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Whether biotechnology is one or several developments is not clear. Once distinctions are required, the question is: Which one prevails? When the good, the bad, and the ugly settle, where do they fall? Evaluation implies distinction, and representation drives attitude. The controversies over biotechnology are fertile ground on which to study these issues. The imports of genetically modified (GM) soya into Europe in 1996-97 and the cloning of Dolly the sheep from adult cells in 1997 changed the symbolic environment for genetic engineering. The ensuing public controversies came to focus mainly on field trials of GM crops and food labeling. This paper will explore the relationship between quality press coverage and public perception, in particular the cultivation of the contrast between "desirable" biomedical (RED) and "undesirable" agri-food (GREEN) biotechnology in Britain. The argument draws on a systematic analysis of the British press coverage of biotechnology from 1973 to 1999 and analysis of public perceptions in 1996 and 1999. The paper concludes that the debate over GM crops and food ingredients fostered the RED-GREEN contrast among the newspaper-reading public, thereby shielding RED biotechnology from public controversy, and ushered in a realignment of the regulatory framework in 2000.  相似文献   

合成生物学对生命现象的探讨从认知转向合成,研究对象从自然生命转向合成生命,由此引发大量伦理问题与争论。目前学术界对此的探讨涉及多个维度,但对不同维度特点与关系,以及各维度争论与合成生物学发展阶段内在关联的讨论相对薄弱。本文梳理合成生物学的伦理争论,归纳得出伦理争议发生的五个主要维度及其特点,具体包括:制造生命有机体的正当性问题,技术发展对宗教文化的挑战,生物安全性的伦理问题,利益风险分配的公平问题,行动自由与伦理监管的冲突。同时本文从合成生物学发展阶段出发,分析不同维度的伦理争论渐次展开并相互影响的内在逻辑。本文的探讨有助于厘清合成生物学伦理研究的混乱状态,深化理解合成生物学伦理争论中不同伦理立场的核心主张及其根据,进而明晰合成生物学伦理治理要解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

农业转基因技术现已发展成为农业科研领域的核心技术,有效地缓解了国家粮食短缺、环境污染和人口问题,然而,近来一些关于转基因作物存在风险性、具有毒性的研究报道为转基因作物的研发蒙上了一层阴影。据数据分析,我国已没有拒绝转基因的资本,因此,建立一套完善的转基因农作物安全评价体系显得尤为重要。通过综述农业转基因作物发展、食用安全评价对策的研究,以期为完善我国转基因作物的安全评价体系提供参考。  相似文献   

Although still a side issue in the German-language media, attention towards synthetic biology has risen clearly during the last years, in line with the first applications being presented. This paper presents findings from a content analysis of synthetic biology coverage in German-language media over the years 2004-2009. In the media, synthetic biology is not clearly separated from gene technology. News value is attributed to established categories such as persons and events. Many metaphors and analogies used in describing gene technology can also be found in the coverage of synthetic biology; however, engineering metaphors are more prominent. In addition, playfulness constitutes an aspect rarely found in genetic engineering coverage. Overall, the picture emerging is ambivalent, which leaves prospects for the further development of public debate ambiguous.  相似文献   

对维基百科编辑中的冲突与协调的研究有助于深化对社会化创新中内在协调机制的理解。在T9r9k等人所提的维基编辑动力学模型的基础上,本文提出一个考虑狂热者影响的协同编辑冲突动力学模型。通过基于Agent建模分析,所提出的模型复现了从"单一冲突"到"间歇性冲突"再到"持续冲突"的相变。进而,本模型还展示了比T9r9k等的模型更为丰富的动力学形态。本文工作为维基百科编辑中所观察到的三种冲突模式提供了一种新的解释,并对社会化创新项目中的观点冲突协调有一定启发意义。  相似文献   

Computer-mediated discussion lists, or list-servers, are popular tools in settings ranging from professional to personal to educational. A discussion list on genetically modified food (GMF) was created in September 2000 as part of the Forum on Genetically Modified Food developed by Science Controversies: Online Partnerships in Education (SCOPE), an educational project that uses computer resources to aid research and learning around unresolved scientific questions. The discussion list "GMF-Science" was actively supported from January 2001 to May 2002. The GMF-Science list welcomed anyone interested in discussing the controversies surrounding GMF. Here, we analyze the dynamics of the discussions and how the GMF-Science list may contribute to learning. Activity on the GMF-Science discussion list reflected some but not all the controversies that were appearing in more traditional publication formats, broached other topics not well represented in the published literature, and tended to leave undiscussed the more technical research developments.  相似文献   

新兴技术治理无法回避的是如何应对新兴技术的不确定性,而既定的精英决策模式不仅难以应对新兴技术不确定性带来的社会问题,而且制定的新兴技术政策受到了广泛社会公众的强烈质疑和争议。网络制度下,通过多元行动者协商和互动制定的新兴技术政策消减新兴技术不确定性成为新兴技术治理的关键。研究将治理网络理论作为一个经验工具来分析中国转基因作物治理应对不确定性的政策博弈过程,研究结果表明政府、市场、社会公众之间经过协商和互动的治理行动是应对新兴技术不确定性的消解因素。研究启示是新兴技术政策制定需要社会价值前置,是过程导向治理的体现,也是社会公众权利的回归。  相似文献   

作为生物学模式与以物理主义为代表的传统科学解释模式的不同,目的论的解释占据了其中很大一部分。生物学中的目的论问题历来争议很多,同时研究的途径也很多。对于这些目前的主流观点以及研究途径,认真的分析评论很有必要。文章将从意向性、功能解释以及目的论观点下的适应论等方面对生物学中的目的论问题展开分析,期望能够对各种争议的源头从解释文本的角度加以考察,并对相关问题的解决出路进行探讨。  相似文献   

政府的制度设计和跨国公司的技术创新促使巴西转基因技术产业发展迅猛。巴西目前既是世界第二大转基因作物种植国,也是生物技术被垄断的受害者,其技术产业发展的体制机制值得中国思考。本研究从转基因技术研究的监管体制和政策体系两个层面系统解构了巴西转基因技术产业发展的监管制度体系,并剖析了巴西转基因技术产业化进程中的制度被动发展局面以及技术被垄断的产业困境。最后,论文提出中国应完善现行的安全管理体系,建立健全风险交流机制,构建具有自主知识产权的技术创新体系,并平衡现代与传统育种技术的发展等相关政策启示。  相似文献   

The paper explores the role of imagined geographies in the shaping of new technologies. I argue that the role of place in future-oriented visions of technoscience is a neglected topic in studies of the social shaping of technology. The paper proposes an approach that combines the sociology of expectations with the geography of science. It focuses on the interplay between envisaged and current geographies to highlight the recursive dynamics of place and imagination. To illustrate this approach, the paper discusses the example of biopharming, the production of biopharmaceuticals using genetically modified crops. I argue that expectations for biopharming bear the imprint of place, or rather of the places in which they are imagined, as well as those they imagine, and ultimately those they produce. I use this example to suggest how social studies of science and technology can usefully investigate the spaces, places and scales of technological development.  相似文献   

van Wyhe J 《Endeavour》2005,29(3):94-100
Histories of evolutionary thought are dominated by organic evolution. The colossus in our midst that is evolutionary biology casts its shadow over history, making it appear that what is so widespread and important today was always the primary subject of evolutionary speculation. Thus many histories assume that the core meaning of evolution is the change of organic life and that other forms of evolutionary thinking, such as linguistic, social or cultural evolution, are only analogies or offshoots of the main biological evolutionary trunk. Ironically this is an ahistorical understanding. Long before the work of Charles Darwin, scholars were independently developing evolutionary concepts such as descent with modification and divergence from a common stock in order to understand cultural change.  相似文献   

以转基因食品之争为研究对象,分析转基因食品之争中科学公信力危机的内外诱因,包括科学共同体认可中的信任困境、科学语言的生活性转化不畅、科学机构履行其社会责任不及时,以及科学公信力授权机制的不完善。由此,着重于探讨我国科学公信力在法律规范、科学教育、传播沟通方面的建设路径。  相似文献   

在合成生物学的叙事中,隐喻扮演着重要的角色。一方面,隐喻以形象的语言和图式帮助公众理解合成生物学所涉及的复杂的学科内涵;另一方面,由于隐喻的特征,易于引起人们的误读、误解,进而影响公众对合成生物学的价值判断。文章借助对隐喻理论的解读,分析隐喻在合成生物学的公众认知和价值判断方面带来的积极和消极影响,指出在合成生物学隐喻的使用及其诠释之间存在的间距,是造成人的价值判断偏颇的主要原因。认识到隐喻在合成生物学叙事中发挥的双重作用,可以帮助人们在科技传播中谨慎地使用隐喻。  相似文献   

合成生物学的快速发展引起学界的广泛关注。合成生物学的工程特性赋予其“设计”和“重构”的实践内涵,人为设计的生命得以加入传统的以DNA为基础的生命进化进程,进而引发了一系列安全风险和伦理问题。文章探讨了合成生物学发展历程中的标志性事件所引发的伦理争议,剖析了合成生物学面临的安全风险、伦理困境及其诱因,在借鉴欧美国家监管机制的基础上,提出我国合成生物学伦理监管的思路。  相似文献   

崔颖璐  吴边 《中国科学院院刊》2018,33(11):1150-1157
从合成生物学的角度来认知生命,其本质是可数据化与可设计性。生命体中绝大多数的催化功能是由酶来实现的,因此催化元件是合成生物学中最核心的元件之一。序列决定构象,而构象则决定功能。基于空间结构的催化元件序列数字化设计,是合成生物学研究的重要热点和前沿领域。它既可为开发合成生物学功能器件,特别是全新化学催化器件提供大量原型分子,同时也为发展模块化、工程化调控元件提供设计模板和指导规律。文章针对近年来出现的生物元件,尤其是催化元件的前沿进展进行简要介绍。  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is often seen as the engineering turn in biology. Philosophically speaking, entities created by synthetic biology, from synthetic cells to xenobots, challenge the ontological divide between the organic and inorganic, as well as between the natural and the artificial. Entities such as synthetic cells can be seen as hybrid or transitory objects, or neo–things. However, what has remained philosophically underexplored so far is the impact these hybrid neo–things will have on (our phenomenological experience of) the living world. By extrapolating from Walter Benjamin’s account of how technological reproducibility affects the aura of art, we embark upon an exploratory inquiry that seeks to fathom how the technological reproducibility of life itself may influence our experience and understanding of the living. We conclude that, much as technologies that enabled reproduction corroded the aura of original artworks (as Benjamin argued), so too will the aura of life be under siege in the era of synthetic lifeforms. This article zooms in on a specific case study, namely the research project Building a Synthetic Cell (BaSyC) and its mission to create a synthetic cell–like entity, as autonomous as possible, focusing on the properties that differentiate organic from synthetic cells.  相似文献   

肖海  张坤生 《科技管理研究》2020,40(20):173-181
自从人类基因组计划完成以来,生物学家已经把他们的工作从理解生物学转向修改生物学。合成生物学是一个迅速发展的跨学科领域,包括开发和建造合成DNA序列、系统、基因组和工业设备等。获得知识产权的保护是促进合成生物学研究发展的重要手段。此文综合分析了合成生物学发展现状、知识产权保护制度、管理等相关问题,随后全方位探讨该领域的解决方案、建议措施;在知识产权保护层面为促进中国合成生物学的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

基于项目组合管理的流程,识别出不同阶段潜在的利益相关者之间的冲突风险,即目标冲突风险、资源分配冲突风险及合作冲突风险。采用模糊综合评价方法对项目组合的三类冲突风险进行评价。最后将评价模型应用于一个高新技术企业,算例分析的结果表明该模型可以有效得出三类冲突风险的风险评分,并且为企业的风险预防和控制提供指引,使其可以识别评分值最高、危害最大的冲突风险。  相似文献   

Measuring the similarity between the semantic relations that exist between words is an important step in numerous tasks in natural language processing such as answering word analogy questions, classifying compound nouns, and word sense disambiguation. Given two word pairs (AB) and (CD), we propose a method to measure the relational similarity between the semantic relations that exist between the two words in each word pair. Typically, a high degree of relational similarity can be observed between proportional analogies (i.e. analogies that exist among the four words, A is to B such as C is to D). We describe eight different types of relational symmetries that are frequently observed in proportional analogies and use those symmetries to robustly and accurately estimate the relational similarity between two given word pairs. We use automatically extracted lexical-syntactic patterns to represent the semantic relations that exist between two words and then match those patterns in Web search engine snippets to find candidate words that form proportional analogies with the original word pair. We define eight types of relational symmetries for proportional analogies and use those as features in a supervised learning approach. We evaluate the proposed method using the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) word analogy benchmark dataset. Our experimental results show that the proposed method can accurately measure relational similarity between word pairs by exploiting the symmetries that exist in proportional analogies. The proposed method achieves an SAT score of 49.2% on the benchmark dataset, which is comparable to the best results reported on this dataset.  相似文献   

探讨冲突分析技术的理论框架,在此基础上提出一种基于图示模型的冲突分析方法。决策者从当前局势出发,依据相关决策规则,实施局势转移,分析实际可达到局势以及冲突均衡,并重点关注实现均衡目标相应的最短途径。模型适用于决策者轮流协商、交替决策的冲突事件。并给出一个水资源冲突问题的研究实例。  相似文献   

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