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为了有效地防范不法分子利用特种木马对电子邮件服务器进行渗透并窃取用户数据的安全事件的发生,作为邮件系统的建设者或管理者需要对电子邮件系统的安全防护能力进行全面增强。本文先通过分析特种木马的特点,然后根据纵深防御的思想,综合运用网络安全、安全操作系统、WEB应用安全、数据加密、数据备份与恢复等技术有针对性地设计出一套电子邮件系统安全防护方案,以防范不法分子利用特种木马对电子邮件系统进行渗透,为电子邮件系统管理者提供参考。  相似文献   

为了有效地防范不法分子利用特种木马对电子邮件服务器进行渗透并窃取用户数据的安全事件的发生,作为邮件系统的建设者或管理者需要对电子邮件系统的安全防护能力进行全面增强。本文先通过分析特种木马的特点,然后根据纵深防御的思想,综合运用网络安全、安全操作系统、WEB应用安全、数据加密、数据备份与恢复等技术有针对性地设计出一套电子邮件系统安全防护方案,以防范不法分子利用特种木马对电子邮件系统进行渗透,为电子邮件系统管理者提供参考。  相似文献   

目前,计算机网络越来越容易受到多方面的安全威胁,包括网络监听、数据窃取、病毒传播、木马入侵等。本文以校园计算机网络为例,阐述了木马入侵校园网络服务器的方法策略,提出了校园网络服务器安全保障体系构建方案,具有一定的理论借鉴意义。  相似文献   

瑞星建立国内首个“云安全网站联盟” 瑞星公司最近宣布,首个“云安全网站联盟”成立。加入该联盟后,网站的服务器一旦被黑客攻击而植入木马,瑞星会立刻通知网站管理员,帮助网管实时监控自己的网站安全状况,去除黑客植入的恶意代码、木马等。  相似文献   

木马清除软件一、木马克星(iparmor。)1、性能指标操作难度:★★☆☆☆界面友好度:★★★☆☆2、软件简介最新版本:5.41 build 0513适用平台:Win9x/NT/2000/ME/XP软件性质:共享软件软件大小:2230KB下载地址:http://www.luosoft.  相似文献   

江山  张敏 《网络传播》2007,(7):60-61
伴随着股市的火爆,网上交易量连创新高的同时,互联网上的木马也猖獗起来。  相似文献   

王迎新  张戎 《大观周刊》2010,(30):11-11
理想很丰满,现实很骨感。 旋转木马是最残忍的游戏,彼此追逐却有永恒的距离!  相似文献   

“特洛依木马”美国独立电视台协会会长布莱斯顿·帕登形容现今美国的有线电视是“进入美国家庭的特洛依木马”。这句话反映了美国电视界对有线电视迄今所取得的成就的无可奈何的心情以及对其发展前景的不安。美国最有名的三大电视广播网:美国广播公司(ABC)、哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)和全国广播公司(NBC),曾拥有全美国90%的家庭观众。长期以来,这三大电视广播网对美国公众舆论具有巨大的影响力。可是如今,它们的地盘不断被有线电视所挤  相似文献   

贾蕾 《网络传播》2010,(3):78-79
信息安全是互联网的第一屏障,也是了互联网企业责任的起点。如果不能很好地应对安全问题,互联网这辆高速运转的信息列车随时都有失控的危险。才女徐静蕾半夜屡遭广告短信骚扰,福建蔡先生网银中21万元存款全部不翼而飞……央视3.15晚会曝光的多起个人信息泄露案,向我们揭示出一个可怕的事实:地下木马产业正通过灰鸽子、上兴远控、Ghost木马等各种“肉鸡”控制工具,  相似文献   

《地震往事》是作家李木马的散文随笔集。书中通过50段往事的回忆,追溯了32年前唐山大地震残留在作者心灵深处的记忆。  相似文献   

This article describes how the Manchester Metropolitan University Library delivers EndNote training to its academic staff and students through hands-on workshops and online tutorials. As the demand is user-led and the response extremely positive, the Library considers the provision of EndNote training as analogous to a ‘Trojan horse’ that allows the Library welcomed and unchallenged into the camp of the user. The Library has used the opportunity strategically and, consequently, has benefited in a number of ways, including improved communication with academic staff and increased awareness of library resources on the part of users. A short literature review is provided.  相似文献   

As GovTech solutions are steadily entering the public sector, they have yet to find their way into the mainstream literature. GovTech refers to socio-technical solutions – that are developed and operated by private organisations – intertwined with public sector components for facilitating processes in the public sector. GovTech solutions promise a superior customer journey for citizens and businesses compared to current government portals and front desks. GovTech solutions can be a blessing in disguise for governments struggling in their digital transformation journey, carrying the burden of public service innovation and replacing legacy systems with modern GovTech solutions. Yet, there are also concerns that GovTech solutions are a Trojan horse, exploiting the lack of technical knowledge at public agencies and shifting decision-making power from public agencies to market parties, thereby undermining digital sovereignty and public values. This paper develops a research agenda for GovTech based on a conceptual framework. This framework reveals four interrelated design areas for GovTech: institutional, governance, technical and human-centred design. Governments can employ the conceptual framework to further align and develop their strategies by focussing on GovTech governance, referring to the ability to manage the various interdependencies between the four design areas.  相似文献   


The publications presented in this chapter cover a variety of animal sports (dog racing, bull fighting, rodeos, horse shows and horse racing) and entertainment (theatre, film, television, circuses, zoos and aquariums). These texts represent a wide view of current research, opinion and debate on the use of animals in these areas.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):265-278
The press of World Wars I and II depicted patriotic mothers as Spartan-like in their support of the nation's war effort. During the Vietnam War, another maternal image emerged to share cultural space with the Spartan mother, that of the goddess Thetis who objected to her son's participation in the Trojan War. This alternative maternal symbol more closely resembles the archetypal image of the peacetime good mother, who cares for her children and resists sending them into harm's way. This study documents coverage of maternal opposition to the Vietnam War against the backdrop of coverage of US mothers of soldiers in the earlier world wars. The comparison suggests that the Great Father's failure to control the press and promote the war to US citizens provided an opportunity for Thetis' rising.  相似文献   

本文运用大众传播生态学理论,从原生态因素、内生态因素、外生态因素三个层次分析影响健康"微传播"的要素,描绘出一幅"本末倒置"的健康"微传播"生态图谱,并提出了相应的治理策略。  相似文献   

This article fills a gap in the communication and political science literature by comparing how Spanish- and English-language television stations cover U.S. elections. A content analysis of more than 400 national network news stories and nearly 3,000 local news stories reveals that local and network Spanish-language stations provide less election coverage than their English-language counterparts. Although Spanish-language stations are more likely to focus election coverage on “Latino” issues or interests, the results indicate only moderate differences in how stations in each language frame their election stories, with stations in both languages concentrating more coverage around campaign strategy and the horse race than substantive issues.  相似文献   

Summary QUIXIS is the dominant museum collections management package, and it has many features that justify this positin, including the wealth of data that can be recorded in it and the reports that have been designed for it, but the software itself is unimpressive, and Willoughby has not done enough to make it easy to use. Very large institutions will be comforted to seeQUIXIS installed in similar settings, and will be willing to dedicate a mini-computer to the collections management task alone, but mid-size institutions are likely to find this strategy less acceptable. In sum,QUIXIS is a work horse that will prove capable and reliable, if plodding.  相似文献   

Most group discussion textbooks emphasize that good solution, emerge from a variety of positions proposed through systematic, rational discourse, which allows for flexibility during problem‐solving which culminates in a high quality solution. This study attempts to test that assumption empirically; that is, quality decisions are produced through rational discourse. The study consists of simulated discussion of the horse‐trading problem, controlling for levels of substantive conflict, affective conflict, and sex. The results indicate (1) no differences in overall quality; (2) significant difference on flexibility between highly substantive and nonsubstantive discussions; (3) the significant difference on flexibility in substantive conditions is accounted for by male participants, not women; and (4) no difference on flexibility between affective conditions.  相似文献   

万惠玲 《图书与情报》2020,(1):140-144,F0002,F0003
中国纸马文化作为非物质文化遗产,历经千年,融中国传统信仰观念、民俗文化与艺术创造为一体,成为中国木版画文化遗产中丰富而复杂的类别。纸马多见诸于民间,俗信所用,产地颇多,其艺术审美可谓是殊有稚气、蔚成大观。纸马不仅具有拙趣的艺术特征,更具有重要的尊崇功用、教育功用、审美功用的文化价值。新时代国际视野下由于艺术领域的拓展纸马艺术符号有着更广阔的传承应用与流播空间。  相似文献   

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