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美国全纳教育的发展、实施策略及问题   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
美国全纳教育经历了30年的发展,从最初的一种教育理念发展为波及全美中小学的教育改革运动。全纳教育取得的成功使其成为当代美国基础教育改革的重要成果和标志之一。回顾美国全纳教育的兴起与发展、分析美国全纳教育的实施策略及其存在的问题对我国当前的基础教育改革具有特殊的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

International tests of achievement narrowly measure specific academic subjects, but have larger educational policy implications. These tests come to summarize national education systems and are used in national and international discourse. However, students with disabilities are being entirely excluded from participation in the discourse of achievement. The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, and Programme for International Student Assessment all actively exclude students with disabilities from being measured when the testing agencies set up ‘desired target populations’ and report out on testing participation. This exclusionary discourse establishes that students with disabilities do not belong in a culture of achievement and educational evaluation, which has an impact on policies concerning educational equity and maintains the oppression of low expectations. US policy requires that 95% of all students take achievement tests and be given reasonable accommodations. This paper concludes that international achievement tests should follow the same standard.  相似文献   

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) examination system has grown exponentially in the United States from 268 schools involved in 1999 to 1,090 schools in 2009. The fact that 49,100 students of a total of 87,800 students in 122 countries were from U.S. schools in 2009 has posed problems in strategic planning, assessment and training, the ability of the program to remain politically neutral, and the ability of the program to remain international and not take on an American persona.  相似文献   

In this paper, we try to unravel some of the unintended and intended academic effects associated with post-Soviet educational reforms by focusing on three cases: Estonia, Latvia and Russia. We have chosen this comparison because a unique ‘natural experiment’ in the three countries allows us to compare the changing academic performance on an international test of a largely similar population in the three countries—Russian origin students attending Russian-medium schools—subjected to three variations of post-Soviet reforms. We find that relative to students in Russia, Russian-medium students in the Baltics made significant gains in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test. In Latvia, these appear to be an unintended effect of somewhat ‘softened’ state language policies, the conditions surrounding minority rights, and the general context of maintaining social cohesion. In Estonia, the (later) relative gains of Russian students appear to an intended effect of locally grown educational (and language) policies and increased, more effective cooperation with Russian medium schools to further improve PISA performance in a relatively high scoring, PISA-focused country.  相似文献   


This study examines the influence of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1999 results on mathematics education policy in Israel. Analyzing various documents, the study shows how these results transformed policymakers’ discourse regarding mathematics education. In order to achieve improvement in Israel’s ranking, the middle school mathematics curriculum was aligned with the TIMSS test. Following this change, the scores of Israeli students rose considerably in TIMSS 2011. Parallel results from Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Israeli internal standardized tests, however, do not show comparable improvement in mathematics achievement. High school matriculation data for the same period of time show a decline in the percentage of students who took the most advanced mathematics courses. Furthermore, none of these data sources show any noticeable reduction in social inequality in mathematics achievement. On the basis of theoretical insights from political science, it is argued that international tests influence the way educational problems are framed and defined. Thus, instead of enriching educational decision-making processes, these tests can create a tunnel vision effect that restricts policymakers’ attention to ‘problems’ and ‘solutions’ defined by the tests themselves.  相似文献   

International research findings and country experiences prove that, in coping with the tension between the global and the local in education, three major forces contribute to the success of international reform: firstly, the national public authorities in protecting education as a common good through political commitment and policy actions; secondly, the local community, in responding to the diversifying educational needs through active participation and initiatives for innovation; and thirdly, the international community, through technical, professional as well as financial assistance to member countries for desired systemic changes. This paper examines the roles of international education in facilitating systemic reforms, and explores strategies in promoting international education for educational change, citing evidence-based cases to examine the interaction between international education and systemic educational reforms.  相似文献   

A surprising result of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is that computer use was negatively associated with high student achievement in some countries. More specifically, the students from all three countries who indicated that they use computers in the classroom most frequently were those with the lowest achievement on the TIMSS in 1995. For the purpose of this study, a similar comparison was made for 15-year-old U.S.A. students, based on the data from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). The results of this study show that it is not computer use itself that has a positive or negative effect on the science achievement of students, but the way in which computers are used. For example, after controlling for the student's socioeconomic status in the United States of America, the results indicated that the students who used computers frequently at home, including for the purpose of writing papers, tended to have higher science achievement. However, the results of this study also show that science achievement was negatively related to the use of certain types of educational software. This indicates a result similar to that found in the TIMSS data, which might reflect the fact that teachers assign the use of the computer and of educational software to the lower achieving students more frequently, so that these students can obtain more personal and direct feedback through educational software.  相似文献   

张璇 《外国教育研究》2004,31(11):61-64
义务教育阶段公立学校的教育质量一直是包括美国在内的许多国家的问题,美国实施教育券改革带来的外部竞争促使公立学校进行改革,同时也发展了私立学校,是教育领域的双赢政策。  相似文献   

The main question in our study was: which success factors and obstacles can be expected in the Netherlands when implementing a new, decentralised policy relating to educational disadvantage? Part of this research was to look at international experiences of decentralised policies to combat educational disadvantage. Thus three countries were studied in this context and their policies analysed and compared via a literature study and interviews with various experts. In this article we first report on changes in Dutch policy to combat educational disadvantage and then we describe the decentralised educational-disadvantage approach in the three countries chosen: England/Wales, the United States and Australia. Evaluation of the processes and results in these countries leads to predictions of the success of the Dutch policy reforms.  相似文献   

在近十年教育评价的国际发表中,美欧澳研究机构与学者具有较高影响力。研究热点集中于反馈与形成性评价、表现与成就、评价标准的效度、教师效能与专业发展。前沿趋势聚焦于同伴反馈、课堂观察、数据素养、项目评价。未来研究将以促进合作和深度学习为目标,探索信息化环境下的多元评价方法,同时,依托项目评价进行政策问责与改进。  相似文献   

霸权国自古就存在,但当今世界上唯一的全球霸权国就是美国。美国霸权最大的不同之处在于其霸权的制度性。美国制度霸权的特点是其霸权与国际制度相辅相成。国际制度所提供的国际公共物品,是指有纯粹的或一定的非排他性、非竞争性而为所有成员国(组织)或部分参与成员国(组织)所享用的各种制度性体系,包括国际秩序、国际合作、国际安全、国际汇率稳定等方面。国际制度既是国际公共物品的一种供给形式,也是一种特殊形式的国际公共物品。现今国际制度所提供的国际公共物品基本上是以美国霸权为基础,另一方面构成了美国霸权及其维持的主要基石。  相似文献   

Since the end of the 1980s, the Norwegian education system has gone through major reform, influenced largely by new managerialist ideas. Strategies to renew the public sector were promoted as the new public management (NPM). This paper investigates the way ideas connected to NPM reforms have been introduced and interpreted in the Norwegian education sector. Based on our studies of selected policy documents from the last two decades, we have identified three areas of discursive struggle. The first one is linked to ideologies and the national history of schooling, the second to contested issues of teacher professionalism and the third is associated with strategies for modernising and improving education. A main argument is that NPM reforms changed direction and sped up when Norway was listed among the ‘lower-performing’ countries according to Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and other international tests. Leadership and accountability became the dominant themes in Norwegian education.  相似文献   

Attracting significant attention from the media and policymakers, international student assessments are serving as pressures on and challenges for individual countries. Even so, paying attention only to publicly released rankings in international student assessments may lead to superficial interpretations of the assessment results. Simply equating the rankings with educational outcomes can be a questionable perspective because the assessment results can be interpreted differently. In this context, this article has explored student achievement in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests in comparison with civic knowledge achievement in the IEA Civic Education Study across 17 countries. This article has also evaluated efficiency in educational processes by assessing outputs (student performance in PISA) against inputs (educational spending and learning time) directly used in the education system. These two approaches clarify that publicly released rankings in PISA change to some extent when the rankings are reevaluated by taking other factors into consideration. This implication should be allowed for in interpreting the results of international assessment and the relative rankings of participating countries.  相似文献   

This chapter provides an overview of three major reform proposals offered recently as strategies for the renewal and improvement of educational practice in the United States. Proposals selected for analysis include site-based management, greater freedom of choice for parents selecting schools for their children, and the adoption of accountability standards tied to the demonstration of effectiveness through reviewing student performance on mandated student achievement tests. It has been assumed that schools will improve if these measures are adopted. The chapter looks at these concepts and questions the impact that the wholesale acceptance of such practice will have on the role and function of school principals  相似文献   

President Donald Trump has promised an expansion of voucher programs for private schools in the United States. Private Christian schools are likely beneficiaries of such an expansion, but little research has been conducted about the curricula they use or their suitability for public funds. This article describes and critiques the depiction of race in Accelerated Christian Education, a curriculum used in some voucher-funded schools in the United States, as well as in private schools in 140 countries. It employs content analysis and qualitative documentary analysis of the curriculum workbooks, and builds on Christian Smith and Michael Emerson’s theoretical framework of white evangelicals’ ‘cultural toolkit’ to explain the ideas about race in the curriculum. The paper finds that in addition to some overt racism, the system promulgates a worldview which does not have the capacity to recognize or oppose systemic injustice. It is argued that such a curriculum is not a suitable recipient of federal funding.  相似文献   

As the city with the largest charter-school market share in the United States, New Orleans, Louisiana exemplifies market-oriented models in education. For a city that is so ‘drenched in the past,’ the reform movement in New Orleans typically neglects historical context, often dismissing the education system pre-Katrina as simply corrupt and dysfunctional. This is an incomplete story. While national narratives and news media tend to downplay these features, there is no local consensus on the reforms. There is mistrust on both sides of the debate, and a growing opposition movement, which arises from decades of racial and political struggles, corrupt public officials, and previous experiences with the state exerting power over locally elected school boards, which disenfranchised African-Americans in New Orleans in particular. Although the new, post-Katrina educational system significantly altered political dynamics, it has not eradicated politics altogether. In this paper, I conduct a policy history of education reforms in New Orleans, connecting the historical and political context to current reform efforts. As researchers evaluate the effectiveness of the new reforms in terms of student achievement, it is important also to examine their impacts on communities and the democratic control of schools, as well as how they reproduce or break from historical patterns of political struggle and inequality.  相似文献   

As the foreign‐born population in the United States grows, the achievement of immigrant children is a pressing concern. We examined family educational involvement in early elementary school as a potential source of support for the academic success of children in immigrant families. Using a nationally representative sample, we examined rates of educational involvement at first and third grade, as well as associations between involvement and math and reading achievement at these times. With regard to rates, the domain of greatest difference between U.S.‐born White parents and both U.S.‐born and immigrant parents of color (Asian, Black, and Latino) was for school‐based involvement. In addition, several variations in the associations between involvement and child achievement were evident across immigrant and race/ethnicity groups, with children in U.S.‐born White, Black, and Asian families as well as children in Latino immigrant families most consistently demonstrating positive associations between family educational involvement and achievement.  相似文献   


This paper compares and contrasts the origins, objectives and outcomes of the New Right education reform movements in Britain and the USA. It considers whether the education reforms will create a new era for schools, in terms of diversity of public and private provision and social, sexual and racial differentiation. This is despite the emphasis on quality or excellence in education as opposed to equality of educational opportunity. The origins of the reform movements are to be found in both the politics and economic developments of the ‘social democratic’ or ‘liberal’ bipartisan political consensus. The objectives of the reforms are to deal with declining international competitiveness and the raising of educational standards through consumer or parental choice. The outcomes are likely not to be a general raising of standards but rather a bifurcation in terms of a complex mix of class, race and gender.  相似文献   


Despite its current high regard in parts of the English educational community, education in France has been as much the subject of public and political concern in recent years as it has in many other countries. One manifestation of this concern was the Loi Jospin of 1989, the aim of which was to continue to encourage the growth of diversity among schools as a response to local needs. Associated with this goal was that of making teachers more willing and able to respond to the increasingly diverse needs of their pupils. By so doing, it was hoped to raise the overall level of student success within the system. This paper looks at one aspect of teachers’ practice and the impact of current reforms on it–that of assessment. Having briefly described the provisions of the Jospin Law, it discusses how these are affecting teachers’ attitudes and practice, using data from the ESRC‐funded ‘Systems, Teachers and Educational Policy’ (STEP) project (ESRC Award No.: R 000 23 4673). Some tentative conclusions about the scale of change and the significance of French primary teachers’ attitudes to assessment are offered.  相似文献   

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