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加强历史文化村镇遗产的保护与开发利用,建设中华民族共有的精神家园,是我国在城乡统筹发展、城乡一体化过程中亟待研究的重大课题与实践难题。与国外历史文化小镇相比,我国历史村镇保护存在规划体系不健全、文化底蕴单薄、缺乏全面社会技术支撑等诸多问题。以豫南地区为例,通过对其历史名村名镇调研,总结了其在推进文化村镇保护中一些好的发展举措,以期为我国类似历史文化名镇的发展和保护提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper combines the travel cost method (TCM) with contingent behavior questions to estimate domestic visitors’ use values for cultural heritage sites in Armenia, a transition economy in which conservation of cultural monuments is hampered by limited resources. Respondents intercepted at four cultural monuments provided information on their visitation patterns, experience at the site, perception of the state of conservation of the monuments, and rating of the quality of the services and infrastructure. We combine actual trips with stated trips under hypothetical programs that would enhance the conservation of the monuments and improve one of (i) the cultural experience at the site, (ii) the quality of the infrastructure, or (iii) the quality of the services, and use the combined actual and stated trips to fit a panel data model. Our study is one of the few applications of the TCM to value cultural heritage sites. Our investigation shows that (i) significant use values are associated with the four study monuments, and (ii) conservation programs and initiatives that improve the cultural experience, or simply make it easier for the respondent to reach and spend time at the monument, are valued by domestic visitors and would encourage higher visitation rates. Actual and intended trips reported by the respondents exhibit good construct validity, in the sense that they are well predicted by price, location, hypothetical scenario and other individual characteristics of the respondents.
Anna AlberiniEmail: Phone: +1-301-4051267Fax: +1-301-3149091

The sculptural polychromy in the Zhongshan Grottoes, sited in northwest China, has been investigated in terms of chemical composition of employed materials and pigments, state of conservation and painting technique. Raman analysis, Fourier-transform infrared analysis, analysis through energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry coupled to scanning electron microscopy and pyrolysis coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were applied. Six analyzed samples showed silicates and kaolin as main components of the ground layers. Also lead white has been found in these layers. Minium, red-earth and mercury sulfide are the red pigments detected in the polychromy. A mixed use of malachite and atacamite has been detected in three green samples. Optical characteristics of atacamite and malachite found in the samples indicate a synthetic origin. The presence of a synthetic organic pigment such as phthalocyanine chlorinated pigment was also revealed. Ultramarine blue pigment, obtained by purification of lapis lazuli, has been detected in the blue sample. As for the binders used, fatty materials and siccative oil were found.  相似文献   

2017年设立雄安新区以来,中共中央、国务院先后颁布了多项指导性政策,为白洋淀地区规划建设提供了基本依据。白洋淀作为华北地区面积最大的淡水湖,是雄安新区生态环境保护的重中之重。水乡文化遗产作为白洋淀地区特有的历史文化积淀,面临诸多威胁,亟须进行全面的保护及更新。通过对白洋淀历史文献的整理、《河北雄安新区规划纲要》的解读以及对水乡村落的实地调研,阐述了白洋淀的历史地位及作用,分析水乡村落的特征,探讨水乡文化遗产的价值,并按照文化遗产保护原则提出白洋淀水乡文化遗产保护思路和更新策略,以期为雄安新区“千年大计”的建设发展提供具有前瞻意义的思路。  相似文献   

通过多个历史文化名城的相关保护规划文本、地方保护条例(办法)以及地方规划编制技术导则的分析,对历史文化风貌区的地方实践进行总结。"历史文化风貌区"较历史文化街区具有更丰富内涵与复杂性特征,保护规划过程中应注意识别"历史文化风貌区"中出现的新类型与内部价值要素,在探索和完善地方历史文化遗产保护体系的前提下,秉承不同于历史文化街区的保护思路,探索差异化的、量体裁衣式的历史文化风貌区保护方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, the threat posed to cultural heritage by landslides and avalanches is analysed for two communities (Ushguli and Mulakhi) in the Upper Svaneti region in Georgia. The vulnerability of 60 cultural heritage objects has been evaluated through a conservation calculation based on an existing methodology using a State of Conservation Index (SCIx), which served as an input in a Spatial Multicriteria Evaluation (SMCE). Factors that are considered important for the occurrence of landslides (slope, landcover, lithology and drainage density) and snow avalanches (slope, insolation, slope curvature and landcover) have been used to generate a susceptibility map. A qualitative risk assessment was carried out by combining susceptible areas and cultural heritage objects. As there were very limited historical data available on the occurrence of landslides and snow avalanches, a combination of local and expert knowledge has been used to extract information on both cultural heritage and natural hazards. Existing management plans were also analysed to evaluate how natural hazards could be incorporated. Finally, some recommendations are given related to the analysis of the impact of natural hazards on cultural heritage in Georgia.  相似文献   

潘玥 《中国名城》2020,(4):34-44
在乡村振兴的目标下,建成遗产该如何保护和存续在许多国家均是难题。通过追溯英国处置乡村中的风土建筑这一建成遗产的重要组构部分的整体特点,对其价值认知、保护历程及规划体系的形成,进一步结合科兹沃尔德乡村保护案例的规划政策分析,从三个方面分析了英国风土建筑保护的策源力。即包括贵族乡绅在内的精英阶层对乡村自然景观营造和保护旨趣一直有其社会传统性;赞美自然和乡村生活的浪漫主义者进一步通过包含风土建筑在内的英国风景建构为英格兰的民族身份认知物;英国作为工业革命的产生地,较早开始对工业文明的进程带来的后果进行反思,保护乡村的建成遗产及其整体环境作为善性立法和公共利益优先的原则的体现,并较早地通过制度建立被纳入正当化、合法性的保护框架中。最后指出英国社会普遍达成的有关风土建筑及其文化地景整体性保护的共识与规划制度的配合是英国乡村大范围的建成遗产能够被成功保护的关键所在。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an application of the infrared thermography to the study of illuminations. In particular, we analyze a 15th century antiphonary from the Biblioteca Angelica of Rome to characterize the conservation state and the structure of the illuminations on the occasion of its planned restoration. We show the results achieved from the stratigraphic investigation of the gilded surface, the parchment substrate and the underdrawing. The obtained information have been, then, used to direct the necessary restoration steps and also to assess the effectiveness of the treatments by a comparative analysis of the thermograms recorded before and after the restoration.  相似文献   

In the cultural heritage area, it is of fundamental importance to characterize and classify the conservation state of the materials constituting ancient monuments, in order to study and monitor their decay. Generally, the decay diagnosis is provided by “naked eye” analysis done by expert scientists “walking around” the artifact and recording the conservation state of each individual element they observe. In this paper, a color image segmentation approach, based on histogram threshold and edge detection techniques is presented, to extract degradation regions, characterized by holes or cavities, from color images of stone-materials. The goal is to provide an aid to the decay diagnosis by segmenting degraded regions from color images, computing quantitative data, such as the area and perimeter of the extracted zones, and processing qualitative information, such as various levels of depth detected into the same zones. Since color is a powerful tool in the distinction between objects, a segmentation technique based on color, instead of intensity only, has been used to provide a clearer discrimination between regions. The study case concerns the impressive remains of the Roman Theatre in the city of Aosta (Italy). In particular, we have processed and analyzed some color images of the theatre puddingstones, acquired by a camera.  相似文献   

It is an indisputable reality that the most important thing for transmitting cultural heritage to posterity is a sensitive documentation. Up to the present there have been many developments in documentation of cultural heritage by developing technology, and contemporary documentation techniques have progressed speedily. In time, modern methods have become preferable to conventional methods in architecture generally in the existent state and in determination of deformations and preparation of measured drawing projects of historical edifices. Digital and 3D data, rich visual images obtained by digital close-range photogrammetry, and orthophoto images of edifices, are governed and shepherded in documentation and future conservation projects. Also, these methods supply much ease, precision and time-saving in measured drawing projects when compared with conventional methods. In this study, contributions of digital close-range photogrammetry to measured drawing projects were evaluated. A historical building, which had been exposed to fire two times in Konya (Turkey), was photographed and its situation before and after the fire was demonstrated. In addition, the building's measured drawings of facade and its 3D model were completed using digital close-range photogrammetry. The building's present status and its reconstruction project is indicated and how digital close-range photogrammetry contributes to measured drawing, reconstruction and restoration projects is presented. Furthermore, the significance of present-day use of digital close-range photogrammetry in the acquisition of data and preparation of measured drawing projects for historical buildings is emphasized. This study has been completed by photogrammetrists, architects, urban planners and restorers.  相似文献   

Almost everywhere public intervention in cultural heritage (CH) conservation is widespread. Using Italy as a case study, the paper analyses public capital expenditure for CH conservation and investigates whether the high degree of specialization of contracting authorities affects the efficiency of CH conservation works. A two-stage analysis is carried out. At a first stage, a nonparametric approach (Data Envelopment Analysis—DEA) investigates the relative efficiency scored by each single work; at a second stage, the determinant factors of the scores variability are investigated. The empirical analysis shows that, ceteris paribus, the expertise affects the efficiency of CH works.  相似文献   

Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) is a well-known tool in cultural heritage diagnostics. It is also suitable to reveal cracks and debondings of tiles in ancient mosaics of Roman and Medieval age. This paper describes a portable electro-optic system as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the state of conservation of ancient mosaics. The proposed system is based on the integration of ESPI and local speckle correlation techniques. Some experiments have been carried out on real, ancient, mosaics in laboratory and in situ. The different features of each technique are outlined and a comparison with holographic interferometry is also given.  相似文献   

The need of inspecting a masterpiece of fine art without affecting it led to develop non destructive methods of investigation. In the field of art conservation, several diagnostic techniques are being widely used to inspect works of art, giving different but complementary results. The present work deals with two of these methods, reflectography and thermography, both techniques examining objects in the infrared spectrum but in different wavelength bands. Their integrated data potentially provide a powerful tool for mapping hidden features and alterations of artworks. This was confirmed during the inspections of a 13th century panel painting under restoration at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure laboratories (Florence, Italy). A graphical user interface was also designed to aid operators in the field of conservation dealing with the results of the two IR methods. Many options such as image adjustment, comparison, overlaying and transparency variation, in addition to thermographic elaborations, have been made available to users. Imaging data integration provides a multi-layered and multi-spectral representation of the painting that yields a comprehensive diagnosis confirms the anomalies individuation and reduces the ambiguities of information coming from a single diagnostic method.  相似文献   

For conservation of the built cultural heritage, the application of conservation products like consolidants or water repellents is often suggested. Their impregnation depth is a key factor for the assessment of the treatment efficiency. It will vary depending on the internal structure of the stone material and the properties of the conservation products. In this study a porous bioclastic limestone from Maastricht (the Netherlands) and a porous sandstone of Bray (Belgium) were selected for treatment with either ethylsilicate-based consolidant products or siloxane-based water repellents. We explore the potential of neutron radiography to visualize the conservation products after polymerization, since previous experiments already proved their detectability before polymerization. Additionally, water absorption by capillarity was monitored inside the samples. The experiments in this study illustrate that the ethylsilicate-based consolidants remained visible for neutrons even after the polymerization process, while the siloxane-based water repellents can only clearly be distinguished in the stone as long as they contain a certain amount of solvent. The study proves that neutron radiography can provide important additional information for the research in the built cultural heritage domain, especially as it allows to successfully visualize the impregnation depth of silicate-based consolidants inside natural building stones.  相似文献   

文化遗产是一个地区历史和文化的见证,是对历史的记录,对现代人而言是具有重要价值的历史文化资源。历史文化名城商丘,在国家相关政策引导下,积极进行有机更新。通过调研的方法,依托文化资源与旅游业相融合发展的政策背景,结合商丘的文化遗产状况分析商丘古城文化旅游建设过程的自身优势以及在发展文化旅游时存在的问题,提出发展文化旅游建设需要管理者积极转变思路,以游客需求为中心提供相关服务;进行部门合作,规范管理;政府给与产业政策倾斜,多产业融合的措施和建议,以期为商丘古城旅游建设添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

In November 20th 2007 Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality confirmed its list of buildings earmarked for conservation. The confirmation was related only to Tel Aviv cultural heritage, the city that was founded in 1909, along the Mediterranean seashore, next to old Jaffa. The list was published 4 years after part of the old urban center of Tel Aviv was nominated as World Heritage Site for its architectural uniqueness (Tel Aviv the White City). The list and the nomination were focused on architectural styles, which are based on building material, the silicate brick, used in Israel throughout the years 1918–1948. This building material and technology left its imprint on Tel Aviv's landscape and is also a part of Tel Aviv's history and development. In spite of its importance, all concerned in Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality and urban planning, have totally ignored this phenomenon.The thrust of this discussion is that the silicate bricks phenomenon, a building material and technology, due to its importance to Tel Aviv heritage and its vast distribution in Tel Aviv landscape, should be integrated into the current urban renewal development process in the old city of Tel Aviv. The discovery of its history and its role in Tel Aviv cultural heritage will change the attitudes of Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality to this building material; instead of a vernacular phenomena, a common brick or a frequent building technology, it will get a better appreciation. Urban landscapes of many cities around the world are based on vernacular phenomena, which are ignored by the urban municipalities. The silicate case should serve as an example of the role of a vernacular heritage, and in this case a common building material, in the urban renewal and conservation process.  相似文献   

Budget constraints at the local government level towards the provision of public goods have fuelled interest in the voluntary contribution and provision point mechanisms. However, due to their public nature, these mechanisms are not without problems. The literature shows the presence of free riding and socially inefficient contribution levels. This paper experimentally tests the effect of cultural and historical information pertaining to heritage houses in Penang, Malaysia, on public contributions for their conservation. This paper considers a standard linear one-shot four-person public good game and the decision of the subjects being to contribute either to a private or to a public account. We devise 4 treatments: a Control treatment, a treatment where subjects are provided with cultural and historical information pertaining to the heritage houses, a treatment that includes a contribution threshold, and finally a treatment that combines the use of cultural and historical information with the contribution threshold. The main finding shows that 60–75 % of the subjects contributed more than what they believed others in the same group would contribute when they were provided with the pertinent cultural and historical information. Most of the subjects contributed less than their belief, while 75–77 % cooperated ‘selfishly’ in treatments without the information. These findings are in agreement with the literature, namely that contributions are higher in treatments with a contribution threshold. Moreover, the combination of a contribution threshold and cultural information could encourage more pro-social behaviours.  相似文献   

The German Federal Foundation for the Environment (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) is one of Europe's largest organizations of its kind. It supports innovative, exemplary projects for the protection of the environment and of national historic monuments and cultural landscapes. All projects are set up to provide a platform for researchers, craftsmen and restorers to find a common solution to difficult problems in conservation practice. More than 360 projects have been funded since 1990. Two recent projects deal with laser cleaning, one for stone and the other one for stained glass windows, the latter being presented here. This publication gives an overview on cleaning problems on stained glass windows and the project methodology. The interdisciplinary approach of the project provides the possibility of including experts in different fields to examine perspectives and limits of laser cleaning for stained glass windows. Two other publications in this issue (LACONA III) give selected results on cleaning experiments achieved within this project.  相似文献   

As a result of globalization, the widespread use of ICTs, and advances in transport infrastructure, tourism destinations have to confront an increasingly competitive setting. When to this one adds the saturation of some of the original markets, the consolidation of traditional coastal destinations, and changes in client preferences and habits, it is not surprising that cultural tourism is being seen as having considerable growth potential over the next few years. In this context, policy-makers have been striving to better understand the cultural tourism market by attempting to segment their clients so as to adapt their offer to the client’s needs and leave the client satisfied with the experience. Unfortunately, most studies on cultural tourism segmentation have been purely psychographic. While this can help to explain attitudes, it fails to identify, access, and quantify segments, and is of little use for implementing specific strategies. The aim of the present work was to study the influence of socioeconomic and demographic variables (age, academic level, expenditure on tourism, inter alia) on the predisposition to choose cultural tourism (the “culturophile tourist”). To this end, we have developed a novel methodological approach and applied it to the results of a survey conducted by Andalusia’s Middle Towns Initiative. The approach uses the latent variables resulting from a latent class analysis to estimate log-linear models.  相似文献   

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