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为了进一步贯彻落实教育部课程改革精神,促进中小学英语教师在教学思想、教学观念、教学方式和方法方面的转变,激励广大中小学英语教师努力提高英语教师专业水平、英语教学技能、英语运用能力,全面提高和展示教师自身素质和教学能力,交流和学习获奖教师的成功经验,表彰在大赛中涌现出的优秀教师,国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心经研究决定于2007年4月13日至16日在广西壮族自治区南宁市举办“全国(中学)英语教师教学技能  相似文献   

为了促进我国基础教育外语教学研究的深入发展,充分调动广大外语教育工作者对基础教育外语教学研究的积极性,并在更大的程度上提高全国中小学外语教育教学水平和质量,国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心课程教材研究部于2003年7月1日始向全国征集中小学英语教学课件和教案,具体要求如下:  相似文献   

从载文、作者情况和栏目设置三个维度对《中小学英语教学与研究》刊物2010~2012年出版的36期752篇论文进行统计分析,研究发现,该刊物栏目设置灵活,作者来源广泛,载文与时俱进,专业性较强,学术水平较高,但同时也反映出中小学英语教学研究还存在地区发展不平衡、各级教师科研水平参差不齐等问题。因此,刊物自身宜加强编者和作者之间的沟通,拓宽作者队伍,提高稿件质量。  相似文献   

项目/部门 联系人 办公电话 emsil 优秀中小学教师出国留学奖学金项目 全国中小学外语教师园丁奖 全国中小学英语教师资格认证系统 全国外语教育研究成果资助出版工程 全国中学生英语能力竞赛办公室 全国小学生英语竞赛办公室 全国外语实验学校管理办公室 中心研究员管理办公室 《基础教育外语教学研究》编辑部 《高师英语教学与研究》编辑部 中国英语外语教学国际学术年会秘书处 IATEFL China NEWSLE竹ER编辑部 全国基础教育外语教学研究资助金项目 国际英语外语教师协会中国分会秘书处 英语“四位一体“教学法研究所 中心测试研究办…  相似文献   

为有效提高我国中小学英语教学效率,进一步加强我国外语教师队伍建设,从理沦与实践层面提高教师专业素质,国际英语外语教师协会中国分会和国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心于8月10-14日在广州召开了第二届全国中小学英语教学研讨会。会议由广东省教育学会外语教学专业委员会协办,英语辅导报社承办。来自全国各地的300余名代表参加了本次大会。  相似文献   

“中小学优秀外语教师出国留学奖学金项目”2002年度全国统一选拔考试成绩近日揭晓。主办单位负责人表示,从成绩看,我国中小学英语师资水平较低,师资培训工作任重道远中小学优秀外语教师出国留学奖学金项目,由国家留学基金管理委员会与国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心共同设立,是我国第一个面向中小学外语教师的留学奖学金项目该项目旨在培养一批外语语言基本功过硬、教学技能全面、具备一定理论和科研能力及创新能力的中小学骨干外语教师,通过到国外进行英语语言知识和技能、现  相似文献   

为了总结、交流和推广基础外语教学先进经验,进一步提高英语课堂教学质量,提高广大外语教师、教研员参与教育教学研究的积极性,由国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心编辑的"《春华秋实》——中小学英语教学科研成  相似文献   

简介:全国中小学优秀外语教师出国留学奖学金是由国家留学基金基金管理委员会与国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心于2000年联合设立,以奖学金形式支持中小学优秀外语教师赴国外留学、培训的公派留学项目,全部资金由英语辅导报社提供。该项目旨在选拔中小学优秀外语教师,通过在外语语言国家3—6个月的培训,全面提高受训训教师的外语语言能力、外语教育教学理论水平,学习国外先进的外语教学方法、教学理念,探索既符合外语教学规律,又适合我国外语教学实学实际的新路子,为我国培养出一批外语教育理论丰富、教学技能全面, 具有科研、创新能力的中小学骨干外语教师。  相似文献   

一、调查目的近年来,随着教师科研意识的提高,中小学第一线英语教学工作者不辞劳苦地探索和尝试,以求优化本学科教学。实验法作为常用的研究方法之一亦为教师们所频频使用。然而,中小学英语教师是否已正确地运用实验法呢?为了解当前中小学英语教学实验的现状,发现问题,为中小学教师今后运用实验方法作一些辅导,笔者作了本次调查。二、取材范围、调查方法与调查结果北京师范大学主办的《中小学外语教学》与华东师范大学主办的《中小学英语教学与  相似文献   

“全国中小学英语教学研讨会”将于2010年4月8—9日在上海华东师范大学举行,具体安排如下:【主办单位】华东师范大学中小学英语教学研究中心【协办单位】上海市教育学会外语专业委员会、华东师范大学课程与教学系、《中小学英语教学与研究》编辑部、华东师范大学双语教育研究中心、上海外语类及外语特色学校教研联盟、上海市新黄浦实验学校、江苏省常州市湖塘桥中心小学  相似文献   

基础教育英语语法教学价值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合西方应用语言学和语言习得研究的进展,分析中国英语语法教学的现状,我们可以发现国内对语法教学价值判断的失当源于极性思维、盲从心理和实践精神的缺位;语法教学的必要性受多种复杂变量影响而处于一种分层次的连续状态,因此不是教与不教的问题而是更适合谁的问题;立足实践第一的原则才能客观看待语法教学的价值。  相似文献   

This article discusses an intervention project by means of motivational approaches in a British culture survey course for English majors in mainland China's university classroom context. The intervention uses such motivational theories as attribution and task orientation to motivate the teaching and learning of the EFL course so as to create a cooperative classroom environment. Theoretical bases of the Chinese heritage culture and motivation are examined, specific intervention procedures discussed, relevant data analysed and finally some suggestions regarding the EFL teachers' important role in promoting the quality of EFL education are made. The intervention results show that an innovative pedagogy to motivate students' metacognitive awareness, cognitive and socio‐cognitive ability in cooperative classroom learning situations different from the traditional cramming methods and examinations proves effective. Motivation should be given a central role in promoting China's EFL quality education.  相似文献   

根据教育学、美学理论以及英语自身的特点与发展规律,大学英语阅读教学应当关注和实践审美教育的策略,注重学生审美学习、感受和评价的主体地位,引导他们进行深层次的审美阅读,培养其审美观念与情趣,形成健康的审美视角,提高其审美学习、实践创新等诸项能力,提升其文化品位和综合素质,进而达到外语教学的真正目的。  相似文献   

During the most recent educational reform in Estonia, a new National Curriculum was introduced in 2010 providing new guidelines for education generally and foreign languages specifically. To investigate the understanding that an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher has about professional teaching and whether it matches the principles of the curriculum, a research project was conducted amongst EFL teachers at the lower secondary school level. A brief theoretical background to the topic is given and Estonian EFL teachers’ beliefs about professional teaching based on the findings of the survey are described. The study identifies that, although generally EFL teachers’ beliefs about professional teaching are in concordance with the principles contained in the new curriculum, there are aspects that should be addressed by both pre- and in-service education teacher programmes.  相似文献   

现代教育技术的飞速发展改变着传统的教育模式 ,2 1世纪的外语教学同样面临挑战。应用现代教育技术 ,改革传统的外语教学模式已势在必行  相似文献   

The study of additional languages is mandatory for all pupils in most European countries. Usually, the first foreign language is English. This is due to the status of English as a global language. According to inclusion laws, pupils with special educational needs (SEN) should be taught in regular classes with support services by teachers with special education training. Often, however, foreign language teachers lack training and do not know how to adapt teaching methods for pupils with SEN in the regular language learning class. In this study, 109 elementary school teachers filled out questionnaires examining practices and attitudes about inclusion of pupils with SEN in the English as a foreign language (EFL) class in Israel. Findings indicated that pupils with SEN are included in regular EFL classes, taught with the same materials as the class, usually by teachers with no specialised training and no teaching assistants. Teachers are not always encouraged to take in-service courses on how to teach these pupils. No significant difference were found between teachers with and without special education training regarding inclusion practices, but slight differences were found with regards to attitudes towards inclusion of pupils with SEN. The majority of teachers felt that pupils with SEN should be taught in special education settings with specialised materials, and not in the regular education class. These findings raise questions regarding the efficacy of inclusion laws and language learning policies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates EFL learners’ perception of prior knowledge and its roles in reading comprehension. It is based on a survey conducted among 400 EFL students studying at secondary and tertiary levels in China. Through the analysis of the ranked multiple responses to the questions posed in the questionnaire, the paper shows that EFL students in mainland China believe that their command of English vocabulary plays a crucial role in their reading comprehension. However as their linguistic knowledge increases, they tend to attach less importance to their linguistic knowledge, especially the knowledge of English syntax and formal structures. At the same time, conceptual and sociocultural knowledge seems to gain greater importance. Furthermore, the perceived importance of linguistic knowledge seems to start diminishing around the end of secondary education, when EFL students have acquired a vocabulary of about 3000 words and the basic knowledge of English syntax and formal structures. The final replacement of linguistic knowledge by conceptual or sociocultural knowledge as the top factor that affects their reading comprehension seems to take place one year after the beginning of the tertiary EFL course. This may well be considered as an indication of the EFL threshold level for EFL students in China.  相似文献   

英语语法课程的教学目前还存在诸多弊端,根据新颁布的英语教学大纲以及相关语言理论和教学理论,我国英语语法教学改革要注意确立新的教学原则,探索新的教学方法。  相似文献   

中国的EFL教育与加拿大ESL教育在学习动机、教学环境、教学内容与方法、教学评价等方面存有一定的共性与差异。中国EFL教育存在教学拘泥于教材、缺乏真实的语境、师资队伍建设有待进一步加强等问题。加拿大ESL教育为中国EFL教育提供了借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

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