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组合拳在拳击比赛中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组合拳就拳法的技术而言,它可分为单个拳法的技术动作和组合拳技术动作两大类。单个拳法技术分为直拳、摆拳、勾拳等拳法,组合拳技术分为左直拳接右直拳、三次扰视拳接右直拳、左直拳接右摆拳接左钩拳等。在拳击比赛中组合拳是一种常用的拳法。阐述了在拳击比赛中运用组合拳的具体方法。  相似文献   

蓬博 《精武》2003,(2):18-19
且拳 后手直拳与前手朝拳相比,优点在于,当后手直拳发力时,加速的距离较长,所以威力远远大于前手刺拳;缺点是由于后手直拳出拳距离远,容易被对手察觉,从而躲开或发起反击。右直拳是右撇子拳手的有力武器,其威力轻则可使对手因遭到打击而丧失部分战斗力,重则可决定一场比赛的胜负,所以历来被右撇子拳手视为法宝而勤修苦练。  相似文献   

一、右直拳诱打右反背拳击面(图1) 李小龙用右直拳向对方左肋部击打;对方用左拳向外格挡开李的右直拳。李左手向前下扒按往对方左拳腕,并顺势抓握其腕向左后回领,同时用右反背拳向对手面部砸击,使对方面部受伤。 要点:右直拳诱打对手左肋部要逼真,能引起对手出左手进行防守,李左手按消对手左拳腕要快速,抓腕领其臂要借其劲,右反背拳击打对方面部要快速、准确、猛狠。 二、右铲腿诱打右反背拳击面(图2) 李小龙用右铲腿向对方右腿胫骨铲击;对方见李右腿铲来,速向上提右腿闪躲开李的铲腿。当铲腿落空时,就势落地,身体重心前移,同时用右反背拳向对方面部砸击,使对方面部受伤。 要点:李小龙右铲腿要逼真,能够引起对方提腿闪防,为出右反背拳创造良机。当对方躲闪时,李右脚落地踏实,右反背拳击对方面部要快速、准确、猛狠。  相似文献   

在实战时由于前拳距离对方最近,拳的运行路线短,易于击中对方。尤其是前手直拳的连续击打拳法,能破坏对方的平衡,干扰对方和混乱对方视线,从而给其它拳法创造有利条件。高质量的前手直拳在战术上的作用是:可以直接得分;为后手重拳创造条件;可以控制对手的进攻;关键时刻可在心理上取得较好的效果。1.前手直拳的动作要领(以右势为例)击拳时首先以两脚发力,右  相似文献   

蓬博 《精武》2002,(3):18-19
后手直拳与前手刺拳相比,优点在于,当后手直拳发力时.加速的距离较长,所以威力远远大于前手刺拳;缺点是由于后手直拳出拳距离远,容易被对手察觉,从而躲开或发起反击。右直拳是右撇子拳手的有力武器,其威力轻则可使对手因遭到打击而丧失部分战斗力,重则可决定一场比赛的胜负,所以历来被右撇子拳手视为法宝而勤修苦练。  相似文献   

武兵 《武当》2005,(5):34-35
一、直拳1、双方交手,我快速抢攻,出左直拳攻打对手面部,对手后仰头闪避,接着,我连环出直拳补打其心窝,造成重伤,目视拳方(如图1)。要点:左拳连环打击,快速准确,转腰送肩,力达拳面,右拳回护体前。2、双方交手,对手突发右弹腿攻踢我裆部,我快变用左拳向下拍挡来腿,接着,对手变招发左边腿踢击我上体时,我进步连出左直拳  相似文献   

一、右闪防拳左击面(图1) 对方左直拳向李小龙面部击打,李小龙见对方左拳接近面部时,速向右前闪身进步,躲开对方来拳,当对方左拳击空,调整身体的,速用左直拳击打对方面部,将对方面部击伤,使其后仰倒地。 要点:右前上步躲闪要及时,躲闪幅度不可太大,以对方左拳不及己身为度。左直拳还击面部要快速、准确、猛狠、有力。 二、左闪防拳右击颌(图2) 对方右直拳向李小龙面部击打,李小龙见对方右拳将接面部时,速向左前闪身进步,躲开对方来拳,当对方右拳落空,调整身体时,速用右直拳击打对方下颌部,使对方下颌被击而身体受撞,失去重心,后仰摔倒地。 要点:左前上步躲闪要及时,躲闪幅度不可太大,以对方拳不及身为度,右直拳还打对方下颌部要快速、准确、猛狠、有力。  相似文献   

(四)直拳接拍手 [动作]甲用左直拳攻击己上盘,乙左肩后撤避开来拳,甲迅速上右步用右手拍击乙面部(图25、26)。 [要点]上步快,拍手疾。 [用途]拍击乙面部。 [练习方法] 1.配合步法、身法练习直拳接拍手,可以击拍树叶、飞虫等物。 2.用直拳接拍手击打沙袋和手靶。 [分析]乙撤肩防守后必然恢复常态,甲趁乙回转但还未恢复常态时,用拍手攻击己面部,效果较好。拍手是上弧线进攻手法,能避开乙放在胸前的拳。 (五)摆拳接摔手 [动作]甲用左摆拳攻击乙面部,乙用摇闪避之,甲待乙刚抬起头时用右摔手攻击乙面部(图…  相似文献   

依上势,左拳收回,身随腰转动并以肩、肘劲冲出右直拳(见图31)。  相似文献   

一、左闪防拳右勾拳击胸(图1) 对方左直拳向李小龙面部击打,李见对方左拳接近面部时,速向左前闪身进步,闪开对方来拳,当对方左拳击空,调整身体时,速用右上勾拳击打对方胸部,将对方胸部击伤。 要点:右前闪身要及时,闪躲幅度不可太大,以对方左拳击不着身体为宜。右上勾拳还击胸部要快速、准确、猛狠、有力。 二、右闪防拳左勾拳击颌(图2) 对方用左直拳向李小龙面部击打,李见对方左拳接近面部时,速向  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the contributions of the motions of body segments and joints to racquet head speed during the tennis serve. Nine experienced male players were studied using three-dimensional film analysis. Upper arm twist orientations were calculated with two alternative methods using joint centres and skin-attached markers. The results showed that skin-attached markers could not be used to calculate accurate upper arm twist orientations due to skin movement, and that the use of joint centres produced errors of more than 20 degrees in the upper arm twist orientation when the computed elbow flexion/extension angle exceeded 135 degrees in the final 0.03 s before impact. When there were large errors in the upper arm twist orientation, it was impossible to obtain accurate data for shoulder or elbow joint rotations about any axis. Considering only the contributors that could be measured within our standards of acceptable error, the approximate sequential order of main contributors to racquet speed between maximum knee flexion and impact was: shoulder external rotation, wrist extension, twist rotation of the lower trunk, twist rotation of the upper trunk relative to the lower trunk, shoulder abduction, elbow extension, ulnar deviation rotation, a second twist rotation of the upper trunk relative to the lower trunk, and wrist flexion. The elbow extension and wrist flexion contributions were especially large. Forearm pronation made a brief negative contribution. Computed contributions of shoulder internal rotation, elbow extension and forearm pronation within the final 0.03 s before impact were questionable due to the large degree of elbow extension. Near impact, the combined contribution of shoulder flexion/extension and abduction/adduction rotations to racquet speed was negligible.  相似文献   

The laws of bowling in cricket state ‘a ball is fairly delivered in respect of the arm if, once the bowler's arm has reached the level of the shoulder in the delivery swing, the elbow joint is not straightened partially or completely from that point until the ball has left the hand’. Recently two prominent bowlers, under suspicion for transgressing this law, suggested that they are not ‘throwing’ but due to an elbow deformity are forced to bowl with a bent bowling arm. This study examined whether such bowlers can produce an additional contribution to wrist/ball release speed by internal rotation of the upper arm. The kinematics of a bowling arm were calculated using a simple two‐link model (upper arm and forearm). Using reported internal rotation speeds of the upper arm from baseball and waterpolo, and bowling arm kinematics from cricket, the change in wrist speed was calculated as a function of effective arm length, and wrist distance from the internal rotation axis. A significant increase in wrist speed was noted. This suggests that bowlers who can maintain a fixed elbow flexion during delivery can produce distinctly greater wrist/ball speeds by using upper arm internal rotation.  相似文献   

The laws of bowling in cricket state 'a ball is fairly delivered in respect of the arm if, once the bowler's arm has reached the level of the shoulder in the delivery swing, the elbow joint is not straightened partially or completely from that point until the ball has left the hand'. Recently two prominent bowlers, under suspicion for transgressing this law, suggested that they are not 'throwing' but due to an elbow deformity are forced to bowl with a bent bowling arm. This study examined whether such bowlers can produce an additional contribution to wrist/ball release speed by internal rotation of the upper arm. The kinematics of a bowling arm were calculated using a simple two-link model (upper arm and forearm). Using reported internal rotation speeds of the upper arm from baseball and waterpolo, and bowling arm kinematics from cricket, the change in wrist speed was calculated as a function of effective arm length, and wrist distance from the internal rotation axis. A significant increase in wrist speed was noted. This suggests that bowlers who can maintain a fixed elbow flexion during delivery can produce distinctly greater wrist/ball speeds by using upper arm internal rotation.  相似文献   

通过对国家击剑队4个剑种18名重点运动员持剑手上肢肩、肘、腕三关节肌群进行等动肌力测定,研究优秀击剑运动员持剑手上肢三关节肌群的等速力学表现,发现薄弱肌群.结果发现,持剑手肩关节伸肌在快速下较屈肌力量增加更多(P<0.05),伸肌更适合等张向心工作,屈/伸比在正常范围;持剑手肘关节,在60°/s、180°/s时屈肌均显著低于伸肌(P<0.05),伸肌更适合快速工作;持剑位下,腕关节内收肌群小于外展肌群(P<0.05),重剑运动员内收肌群在60°/s下显著高于花剑运动员(P<0.05),240°/s下男子花剑运动员外展肌群显著高于男子重剑运动员(P<0.05),但此时内收/外展比值重剑显著高于花剑(P<0.05).说明击剑运动员持剑手侧肩关节、肘关节肌力与击剑刺和回收动作关系密切;重剑与花剑运动员腕内收、外展肌群肌力差别显著,可能是击剑运动员重要专项特征.  相似文献   

定距离原地投篮的弧线轨迹主要取决于出手速度和出手角度。为了探究优秀青年男子运动员不同距离原地投篮命中率的各影响因素,采用平面定机高速摄影和运动技术解析法,采集12名U16中国国家男子篮球运动员罚篮、中投和三分投球中篮过程投篮手臂的腕、肘、肩、膝等相关关节的线速度和角速度等参数,运用关联度和回归分析(Matlab2018a)探究规律。发现8项因素对原地投篮对命中率有不同程度的影响,其中,球初始高度、球离手高度、腕关节速度和膝关节速度4项因素,通过投篮角度和投篮速度对不同距离投篮中命中率的影响最大。  相似文献   

采用艾立尔系统、FAB系统和肌仪器系统,对竞技健美操C组跳跃类典型难度动作进行运动生物力学分析。结果发现,起跳时髋、膝关节应在一定范围内进行快速的弯曲缓冲,并控制好起跳的方向。在腾空时,当转体度数较小时并不需要通过减少转动惯量来增加角速度。但是随着难度系数的增加,转体度数不断上升,在这样的情况下夹臂抱胸的姿势是很必要的。在落地时,由于膝关节不能弯曲,肩、肘、腕关节起到了主要的缓冲作用。  相似文献   

通过对周红发球时身体主要关节声、(肩、肘、腕)运动轨迹解析,找出击球时鞭打动作的特征及其球速快的缘由.特征是以腰为轴,以肩、肘、腕三节鞭打的动作,使手腕获得较大的加速度、其他队员多是以肩为轴的肘、腕二节鞭打动作.  相似文献   

通过录像观察法、实验测试法,利用德国Isomed 2000等速力量测试系统对男子速射和男子慢射运动员右侧肩关节、肘关节、腕关节依次进行角速度为60°/s等速向心肌肉力量测试,选取屈肌肌群、伸肌肌群的相对峰力矩和相对峰值功率为指标,对手枪男子速射和慢射项目运动员的上肢肌肉力量进行了研究,比较分析了男子速射和男子慢射肩、肘、腕关节屈伸肌群的肌力特征。发现肘关节伸肌肌群、腕关节屈肌肌群分别为速射和慢射影响最大的关节肌群。  相似文献   

The ability to generate a high racket speed and a large amount of racket kinetic energy on impact is important for table tennis players. The purpose of this study was to understand how mechanical energy is generated and transferred in the racket arm during table tennis backhands. Ten male advanced right-handed table tennis players hit topspin backhands against pre-impact topspin and backspin balls. The joint kinetics at the shoulder, elbow and wrist of the racket arm was determined using inverse dynamics. A majority of the mechanical energy of the racket arm acquired during forward swing (65 and 77% against topspin and backspin, respectively) was due to energy transfer from the trunk. Energy transfer by the shoulder joint force in the vertical direction was the largest contributor to the mechanical energy of the racket arm against both spins and was greater against backspin than against topspin (34 and 28%, respectively). The shoulder joint force directed to the right, which peaked just before impact, transferred additional energy to the racket. Our results suggest that the upward thrust of the shoulder and the late timing of the axial rotation of the upper trunk are important for an effective topspin backhand.  相似文献   

Fly-fishing is a popular form of recreation. Recent evidence has associated overhand fly-casting movements with upper extremity pain. However, little research exists on the motions and coordination common to fly-casting. The aim of this study was to establish upper extremity kinematic trends of fly-casting while casting greater line lengths. It was hypothesized that kinematic casting parameters would increase and time between peak angular velocities would decrease with greater line length. Eighteen males participated in the study. Three-dimensional motion capture was conducted to calculate shoulder, elbow, and wrist kinematics during casting conditions of 6.1, 12.2, 18.3, and 24.4 m of line. Multiple analyses of variance were used to assess the condition effect of line length on the kinematic variables (P = 0.05). Overall, total range of movement increased with increasing length of line cast. Peak angular velocity exhibited a proximal-to-distal trend: peak shoulder internal rotation followed by elbow extension, then wrist ulnar deviation. Time between peak shoulder and elbow angular velocities increased significantly as line length increased. Our findings indicate that specific changes in total range of movement accommodate the demands of casting greater lengths of line. Also, joint velocity coordination patterns of fly-casting appear to follow a proximal-to-distal pattern. These findings represent an initial foundation for connections between kinematics and upper extremity pain reported by fly-fisherman.  相似文献   

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