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论科学家的科学责任与社会责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从伦理学、社会学和法学等多学科理论视角出发 ,深入分析了科学家承担科学责任与社会责任的理论依据 ;在阐述其责任范围的同时 ,明确地提出了“履责”、“补责”和“受罚”是其应承担的主要责任形式  相似文献   

张卓 《科教文汇》2020,(1):15-16
退居二线的校长作为综合性教育人才,处于闲置状态而没有得到充分利用,是学校资源的极大浪费。如何让二线中小学校长退位不退志、退岗不减热情、继续发挥余热?笔者认为,从退居二线的中小学校长要调摆正好心态、给予二线的中小学校长更多关怀、充分挖掘二线中小学校长优势、完善二线中小学校长管理制度保障这四个方面入手,使退居二线的中小学校长的余热得到充分发挥。  相似文献   

In the first decades of the twentieth century, a heterogeneous assortment of groups and individuals articulated scientific, political, and philosophical objections to vaccination. They engaged in an ongoing battle for public opinion with medical and scientific elites, who responded with their own counterpropaganda. These ideological struggles reflected fear that scientific advances were being put to coercive uses and that institutions of the state and civil society were increasingly expanding into previously private realms of decision making, especially child rearing. This essay analyzes the motivations and tactics of antivaccination activists and situates their actions within the scientific and social climate of the Progressive Era and the 1920s. Their actions reveal how citizens of varied ideological persuasions, activists and nonactivists alike, viewed scientific knowledge during a period of swift and unsettling change, when the application of biologic products seemed to hold peril as well as promise.  相似文献   

中国企业如何面对和降低信用风险,利用信用赊销来增强企业竞争力,尽量减少坏账损失,是摆在我们面前的一个很有现实意义的课题。本文拟就如何建立科学的信用管理模式进行探讨。  相似文献   

张华娟 《科教文汇》2011,(29):11-12
教师的专业成长在很大程度上受教师所处环境的影响,但更重要的是取决于自己的心态和作为。作为小学美术老师,要如何架设自己专业成长的通道?如何提升自己实施课程改革的能力?如何成为个人职业生涯的主宰?笔者通过自己的实践和思考,认为增强发展内驱力、在反思中成长、积极参与教育实验是专业发展之道。  相似文献   

In scholarly debates, Ludwik Fleck's post-war paper 'Problemy naukoznawstwa [Problems of the Science of Science]', published in 1946, has been taken unanimously to illustrate the epistemology expounded in his monograph Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact. The paper has also been seen to support parts of the received view of Fleck, notably that he manufactured an anti-typhus vaccine while imprisoned in Buchenwald. However, a different narrative emerges when comparing Fleck's paper with other accounts, also published in 1946 and written by other prisoners alluded to by Fleck in his paper. The situation is further complicated by four papers, published in prestigious scientific journals between 1942 and 1945, by the German medical leader of the typhus studies accounted for by Fleck. In addition, a thus-far neglected paper by Fleck, published in 1946 and summarizing his observations on typhus, discloses his role in the Buchenwald studies. Despite the obvious difficulties with tracing the history behind these works, notably the one on Nazi science, the contention is that what was attempted in Buchenwald in the name of science amounted to pseudoscience. This conclusion is amply supported not only by the accounts given by Fleck's fellow prisoners, but also by his own post-war paper on typhus. Based on the above findings, it is suggested that the mythology about Fleck, established in the 1980s, has been accomplished by a selective reading of his papers and also that the role played by Fleck was more complex than has so far been contemplated.  相似文献   

A recently released documentary on life in a protein crystallography laboratory offers an exemplary opportunity to examine how a popular account of scientific training models narrowly defined norms of masculinity and mentorship and simultaneously sets these as the tacit conditions for success in science. Rather than treating this documentary as a good or bad representation of what life in the lab is actually like, this analysis draws attention to how the scientists featured in the film perform for the camera and how the filmmakers splice together the action to animate an engaging story. This essay shows how this popular and widely circulating documentary frames science as a game to be won and stages scientific success on an agonistic playing field. Those who can "make it" are those who are tough enough and those who are willing and able to get entangled in the taunting, jesting, and jostling relationships that appear to be required for mentorship in this lab. The essay argues that this documentary tethers this model of success in science to restrictive norms of masculinity and in so doing promotes a pedagogical culture that fosters competition, rivalry, and ritualized shame. Feminist theories of performativity are engaged to consider the iterative processes through which narrowly circumscribed masculinities and styles of pedagogy are sedimented and naturalized. This essay aims to spur renewed attention to the care historians and anthropologists might take to examine the often hidden tropes that are lurking inside the stories about science that we find so salient.  相似文献   

The application of statistical methods in mass production makes possible the most efficient use of raw materials and manufacturing processes, effects economies in production, and makes possible the highest economic standards of quality for the manufactured goods used by all of us. The story of the application, however, is of much broader interest.The economic control of quality of manufactured goods is perhaps the simplest type of scientific control.Recent studies in this field throw light on such broad questions as: How far can Man go in controlling his physical environment?How does this depend upon the human factor of intelligence and how upon the element of chance?  相似文献   

Reinvestigating the work of the anatomist Wilhelm His (1831-1904) shows how engaging with models in three dimensions can revise our accounts of scientific change. His is known to historians of biology for articulating a mechanical approach to embryology and for inventing a section cutter, or microtome. Focusing on the wax models that he also made in the late 1860s shows how the other two innovations were linked; reconstructing embryos from the sections, His claimed, provided compelling evidence for mechanical views. The next generation of embryologists appropriated His's work selectively. In the 1880s anatomists took up "plastic reconstruction" to visualize the complex forms of higher vertebrate, especially human, embryos. An increasingly dominant experimental embryology, by contrast, drew on His's mechanical approach but had little use for the waxes and effaced them from the history of his work. Recovering these models offers a fresh perspective on the transformation of a central science of animal life and enriches our understanding of the relations between representation in two dimensions and three.  相似文献   

In 1939, an unusual card game, Physogs, debuted in the United Kingdom. Based on physiognomic principles, it instructed players as to how to read and construct facial features and character types. Thirty years later, a new form of composite facial recognition, Photofit, was incorporated into the practice of the British police. Both projects, Physogs and Photofit, were the brainchild of one man, Jacques Penry, representing his twentieth-century iteration of physiognomy. How did a card game become an origin point for a new approach to policing?  相似文献   

Although he died in obscurity, the Belgian museum conservator Aimé Rutot (1847-1933) was one of the most famous European archaeologists between 1900 and 1920. The focus of his scientific interest was stone flints, which he claimed to be the oldest known human tools, so-called eoliths. Skeptics maintained that the flints showed no marks of human workmanship, but Rutot nevertheless managed to spread his "Eolithic theory" in an important part of the scientific community. This essay demonstrates how material objects--series of stone flints and sets of statues that purported to reconstruct prehistoric "races"--were given scientific meaning by Rutot. Rutot diffused his ideas by disseminating his stones and statues, thus enlarging his networks of influence. For a time he managed to be at the material center of a trade network as well as at the intellectual center of archaeological debate. The essay shows how Rutot achieved this status and how he eventually fell from favor among serious scientists.  相似文献   

张乐育 《科学学研究》2007,25(Z2):215-220
首先阐述科学发展的基本动力和直接动力,认为实践是认识的基础,同时又要注重认识的辩证发展,要重视基础研究和科学理论在推动科学发展中的重要作用及其在一定条件下的决定作用。发现和解决认识运动、科学领域中的内部矛盾(须知与未知的矛盾,从而提出命题、构想、猜想等)是推动科学发展的关键。然后进一步理论联系实际,分析"任务带学科"一方面具有推动科学发展的重要作用,另一方面它忽视基础研究,忽视理论思维和科学理论的指导作用。理论上它没有全面正确反映推动科学发展的各种因素及其相互作用,实践上它不符合党和国家现行的科学技术政策,不利于我国经济地理学基础研究的顺利发展,成为我国经济地理学理论方法长期落后的重要原因,因而对"任务带学科"展开讨论具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

In many technical devices an a.c.-supplied “primary” magnetic field induces eddy-current flow in a “secondary” armature. Exact calculation of the overall field distribution is difficult, hence, the secondary field is often neglected in practice and only an estimate of the interaction is obtained. This paper outlines a general solution of the problem with both fields taken into account, and the specific model discussed shows how to proceed in more complicated cases.  相似文献   

在科普信息化不断推进的当下,为探究我国微信科普的发展现状,从科学计量的视角对我国典型科普微信公众号进行量化研究,通过对其科普信息在推送频次、传播内容和传播效果等方面的特点分析,探究社交媒体时代科普信息在微信平台的传播路径。研究表明,微信公众号在科普信息推送方面有较高的活跃度,且不同公众号有各自的运营模式;在科普内容方面信息更加多元化,除注重知识的科普外,还传播文化、新闻等类型的相关科普信息;在科普效果方面,受众关注度与参与性逐步提高,整体积极向好,但还有待提高。  相似文献   

鲁明 《科教文汇》2012,(17):71-71,104
单招项目是普通高中升学教学的补充,也是为中考失利的学生提供一个到高一级学校继续深造的机会。如何利用好这个平台,为职业院校提供优质的高素质、高技能的人才,也为中等职业学校提升社会地位、打造品牌教育、吸纳优质初中生源服务,中职对口单招班级学风的建设就显得非常重要,没有良好的学风,就不会有高技能、高素质的人才出炉。作为在对口单招班多年从事班主任管理工作和语文教学工作的笔者,就学风建设谈点看法。  相似文献   

杨海燕 《科教文汇》2020,(12):146-147
杜威的“沟通”思想缘于他对传统教育的批判,在《民主主义与教育》中他提出“教育即生活、学校即社会、从做中学”,“生活、社会、学”渗透了强烈的沟通理念。课堂教学是学校教育的核心,师生双方通过沟通完成教学任务,达成育人的目的。课堂上如果师生间沟通不畅,传道、授业、解惑将面临着严峻的挑战,其中最棘手并亟待解决的是课堂问题行为。但在学生主体教育理念刚起步的中国,学生在教学中基本还处于被动学的地位,若把沟通效果的考察落实到学生的改变上不切合我国实际,也存在操作上的困难。本文通过对中小学有效教师与无效教师的课堂沟通差异性进行对比、分析,找到这两类教师课堂沟通差异的原因及策略,从提高教师沟通能力和专业素养入手,去降低中小学生课堂问题行为的发生次数。  相似文献   

刘则渊先生作为科学学领域极具影响力的杰出学者,多年来,他坚持致力于科学学理论、方法和应用研究,积极参与国家重大科技项目,在其中发挥了重要作用。刘则渊先生对中国科学学的发展与创新做出了巨大贡献,对科学学理论也有着独到而深刻见解,在技术哲学、科技伦理、科学计量学、创新管理等多个领域上做出了开创性成就。为了缅怀和纪念刘则渊先生,本文重点评述了他在科学学领域的杰出成就,总结了他及其团队在科学学领域的学术成果,并对其学术贡献进行梳理和归纳。从时间维度对刘则渊先生四十年来发表的代表性学术论文进行评析。根据学术论文主题,基于刘则渊先生各时期的研究方向,刻画了其科学学学术思想的演化变迁。希望科学学界能更多发展科学学理论,丰富研究方法,拓展科学学应用领域,为科学学事业谱写新的篇章。  相似文献   

基于问题情境的虚拟企业学习模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在卡尔·波普尔看来,科学知识的进化始于问题以及我们为解决它而付出的努力,这一过程包括:问题、尝试性假设、反驳或检测再到新问题。换言之,科学知识增长是一个试错过程,其中问题处于核心和优先地位。在阐述卡尔·波普尔知识进化图式的基础上,运用"猜想—反驳"这一科学知识发现、发展的基本逻辑,给出虚拟企业组织学习的新模型,并对如何在虚拟企业实施该模型作了简要讨论。  相似文献   

This paper examines the material relations of risk within a dispute about the hazards of manufacturing human insulin using gene technology, and the r?le played by the referent 'real risk' in the technical performance of risk in that dispute. It draws on recent work in science and technology studies that extends actor-network theory to examine the performance of reality in scientific practice. The multiplicity of risks in the dispute, and the links made and unmade between them, are examined. I argue that in the dispute, risks were contingently linked and separated around a referent 'real risk' that emerged within the recombinant DNA debate of the late 1970s. I contrast my account of risk with realist and relativist accounts, each of which values risk as an abstract entity. In my account, risk's value is contingent upon sets of material relations that link hazards and procedures for their minimization. Risk's realness emerges as some risks are linked and others separated, working a multiple/singular relation in an ontological politics of risk.  相似文献   

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