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活动课程与活动教学起源于百年之前。正如西方学人所谓的“理论旅行”,在百年的历史行程中,有所扬弃,有所吸收,不断丰富,不断完善,经历了曲折起伏的历程,终于越来越显示出它的价值和生命力。眼下,它正深刻地影响着新世纪的教学改革。活动课程与活动教学本是作为学科课程的对立面出现的。然而经过长期实践,活动教育思想却深深融合渗透在学科教学之中,并且在改造着学科教学,完善着学科教学。活动课程本身也没有失去自我。她仍具有独立品格,并在不断完善和提高。我们见到,在学科教学中,教师引导学生在他们的主体活动过程中进行学…  相似文献   

吴志英 《成才之路》2010,(30):19-20
当前的课程改革要求学生能从学科领域或社会实践生活中选择和确定研究主题,通过学生自主、独立地发现问题、实验、操作、调查、信息搜集与处理、表达与交流等探索活动,使他们在情感、能力、知识、技能等方面都获得发展。为此,我在教学中作了一些尝试。  相似文献   

教师作为教育教学实施者的主体之一,他们的课堂教学技能影响着课程改革的成效.教师应该具备什么样的课堂教学技能及如何培养课堂教学技能,而数学学科的教师又应具备哪些课堂教学技能?文章从学科的角度把数学课堂教学技能分为激发学生兴趣、启发学生思考、组织学生活动这三大策略,对这三个策略进行了具体分析,以利于数学学科的教师能够有针对性地找到发展自身技能的方向.  相似文献   

综合实践活动作为一门实践课程、经验课程,它自身的课程性质在本质中决定了它有着不同于其他学科课程的特点。综合实践活动不是“教”出来的,而是“做”出来的,是学生从做中学而进行的经验重组的活动。我校利用海校资源开发了具有海洋特色的综合实践活动,通过让学生走进海洋,了解海洋,研究海洋,开发利用海洋,引发学生热爱海洋、保护海洋的意识,激发学生探究海洋奥秘的兴趣,挖掘学生的潜在能力,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。如果能让学生在教学活动过程中结合信息技术这一教学手段,更会使学生能自由地遨游在知识的海洋中,使他们的想象力插上翅膀,有足够的信息支持他们的探索和设想,能力和创造力在探索的过程中也会油然而生。  相似文献   

李宏 《科学教育》2009,(4):95-96
初三政治教材增强了课程的时代感,淡化了学科体系,降低了理论难度,突出了对学生能力的培养,增加了大量学生活动的内容,把“学科”和“活动”两类相对独立的课程有机地结合在一起,推动了德育课程由认知教学到活动教学的转轨。由于活动课是一门正在探索过程中的新型课程,因此,对于政治教师来说,如何认识和实施“活动课”是一个值得研究的新课题。  相似文献   

综合实践活动课是一种超越了学科领域的框架,且相对独立的课程组织形态。它要求学生在教师指导下,自主发现,独立探索并综合解决问题,从而将学生个体与群体、课内与课外、自然性和社会性、科学性与人文性有机地结合起来,使学生积累和丰富更多的直接经验,促进学生综合素质的形成和提高,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,为学生的终身学习打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

探究式教学是让学生独立探索发现,获取学科知识,而不是教师告知.在分享式与探究式教学的融合中,教师可按照"独立探寻、分享新知,同桌探究、分享解惑,团队探索、分享提升"的"三探三分享",根据课堂实际需要进行选择和组合,以达到培养学生探究精神、提高学生表达能力、发展学生数学学科核心素养的目的.  相似文献   

创造型教师的教学原则 ①创造性原则:一方面教师要创造性地教教学中根据教学内容,教学条件和学生实际情况,以培养学生创新精神,创造能力为目的综合运用行之有效的教学方法来帮助学生进行创造性活动,而不能机械地照搬任何一种教学方法或教学模式。另一方面教师应启发学生创造性地学,以学生独立思考、独立探索为主,让他们敢于怀疑现有结论,勇于尝试新的可能性,力求得到新的创造性结论。  相似文献   

地理课程是一门兼有自然学科和社会学科性质的基础课程。在地理教学中,教师有机地渗透自然美、艺术美和思想美的教育,能够有效地激发学生热爱祖国、热爱生活、热爱大自然的情感,提高学生审美能力,促进他们身心健康发展。一、地理教学中的自然美美存在于一切领域中,尤其存在于大自然中。地理学是研究地理环境以及人类活动  相似文献   

作为我国九年制义务教育课程体系的重要组成部分 ,活动课程与学科课程相辅相成 ,它有助于培养学生的独立思考、独立探索的能力 ,有助于学生认识新知识、新事物、新思想、新方法 ,有助于培育学生创造性的人格 ,有助于训练学生创造发明的技巧。活动课程为创造教育提供了一块丰沃的土壤。一、社会实践是需要《九年义务教育活动课程指导纲要》中指出 :“在活动课程实施中 ,要发挥学生的创造性 ,使他们勇于独立思考 ,标新立异 ,掌握从不同角度观察、思考和解决问题的方法 ,启发学生创新意识。”在语文活动课中应尽力安排一些使学生接触实际 ,接触…  相似文献   

Motivation is one of the most psychological topics of this science. It constitutes the very nature of what psychology is about — namely, how people regulate multiple interactions within the world, including themselves. Motivation was and is interpreted very differently, depending on the various theoretical and methodological positions. In this paper the perspective of the so-called socio-cultural or cultural-historical school which was founded by Vygotsky, Lurya, Leontyev and their co-workers will be described with the aim to reveal a number of ideas that might be useful even for research on motivation in our days. However, it is impossible to give a complete picutre of the theoretical and methodological positions of this rich and ramified tradition line here. Thus, the following explanations will be confined to one central part of it, namely the elaborated activity theory, above all, the work of Alexej Leontyev. In this paper, first the concept of activity and then the concept of motivation will be outlined in its theoretical framework. These will subsequently be made concrete with respect to motives of learning activity. Finally, some current perspectives and open problems will be mentioned.  相似文献   

试论生态旅游环境与生态旅游活动   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生态旅游活动依存于优美的生态旅游环境。生态旅游活动的“三体”与之密切相关。生态旅游所追求的是保留着良好的、始风貌的生态旅游环境,同时也是生态旅游环境的保护;生态旅游资源存在于优美的生态旅游环境之中,生态旅游环境影响生态旅游资源贮量、生态旅游资源利用效应、生态旅游处理效应和生态旅游资源的利用模式、保护模式等,也影响生态旅游产品开发和生态旅游业的运行;生态旅游环境也与生态旅游产品开发、生态旅游服务业密切相关。研究生态旅游环境与生态旅游活动“三体”的关系将有助于生态旅游活动的进一步发展,有助于生态旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   

甜菜碱是一种季胺型生物碱,它具有调节渗透压、抗球虫病、参与蛋白质和脂肪代谢、诱食和保护饲料中的维生索等多种作用,并与DNA的甲基化有关。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether motor activity, previously assumed necessary to induce imagery in young children's associative learning, actually has to be executed. The results of our experiment with kindergartners clearly suggest not: In conditions where subjects simply planned to the potential motor activity (without executing it), learning was enhanced. Further, the temporal proximity of the planning to the potential motor activity did not prove to be important. These results, combined with those from 2 follow-up experiments, give rise to the speculation--among others--that young children can be "tricked" into imagery generation through appropriately worded instructions.  相似文献   

Increasingly educators and policy makers recognize that new teachers need help making the transition to independent teaching. One particularly important role mentor teachers can play is to help beginning teachers to focus on students’ “mind activity” in order to build on their prior knowledge, experience, and interests, and to promote understanding and meaningful learning. Drawing on interview and observational data collected over two years, this article presents two detailed cases that portray educative mentoring and illustrate how new teachers’ personal history and professional school culture influence what they can learn even from serious mentoring. The authors also offer several directions for strengthening induction programs.  相似文献   

This project examined 23 teachers’ involvement in a curricular project to integrate physical activity into the school day. The teachers represented all grade levels and worked in schools that served Native American students in the United States. Interviews occurred twice during the year-long project. Data were analyzed via constant comparison. Teachers’ willingness to engage was influenced positively by caring about students and their own personal wellness history. Their engagement was impeded by institutional factors of scheduling and assessment pressures. The results provide insights into how teachers might be persuaded to and prepared for the implementation of similar programs in new locations.  相似文献   

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