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家庭内隐规则通过暗示形成,带有家庭文化遗传的性质。家庭成员可能会无意识地尊重这些规则。其中有些规则可能对家庭成员的成长产生负面影响,造成自我认知的不协调、低自尊感和人际关系的困扰等。本文结合咨询案例论述内隐家庭规则对个人成长的影响。  相似文献   

一、引言家庭系统疗法是20世纪50年代在美国创立。它以系统论的观点解读家庭内部各代人之间的关系,将家庭看作一个整体,每一个家庭成员都受到家庭内人际关系、规则和角色的影响。它的基本假设是把个别家庭成员的忧伤或失调行为看作整个家庭系统出问题的一种表现。  相似文献   

家庭文化环境,是指家庭成员对文化知识的学习态度和渴求的程度,家庭中形成的文化氛围。家庭文化环境对孩子有一种熏陶、感染和影响作用,有益于孩子健康心理的形成和发展。因此,许多家长都很重视营造良好的家庭文化环境,他们把家庭文化环境视为家庭成员的精神营养。有的家长节衣缩食,订阅报刊,购买图书,建立家庭书柜,让书籍成为大人孩子的共同朋友;有的家长为孩子制作写作业的小书桌,给孩子配备光线充足  相似文献   

二战后,随着日本经济的迅猛发展、社会的成熟、生活水平的不断提高,家庭成员对于家庭的依赖度日益降低,家庭成员之间的关系日渐淡薄,家庭不再是人们的唯一归属地。从而引发家庭中夫妻关系和亲子关系的不信、对立、排斥,家庭成员之间出现隔阂,人们对家庭失去信心。最终导致人们开始逃避家庭,并通过其他途径寻求慰藉。  相似文献   

幸福家庭是家庭发展的高级阶段,是家庭成员一生的共同追求。本文立足于幸福学理论,探讨发展性、多元化的家庭幸福观,并从转变幸福观念、引导家庭成员挖掘幸福资源、提升家庭成员的主观幸福感、寻找幸福家庭的支点、构建家庭共同体等核心环节入手,提出幸福家庭建设的具体对策,以提高家庭成员的幸福感,改善家庭成员的内部矛盾,在一定程度上为建设幸福家庭这一影响经济发展和社会稳定的民生大计提供决策参考。  相似文献   

家庭娱乐,是家庭生活的重要内容。在家庭中,人们除了饮食,休息,学习之外,闲暇时间内的活动之一就是娱乐。家庭娱乐,是调节家庭成员的生活节奏,辅助教育和促进发展的重要活动。随着物质生活条件的不断改善,人  相似文献   

从家庭系统理论的视角剖析农村陪读家庭亲子冲突问题,问题的根源在于家庭功能的失衡与家庭关系危机的连带、家庭成员慢性焦虑的传递与不平衡三角关系的形成、子代自我分化的需要与父代对子代的过度关注等三个方面。社会工作者可以借助家庭系统治疗模式,从关注家庭成员情感需要,提升家庭成员沟通能力;帮助家长自我成长,学会去三角化;建立接纳理解的家庭关系网络,重构健康家庭生态等三个方面指导农村陪读家庭化解亲子冲突问题。  相似文献   

青少年违法犯罪固然有社会客观原因和主观因素,但家庭不良因素的影响也是导致青少年违法犯罪不容忽视的原因。家庭不良因素主要有家庭结构残缺、家庭关系恶化、家庭气氛恶劣、家庭成员的不良行为、家庭管教方式不当、家庭监护不力、家庭成员网络认识和行为偏差等。从家庭角度预防青少年犯罪,要建立良好的家庭关系、加强亲子教育培训。  相似文献   

1 家庭体育的内涵 家庭体育是指包括家庭成员之间的体育教育活动在内的,以家庭成员为活动主体,以两个或两个以上家庭成员为单位,为达到增进身心健康,促进家庭和睦和社会稳定发展,根据成员的需要与爱好进行的体育活动.  相似文献   

家庭系统中亲子关系、父母依恋、教养方式及父母支持等对大学生职业决策具有重要影响。在职业决策指导中,父母及家庭成员应成为咨询对象,通过家庭谱系探索家庭对大学生职业决策的期望,重视家庭系统的行为控制、家庭成员的协作和沟通功能的改善。  相似文献   

文霞 《石家庄学院学报》2012,14(2):26-29,43
秦汉"家人"有三种含义:一指同居或同宗的亲人,一指家丁和奴婢等附属成员,一指庶人。秦汉"家人"的复杂含义与家的规模变化及秦汉社会政治制度的特点有关。秦汉社会去古未远,家丁奴婢等附属成员居住在家内,也属于家人。秦及西汉时期,析居现象普遍,核心家庭及二十等爵制的实行,普通庶民都有个人姓氏,可以建立家庭",家人"即居家之人,表示庶人之义。从东汉时期开始,随着人身依附关系的发展及联合大家庭的增多,"家人"范围进一步缩小,多用来指同居或同宗的亲人。  相似文献   

秦汉“家人”有三种含义:一指同居或同宗的亲人,一指家丁和奴婢等附属成员,一指庶人。秦汉“家人”的复杂含义与家的规模变化及秦汉社会政治制度的特点有关。秦汉社会去古未远,家丁奴婢等附属成员居住在家内,也属于家人。秦及西汉时期,析居现象普遍,核心家庭及二十等爵制的实行,普通庶民都有个人姓氏,可以建立家庭,“家人”即居家之人,表示庶人之义。从东汉时期开始,随着人身依附关系的发展及联合大家庭的增多,“家人”范围进一步缩小,多用来指同居或同宗的亲人。  相似文献   

This study investigates perceptions of family communication among members with different sexual identities. Specifically, from the perspective of heterosexual family members (N = 129), the study takes an intergroup perspective to determine how accommodative and non-accommodative communication and attitudes toward homosexuality predict intergroup anxiety and relational satisfaction with gay or lesbian family members. Further, the manner in which family communication influences attitudes toward homosexuality is examined. Results are discussed in terms of implications for research on heterosexual–homosexual interaction, family communication, and intergroup communication, in general.  相似文献   

学习活动是学习型家庭的核心,没有家庭成员的不断学习,就没有学习型家庭。但学习型家庭的着眼点并不仅仅落在知识和文化上,更重要的是指家庭成员的心智模式(思维方式、思维习惯)思想观念、态度与行为的改变;要有明确的家庭愿景;要有爱心和责任感等。  相似文献   

榜样是典型的、值得人们学习、对人们具有教育意义的人格典范,运用榜样的教育方式能更好的对家庭成员的思想道德产生正面的影响,从而规范家庭成员的道德行为,培养家庭成员正确的道德观念,提高家庭成员的道德水平,并对其思想产生一定的激励作用。但如今我们恰恰忽视了家庭德育中榜样的效用对家庭成员尤其是对未成年人思想道德素养的影响,在家庭德育中对榜样方式的认识及运用也存在着许多困难和问题,因此我们应从主客体两方面考虑,寻求解决难题的策略和方法。  相似文献   

In an intensive care unit (ICU), patients' families play a very important role; however, they often lack medical knowledge and are extremely anxious, which could affect their ability to take care of the patients. The effects of giving conventional paper-based instruction are limited in terms of improving patients' families' understanding of the facilities and the rules in the ICU and in reducing their anxiety. Therefore, in this study, an interactive e-book was developed to present the nursing education content to ICU patients' family members. An experiment was conducted to compare the learning performances and perceptions of the patients' family members learning with the interactive e-book and those who learned with the conventional approach. The research results showed that the nursing e-book significantly improved the learning performances of the ICU patients' family members, although their anxiety was not immediately reduced. Moreover, the family members perceived that the e-book was useful and easy to use, and generally showed high satisfaction with its use. This reveals the potential of using interactive e-books to improve the quality of nursing service in hospitals.  相似文献   

The family is indubitably a factor in the shaping of juvenile crimes and mistakes. As a cell of society, the family is the medium through which the manifold influence of society reaches its younger members; the thoughts, character, and educational methods of family members directly influence the young.  相似文献   

In the societal structure, the family is undergoing a transition and the most noticeable consequence of this transition happens to be a marked increase in the number of people addicted to alcohol. Alcoholism creates a major stress on individual family members and the family system. Drinking behaviour may interrupt normal family tasks, cause conflict and demand adjustive and adaptive responses from family members who do not know how to appropriately respond. In brief, alcoholism creates a series of escalating crises in family structure and function, which may bring the family to a system crisis. As a result, the members develop dysfunctional coping behaviour called Codependency. Therefore, it is imperative to involve family members in treatment. Family therapy is designed with the end in mind and it is specific, with attainable therapeutic goals. There are certain special population who need a lot of support in the form of family therapy. Children of alcoholics are one of the largest, most explosive and most remedial population who need help. Secondly, the number of women alcoholics is on the rise. Their addiction leads to neglect of children, and parenting responsibilities are compromised. In the future, drug related education needs to be viewed as a people rather than a chemical problem aimed directly at parents and families. Education efforts should revolve around family life, with emphasis on positive ways to deal with the issue of addiction, and treatment needs to shift from individual oriented to family system approach.  相似文献   

This study examined 87 pedigrees of individuals with histories of preschool phonology disorders. Results confirmed previous reports that speech and language disorders aggregate in families, with a higher incidence of males affected than females. Significantly more family members with dyslexia and learning disabilities, but not stuttering or hearing impairment, were found in pedigrees of individuals with phonology disorders than in pedigrees of nondisabled individuals. Probands with and without additional language problems did not differ in the incidence of affected family members. Nuclear family members demonstrated a higher incidence of disorders than when all family members were considered, with brothers of probands most often affected. Pedigrees of female probands had more affected members in their nuclear families than pedigrees of male probands.  相似文献   

为准确掌握高校班委干部心理和谐状况,采用心理测验法对普通本科高校231名学生干部和120普通大学生进行了调查研究,研究发现:①班委干部与普通大学生的总体心理压力存在显著差异(p=0.011〈0.05);②班委干部在人际交往压力、学习压力和就业心理压力上存在显著的性别差异(p=.000**〈0.01,p=.000**〈0.01,p=0.013*〈0.05);③除了学习压力(p=0.169〉0.05)外,班委干部的其他心理压力维度在家庭背景是否城镇与农村上存在显著差异;④班委干部的心理压力感在年级上存在显著差异;⑤班委干部在人际交往关系维度和就业心理压力上专业差异显著(p=0.002**〈0.01,p=0.021*〈0.05)。  相似文献   

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