学(奥地利)以及悉尼大学的客座教授。Kelchtermans教授的研究专注于个体教育专业人士(及其传记)与组织和制度背景之间的复杂互动以及定性研究方法。他的主要学术专长包括:政策实施、教师专业发展(包括入职培训和在职培训)、学校发展与教育创新、学校微观政治、教学和教育领导的情感维度以及解释性研究方法(聚焦于叙事-传记研究方法)。他在众多国际知名教师教育类期刊上发表了大量围绕上述主题的经典论文和著作章节,在教师教育研究领域做出了大量原创性学术贡献。Kelchtermans教授主持过教师教育与教育创新领域的多项课题研究,如“职前教师专业发展:入职期间的时间与关系”“教师入职培训:通过参与网络进行专业发展”等。作为一名全球知名的教师教育研究学者,Kelchtermans教授担任多本知名国际教育类期刊的编委,如《教学与教师教育》(Teaching and Teacher Education)、《教师与教学:理论与实践》(Teachers and Teaching:Theory and Practice)等。为此,笔者对凯尔克特曼教授在上述研究领域进行了深入、细致的学术对话与反思,以期促进国内学者从微观政治学等新的理论视角来透视教师专业发展的多维性与复杂性。  相似文献   

杜威是哲学家,亦是教育哲学家,本身也是教师,是有高度理论思维能力和表达能力的教师。杜威的教育理论是对其教育教学实践切身体悟的结晶,可以说是其个人教育哲学的表达。既有高度的教育理论素养又有教育实践智慧和教育理想追求是杜威对好教师形象的表达。从教育理论素养上讲,好教师应形成个人的教育哲学;从教育实践智慧上讲,好教师应能激发和维持学生的理智兴趣;从教育理想追求上讲,好教师应努力培养有价值的社会成员。  相似文献   

Joseph Mifsud is lecturer in education at the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta. He teaches courses in classroom management techniques using audio‐visual and micro‐teaching resources. He has produced videos on classroom ecology at the University of Padua in Italy and on educational management at the School of Education, Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland. He was also invited speaker to various media forums in Malta and in Italy. He has taken part in Council of Europe meetings and UNESCO projects on various areas of teacher training and education.  相似文献   

张澜是一位伟大的爱国主义者、著名的民主革命家、杰出的民盟创始人与领导者,是我国德高望重的国家领导人之一。他创办过小学、中学和大学,经历了长期的教育实践过程。他提出的民主办校,重视学术研究,普通教育与职业教育并举,严格教学管理,勇于实践,敢于改革,尊重人才,任贤用能等主张,对当时四川的教育界和思想界产生过深远的影响。当今,我们深入研究张澜的教育思想,对强化学校管理、推进学校教育教学改革具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of Paul F. Brandwein, author, scientist, teacher and mentor, publisher, humanist, and environmentalist, on gifted youngsters who later became scientists, based primarily on information gathered from surveys completed by 25 of his students and one colleague. It also traces his profound interactions with science educators. It illuminates the theories of Brandwein and his protégés and colleagues about the interaction of environment, schooling, and education and Brandwein’s belief in having students do original research (that is, research whose results are unknown) on their way to discovering their future scientific paths. It tests Brandwein’s 1955 hypothesis on the characteristics typical of the young who eventually become scientists, namely:
Three factors are considered as being significant in the development of future scientists: a Genetic Factor with a primary base in heredity (general intelligence, numerical ability, and verbal ability); a Predisposing Factor, with a primary base in functions which are psychological in nature; an Activating Factor, with a primary base in the opportunities offered in school and in the special skills of the teacher. High intelligence alone does not make a youngster a scientist (p xix).  相似文献   

高校年轻教师为师之道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校年轻教师的教学之道与为师之道,即是他们成长、成才、成功之道,是他们职业道德与思想境界、教育理念与教学能力、科研意识与科研水平的综合体现。高校年轻教师应该爱岗敬业、忠诚教育事业,崇尚以师爱为核心的职业道德;拥有符合时代发展和社会要求的教育思想和教学理念,练就扎实的教学功,尽快过好教学关;增强科研意识,找准科研切入点,有效推进科研进程,练就过硬科研功,从而使自己迅速成长为一名合格的大学教师。  相似文献   

The author compares his former position as an assistant professor in a program preparing future teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students with his present position as an administrator of a public school program serving these students. He maintains that in some ways, teacher training programs in deafness and the public school settings hiring these graduates are separate worlds. The emphasis in teacher training programs appears to be on preparing graduates to work with deaf students in self-contained or residential school settings even though most teaching positions are with hard of hearing students mainstreamed in public schools. Other important areas, such as collaboration with general education teachers, litigation, parental relationships, and individualized education programs, seem to be overlooked by teacher training programs. The author employs the mockingbird metaphor from the novel To Kill A Mockingbird (Lee, 1960) to highlight differences between teacher training programs and public school settings, while making recommendations for strengthening connections between the two.  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基(1918-1970)是前苏联颇负盛名的教育思想家和教育实践家.他以帕夫雷什中学为教研基地,通过教育理论与实践的结合,研究苏维埃教育的新问题,并创造性的提出了和谐教育思想.他的教育思想具有当代性,研究其和谐教育思想,在提倡和谐教育的今天,仍能给我们巨大的启示.  相似文献   

设置一门自主课程:《学校问题研讨》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开设《学校问题研讨》课程有理论基础作支撑,并具有较强的合理性和必要性。它不但能促使担任教师教育类课程的教师的教学反思,提升自身的教学能力与教学效果,明确自身的研究方向,而且更有利于学生自主学习和学会教学反思,提高理论指导实践的水平,强化应对中学教育教学中的各种情境的能力。  相似文献   

This paper describes an attempt to develop a strategy for encouraging the effective utilisation of broadcast resources in pre‐service teacher training. A number of conditions that affect such effective use by staff or departments within Colleges of Education are identified. The paper then proceeds to outline the strategy adopted in mounting two exercises in Scottish Colleges of Education in an attempt to provide, for College staff, a focus of attention on the value of educational broadcasting in the pre‐service education of teachers. The first exercise described concerns the Primary Education Department in Moray House College of Education and the second, a number of Secondary Departments in Aberdeen College of Education. The value of the exercises is commented on, and the conclusion is reached that staff in Colleges of Education would benefit greatly from similar exercises mounted by the Colleges themselves.  相似文献   

Bureaucratic, over-formal and time consuming, but strengthening parents' rights and sharpening up the accountability of professionals - these are among the main reactions to the recording procedures of the Education (Scotland) Act 1981 which a Scottish team discovered recently. Dr George Thomson and Alexander Budge, of the Department of Education, Edinburgh University, and Marianna Buultjens and Margaret Lee, Moray House College of Education, Edinburgh, report on aspects of their study of the reactions of professionals and parents concerned with the education of visually impaired children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review and to connect research about teacher education effectiveness and school effectiveness to arrive at an integrative conceptualization that has the potential of improving empirical research in both fields. Teacher education effectiveness addresses effects of teacher education on outcomes such as teacher knowledge, this knowledge becomes the predictor in teacher effectiveness research with instructional quality and student achievement as outcomes. The two research orientations become united in path-analytic studies. A fuller incorporation leads to an extended educational effectiveness model that enriches a systemic interpretation of key levers of educational effectiveness and opens up black boxes at the system and the classroom level. In such a comprehensive model, teacher policies can be regarded an alternative for educational improvement strategies like school curriculum policies, accountability and evaluation or governance and management. At the same time insights from educational effectiveness research at large suggest inclusion of additional variables in teacher education and teacher effectiveness research, particularly on the institutional level.  相似文献   

教师是教育的直接实施者。教师从其思想,专业知识和能力等各方面都直接影响着学生。教师要如何适应教育要求,成为合格的英语教师,培养出高素质的学生?本文从教育本身对教师业务素质的要求以及学生眼中构成一个理想教师所应具备的品格来回答这一问题。  相似文献   

Research in teacher education repeatedly suggests that the background and underlying beliefs held by pre-service teachers about teaching and assessment act to shape their interpretations of ideas, powerfully influencing their praxis and their developing teacher identity. This paper explores how a young New Zealand secondary science teacher, raised and educated in Māori-medium and then English-medium New Zealand schools, develops his identity as a teacher as he navigates a range of educational contexts and experiences. His views on assessment provide a focus. The paper presents a case study drawn from a two-year longitudinal study, comprising a series of interviews with the teacher, as he transitioned from a university graduate to a qualified science teacher working in his first school. The complexity of teacher identity development is highlighted, particularly for teachers for whom cultural identity and indigenous world view is important. It suggests that beginning teachers need more time in their pre-service teacher education to reflect on the influence their formative educational experiences have on who they are becoming as a teacher.  相似文献   

Neil Southwell states that he was, himself, a persistent truant from school. He returned to education as a mature student via an access course and he now lectures in education studies at the University of Northampton. He is currently researching into truancy, its causes and its management and brings to his work an unusual but highly illuminating 'truantist perspective'.
In this article, Neil Southwell reviews the literature on truancy and reveals a complex and contradictory picture. Policy and practice to date have, however, tended to be united in locating responsibility for truancy with truants and their families. Drawing on his own experience and his research into the perspectives of truants, Neil Southwell makes a case for a radically different approach. He argues that truancy can be seen as a key indicator of unmet educational needs and that the issue of truancy will not be addressed effectively until policy makers, practitioners and researchers learn to listen to the voices of truants themselves.  相似文献   


In this paper, the writer, a senior teacher in a comprehensive school, describes his role as a critical friend to two teachers who were undertaking self‐initiated action research projects as part of a school‐based, award‐bearing curriculum development scheme offered in conjunction with the local higher education institute (HEI). He concludes that such a relationship, in providing both challenge and support for colleagues who are attempting to improve practice, is a powerful vehicle for the professional development of teachers and has a positive impact on whole‐school development.  相似文献   

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