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作家既是物质个体又是创造主体,在文学场域中的地位及作用举足轻重。他们是文学生产的原生力,也是文学机制的核心枢纽。然而,目前学界却对作家身份关注不足,作家的身份构型在文学研究中仍不清晰。在分析作家的历史、定义和身份后,我们可将作家身份构型分为知识分子与游荡者构型两类。  相似文献   

“黑人移民性”作家是一个典型的“侨易共同体”,移民伴随着想象与世界观的改变,使他们摆脱了非洲作家前辈的意识形态限制,卸下了沉重的历史重负,更多地走向自我。本文以莱奥诺拉·米亚诺为个案,借助侨易学的独特视角与研究方法,剖析作家如何在文学创作中对其身份进行解构与重组,寻找非洲、欧洲之外的第三维身份空间,同时思考她的移民书写所带来的美学表现上的创新。  相似文献   

新疆多民族聚居的这一特点,使新疆文学因为有各种不同民族的书写而呈现出不同的文化特色。本文以汉族作家赵光鸣的创作为例来探讨新疆汉族作家在新疆生活过程中所感受到的身份归属的焦虑;以维族作家帕蒂古丽的创作为例来探讨少数民族作家进入内地生活后所承受的迷失、消融自我的困惑,进而探析在强调民族身份认同的同时是否可以更多地提倡公民身份的认同。  相似文献   

大作家林语堂在其写作生涯中,自始至终都面临着来自西方和本土两个世界的困境和挑战,无法舍弃任何一方,使自己超然地游走于两个世界的"边缘",最终成功地在"边缘"进行探索和写作。像大多数殖民地作家、后殖民地作家以及移民作家一样,林语堂竭尽全力地以一个"旁观者"或者"局外人"的身份来回地穿梭于两个世界的夹缝之中,寻求着自己的文化身份和文学创作。  相似文献   

“我是谁?”是个非常古老的话题。在进入现代社会以后,这一问题越发困扰着人们。许多现代主义作家突出地表现了一种前所未有的身份认证危机。从始作俑者的卡夫卡到2006年的诺贝尔文学奖得主奥尔罕·帕慕克,都有着同样的身份危机。  相似文献   

与香港其他作家相比,“南来作家”身份特征明显:他们是一群生活在多元文化对话场中的双重边缘人,其身份是多重的。这就使“南来作家”具有更广阔的视角,他们一般不会以孤立的方式来看事情。在“南来作家”心中,边缘不再是一种流放,一种无奈的困境,而是一笔独异的文化财富。  相似文献   

现代作家普遍有着多重身份,这既是职业的问题,更是人的问题。作家的不同职业身份之间相互渗透、作用,成为影响一个作家的心态、语言、视角等诸多方面的潜在而又重要的因素,成为推动文学发展演进的一个潜在动力。尤其是作家投身编辑出版事业,以其独立的文学趣味和美学立场,创造了不一样的出版文化。加强这方面的研究,对于我们深入认识作家存在的复杂性,解析纷繁的文学现象,是十分必要和重要的。  相似文献   

童年时代跨文化熏陶,为奈保尔成为飞散作家奠定了文化底蕴。青年时代跨文化教育,让奈保尔产生身份认同危机和文化归属困惑,这是奈保尔成为飞散作家的动因。中、老年时代跨文化旅行写作促使奈保尔不断地在他独一无二的话语里寻找身份认同、文化归属和精神家园。奈保尔是后殖民时代典型的飞散作家。  相似文献   

从现代文学向当代文学的转变意味着由新型国家限定的作家身份及其功能的变化。当代作家的身份不仅是作家,更是“革命干部”、“文艺官员”或“文艺战士”的身份。双重身份决定了作家必须调谐由此带来的矛盾,而调谐器正是国家所认定的社会阶级关系。论文将以丁玲为例,分析国家意识形态如何通过身份的体制化对作家进行规约。  相似文献   

由于受到中国传统文化和美国主流文化的双重影响,美籍华裔作家不可避免地遇到文化身份的问题,所以她们在创作时还往往承担着文化译者的职责。从后殖民主义视角研究美籍华裔作家汤亭亭和谭恩美的小说中的翻译现象,认为美籍华裔作家积极打破殖民者眼中的刻板印象,主动接受自身的杂合身份,在"第三空间"为解殖民斗争做出了不懈的努力。  相似文献   

This literature review summarises the growing body of literature discussing teacher identities of university teachers. The aim was to understand what strengthens or constrains the development of a teacher identity. A qualitative synthesis of 59 studies was carried out. The review showed that several factors contribute to the development of teacher identity. While contact with students and staff development programmes were experienced as strengthening teacher identity, the wider context of higher education was experienced as having a constraining effect. Furthermore, the impact of the direct work environment was experienced as either strengthening or constraining, depending on whether or not teaching is valued in the department. Five psychological processes were found to be involved in the development of a teacher identity: a sense of appreciation, a sense of connectedness, a sense of competence, a sense of commitment, and imagining a future career trajectory. The findings suggest that developing a teacher identity in the higher education context is not a smooth process. In order to empower university teachers, it is important to reward teaching excellence and build community. Staff development activities can play a role in helping teachers to develop strategies for gaining confidence and taking active control of their work situation, both individually and collectively. The authors argue that more attention should be paid to the implicit messages that departments convey to their teaching faculty.  相似文献   

泰华文学是泰国的华侨华人用汉语进行的文学创作.虽然泰国政府的华侨华人政策和我国的华侨政策在不同的历史时期都有所变化,但泰华作家坚持以汉语创作的姿态,却鲜明地表现出他们对中华传统文化身份的建构.因此,泰华作家在不同时期与祖籍国的联系并不是一种简单的精神还乡,而是在不同历史时期对自身身份的文化表述.  相似文献   

宗教与学之间存在诸多的同一性:从本体构成上看,原始宗教和学都生成于主体自我意识的觉醒;从情感表现上看,它们都带有情感特性;从致思方式上看,它们都运用想象和幻想把握世界;从表现手段上看,它们都借助形象表达自身;从观照的对象看,它们都注重对人的研究。  相似文献   

This case study investigation of three Academically Gifted African American male high school seniors in a predominantly African American urban high school examines the interplay between their ethnic and academic identity. Using an embedded micro-ethnographic approach, we explore the extent to which these students value educational attainment, the extent to which they connect with their ethnicity, and those “significant others” who inhibit or dissuade the development of their ethnic and/or academic identity. Consistent with the conclusions of more recent educational literature, findings indicate participants in this investigation value the purpose and intent of schooling and the mobility associated with it, express “Blackness” is an essential component of their academic achievement and overall self concept, and credit people within their immediate social network for opening their eyes to social injustices within the world at an early age. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

华人新移民是当今飞散人群的一部分,华人新移民文学也是一种飞散文学。飞散人群的民族文化记忆与新的异质文化时常处于矛盾和冲突之中,这种冲突往往就体现于飞散者对文化认同的确立上。飞散作家在文化认同上的不同态度和选择,与他们如何建构自我身份和他者身份是密不可分的。《混血亚当》折射的就是飞散者的一种文化想象性满足。  相似文献   

In the field of teacher attrition, there is a significant body of literature on why teachers leave high-needs urban schools and particularly why beginning teachers leave their schools and the profession. However, there is little research on the reasons why experienced teachers leave the teaching profession. This paper examines this subject by considering whether teachers experience an ‘identity crisis’ in their careers which prompts them to leave. Drawing on identity theory, data from a single case study of an experienced urban teacher are taken from a wider qualitative research study carried out in London, England. The case is made that decisions to leave or stay in a school are contingent on a number of personal, professional and situational factors related to the teacher’s identity. The article concludes that one way to understand why long-serving teachers leave the profession is to examine aspects of their teacher identity and explore how a crisis in professional identity can contribute towards teacher attrition. In the light of this alternative approach towards understanding attrition, at the very least, supportive structures can be put in place to encourage more teachers to stay and contribute to the success and well-being of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.  相似文献   

文学的有效性,其实就是文学“个人”对世界的进入方式。小说、诗歌在“个人化”表达上自然有它自己独到的地方,但因文体的局限毕竟有言有尽而意无穷的尴尬。正因散文能“直抒胸臆”,它的“自由”更能使作家的“思想”痛快淋漓。按照时间顺序,“身体”在文学中的起起伏伏无疑是1990年代以来最重要的文学事件之一,余秋雨、刘亮程、南帆的散文在主题的意义上可看作是“身体”处境具有代表性的发展过程,同时文学介入现实的有效性也得以不断地深入。这应该是散文最具现实感的另一面。  相似文献   

This study investigates the ways in which the disciplines of science and literature influence concepts related to thinking among teachers at colleges of education. Tools were developed to distinguish between what teachers declared to be important in the thinking skills necessary for their discipline and the skills the teachers actually used. A quantitative and qualitative analysis was carried out of the findings. Thinking skills unique to each discipline and common thinking skills were found. The study revealed the discrepancy between the declared views of thinking skills held by teachers and their active use. Results of this research can help build an environment that develops a culture of thinking among both teachers and future teachers in educational colleges.  相似文献   

身份认同是文化研究中的重要课题。新加坡由于受历史、地理、政治、经济等多方面的影响,形成了独特的多民族和多元文化的国家,因而新加坡的身份认同问题,在某种程度上来说,具有文化标本的意义。文学作品作为一种意识形态,反映的是特定时代的精神风貌和文化心态。新加坡英语文学作为新加坡的主流文学创作,深刻地反映了新加坡人在身份认同过程中所表现的族群认同与文化认同的双重困惑。  相似文献   

This study reports on interviews with 24 beginning teachers about tensions they experienced regarding their professional identity. The interviewees reported a total of 59 tensions of tension that fell into three themes: (1) the change in role from student to teacher; (2) conflicts between desired and actual support given to students; and (3) conflicting conceptions of learning to teach. Most of the tensions experienced conform with those found in the literature. Tensions were often accompanied by feelings of helplessness, frustration or anger, and the teachers had a strong desire to learn to cope with them. Because of their negative impact on beginning teachers’ professional development, it is important that teacher educators and mentors in schools pay serious attention to tensions like these that relate to beginning teachers’ professional identity.  相似文献   

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