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Framing has become one of the most popular areas of research for scholars in communication and a wide variety of other disciplines, such as psychology, behavioral economics, political science, and sociology. Particularly in the communication discipline, however, ambiguities surrounding how we conceptualize and therefore operationalize framing have begun to overlap with other media effects models to a point that is dysfunctional. This article provides an in-depth examination of framing and positions the theory in the context of recent evolutions in media effects research. We begin by arguing for changes in how communication scholars approach framing as a theoretical construct. We urge scholars to abandon the general term “framing” altogether and instead distinguish between different types of framing. We also propose that, as a field, we refocus attention on the concept's original theoretical foundations and, more important, the potential empirical contributions that the concept can make to our field and our understanding of media effects. Finally, we discuss framing as a bridge between paradigms as we shift from an era of mass communication to one of echo chambers, tailored information and microtargeting in the new media environment.  相似文献   

A belief about the need for media economics research was expressed in Poland over 100 years ago by Karol Estreicher (1867), who studied the economics of newspaper enterprises. Unfortunately, despite the creation of media research centers (and media departments at universities), work in the area did not continue. Aside from the articles of Kafel (1969), Tetelowska and Szewczyk (1969), and Maciaszek (1962), the field of media economics in Poland is rather deserted. Kafel, as well as Maciaszek, proposed to concentrate research on newspaper enterprises. Tetelowska and Szewczyk were mostly interested in the 'economics of newspaper information' (p. 25). Even a discussion about a definition and the scope of interest in media economics was largely ignored. In opposition to the research concept of media economics as one integrated field of research (Kowalski, 1980), Bywalec (1980) proposed to divide newspaper economics into four parts: general theory of newspaper economics, economics of production, economics of consumption, and economics of distribution.  相似文献   

Determining what factors predict media learning is an important avenue of research for the field of mass communication. The present study provides a comparative investigation of two models of media learning: the cognitive mediation model and the information utility model. Participants (N = 1,076) read a news article related to scientific discoveries relevant to cancer prevention and responded to all constructs of the two models. Recognition and comprehension were used to measure knowledge acquisition. Results generally support previous predictions of each model, though predicted variance remains small. In addition to testing the existing models, a modified cognitive mediation model using a key construct related to information utility—perceived relevance—was tested. The refined cognitive mediation model offered a more nuanced understanding of certain causal mechanisms but did not result in a meaningful change in predictive power of the model. Implications of the theoretical comparison and integration are discussed.  相似文献   

Qualitative research meets and gathers insight and information, commencing with the particular. Qualitative research moves us from reductive and abstract engagement to experience of the subject matter before us. Philosophy of communication, understood as qualitative research in action, centers inquiry on questioning, reading, writing, editing, thinking, and interpretation. These five qualitative acts of inquiry are not isolated categories, yet they are simultaneously distinct characteristics within philosophy of communication scholarship. I contend that these five coordinates facilitate the performative engagement of philosophy of communication inquiry. I offer a story centered on five research coordinates, explicated with scholars repeatedly referenced in philosophy of communication literature. I engage these scholars in a manner akin to Walter Benjamin’s (1968) “pearl diving,” seeking insight from selected parts of their copious contributions. Their collective insights function as threads with which I weave a story about the doing of philosophy of communication.  相似文献   


Academic interest in what has been termed “infotainment” has grown considerably since the term was coined in the 1980s. Today, the burgeoning field of infotainment research has become an important interdisciplinary field of study producing numerous political, cultural, and social insights. Nevertheless, infotainment remains highly contested, multifaceted, and incoherent, both as a term and a field of study. Preliminary attempts have been made to give greater conceptual clarity and standardization to the term, although their success has been limited, leaving difficulties in analyzing and comparing findings in a unified manner. In this review essay I outline the findings from a comprehensive literature review by delineating three mains trajectories of infotainment research: (1) research on soft news programming; (2) research on traditional news media; and (3) research on media systems and global infotainment. To conclude, I offer three suggestions for future infotainment research, arguing that scholars should attempt to achieve standardization and conceptual clarity within, rather than across research trajectories, that political theory should be more explicitly incorporated into the literature for the purposes of standardizing methods and clarifying normative debates, and that research should also focus on the synergies between contemporary trends in political campaign/communications strategies and trends in infotainment.  相似文献   

This theoretical article explores the idea of small, per-article payments for the newspaper industry. The article examines existing academic and industry literature on micropayments, as well as explores underlying theories in media management and economics, marketing, behavioral economics, sociology, computer information systems, and mass communication. The authors propose a “Modified News Micropayment Model” that contains 4 primary drivers that make the idea of micropayments a feasible and attractive idea for news industries in the Social Web environment—socialization/sharing, a microearn component, local focus, and a centralized banking system. The model is presented and discussed, and future directions for research are offered.  相似文献   

In an earlier period of mass communication research, scholars were more adventuresome in advancing “new” theories and less hesitant to “create” theory. The 1970s, in particular, bore witness to the emergence of several such theories—from the knowledge gap and agenda-setting to cultivation. Scholars have generated substantial literatures elaborating work in these and other traditions. Those contributions are now sufficiently robust that it is time to direct some of our energies toward synthesizing theories. This article nominates third-person perception as a candidate for such integration. Several prominent theories of media effects in the mass communication literature are selected to illustrate how the theories can or have been integrated. Results from three surveys provided evidence that the theories of third-person perception, agenda-setting and cultivation can be interrelated. The proposition examined here can serve as a model for further integration of other media theories. This integration attempt harkened back to the times when theory building in media effects was more common and perhaps more optimistic about explaining processes of influence.  相似文献   

鲁兴启  龙丽娜 《图书馆》2012,(1):99-100,115
深交所创业板开启以来,越来越多的经济学、管理学、法学等学科的研究者开展创业板领域相关研究,这对目前国内外非常有限的文献资源提出了更高的要求。开放获取是一种全新的学术交流模式,改善了传统期刊论文发表周期长、时效性不强的局面,为创业板研究者提供了免费获取最新研究成果的机会。创业板文献资源开放获取的基本类型有开放获取期刊、开放获取仓储和预印本文献,获取途径主要有国内外综合资源的OA搜索引擎和证券类专业网站两大类。可以从保证文献资源质量、加大宣传力度和建立共建共享系统等方面改善创业板文献资源开放获取的应用。  相似文献   

信息技术的蓬勃发展带来了全球信息的爆炸式增长,同时也使人们在面对海量信息时必须充分考虑可信度问题。国际iSchools运动衍生出的iField学科以图书馆学、情报学为代表,也与传播学、计算机科学等其他信息相关学科有一定交叉。iField视域下的可信度研究涉及人、信息、技术与社会的交互,本文梳理过去二十余年间国内外在这一领域的研究和探索。首先,从概念内涵、理论基础、研究方法三个层面对可信度研究进行溯源;其次,基于技术环境与社会环境变迁的双重视角解析可信度研究的主题演化逻辑,总结可信度研究在Web 1.0、Web2.0、社交媒体、人工智能四个标志性阶段的研究重点与难点,并提炼出可信度研究的主题演化框架;最后,从概念内涵拓展、研究方法革新、可信度话题延展等角度对未来研究进行了前沿展望。本文希望厘清可信度研究的发展脉络,推动可信度研究的进一步拓新,为未来网络信息资源治理实践提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 靖继鹏先生是我国情报学界最早从事信息经济学研究的代表性学者之一,探究其信息经济学学术思想的发展脉络与内容体系,有助于启发后辈研究学者,推动信息经济学学科的创新与发展。[方法/过程] 首先结合先生个人经历与时代发展因素分析先生信息经济学思想的形成背景,然后通过研读先生信息经济学领域成果概括其信息经济学学术思想的内容体系,在此基础上总结先生信息经济学学术思想的特征及贡献,最后提出研究展望。[结果/结论] 先生构建了信息经济学学科体系,凝练了信息经济学理论体系,拓展了信息经济学应用领域,他的信息经济学学术思想具有前瞻引领性、系统全局性、应用实践性3个典型特征。结合先生信息经济学思想与现实发展,从创新理论基础、拓展应用实践、追踪发展前沿3个方面提出研究展望。  相似文献   

Between about 1930 and the early 1980s, a number of seminal research studies yielded most of today's theories of the process and effects of mass communication. Since that time, few studies have made significant theoretical contributions. This apparent slowdown is inconsistent with certain trends in the media industries and in the academy that logically should result in greater production of seminal studies. The question is why so few milestones have been produced in recent years? A possible answer is that certain trends are taking place in U.S. society that tend to reduce the number of ground-breaking studies that will be produced by contemporary academics. Specifically, social scientists have turned from media studies to their more traditional research agenda; increasing attention is being paid to qualitative analysis by today's media scholars, and many are now preoccupied with critical perspectives rather than research. Additionally, higher pay in applied research may be drawing bright doctors of philosophy away from basic studies; heavy use of part-time instructors increases the workload of full-time faculty; and, finally, funding for basic research in mass communication is increasingly difficult to find.  相似文献   

邰科祥 《新闻界》2007,(4):44-45,47
中国当代文学传播目前面临一种两难选择,即客观上迫切需要传播媒体的介入,但主观上又对最时新的网络媒体采取一种"半推半就"的态度;按照文学的审美性质,文学作品最忌讳功利性的行为,但市场经济对文学的冲击又使文学不得不"低声下气"。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):193-214
In recent decades a distinctive literature has accumulated discussing the role of gender, feminism, and women's studies‐related research (GFWS) in the communication field; however, questions have persisted about how this research is represented in the field's publications. Contributing to the literature on the sociology of the field's scholarship, the history of the GFWS literature was sketched in a field test of a concept mapping technique that tracks patterns of publication and isolates conceptual associations within the titles of GFWS articles. The data for the study were significant concepts extracted from titles of 31,500 articles appearing in 70 communication journals and annuals within the period 1970 to 1997. The study accomplished several goals. First, it examined the accuracy of historical arguments about GFWS scholarship, arguments that bear on the issue of fair treatment of GFWS scholarship within the field. Second, it examined GFWS articles by publication source to assess patterns of representation by journal. Third, it provided a response to requests by some scholars working in the area for a thorough survey of the dimensions of the GFWS literature. Findings support the idea that GFWS scholarship is represented by a unique constellation of conceptual relationships. Feminist scholarship is found to have a history unto itself separate from that of studies of gender or sex differences, and has entered the literature in two distinctive eras. As well, feminist research was found to have a unique and uneven pattern of representation in the field's literature. By identifying threads of theoretical connection between articles in a widely dispersed literature, the concept mapping methodology is argued to provide one means for offsetting the fragmentation of the discipline's scholarship that has occurred throughout the last three decades as a result of the rapid proliferation of new specialized communication journals.  相似文献   

本研究收集了2011年传媒经济研究领域的高关注度文献660篇,结合研究题目的高频词对传媒经济的理论与学科、传媒产业与市场、传媒经营管理、传媒体制与改革研究进行综述,进而着重分析本年度传媒经济领域的研究突破和聚焦点。  相似文献   

This is an annotated bibliography of recent works (papers, articles, and book chapters) in the burgeoning field of Internet economics. Publications on Internet economics were sought through traditional research means and by searching the World Wide Web. An introduction to the bibliography explains how the references were sought and identifies key themes that emerge from the research, particularly as they relate to media scholarship. Entries are listed in alphabetical order. Each citation is accompanied by an annotation of at least a few sentences that summarize the cited work's key points as they relate to Internet economics.  相似文献   

This issue of The Journal of Media Economics is devoted to a symposium on theory and media economics research. Media economics has been criticized by some in communications disciplines as being a field of research that is a theoretical in nature. As readers will discover, the articles in this issue of the journal invalidate the criticism.  相似文献   

This paper first analyses the communication research environment in Hong Kong in regard to its socio‐political context, the media industry and more direct factors such as research freedom, financial‐institutional support, incentives, size and quality of trained personnel While the overall environment is facilitative, the small size of the research community in Hong Kong is limiting the volume of research output and scope of specialization. In reviewing researches in the last decade, it is found that commercial researches are generally more concerned about opinion distribution and media consumption. Government policy researches‐centre around media evaluations, preferences, programme standards and other regulatory issues. Academics pay most attention to political communication, international communication and, less so, information technology. As to future research, the author argues for more frequent use of longitudinal and comparative methods, the search for an original theoretical contribution to communication, an urban research agenda in development communication, the study of dependent communication development, interaction between mass media and political formation, regional cultural integration, advertising, media management, information technology and policy. The establishment of a communication policy forum is also called for to promote exchanges among academics, policy‐makers, media practitioners and interest groups. The expansion of the research community in Hong Kong hinges on successful faculty recruitment, the establishment of a doctoral communication programme and the relief of some staffs teaching overload.  相似文献   

The study of management of innovation is crucial to media management research, helping explain how technology diffusion affects the communication industry and providing a glimpse into its future. This meta-analysis looks at the recent history of mass communication scholarship (1983–2008), addressing newsroom changes to determine whether a mainstream managerial theory—sociotechnical literature—garners adequate use. The researchers discovered numerous references—mostly indirect—to sociotechnical systems (STS) theory, yet found sporadic use of a true managerial emphasis as expressed through the analysis of STS theory's principles- and frames-specific theoretical framework. Implications of the findings and future, alternative directions for research are proposed.  相似文献   

Within the field of bibliometrics, there is sustained interest in how nations “compete” in terms of academic disciplines, and what determinants explain why countries may have a specific advantage in one discipline over another. However, this literature has not, to date, presented a comprehensive structured model that could be used in the interpretation of a country's research profile and academic output. In this paper, we use frameworks from international business and economics to present such a model.Our study makes four major contributions. First, we include a very wide range of countries and disciplines, explicitly including the Social Sciences, which unfortunately are excluded in most bibliometrics studies. Second, we apply theories of revealed comparative advantage and the competitive advantage of nations to academic disciplines. Third, we cluster our 34 countries into five different groups that have distinct combinations of revealed comparative advantage in five major disciplines. Finally, based on our empirical work and prior literature, we present an academic diamond that details factors likely to explain a country's research profile and competitiveness in certain disciplines.  相似文献   

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