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高职公共英语教学改革须基于学生的实际水平   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学生是学校教育的对象,也是教学活动的主体,高职院校公共英语的教学改革须从学生的实际水平出发,教师应更新教育思想观念,考虑他们的兴趣和学习需求,应他们所求,教他们所需,并利用学校多种资源,为学生创造良好的英语学习条件和环境,实现"教和学"良性互动,让教改落在实处。  相似文献   

Although South Africa is a multilingual country with 11 official languages, English dominates as the language of teaching and instruction in almost all schools. In addition to this, the Natural Sciences teachers at the school of study were cautioned not to use code-switching because the school policy states that the medium of instruction should be exclusively English. Recently, students at this school complained about teachers who had been code-switching between one or more indigenous languages and English. The objectives of this investigation, therefore, were to explore the perceptions of Grade 8 students regarding code-switching in Natural Sciences classrooms, their perceptions of the effect of code-switching on their academic achievement and also how the use of this teaching strategy influenced their respect for their teacher. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and the findings revealed that students believed that the use of code-switching confused many students, resulting in underachievement in Natural Sciences and that they respected teachers more when they taught in English only.  相似文献   

邢小杰 《海外英语》2014,(16):80+82
In non-native English speaking countries, the big problem to English learners is that it is difficult for them to understand what the English speaker is talking about because many English learners have trouble in listening. Though they are English learners, they still have difficulty in listening to the foreigners from English speaking countries and other nonnative English speakers. Therefore, listening teaching becomes the vital task of both English teachers and English learners. English educators are expected to search an efficient way to help English learners improve their listening. Modern teaching equipments, such as film and video and other teaching facilities play an indispensable role in English listening teaching.  相似文献   

高职非英语专业学生英语口语能力的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生英语口语能力薄弱是普遍存在的问题。通过对温州职业技术学院一至三年级非英语专业学生进行随机调查,结果表明,非英语专业学生英语口语能力普遍薄弱、自信心不强,但提高英语口语能力意愿明显。为此,应通过在课堂内积极创造实际应用英语的机会,充分利用外教资源,优化教师素质,将口语能力纳入考核体系等方式为学生创造良好的口语环境,以期提高高职非英语专业学生的口语能力。  相似文献   

电大开放教育课程设置中的《文学文学阅读与欣赏》一书旨在培养英语专业学员用源语欣赏文学的能力,但很多英语专业学员学完课程之后,竟然不知所学。到底是注重史的部分,还是着重于文学欣赏能力的培养与提高?没有明确的目标,实际上这是在学习与教学过程中形成的误区,那么什么才是正确的学习观和教学观?在本文中讨论一些来自于教学实践的心得,文学的欣赏能力的培养和提高是本课程的关键,本文针对如何达到培养目标提供些许见解。  相似文献   

ESP教学是我国大学英语教学今后的发展方向,在这个转型期,大学英语教师只要转变观念,重建自己的知识体系,与时俱进,积极寻求自我发展,实现向ESP教师的转型。  相似文献   

大学英语教学应该关注学生的情绪、情感因素,以心理学理论和教育学理论为基础,通过对大学英语的知情交融教学模式的研究,探讨了教学三要素:教材、教师、学生之间的关系,把认知和情绪有机地统一起来,实现认知与情绪的有机交融、相互促进,达到应有的教学效果。  相似文献   

素质教育的全面推行要求中学英语教师在英语教学中注重培养学生的语言交际能力。木文通过分析语篇整体教学的意义,阐述了如何在课堂教学中运用篇整体教学,实施英语素质教育,并列举了它在阅读课中的教学程序和步骤,总结出语篇整体教学体现了英语素质的核心和要求。  相似文献   

在漫长的英语教育发展过程中,英语教师一直以来都是教学过程的主导,近年来,随着我国大学英语教学工作的不断推进,外语教育界已逐步认识到教师专业发展的重要性,英语教师专业发展已成为国内教育领域的热点研究问题,但还缺乏对大学英语教师尤其是远程教育英语教师的关注;英语教师这一群体的自身专业发展,对教育改革和发展起着重要的影响意义,远程教育教师在教学对象、学术氛围等方面与普通高等院校教师有一定的差异,但他们也同样承担着我国英语教学的重任。  相似文献   

本论述了英语语篇标记的定义,形式,位置以及其所表达的各种逻辑语义关系,并指出英语教师。英语学习和使用都应该对英语语篇标记的衔接作用给予充分重视,从而达到理解正确,表达连赏、得体、有效。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore teachers’ attitudes towards the shift to English as a medium of instruction in Qatari Independent schools. It focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of this approach for teachers and students, and the challenges they face in the process of its implementation. Data for the study were collected by means of a questionnaire and follow-up interviews. Findings point to teachers’ beliefs that while the approach has benefited them and their students, it is a challenging process. The challenges teachers face are organizational in nature relating to ineffective planning for the introduction of the change, lack of teacher preparedness for its implementation, and parents’ resistance to this change. These results have implications for teacher training in the Qatari context and for planning of the introduction of change in English as a Second Language or English as a Foreign Language contexts.  相似文献   

从英语实践教学入手,旨在转变以教师为中心的传统课堂教学模式,培养学生的听说能力,从而达到综合运用英语的目的。  相似文献   

This case study contributes to counterpoints made to world culture theory and underscores that at the micro, classroom-level, rural Chinese teachers in a reform-oriented professional development course, and reform-oriented U.S. teacher trainers, understand educational reform, and the realities of education in these two cultures, very differently. This study examines interviews conducted with U.S. teachers of English who taught the Oral English Training Course (OETC), a professional development course for rural Chinese teachers of English in Jiangxi province from 2007 to 2013. These teachers reveal how their own understandings and assumptions around teaching and learning shape what and how they teach, and how they evaluate the work of others. This study explains that included in the literal baggage of these foreign teachers teaching in China, is their figurative baggage, which includes their own cultural lens. The thrust of this study lies in uncovering the ideologies, assumptions, and educative constructs of foreign teachers, how these may be perceived by the Chinese teachers that they teach, and how all of this is steeped in the realities in education and the individual experiences of local actors. This study ends with recommendations for collaboration between foreign teachers of English in China, and their students, particularly Chinese teachers of English in China.  相似文献   

英语课程改革对英语教师提出了新的挑战,教师素质成为改革成功的关键,农村英语教师素质也开始受到人们的关注。为了解农村英语教师的教学现状,在此以问卷调查为工具,对铜仁地区60所农村中小学81位英语教师进行了调查,结果显示:农村英语教师的教学现状不容乐观,他们对自身发展的需求强烈,但是,他们在职业发展过程中所面临着急需解决的困难。调查结果对如何提高农村英语教师素质问题有积极作用。  相似文献   

小学英语教师专业素质是有效实施小学英语教育的关键。对江西宜春市中心城区小学英语教师专业素质的调查发现,教师数量严重不足,教师专业素质不够完善。教师虽然具有比较丰富的英语语言知识,然而在教学理念及教学方法等方面难以满足英语新课标关于小学英语的教学要求。导致目前教学实践中,忽略小学英语教学规律,挫伤小学生英语学习兴趣,难以实现小学英语教学效果。因此,必须尽快建设小学英语教育专业,以扩大教师培养规模;改革当前小学英语教师课程培养体系,不断完善其素质结构;建立健全专门的小学英语教师资格证书制度,规范素质要求,为教师专业发展创造条件。  相似文献   

目前,很多大学英语教师为了完成教学任务,在课堂上赶进度,从而忽视了教学氛围的营造.在大学英语课堂上,不少大学生出现烦闷不安、听不进课的状态,大学生们感到疲劳,精神不能振作起来,课堂气氛沉闷.要想成为一名合格的大学英语教师,改变大学英语课堂气氛沉闷的现状,提高大学英语的教学质量,大学英语教师就必须掌握一定的让大学英语课堂精彩纷呈的策略.如运用音乐、借助图画、融入敌事,用多媒体辅助以及用好教具等等.  相似文献   

语言是思维的工具,也是教师进行教学的基本手段。教师语言表达能力的强弱,极大程度上决定着学生在课堂上的脑力劳动的效率。英语教师语言艺术的提高,不仅是一个语言技巧问题。而且涉及到教师自身的文化素质和文化修养。英语教师必须在加强语言基本功训练的同时加强英语和母语修养,在课堂教学中正确处理英语和母语的关系,为学生创造英语学习环境,同时还要注意渗透跨文化交际意识,并不断充实、提高自己。  相似文献   

反思性教学是大学英语教师把教学和科研有机结合起来的有效途径。立足课堂教学实践,通过课前、课堂教学和课后的反思活动,加强科学研究,提高教师素质。坚持写教学目志、认真组织听课活动、细心观看教学录像、积极开展行动研究、虚心接受教学评估,从而促进大学英语教师自身全面发展。  相似文献   

女性构成了大学英语教师队伍的主体。基于此,我们把大学英语女教师作为研究对象,从社会性别视角探讨大学英语女教师职业发展的处境和面临的独特困难,鼓励她们积极开展职业规化,主动采取措施以促进其职业发展。同时呼吁教育管理者清楚地认识大学英语女教师职业发展面临的特殊困难,从而制定更加客观、公正、合理的教师发展政策。  相似文献   

远程英语教学还需不需要教师经验性知识?通过分析远程英语教学的特点、英语在线资源设计、远程英语面授课,得出的回答是肯定的:远程英语教学仍然需要教师经验性知识。远程英语教学与教师经验性知识两者互相依存,不可分离。  相似文献   

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